Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 28 Mar 1918, p. 9

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Hams Pink Pills and do not hesitate sdy so. Mise Jennie Book, Beams- --"I suffered for over Ww very iL, strong and robust, but grew pale a me io of my Jormer self. ro gad soon grow worse again. ~ the oute Want. by I began to de- air of getting better, when my Sader happened to read an adver Te t of Dr. Willams' Pifik Pills and suggested that I should try them. iy the time the first box was finished gr 'they were helping me, and I Lh sed the pills for nearly thiee months, using in all nine boxes, when _I was restored in every respect to my old time strength. "This was several years ago, and a8 I have not since had any return of the trouble, oI gyiuet | .Bpeak t6o highly of Dr. Will ' Pink ' Pllls; as a permanent cure for this and 1 strongly 'recommend ; them to all.anaemic. girls, od on_can get pg 'pills cine dealer or by ix boxes for $2.60 from The } 'Medicine 'Co,, Brock- any nl ae + Germans Salute British, "During my first few days in' 'Lu- Same 1 had an experience that was ho-|® and seemingly anomalous un- I got an explanation," said a Red : worker who returned recently United States. "The mountain republic in filled with interned" sol- os trom both Sides, and I went about 8 good deal with a British officer in charge. of many. 'British prisoners." 4s Ye a German?' civilians whis- pered to one another as s we walked to i bomber ~hotels.. The Britisher was literals ly. barded with salutes from Ger- , and at the outset it be- passing. for him. But his Stent could not continue ine as the the sp] tes Here too frequent. ledging them: as ally 8 if he had been walk- » matter was made plain to me n ¥ found out that it is the rule in Swirl that soldiers of all aoe cers of all armies.' diseipline did the rest." PEL oy 2 ~ Bridge, C. B,, May 80, '02. handled MINARD'S uring the past year. It i8 al- + lives, : In heh eg wher ets ek : enward : And mothers yo unborn the fale How Gale mn rama the poves 5 And future sons a code of Honor learn, shall Beside the Marne. * ' . Lucey C. Gilmour. Brockville, March, 1018. eS NEED OF BETTER 1 DEVELOPMENT Recognized by AL the Belligerbnt + Countries. The importance of promoting more scientific methods of rural as well as of urban development is engaging the attention of prominent groups of citi- zens in all belligerent Countries. It is | generally agreed 'that recovery 'after | the war in each 'nation will be the more rapid 'in proportion a as more ef- ficient methods are applied to secure the increase of ; production. Canada has never failed to apply the doctrine of Adam Smith to incite the natural efforts of the producers by means of promoting a condition of freedom the settlément of land by the real users of the land, Unfortunately, however, land speculation has: been go little controlled and the planning and, laying out 'the land for economic use has been so much ndglected, that production 'has been 'hampered: and 'bad Social conditions have grown up: Incitement to natural effort by means of mere ownership of the land has {proved inadequate because of these deficiencies--and the quality of. the natural effort Hus been impaired as a result of overcrowding and bad sani- tation in fhe cities and isolation and poverty in the country. THE ONLY MEDICINE - FOR LITTLE ONES Once a mother as used Baby's Own Tablets for her little ones she will use nothing' else. Their use teaches her they are absolutely safe; that they never fafl to give relief and that the little' ones do not dread taking them {as they do castor oil and other harsh purgatives. Concerning the Tablets Mrs. John M, Weaver, Blissfleld, N.B,, says:--"I-have used Baby's Own Tap lets for the past ten years and have: found them so good I always keep a box.in 'the house." