Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 28 Mar 1918, p. 8

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mans on hurecs ~~ the ¢ be the greatest battle of the war. | The attack way made on a scale ; on ; Cen, Herto unknown during this war of guns in one small sec: offensive fo Zs : n "ev i Severe u "Field. easel Hale's report from |fighting was proceeding Friday mo {British headquarters in France de- ling in St. Leger, south-west, of |Crols| = On ~ "geribes the G n offensive as com- |splles. ot Np ef | prising an intense bombardment by | ' The Hardest fighting on Thursday In| i" fights "exe inclu the artillery and a powerful infantry (the northern battle was between the | to $36. orts. pe £2 $40. y attack ofi a front of "over 50 miles. | Canal du Nord and Croiselles. Doignies| ™ , oe yo pen on. 33 Jo $18; Some of the British positions were |was retaken on Thursday evening in| Straw=Car ts, mer ton. $850. to $9, 'penetrated, but the German losses are [a brilliant counter-attack. A track Toronto. : AAT declared to have been exceptionally |sun at midday to-day rendered ob) . | Gonniry Prod ia oo pha, be tong from 3 the |" Grey Fone, astrian cana |S TE So pone ret: On no part of the long front o reat numbers of Austrian can able, 3 f _ attack ad the Germans attain their |are declared to Have been tmbitrted cregmery, prime, ¥ solids, 1 04 bel ¥ objective. : to the western front to reinforce thejr oT ! A despatch from British Army | German artillery. = Bulgarians, 100; s. Jive poultry_--Buying, price, delivered, Headquarters in France 'says: The have been brought into the fleld by|chickens. Sto: hens, 33, Jbs., un. Germans on Thursday Isyashed a |the German commu, it Je declared, 6 ibe, Soc; roosters, 300: duckitngs, 250; | heavy attack against the tish lines | the understanding that they are | turkeys. 30c. " oy a wide Coat in and near the |to be used as a strategic reserve. or ion Hie mena. 0 The. un Toe: Oe kat sector, and the assault bears | Altogether the indications are that |hens 34 € 6 Iba. 25cy hep Sets Bie all the ear-marks of being the be-|the Central Powers have massed ' all | turkeys, 86c. i duckitns, 3167 ginning of the enemy's much-heralded | possible forces at their disposal on poy ese Now, lar o, 28 to De: tying, grand offensive. \ the western front for their presentj2ec: , 263 to 3640, : Hard fighting is proc®éding from a drive. - The prospects seem, however, 1, Peans~--Canadian, prime, Dusnel 37.50 11 827572 TONS "point north of Lagnicourt southward | that they. will need every man of them | $6.75 to $7. . , ) , ; | to Gauche 'Wood, just below Gouzeau- |if they keep up their attack long with, Com Efi, 18 oto 350 LA court. The attack was preceded by a |anything like its initial force, as all | dark comb, to $2.76. : pacman fale : : i heavy bombardment from guns of all |the reports indicate that the German] - -- This Has Been Replaced by New Dominion Treasury to Grant Aid 4 calibres, and the duel between the op- [losses have been terrific, under the} Trowstons-- Wholesale .s:| Ships of 6,606,275 Tonnage. 40 Various Provinces: = posing heavy batteries has been rock- | withering fire of the British artillery | mess pork. $47, 9 pork, Me te nivd "| A despatch from Otfawa ways:| A 4 oe ST ing the coufitryside for hours, and machine guns, The German artil- fy reat Jngats--Out of plcki6, lo less A despatch from Washington says: More than $250,000 Ee 7 sesh Eg The Germans have employed = gas |lery, too, has suffered heavily through a eats--Rolls, 30 to 816; hams, --Secret figures of the British Ad- from the Dominion Treasury. to aid Both Sexes Between 15 and 60 shells freely, anda constant stream of | counter battery work by the' British, ' to 86c; heavy, 28 to 29c; miralty on submarine logses.and world the provincial Governments to carry ~". Must Serve the State. 3 high velocity shells has been breaking [who found the massed guns fine tar- § ne AS A Eo is shipbuilding weré 'made public here; ©".4 lo ise in campaign for] © A 4 a with frightful concussion far back of [gets for effective destructive work. breaks son, "89 to 4dc; cottage a Thursday by ne ritish Eupbosy: greater P ction of TIS in A despatch from Rome Says: From re Op ri fa my ERG en ir oti nhl, Sn El BC Se in trl i os 3 i i i iti i i 8, } y ; clea es, 8] ' ; 5 PC 3g hl play, and. if the great attack Son the Trent Tn Prante © pring | Hijet pam Fe" fape | 1918 allied and neutral shopping had Te Te oP rs, scm betwears the ages of 15 and 60. fails to break clear through, it is be- [aided materially the nfantry forces 30% to aris: atts, 303 "to Sip; lost since the war began 1L82T,872 Ui.'y ho noo eh, the Do- years, to enroll for voluntary service, lieved that the Germans will be fin- below, killing or wounding many Ger- Soom iom els: tater 964 tPgaoles tubs. | gross tons, while shipyards outside of | =. - oo ot asi Bi di tribut giving part or all of their time] with-- ished, for they have nothing further mans "with their machine guns while 2 -- : the Central Powers were turning out mon, hn ver] ment, stribut-| 4 pay, to aid the following indus- v 4. montreal Markets. 