Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 15 Aug 1918, p. 7

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Astonishing Record of a Dog Owned : Sa 5 \ feminine sex, whose name, though it x old, went to. 628 rodents accounted for. That was rr dag which holds one of the most ine at which time Norah's total was the 'NORAH THE RAT-KILLER. by a Canadian Private. "Dogs of war" are again in the fore- ground of the news from the battle fields in France. x It is timely, accordingly, to tell of a sting records that has been made | Bh 2 the western front since the war be- gan. It is the rat-killing record. The dog that holds it is a little prowny-yellow Irish terrier, of the ought to be Boadicea or Amazon, or something - equally warlike, 1s the smtpently maidenish one of Norah, Norah, until her arrival back in Eng land a few weeks ago, had been in 'France for two years and ten months, sand in that time she accounted for over 100,000 fats. i" ~ Norah, who is just over three years 'rance with a British sol- dier when shé\was a puppy aged three weeks, Before she was nine weeks 'old she had killed her first rat, and "fhe has been killing them steadily ever since; The best single day's re- cord that she put up in that time was near St. Omer, in August last. Her naturally proud owner, Pte. Thomas ord, of the Canadian Veterinary Corps, kept a record of her perform- ances, rat by rat, up to August last, one of 74,119, Since then esate . Every married man can name one 'woman who has a fine husband. I To have our forests burn down:'by '| plants, ing ae fost as our This design has quite a novel idea in hip drapery. McCall Pattern No. 8400, Ladies' Dress. In 7 sizes, 84 to 46 bust. Price, 20 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local: McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond 8t., Tor- onto, Dept. W. - ' FOREST FIRES IN GERMANY. How Our Enemy Conserves His Forest Wealth, If Canada presented Germany with one hundred machine guns, the Gov- ernment responsible for the act would not only be deposed but thrown into prison. ; Any weakening of Canada's natural resources is equivalent te direct gift to the Teuton adversary, says the Canadian Forestry.Journal, It adds to our handicaps and to his relative ad- vantages. It saps country's! power to bear up in time of war and during the. trade struggle of peace times, for the natural resources 'are the great keynotes on which the na- tional arch depends. ton acts of our own population is quite as pleasing to the Hun as to send paid bombers __ into our munition To see the national strength re- duced by stingy fire protection serves the German aifn quitehs handily as to Submasiag aur shi 4 own, 80mé sense of military might be felt at the present time. But.such isnot the lish Liber ps. : were disappears | TR une 18, 1215, Jolin set ISOLATED PEOPLE OF BELGIUM. Deseription of the Present Situation by a Prominent Brussels Lawyer Who Has Just Escaped. The rich people are spending their capital, the people of the middle class are completely ruined and the labor- ing class, the majority of whom are unemployed, are on the verge: of starvation and entirely dependent on relief outside. Most people have lost 25 per cent. of their weight, the cases of tuberculosis have increas- ed by 100 per cent. and the doctors, can no longer cope with the work. The mortality, which was 8.5 per 1000 in 1913, was 10.30 in 1917, and the birth rate has decreased from 17 per 1 to 13.7. The shortage of coal is due mostly to lack of /means of transport, railways and even the barges on the rivers and canals having been requisi- tioned. In Brussels a ton is worth anything between $50 and $60. - In Flemish communes the Germans have given spegial facilities for transport and purchase to their "Activist" friends, who are monopolizing. the trade and are able to sell"at a much lower price ($20 to $30 ton), realiz- ing at the same time a net profit of over $30 per ton. They insure in this way the fidelity of this little band of traitors. A similar organiza- tion was set up for Brussels, but it was boycotted by the public. Belgian Patriots Lose Positions A similar policy with regard to the "Activists" has been pursued lately in every department of public life. Some of them fill several offices, being at the same time professors in the Ger- man-Flemish University at Ghent and chiefs of some department of the new Flemish Ministry in Brussels. The place of every patriot who resigned was promptly filled by some "Activist" without any claim or right to it. Young undergraduates have been made professors and small émployes are at the head of important offices. This policy is not without some in- convenience when dealing with such a motley crowd' of shady characters. About a dozen "Activists" who had been given important posts in the new administration have had to be dis- missed for accepting bribes. The importance of 'the separatist movement has been greatly exaggerat- ed abroad. At the demonstration which took place at Antwerp in Feb- ruary last, and to which the rank and file of the movement had come from the smallest village in Flanders, only between 300 and 400 men formed the Altogether at that time ber campaign started all over Activist Flanders, their number has greatly diminished. Secret: meetings of 'patriots were held at