Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 15 Aug 1918, p. 6

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bo : Te American Positions at Fere-en "Towns in Flames, Indicating Further . Retirement of Enemy. Si fe 0 from London says:--| the great pocket with its mouth run-{" v as' & result of weariness| ning cross-country 86 miles from 3 ; Soissons to Rheims, saw little activity * two weeks of incessant fighting |; yo port of either of the contending because of the greatly increased ¢,, cept in the nature of reci- strength in man-power and positions' protal bombardments. Tuesday the enemy forces before them, the! night witnessed violent attempts by| | ' armies on the Boissons-Rheims' the Germans to expel the American] front have noticeably decreased. their| and French: from. the valuable posi-| efforts to clear the salient of Ger-! tions they hold north of the Oureq, in : the region of Fere-en-Tardenois,and4 "If the pause in the offensive is at-!along the western side of the salient tributable to weariness, the armies of near Oulchy-le-Chateau, where Scot- I the German Crown Prince also must tish troops are holding with the} 'be worn out by the pressure they have! French the wedge that has been driv. been under for the fortnight, for, not-| en eastward into the enemy line. withstanding the fact that huge re-| These efforts were entirely fruitless. inforcements were sent to them in| Whether the Germans have chosen eir hour.of dire peril, they have' the spot where ultimately they will ed the hardiness to endeavor to|face about and give battle to the allied a hatha NM SOUR at for maintainin throw back their antagonists and re-! forces has not yet become apparent. : |. | The attack which soup Shai losses. Likewise whether their retreat finall such good results started ) e fourteen day of the great al-| has ended is not known. Great fire | FCF - = Thursday "morning with the aid of Hed offensive which has resulted in'behind the lines possibly might indi- / x © tanks." AA : f driving back the Germans from the|cate the destruction of further vil- ib - | A | The British joined with the French Marne region northward across the lages which it is intended to evacuate . : {1 in attacking the woods, thickets and] - \Ourcq River and in materially bend-|and press on northward to a chosen p : - ; . | villages, each of which had been trans-~ jing in the eastern and western side of battle line. ) | fofmed into a fortress, with the ald of | oR I. i srg | an a Se he Cramoiselles had fallen before the de- IS BROKEN » Te Ee dpe Sms ----h, Es " : | were HENCE Aaeven fr g i JL 1 1! teed, 97¢. Flour, new standard grade, the advance was so marked that the ba -- 4 | $70.95 to $11.06. Rolled oats, DAES, | British and French batteries were able | 'Have Already Captured Prison-|Disconsolate Batch of Prisoners Mar kets of the. World Tbs, 25120 to $5.8 Bra) he 4 i SAN to new positions. The ers From Extra German Di- Taken by Australians. -- 0. n, Shorts, $40. Mouillie, $67. Hay, NO! Gorpan guns, replied feebly, but their visions Sent to Confront A despatch from the British Breadstuffs mitrailleuses were very numerous. 2, per ton, car lots, $14. --Mani t PTE - BE Them Front says:--The far-reaching effect | _Foronion Au a Manitoba Ih aa Live Stock Markets : .__lon the German morale of the great North 3 20%: No. 3 Korthern,| Toronto," Aug. 6.-~Choice heavy U MAKE Qespaten fom Jlondos phi a allied blow between Soissons and the $2,173; I RAR $2.10%, in store | steers, 14.00 to $15.00; butchers «Ds | ag : Champagne sector is nowhere more Fort William, including 2%¢. tax. cattle, choice, $13.00 to B50 do. 4 n ' in the front line and celebrated their convincingly apparent than among the Manitoba be C.W., 867¢; ood $12.00 to $12.50; do, medium, FURTHER GAINS return thither by continually haras-i "soon" oo ord stayed No. 1 feed 84%e¢, in store Fort | $10.76 to $11.00 do. ¢common, $9. sing the Boche opposite, raiding: him | 578% of German prisoners cap-| extra No.1 fe » ~ $0410.00; butchers' bulls, 'hoice, : doh er almost at will ad contnlually annoy. | ied WILLD the lest fow days by he William, 8 yellow, kiln| $11.00 0' $1.25; doc medium: bulls)| a A .25. 