6,606,275 tons, ag [olows: ; » Bley tries: Agriculture, metallurgical, tex- to offer, except a gradually weaken- | flying at low altitudes, according to a % \ x its 3 Montreal, Mar, 36--Oats--Canadi These figures, long withheld, are : tile; chemical; building' afd road mak- ing defence. British official Statement issued onl Fouiealy Make GrO8te "No "1 | now made public, an Admiralty me- Qu 60,000 |; also the minor crafts, such - as A despatch from British Army | Thursday night dealing with aviation. : \ : : Headduarrers in France, says: The| In pi eg British raft bombed Neo 3, to, 40 i Yo oo. bios: ie morandum pays, begs Wey Hill Rot vi sp vas : : saddlery and a vs 2 Germans on Friday continued their as- | important military positions - behind | 513.10 to M1120. "Roll 0 as sos id ha ay rat g...0 - h YOlunesy : i ing. give : gault against the positions in the Cam- | the line and aviators accounted for nu- it 35. SO ited, Bran. 32 Short "| necessity of unite tion in. making | 1b. J the tight tole Sorermen oft. : good losses by subniarines. With them : third belligerent .to/adopt brai sector, notably in the region of | merous German alrmensin battles in| $60' to $62. Hay--No. 2 per fon. cat, i : ir, lots, $17. ' : (Italy is pellige { Croiselles and Hargicourt, At least. the air lots Winnipeg Gratn +X. | | goes an-appeal 'to British buildéfs to] ' 26, this. Js fe "Germany, at the begin- : ; Si ' Winnipeg, Mar. 36--Oats--No.'2 ows speed up thefr efforts by kringing hing of 1916, adopted it, and England © NAVAL BATTIE [GERMAN ATTACKS [EUS ih mnt hac bball | warn BCR I JERSE y ! Barlsy--No. 3 wey > No. 4, SLT task, and warning that the recent fall Fhhich PALESTINE TOW, 5 awaits the € ber's sa tion fost Flax--No. Ak ; 1 N. ., $8.96; No." 2: oy 3 re 4 t 3 Ne. OFF DUNKIRK| ", ARE CHECKED "" ™:6 "=" | ing Gf in Brith, produckon Usk 20k py ED BY GEN: ALLENBY. me har wa difuctad by fhe Conghl. | --t - gt yer pe : 2 . ma Committee, under Ciuffelli, MinisteR of United States Markets - b Fd : fc dnt 2 LEA a tT to 1.80. ore, 1 DAYLIGHT SAVING BILL Som Beilish have made er advante in Tndupieion, : J 3 ¥ © p » . .80. ~=No, 3 NC I 3 » ther y . 3 Results in Sinking of Four Ger | French Drive Back Three Enemy |yhite, 893 to 90ic. Flour urichanged. "_ HAS NO;DEFINITE TINE Palestine, capturing three towns, it is T---- % 8 > man Raiders--No Allied Assaults in the Champagne Br th 3 26--Linseed--$4.34 to --r announced officially. A counter-attack URGE THE FARMERS : 28 i TO GROW FLAX CROPS. , Mb. 6 ; & : per "Vessels Sunk. ator [MEOH ATH 10% | despues tan poss: No{ D0, TC HRS TROL A 'despatch from London says: Two A despatch from Paris says:--Viol- Live Stock Markets nto. effect, ot the. Daylight Sates "We occupied Beit Rima and, Ke- "A despatch from Toronto gays: The German destroyers and we torpedo | ent artillery engagements are report- Bill. The Act, which has Been. print- frtut, both east-south-east of Deir | defection of Russia deprives the allies boats were sunk in a naval engage:|ed in the oficial' statement issued by , $12.60 i. do. i 0 | od for distribution, stafes that its pro- Ballett, unopposed." We drove off a|of and gives to the Germans the larg~' i of Duukisl ob Taedhy Rr the War Of on Fridsy. The 3 Las! Ho. Rood, 31 Seno 430 1 visions 'will be in force it each year counter-attack at Deir Ballett and se- | est flax-producing area in the, world, g. Pp '8: | statement, reads: ; ih i to $10.15; do, common. | 4 ring such time as may be prescrib- cired 'Elowsallabeh and the high|In consequence there will--be a fre- do, ri _ "Vice-Admiral Douer reports that| «Great activity by the arfille | Aang il o = ground to the "westward. Airmen mendous demand by the allies for flax, an_ action occurred oft Dunkirk be- Fegyly Friday © became most ole 9:60; do., medium bulls 3 8 5 35.50; ye Lr dropped 470 bombs on establishments which is used extensively in the mam. tween 4 and 5 o'clock on Thursday | this" afternooit at divers points north Sows, B02 to 8 J on be the same as in the United States in the vicinity of ~ Elkutrani - station.