i: By. handling your 'business so satisfactorily as to gain your confidence and patronage. ~ At this time of the year there is scarcely any- otie. who doesn't need something in "the jewelry line--a birthday gift or anniversary token, ' We . 'have everything you need in our store and are selling them at a price no one can find fault with, Registration Card Cases at special prices. Repairing The efficiency and quality of the workman- ship ip our repair department is always at your: disposal. Our prices are as low as possible. Sm J. A. MURRAY I. R BENTLEY, Jeweller if ~~ DeNmsT PE=Se 0 E--=80 PE} hours 3 sum. io § p.m. By | 1 i aro pms © gh a Ne uy thagks alio; for positing en Yee Market Report Somewhere in Belgian city, as Jou said. Port Perry Prices | The following letter was' written fo, "will be'a big difference' Je Se Eggs .. +. .» 421045 |oneof the members of the Edith Ca, ! cities and our who all Jesroyed Florice De: Cenkelier Yet Butter .. .. 0.00 40:t0 45, vel, Society by one of the ; Belgian, Ya mind, perhaps; as you will 2322 1Cie Pel Sa Army i CATTLE, HOGS; ETC. soldiers. 7 / tthat mighty America is getting: dy : Good butchers .. 10 50° to: 12 60 ' = the battle,'and: I am quite sure: we EE Meditim butchers + 8 50 to 9 50 July 161918 shall beat him this. ime, 48 We are hs Common butchers 7 50 to 8 50 - | My Dear Godmother: having a lot of men more: than him, Fall F airs Calves per cwt 12 00 to 13 50 Your beautiful and kind two letters NOW, 50 he shall be obliged "to give|* Oshawa--September 9-11. of Shep, per cwt 8 00 to 1000 [to hand since a few days ago, I am jjioucs and > pay the right vic to| Lindsay--September 19:21 The Bell Telephone Lambs, per ewt 1500 to 16 50 SO pleased and glad to know you are c 4 les or a i at ie has S- Port Perry= eptember 26 21 bs Sheepskins 200 to 8 00 still keeping well in the best of health toe in a won r u} 1owns, Markham-- October 35 BT, of Gi da Beef higes, per cwt 20 00 . 2 as it leaves me at present. Lic Ne a I ie Tardy i «Jundetiand-Sentember 1718 ARR ana : ' to V / » ora-- : re al 19 00 to 19 25 Also, dear Godmother, 1 feel very chine who makes us hearts happierin| = Woodgille--September 12- 13 as lucky any time when I geceive of your ic hard circumstances in which 'we Blackhtock--September 94-95 :22 GRAIN, ETC : good news, who bring we courage and at present, will hury. up. again Red Winter Wheat, 21 to 2 Is hope in this dfeadful and hard days booing there will come soon again. Oshawa Fair - ihe yen 2 10 4 15 of working, i lop this terrible war, that every fight-| oo 3 je awa wir Git Seat ot noe more again you must excuse io hou can go back for ever to his e ia J org Ss awa a 4 1s pring ) 2 me and forgive for promising you my | gear ones; from who we 'are apart TE i i hed - Goose Wheat 200to 2 10 |photo and still now, not having sent' ; " < ' since four years. Barley 100.0 120 fit as yet, but T will explain how much = 0c rata vesterddy 1 iad Some! The, kv as Se snail abd . Di | » Toronto, Ottawa and London and is |' il Oats - - ® 75 to 80 ' | difficult it is for us to have photos" : : Rye . - 2 25 t02 40 taken, but still I will try as I can to" Belgium: Secretary, Mr C P "Davis, Oshawa, y rt 8 | Il ) i i an intimation of what may be expeét- 'ed in.the' way of an exhibit, . . J 4 otf di ry A The book this year is one of the finest productions of any Fair in 'the Province of 'Ontario not excepting Hay, per ton 12 00 to 16 00" | make allowances as you said in your Potatoes, per bag 1100 to 1 50 | letter and to let you have one as yo : Jesh In of Jo Zolder her Flour, 