10.60: ~do, rough bulls, x : e 23 Tons of on 385 Lim on hig communicatons on the | "TCA op rabbits" was the de. | dried, nominal; No.4 yellow, kiln $10.20. tea bo; SS to »| Push Forward Despite Desperate | British Drop Bombs ws, choice z > A V dried, nominal. : 1 ) i _s on (Géfman Positions. scription of them by a British officer "Tt FUL, 85 to| $10.75 to $11.00; do. good, $10.26 to Resistance in Meuniere n P the Soar be. wh who interrogated some of them. Pig hoy No. 3 whiter 84 to Bbc, | $10.50; do. medium, $8.25 to $8.76; 4 Wood. A despatch from London says:-- "I've never run across a more dis- ; 1 ding to freights outside do. common, $7.00 to $8.25; st 8, As Micial communication on aerial' use; bas-beeu Vlased 35 Irest of ths consolate lot of Boches," he said. | Oa, A 2, Winter, per | $8.00 to $10.50; oe pe $10.50 t0| ' A despatch from the American The official. co) : : July 31 heavy . = "Wh med tandi No. 8 entroal | $11.00; caners and cutters, $5.50 to! Army on the Aisne-Marne Front, operations says: On Wl 'the Woe as officers eat lot, S22, hon a Ta to | $6.50; milkers, good to choice, raged says:--The American troops pus: fighting took place in the air, with the and men was the fact that, despite|freights outside. 3 nz; £0. ha $90. "to| forward their lines at certain points)... uit that 26 enemy machines were d ; what the German high command had Barley--Malting, new crop, $1.20 $125.00; light hes, $18.00 to $16.00; | Thursday on the centre of the Rheims- | sueht down and ning others were eally no man's land, long been preaching about the exhaus- to $1.22, : lings, $15.50 to $17.00; 'spring Soissons salient, notwithstanding the driven down out of control. Four of A young Toronto officer & feW ii of aif the French reserves, there uckwheat--Nominal. \ et "%0 to. 21%e; calves, hi | resistance of the Germans, who did | oir machines failed to return. nights back penetrated, with a ser| {O00 Pr ol 1g Highting"| Rye--o. 2, hominal to $16.25; hogs, fed and wa- not give ground on some sectors un- servation wae again geant, a mile of the enemy's trench is no sign of a let-up in the Nighvng. Manitoba flour -- War . quality, $13. A } ! J Although. observa ' Other Ger r rs asserted tered, $19.76 to $19. 0; do. weighed til they actually had been shot from hotographs were system, without encountering a single r German prisoners ase! 10.95, Toronto. = - ed, y difficult, ~ meny Pp ; Boche, and discovered on returning a | their losses had been heavy in the big Ontario flour -- War quality, | offecars, $16.75 to §20.18, 1 their positions. ; taken and 16 tons: of bombs were t whence issued many guttural | Soissons battle. They had believed $10.65, in bags, Montreal and, Tor-|, Montreal, AE: orcs stoers,| The Gerinahs ate Jesporately Shing dropped. by us with good effect, Duby voices. The officer kept guard while | Shels lin sltensive would be 4 Sue. onto, prompt Spent, livered Mont- 11.50 to $12.00; butchers' bulls Hing So Ahn a re ro apn of ing the night over 75 ons of bo - the sergeant returned for bombe, and |. Theis hopes in the U. Donte real freights, bags included; Bran 70 tes $8.50; vs ond Roncheres, but the Americans -have ye droppe ¥ us. witheu A R | ' . 3 ! ito .00; canners, $5.50. y lie I a Bn en a had waned, for Americans seemed to, er Shotts Aare vr hy $19.50 to $19.75. gained a hold on The sorthsrn edge of Several railways, including those Two more Canadians had now ar Be everywhere in the fighting. Added| Orlin 0) nived, $14 td $15 per fT Sn the Meuniere oe rage at Cambrai and Lille, suffered very sived. o their discouragement was the fact on, track, / : forest is under the range heavily, many direct hits being Ob- The explosion of the dugout roused that they had been warned that Bri-)| "giro "Car lots, $8 to $8.50 per BRITISH y BOMB American heavy guns. served and a number of large fires - have already been captured. Germans hold advanced posts now #0 thinly that their front line is prac- a tish raiding would certainly continue rack Toronto. Aviators reported that the Germans | yiqrted, ; a ne I hoy ot oh on a wide scale, - German dead alone tom, -- are rushing up reinforcements, in-| The Air Ministry communication men 'with a bayonet, he kept a score in front of one Australian battalion Country Produce--Wholesale. : TOWNS cluding tanks. The 'enemy's heavy | on Thursday t says: St Bochos dows, then making a lucky | "hich attacked near Morlancourt twol Butter--.Creamery, solids, per 1b, MORE = guns are pounding the Nesles'and| op the morning of August 1 ome dash, reached his own posts safely. days ago were fully 200. 