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box fi%m-The Dr. Willfams' | Medicine "Co., Brockville, Ont. rer erg Water in which rice has been bofl- 'makes one of the 'best starches for, old lace. nares Tinton it Retloves | aves Neuraigls. > NINETY-MILE FI FIGHT | AT SEA. amongst ts citizens and ercouraging|- ably known here. He had inflamma matism for two months. dney s cured him, otter 5 my trouble started with the grippe," Mr. Bertram states, "My hands and feet were badly swol- 1én and the doctor did not seem to be "ny Mrs. G. Grasser, advised me to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. I took one box 'of them and I haven't been bothered since. I am clear of the rheumatism," That: Mf. Bertram's trouble came from his kidneys® is. shown by his other symptoms. , He had stiffness in the joints, was tired and nervous, and there were flashes of light before his eyes. He had a dragging sensation across' the loins, was always: thirsty and-felt heavy and sleepy after meals. Rheumatism is caused by uric acid in the blood. wCured kidneys strain the uric acid out>of the blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills qure the kidnéys. ' en pen 1 KHAKI DATES BACK TO 1848. It Was First Adopted in That Year in British India. ~_- Khaki is said first to have been adoptetl in British India in 1848 by Sir Henry Burnett Lumsden, who had been 'asked to equip a corps of guides to collect intelligence and to conduct an English force on the northwestern | frontier of India. The cloth was a light cottgn drill, as ited (the 'climate of Hindustan, and 'k its name from a native term "khaki," which means in the Urdu lan- guage "khak" or dust: Thus the term applied to the colo of thé cloth rather ' than to the material. According to the dictionary, it is pronounced kaykee by the natives, but the English pronounced and this iw correct. But as cotton was riot Warm esiodsh for all climates, uniforms of the same kind were made of serge, and the term khaki thus included woollen. Because it Was well fitted for the climate of Cuba and the Philipines the United States chose khaki for the soldiers' uniforms during the Spanish American War. fi ep + EX-CZAR UNSOCIABLE. . Empress Says He Has Grown Dull Since Dethroned. Imprisonment has affected greatly Emperor. Nicholas II, according to a letter from the former Empress Alex- andra Alix, written from Tobolsk to one of her former maids of honor in Petrograd, which has been intercepted. In it'the former empress gives a de- tailed account of the royal family's life in Tobolsk. ' ; The former emperor, sé writes, seems to have grown dull and very unsocial He does not evince the doing me any good. My grandmother; DE ge "dusty" being derived: from it kharkee, r the mental capacities of the former to' clear ahd Whiten the skin, 31 ~ 'Squeeze the Sakon oF two lemons into & 'bbttle containing three ounces of Jorchard white, shake well, 'and' you have a quarter pint of the best frec ¥ land tan Jotion, and complexion beauti- at very, very small cost. A Es rorser has We lomotis an any ¢|ply three ounces of orchard white for &_few cents, Massage this sweetly 'fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and {how clear, soft and white the skin be- pomes. Yes! It is harmless." ssl 15s Jari Where Trousers Grow to Order. When the poorest class of Gauchos, who live in a very primitive state in the southern Argentine pampas, need | 90 a pair of pants they kill an old mare and strip off the hide of the forelegs, | Tu as one would draw off a glove. These are drawn, hair side in, over the feet and legs up to the hips, when | o {they adjust themselves like tights. > I Make this cheap oily lotion our grocer has the lemons and any | Serve with rich milk or-cream, Minard's Lintmedt or sate everywhere. . FOR SALE er eesti memes: Wis "NI EWSPAPER IN Ne Death Ea or market. AF, Eon untied Fo reed NEWSPAFER Wi a - inting plan an ao oe san oteried $1.8 1,600. GoW seaactre 2 go for Subils on ick Box Wison Publ blishing Co.. ] ORS, LUM TUMO! LUMPS, BTC. on id cured ' with. SEER a i ag, Gain rt e for & LL #3. "Wilson" Publ They are thus worn conti y day ----ce ° 00 00 0 YES! MAGICALLY! CORNS LIFT OUT WITH FINGERS O00 0 You say to the drug store man, "Give "Ime a small bottle of freezone. This will cost very little but will positively remove eyery hard or soft corn or cal lus from one's feet. A few drops of this new other com- pound applied directly aching corn relieves 'the soreness in- stantly and soon the entire corn or callus, root and all, dries up and can 'be Mfted off with the fingers." ° "This new way to rid one's feet of corns wae introduced by a Cincinnati nan, who says that freezone dries in a moment, and simply shrivels up the corn or callus' without irritating the