| facture of airplanes and' other in-- "morning. Two British and three of Chemin-dés-Dames, in the region $8.2 to $9:60; "do, medium, 50: | 1 bill gives the Railway Board Pov Dipeck ants were observed on the ob- struments of war, and the Provincial French destroyers were engaged with of Courcy and Pompelle. and in. the ae: ann to" $9; feeders, §9.36- £0 es adn hy. oto hour the stands ives." : Be f and Federal Departments of Agricul- a force of German destroyers which | champagne south of Moronvilliers) milkers, good to oholce, 30 to 9136; dou | FOLIC by the railways a a en ture 'sre mow discussing plans to en had previously bombarded Dunkirk Three attacks mafle ib . and med., $66 to $80 ; : " Vi th i ! is y the enemy to $126: I , ; iod as: ¢ i courage the production of flax in this y to § ada for such period-as may be pre: Heaping the measure helps 2 heap proviges. ~The Canadian. Flax-Glow=: € for 10 minutes, Two enemy destroy- 3 26 50; . : + ers and two enemy torpedo boats are Oo a ane 8 .of Me be AS 18 63 0.50; caly o scribed by the board: _ lin the marketing. ers' Association recently called the believed to have been sunk. SurViv-|, «rye German EE : d ose do hole So $328 HH a oft] Ty Sy -- : attention bf the authorities to the ors have been picked up from two en-| i. vad and four badl Pe were 8 care, $30.75; do. 7.0.b., $19.50. ; SR Tor flax production, They claim emy torpedo boats. a 'series of combat; tga on fo quar to ers coin : . : ; . A not exhaust the" sail to: "Wo allied Vessels were suk. One| Series of combats with our ele)gs {ffeilise: butchers 37.50 tof I Mie <.'§ Tso great an extent as barley or' Wheat, British destroyer was damaged, but} So" pb 0 +f enemy machines Shoop #1] td $18; lam! % tos 6:80! ; i ey :| that profits are assured irrespective of reached harbor. The British casual n by our special artil-| iiEPreq" calves $8.10 $13.80; select XC QL a : 1 weather conditions; that faz has' ties 'were slight. There were no TY. hogs, off cars, $20 to $31.25. } ' : ; been pulled the Bnd a ha Ho mn 1 fE nf RE a) (ER it pe en, FARM WORK BEGINS ~~. * | BRITISH GIRES STUDY RADIO. | A i SHR "| wheat, nd that flax production og old RED GUARDS CAPTURE At "is IN SASKATCHEWAN' STR mm 2 a ' hy ; a ' sod land kills the destructive 3 \ _SIBERIAN TOWN A dorpaich fon obi sys: Later May Become Operators. on 2 --t : : | worm. 27 hm --n i Coastwise Ships. ¢ A "despatch from Moscow ._. | Bpring work 'has begun on the farms Sl i Ca Red Guards and abort ets in Southern Saskatchewan, the earliest nglish gixls are taking up wireless DE OVIN prop ny have' recaptured Blagovieshichensk, start in several years. Farmers of | telegraphy, says a London correspond- 3 : : : wb #0 $25,000,000,000 after a battle with the Cossacks. They the Forget and Carlyle. districts are|ent. The Marconi Company has start- a : : ALN Hl i J Ad ih io Pe : have rostored the Soviet authority as | PlOWing, While harrowing has start-|ed a special school for training wo- : a J \ id . tht R espa: war Da thor ed near Fillmore. Hon. George men in wireless telegraphy at its 4 Nr vILLED: he 4 Ru L rae iexpeuiicar : Brown, who has been organizing local | North Wales station, At present the Bs NA ANNE x] Russian troops in the Pokov" sector n the South !company is taking only women of ex-| - xr ) 4 iN TH aaa pe fu the | Yoko: ce in Morse telegraphy, but this | Re RY ne i ; have retised el by. 8 a to. : eI clon Ger- 5 3 C tara 1 ------r tne 7 RUSSIA SPENT ON WAR well as, order in town. Recent despatches sid thats the , Siberian Bolsheviki had murdeved a farm labor committees in ; . number of Japanese at Blagovieshtch- | COUntry, brought the news to the city | perien ensk, which' lies 500 miles north of [on Friday morning: The soil is in is onl er oth 4 Harbin, The Bolsheviki leaders; in. [ere holding back fo avoid unnecessary The co rse deals with slip reading, | | cluding the president of the local shape for seeding, but farmers recofd reading and the gen-| Soviet, later were arrested and im-| chances. The earliest start of seed- s of a wireless station. The prisoned by Cossacks and volunteer | INE in this"provinee Yas Apt 8, ae. |girls will b 4 10 land stations militia. The Red Guards and sailors cording: to official records. ; ] igh in the'city were disarmed.: ° ee ro Cte! | When making mustard mix with a ~The world needs men who gan | little milk and a pinch of salt. It change cents into doMags | and dollars keeps the mustard soft and makes i i 80. = %

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