42 to 42%c; prints, per 1b, 42% to : Meuniere unmercifully. it our bombing squadrons started to "he The Canadians made several gas AA Th 130 dairy, per, Ib, 3310 ig x me Ln rf Observers' and prisoners. who had pomb Cologne, but. finding it en: projections recently, the wind being Eggs--New laid, 43 to 4c. ns, Alrmen Attack Stuttgart, Cob- been brooght behind the lines prev- | veloped in '& cloud, tuxped and drep- favorable, and subsequent investiga BURY TORPEDOES 38 = hi . pou Ly o: fowl, 23 to! lenz, Saarbrucken and Other iously reported. the forests as. having | jd jts bombs. on the factories at tion showed this enterprise accounted Bod 83¢: turkeys, 82 to nz, been jammed with German troops and | purén (RbetniaCh Prassia). in one of for a few members of Hun working IN P ATH OF T ANKS 6c. ? I Tim Cities, Returning in Safety. '| also with large quantities of supplies. swhich(a' fire broke out. All our ma-- 5c. : : ies parties. Live poultry. Rovslers, 16c; fowl,| A despatch from Lonodon says: |The German losses. in. men, th chines returned. 21 to 26c; ducklings, Ib., 25¢; turkeys, phe Air Ministry's .communicatiofi"on must have been very great, as the| A gecond formation. attacked the 21 to 80c.~ Spring chickens, 80 to 32¢. arial activities issued on Wednesday | heavy guns started shelling the woods | railway" workshops at Treves. They . by ; But New Foe Device Meets With potionex Now. crop, strained, 19% night follows: several days ago. were heavily attacked by large num % y Di «40, _| "In addition to the attacks, already eh ASE bers of hostile machines, Three of Heres Or Bitaln At The Canadian Poo EE , the oo Wholesalers aro selling to the, 1" | reported on the|30th instant. the sta-| JEWS TRAINED IN CANADA [tbe enemy machines were destroyed. ationa xhi on. . Cheese--New, large 28% to 24c;| tion at Lahr (Baden) was bombed. © NOW FIGHTING NEAR JAFFA | One of our planes has not returned. ee pee en GIGANTIC PANORAMA x Memories of the t fighters of| A despatch from Paris says:--That! 0 "oss to 24%¢; old, large, 26% "On the night of July 30-81 our sin : : i ) : long ago, the heroes of a thousand the allies are ingenious In coping with | ig "266; twin 26 to 26%c. | planes 'again proceeded to Stutigart| ~A despatch from New York says: -- |: ee stan tfles by land and sea, will be re-| awkward conditions as they rise is| _ Butter--Fresh, dairy, choice, 40 to and dropped nearly two tons of bombs | Safe rrival in Palestine of the first ' awakened by the Grand' Stand Epec- exemplified in their method Sea. Ac; creamery Tints, Jresh made, 46! on the Bosch Magneto works, the |two ¢ ntingents of the American | a PY ich are to 47c; solids, Ce 0cCU Hil IS i _| ing with machine-gun nests wh ) Daimier works and the railway sta- | Jewish Legion was announced by the facto nt He Ca a Widden dn cornfields at every avail-| Margarine--28 to 82¢, oer in « "Hon, A fire broke but in the station. | Zionist Organization of America. more than a mere pageant; it will be| able point of vantage. Big tanks-- Eggs--No. 1's, 48 to 49¢; in car-i "ug Cool vomba were dropped on the | Recruited last Spring, the men have ! tons, b2 to bdc. been trained in Canada and England BEYOND S the spirit of our Em d pre.| those modern land cruisers--and 1018, ry : i |Hagnau station and barracks causing n trained in hb} ] a) | js AN sent, tra: nslated EE ai ho a small tanks--land _torpedoes--have, aed pe Fit PERN a heavy explosion. The Remilly june | and will join tha Jewish regiment en- a RRR i -| 2005 i Iready on the " ATS -- 4 tic histori hich the | made short work of those deadly wea , 40 tion and two airdromes were attacked | rolled in London and a " : : Er ettators Inter EE to Teel their pena Ji which the enemy defends Beans--Canadian, hand picked, bus. | with Yombe aud machine Sus B56 2 . Sine, line with. the British forces| Americans® Pretended to igs Te X imself. 