surrounding skin. Don't let father die of infection or lockjaw from whittling at his corns, but clip this out and make him try it. If your druggist hasn't any freezone tell Mm to order a small bottle from his wholesale drug house for you. rene , Nothing so good for a sprain as bathing with very hot water, to which turpentine has been added, an ounce to a quart. ore Minard's Siniment Cure Cures Dandruff. Nothing will take. the place of sunlight for a vegetable garden. Don't try to raise crops under trees. The shade is bad,.and the roots ofa tree, spreading as far 'out as the crown spreads, "wolf" the moisture that the vegetables need. and night until a new pair is weeded, : upon a tender, |" a BB DBD TOTO TS «Ow 0D OVP TOTO Cause of ~ | Early Old Age an authoiity on says Siri itis "caused the Poin a. stomach digests f oly it is absorbed 4 without sons bring on old age and a ihr s mea of Seigels Ty sound. 10 { mk TO gu WHT The world is short of horses. To get the most out of your team use MICA' AXLE GREASE s * Use half as much as any other" The mica flakes fill the pores and crevices in the axle and the grease keeps them there. Mica Grease means fresher horses at the end day and longer life for your harness and wagons. EUREKA \HARNESS OIL * Lengthens leather life' Overcomes leather's worst enemies--water and dirt. It makes harness pliable and waterproot, prevents break- ing of stitches and imparts that rich' black lustre to all dark dressed leather. 'Sold Tu standard sized packages by live 4 deniers everywhere. . Ltd ra | TIES To Brighten Linoleum. 5 To make linoleum or floor oil-cloth look brighter and keep it bright heat buttermilk and wash the linoleum with it, allowing it'to dry thoroughly before stepping on it. The Soul of a Plano Is the Action. Insist on the "OTTO HIG-LY" PIANO ACTION Cuticura Stops 3 | Itching At Once . Treatment: * Cleanse With Cuticura Soap, Dry and Heal With Cuticura Ointment For eczemas, rashes, itchings, irri- tations, pimples, dandruff, sore hands and baby humors, Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment are supremely effective as well as ideal for toilet purposes. Samples Each Free b Address "Cuticura, U.S. U8.A0 Bold on A 'world. Mrs. Courtney Tells How She Was Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's erable Compound. Mail Boston, Oskaloosa, Jowa.--*' For years I was simply in misery from a weakness and awful pains--and nothing seemed to do me any to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound. 1 did so and got re. lief right away. IX can certainly re- commend this valu- able medicine to other women who ; suffer, for it has one such good work for me ani I know it will help others if they will give it a fair trial. --~Mrs. Lizzie COURTNEY, 108 8th Avs, hy. West, Oskaloosa, Iowa. Why will women drag along from da; 0 wy year in ae year out, suffering such misery as did Mrs. Courtney, when such letters as this are congingal ly being published. Every woman who suffers om displacements, irregularities, in- flammation, ulceration, backache, ner- 3 vousness, or who is passing through the's i} ge of Life should give this famous * root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pink- hans Ve table Compound, a trial. For al edicine Co., vice Fite dia E. FPinkbam of its long Go, k ae is at your gervions Dangerous Gas and Acids That Hurt The Stomach--Sour The Food Cause Dyspepsia, Indigestion , Becomintnds a Safe Way to Treat Stomach Trouble At Home stomach sufferers who gf fermenting mass into the An ull of d rhiose stom- nd » ov! i 5 HE hy the a TE Semaing, In the RH £2 be mort oubte." on for and pre ead aida afe Lp opie Jor surat Bp bon ight ut of Jou IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED ? if} esd on of Gunners, After Long Range Duel, | os Scon€n Perfect Hit. "An officer of a steamer from an burnd; ots f BE WRIT OR] AE ro slightest interest in current events, # American port es a stirring account lo rin o fight with a U-boat 'Wakeful wismimen | Nights. ; fn, Sie Atlan J which just missed) go out of style in lat a quarter ve am. ; inutes to six p.m, the family "that once' drank tea or coffee Baga worked 'without normal ten or eleven |} . thirteen aud a half. usburn n. EA des om An agnosia i at

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