night to take the necessary measures in view of the ot visit of "Activist" lead- At Ghent they were booed, at ; 0 and mud were thrown two days they were y to house: at Tirle- t Runnymede, on an fsland in the Thames, well known as Magua Charta Island. The table at which he sat is still preserved. in spite of their untiring devotion, | Sugar Committee: ed| holder. \ his seal to the great charter of Eng: to do with the humblest of his re- presentatives in Belgium. Huns "Doctor" The News The. same result has been produced by the campaign of falsehood under! taken, since the beginning of the war,' by La Belgique, Le Bruxellois and other newspapers published in Flemish and in French by the Kommandatur, Taking advantage of the recent offen- sive, they declare that the French and English are starving, that Paris is threatened by another Commune, that England will never give back Calais to France and that America js arm- ing not so much against Germany as against Japan. The people read the communiques and laugh at the vain boasts of the leading articles. Even after the recent successes of the Ger- | man armies in France they remain ab- | solutely confident in the final and con- | clusive victory of the Allied armies. German propaganda floods the coun- | try with caricatures of President Wil- son, Mr, Lloyd George and M. Clem- enceau. On the other hand the Kaiffer | appears in their illustrated papers in | striking heroic attitudes. One pic- ture showed him reviewing troops in a French town. At the back could be | seen the signboard of a shop: "Guil- laume, Boucher"; this paper had a great success, and all the copies were sold within a day. What the Belgians feel most is be- ing cut off from the outer world and being deprived of news from the army and the Allied countries. The only messengers "from behind the lines" which reach the Belgians from time to time are army pigeons. Recently, in the Hainault province, two: work- men found a pigeon carrying a mes- sage asking for certain information. They could not give the information, but they thought that they had at last found means of communicating with some of their relations at the front. So they promptly wrote to them and let the bird loose. Through some ac- ciden the pigeon fell within the Ger- man lines, and the two workmen were condemned to be shot. "Se we shall die for a pigeon," the first sald. The second asked to be shaved before ap- pearing. before the firing squad. "If they have my skin," he declared, "I want it to be cleaner than theirs." ref e | t a WITH THE FINGERS! SAYS CORNS LIFT OUT WITHOUT ANY PAIN Queene Ger OO © Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind of a corn can shortly be 1ife- | ed right out with the fingers if you | will apply on the corn a few drops of | freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. At little cost one can get a small bottle of freezone at.any drug store, which will positively rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain or soreness or the danges.of infection. "This new drug is an ether com- pound, and dries the moment it is ap- plied and does not inflame or even ir- ritate "the surrounding -tissue. Just think! You can lift off-your corns and. calluses now without a bit of pain or soreness. If your druggist hasn't treezone he can easily get a small bot- tle for you from his wholesale "drug house. : g + Sugar Conservation Imperative , There will be no sugar from Java available this year for British con- sumption, according to a recent statement of the Chairman of the The Cuban crop is 800,000 tons less than estimated. Conservation of sugar for preserving time is imperative upon every. house- "Mid the flying bul {Lay a wan young soldier, groaning. {Then fell back, weakly ts moaning, His paifitul breathing came in sighs: The film of death crept into his eyes. Then suddenly the boy Emitted a cry of jo "Mother!" he erfed, 5 ds, 2 A 3 : torn sands. A nurse at God's behest Drew him to her breast. From her heart was torn a tear, As she whispered, softly, "Mother is here." - | He knew not that she led: He smiled in peace . then died. And somewhere, far beyond the sky, | The All-seeing One forgave the lie, -------- ITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKIN Make this beauty lotion cheaply for your face, neck, arms and hands. LEMONS WH At the cost of @small jar of ordinary cold cream one can prepare a full quar- ter pint: of the most wonderful lemon | skin softener and complexion beauti- fier, by squeezing the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, Care should be taken to strain the juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then' this lotion * 'will keep fresh for months, Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and re- move such blemishes as freckles, sal- lowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener, whitener and beautifier, Just try it! Get three ounces of orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly frag: rant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. It is marvelous to smoothen rough, red hands. -- an, mt Epidemic in Sweden, Sweden, like Spain, has been strick- en with a serlous malady, "a sort of dropsy "caused by 'insufficiency of food," s one prominent authority. Several thousands of men, women and children have been taken {11 during the last few weeks. The epidemic is characterized by decreasing muscular strengh, slow pulsation and low tem- perature. These symptoms seem to agree with the form of dysentery known as hunger typhus, which has been in evidencd in Germany for some time, Montreal, May 29th, '09. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Yarmouth, N.S. Gentlemen,--I beg to let you know MENT for some time, and I find it the best I have ever used for the joints and muscles. Yours very truly; THOMAS J. HOGAN, The Champion Clog and Pedestal Dancer of Canada. Soda Fountains Restricted. Since July 16 proprietors of soda ments have been ordered to use, dur- ing each of the months of July, Aug- ust and September, not more than 76 per cent. of the average monthly amount of sugar used during the year 1917. No retail grocer shall sell sugar to__any manufacturer unless such manufacturer has obtained a special permit from the Canada Food Board to purchase sugar from retail grocers. Proprietors of soda fount- ains are requested to use fresh fruits in season. No person shall use sugar in making popcorn products. Refin- tute. dss » Minard"s Liniment Cures Garget ia Cows Are You Using Wild Fruits? Fruit {s going to be scarce this year, Winter was hard on fruit trees and the small fruits have not been plenti- ful so far. In England the crop for jam making is also reported short, and the soldiers require vast quanti- ties of jam. People who live near wild berry patches should make a point. of picking all they can. Get the children out in the berry patch. Wild raspberry jam a wild blue- berry jam are two great Canadian delicacies. Use wild fruit and there will be more tame fruit for the can- neries to ship as jam to the soldiers. 7"inard's Linment Cures Distemper. The Explanation Instructor --Lobk here, what's the matter with you men? There hasn't been an inner signaled for the last ten minutes. , . Bright Recruit»I think some one merrell ent must have shot the marker, sir. Vo x ! with outstretched. , on the shell: | that I have used MINARD'S LINI | fountains and ice cream establish- ers' syrup may be used as a substi-| CONTAINS NQ "Can All You Can produce vegetables or fruit sponse to the War Garden fen have more on hand be used so that quantities woul ish . All surplus vegetables over im= mediate requirements should be ean ned, dried, and stored away, for win ter will follow a seagon of plenty an all the world will be short of food. 'Misard's DLintment Oures Diphtheria Linseed Oil Cake Arrangements have been completed: by the Canada Food Board with the United States Food Administration by which 15,000 tons of linseed oil cake and meal will be distributed to dealers, to relieve the scarcity of feed and fodder. Applications should be sent direct to the Canada Food Board on regular import appli cation blanks, with sworn state- ments of quantities sold during the three years 'prior to January first. MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents, Ration England's Hens Next. The British Ministry of Food has released all the low-grade flour per- mitted by the War Cabinet for making food for dogs, and it is believed the amount is sufficient for the manufac- ture of dog biscuits on an adequate scale for some time. When the 5,000 tons of flour has been used the War Cabinet will consider the question of a further supply. A scheme for rationing hens not more than 23% years old is under consideration by the Ministry of Food. FOR SALE VV EBELY NEWSPAPER FOR SALR in New Ontario. Owner oing to France, Will sell $3,000. Wort go | that amount. Apply J. H, o/o son | Publishing Co., I mited. Toronto. WELL EQUIPPED NEWSPAPER and job printing plant In Santer | Ontarfo. Insurance carried $1,600. W 2 for $1.200 on quick sale. Box 69, | Wilson Publishing Co.. Ltd. Toronto. | EDIGREED NEWFOUNDLAND | Pupples, that noble breed now so nearly extinct, We have some very fine R. A. Gillespie, Abbotsford, Que. AGENTS WANTED i GENTS |WANTED---$1,000. YOU can make it in your county with our fast selling Combination Cooker. One salesman banks $388.56 the first month. Another agent sells 20 in two Others cleaning up $10 daily. No capi- tal necessary. Goods shipped to reliable en on time. Territory going fast. Rite quick to secure your field, Com. bination Products Co., Thomas Bldg. Foster, Que. a MISCELLANEOUS CASES, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC, internal and external, cured with- out pain by yf home treatment. yerite . befor too late, Dr. Bellman Medic So. imited, Collingwood Ont SMOKE TUCKETTS ORINOCO CUT EINI FOR CIGARETTES ones. The Magic Healing Ointmené-- Soothes and heals all inflammations, sach as acalds, blisters, outs, bolls, piles and absces: sold for over 25 years. All dealers, or write us, . HIRST REMEDY COMPANY. HamMion, Canad® rg emma A ratte YOU GANT GUT OUT Hikeme t you can clean them off promptly with JN Ci=lelad=tin TRADE MARK REG. and you work the horse same time, : Does not blister or remove hair $2.50 per bottle, delivered, Will tell #3 more if you Book 4 R free. the antiseptic liniment fof reduces Varicose Veins, : Muscles or Ligaments, " Frm, Allays pain icky, Fis 1 pe W. F.YOUNG, P. D.F.,.516 Lymans Bidg., Montreal, Can, ' ygbsorbine sad Absosbloa Jr. are made la Minard's Listment Cures Colds. 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