7.50; imp., hand-picked, Burma orl .#On the morning of July 31, at 7.30 nuar Ja%8. ; : : cked. op Y a ee a To meet it, the Germans hit upon | Indian $6.50; Japan, $8.00 to $8.75; pclock, one of our squadrons attacked, 3 ri draw, Then Atiack ed, Oo Ly legends, of mediaeval knights, ancient the plan of burying torpedoes of a Lamas, 18 to 19¢. J the Coblenz station. Owing to clouds | Liege Must Pay Heavy Fine / « : nihi ing Two panies. . castles, venerable cathedral ruins, and | new kind at a slight depth in front of Maple syrup--3%-Ib. Ans, hi to a|opcarvation was impossible. The sta| . For Celebrating Marne Victory | 'A - despatch with «the American all the colorful paraphernalia of his-| the tanks. This measure met with sane, 314 A alin sans. tion: and factories at Saarbrucken were p-- Non | Army 'on the Alsne-Marne front says: tory and of romance. The spirit of only poor sucess, gs 'the invention i 322 § Ly Bo: 15 gallon kegs, per subjected to two attacks. Ao) & Jospaiih from agen. on General « DeGoutte, sommanding tle i the Empire's yesterday will be caught not hindering the allies. gal, $2.00; maple sugar, 1-1b. box,| ~The first formation encountered | The Maas! eh a Lh army on this front, has op ma 3: and contrasted with the martial deeds| =o TURERCOLOSIS. gal, $2.00; maple sugar, 1-1b, box, large numbers of hostile scouts before | velles says inhabitan Liege, the correspondent hi satistaction at. nd th f th , per Ib., 24'to 26c. s rea ; of to-day un the BO at e present, HOSPITALS FOR FRANCE pure, pe - _ |ing ensued, in the course of which | demonstra tion over the success of the hope that the advance would continu all times, will not suffer by compari- A wag EY: Provisions--Wholesale ~~ | four of our machines were shot down. Engene offensive ig the Mare sal until the Gesinns were forced beyond : ly in the A despatch from gays:-Half| Smoked meats--Hams, medium, 36 The remainder bombed their objec: : ch the M: 891 (heir new positions. =~. ties ihe dramatic a million francs have been appropriat-1to'38c; do., heavy, 80 to 82¢c; cooked,itive and on their return journey again | was sung: Because of this, the news-| The allied forces now occupy the diang arrive on the scene. The set-| ed by thie American i Red Grong 19 fou bie; Dols 1 Sac; breakfast were heavily attagked, losing three r adds, the Serman govemer hat hills beyond Seringes and Sergy. On will be iganti oduction | comple e installation of four y 2; backs, plain, | more machines. One hostile 'machine | or ; rung at 7 clock 1 : of windsor Castle, the or ange erculosis hospitals. One of these is 45e; boneless 48 fo i clear bacon; 304 V8 disabled. ; lin the evening for several weeks i ment and 'general ensemble being the for use by the National Railway belli $0 to 80c. | "The second attack, delivered later, | the cit "also has been fined. : ol Sour hundred) to Slcj clear bellies : jlotely successful. Bursts ery ost, elaborate ever produced at the |Union, comprising four hu Te. tierces, 30 to 30%ec;| was completely suc Bursts) © = . Canadian National. There will be! thousand members, and another is for tubs 30% to 81c; oa 80% to 31%c: ware observed in the factory. In spite | oveF 1,200 participants, all brilliantly Serbian tubercular cases. is, 33 to 88%c. ompound of atiaces oki by. hosttle posts all our attired in the styles of the they 2 7 ------etors 8, c; tubs, 26% 'machines: oly." v repre Ee x 2 Lait pod 34,000 GERMAN PRISONERS 20%; pails, 26% to 27c; prints, 28 EE EER ot will be enchanced by super} : IN A FORTNIGHT to 28 Ba xX A despatch from Paris says:--The | total number of German prisoners! g taken on the Marne battle front and in Champagne duting-the period be- : 15--the date of the be- ginning the German offensive--and | uly 81, is 88,400, of which 674 are] reaching their objective. Bitter fight: | Belgium, held an enthusiastic publi! i1¢ progress already. made and the ~~

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