10 80 to 11:80 |as possibie, in a few days-we are go-! op Oo ee a ie Ee Day Peas 300 to 8 50 |ing on rest and then on my word of jo 0c 1 a) bout 3% ere ga: Buckwheat 1.30 to 1.35 honour, I will have my photo taken isin ATC ahouk your who to let you have one very 'soon after{ noo" qn Godmother, "you must being ready. not mind for writin ES ll g more as your a 1: ; LOCAL AGENT Jatt on tn steers miking scares iets cone divaye directito me | | " y g exc and they never pass along "Lieutenant Coming--F. E. Luke, opt. D., E li ail ll ; SRNd fist { FR re P sme] -- about that photo. I can't help it at de Dorlodot, so next time; Pon LOT Yonge St., Toronto's able eye W ANTE D all and it is not my fault. the same way as you are writin a ~ sight Specialist for 'over 20 years, & for the "Old Reliable" Very many thanks for your kind-},n4 explain me everything you Ii can be consulted about your eyes ness you toock to me by sending aly p.Ce vo more news of importange for glasses at A. J. Davis' drugstore, FONTHILL "| box, well till now, 1 have not got it : ; = ws Port P Thursday; August 22nd. vet, but I expect it very soon now 50.1 will draw.t0 2 cloge;* hoping » Don't ny this. han gus n NURSERIES 7 Te ie i Thousands of Orchard trees ? a LLANE ad) 'need replacing. __ Bara Burned at Manchester 5 'Died w d 1 f il + | HELSON->At Greenbank, Ontario, gn] dedi rng During the electric storm on Tuesday night the Thurs ay, August Sib, 1918, Jane fruits,early oearing fruit trees, asparagus, rhubarb plants. lightning struck and fired Mr James. Lakeys barn west Helson, widow. of the late W Gi The demand for ornamental of Manchester. . The barn, together: with the hay; barley * .. Helson, of Lindsay, in her 78th year... stock inl fowns and villages and the most of the implements were destroyed by the is large. : flames. "Some insurance was carried but not enough | to. Secure a paying agency with cover the loss. Thelive stock. was saved. liberal commissions. Experience fiot necessary. SH = Seagrave Mr Hawkins and family pent, Sun-} 'day at Port Bolster. } JH Brown and family wolored to Stone & 'Wellington RT a : © Port Hope on Sunday: (Established 1837) - Miss May Brown is spain a few | TYONORYS; ONT. 'days with friends i in Port™ sot Our Public School Trustees have | : : ; engaged the services. of Miss 'Alex=|. - House For Sale 2 a ; "ander, of Toronto, ay teacher: for}: In Port Perry, 7 roomed brick ( \ #S.8, No I7. 5 house; 1§ acres land, orchard, small : j dell) : i fruits, good well, cement chicken pen, Fei ~~ MM ~ |: Capt:'W H Watson, is in England near Hi h Nehool. Apply to*L. H. ; "lat present and: has met his: brother Walling box 168 Lindsay, Ontario. : ; 3 : | Archie who has been at the Front E 27 7. |<hree years. $ NE {ghia FRR A 3 > Pte E Frise réported back to Cainp, : Niagara last Saturday. GOOD : \ SFR 4 ¥ BE Nestleton | The Farmers' Club puts ona good i POSITIONS ! ; : J hag * i program at the Foresters' Hall on the' g . : "| first and third Tuesday of every month: | Our sugents of last year are' enjoy- \ J = + | Just now there is a membership. con-| positions with large salaries, : a o 5 ".ytest on, with Messrs Har Id Gordon; i tensgrerhers Jackksapers and ; i and Nilind Jackson as captains. ; . : y 11 put on a concer as T ing side wil t, 3. EN AND WOMEN LITT LEF OLKS ALL LIKE © I proceeds of which" will |. went direct from this College to Goo i : cept positions at from $800 he oo she foe SET RE of medias? ihe Tid ERLE ess $1300 par year, : much' the MORE OPPORTUNITIES might fis with the, CORSON'S CHARCOAL TOOTH. PASTE +