\ 3 i Lag W® | 50 Children's silk Gloves, 'white, el ey 'Scotch Wool Gloves, brushed finish, white grey or black. Per pair 75¢ A adies Wool Mitts, in black, white, grey or cardinal. sizes 83 to 104. Per pair 35¢ to 50c Ringwood Gloves, women's or misses' sizes, in 'black, red or r white « Per pair 35¢ to 50c sizes 8% to 10. c HANDKERCHIEFS FOR PRESENTS FOR BABY EVERYONE Any of the following articles will make a nice present for baby: Bibs, Cashmere Stockings, Mitts, Bootees, Toques, Scarfs," Shawl, Knitted Coat, Hood, Bearskin Robe, Corduroy Coat, Crocheted Wool Pullovers, end many others. For Children, we have a big assortment of picture handkerchiefs Each 5c Swiss Embroidered Hdkfs, put up in pretty Xmas booklets. Each 35¢ Dainty Embroidered Hdkfs, with white or colored embroidery. 8c, 10c, 15¢, 25¢, 8b¢, and 50c * Pretty Haindkerchiefs, 2 in a box for 50c, 8 in a box 75c¢. Ladies' Fancy Collars for coats or Dresses, in the new stock style or large pointed sailor collar, Black and White, and Black. Prices 50c to $2.00 Ladies' Waists white ~ Silk Crepe Hdkfs, colored border, each 25c Cream Twilled Silk Hdkfs, large, each 60c We are showing a special Excelda Hdkfs, colored border, 2 for 25¢ display of Christmas waists in new and popular styles. The materials are Yoile, Crepe de Chene, and Habitau Silk. Prices $1.25 to $6.00 Display in Millinery Department + In order to give a quicker service, and have more * fi room to display our Christmas stock we are showing many lines in the millinery section. Cashmere Hose, in white, pink, sky, cardinal and black, Prices 35¢ to 75¢ Yaad black. Per pair 75c to $1.25 sizes 4 to 8}. Ladies' Fine Kid Gloves, white, tan Ladies' Cashmere Hose, in black and black. Per pair $1.00 to $2.25 or white, sizes 8} to 10. Black 50c to $1.00. White $1. 00. : Heavy Wool Hose for Boys or women Cashmere Hose, 1/1 fib; black only, . ; eem poss Ta ust 5 more days in which to select your Chrisunis Gifts. Bay carly when you can get a larger "choice and more adequite service. Men's Sweater Coats made from all wool worsted yarn in khahki or cardinal shades, has shawl collar. 50c to 75c value. $1,10 and $1.35 FOR MEN $1.76 and $2.26 Men's Mocha Gloves, Men's Woolen Gloves, Knitted Scarfs, Silk Scarfs, Silk Armbands - Men's Braces . Night Gowns - Underwear Men's Overcoats Boys' Overcoats Boys' Bloomers, Men' Men's Sweater Coats, heavy union yarn in khahki made same style as cut. "per suit $1.00 to $4.00 Read s Sweater Coats $2.50 made from Price $2.50 Splendid Price $3.50 50c to $1.00 _$1.00 to $1.50 $1.50 to $3.00 26c and 30c 25¢ to 75c¢ $1.00 and $1.26 $10.00 to $22.00 $3.50 to $13.00 $1.00 to $2.00 AND BOYS Men's Neckties We started our Christmas season with the biggest lot of ties we ever carried and they're halt gone. the new four-n-hand shape. terns to choose from. shade, ¢ 75¢ They are made up in Many pat- Price 75¢ Men's Hook-on Ties in pretty patterns. Each 25¢ and 50c Men's Shirts - $1.00 to $1.50 Boys' Bow Ties - Each 20c Boys' Waists - 50c to 60c Boys' Braces, - 16c to 26c Men's Heavy Mitts, 65¢c to $2.25 Wool Stockings - Per pair 50¢ Automobile Gauntlets, - $2.50 Wool Toques - 35c and 50c Cashmere Socks - per pair 35¢ to 7bc Boys' Sweater Coats, $1.00 to $2.50 Silk Socks, - per pair 50c Boys' Sweaters - $1.00 to $1.75 Butterick Quarterly Winter Number 25c pron F. W. TcINTYRE January Delineator 15c copy " CHEVROLET i Mode F-A-5, Sa Baby Grand Touring Car je + PRICE $1225, f.0.b. Oshawa The Baby Grand possesses all the essentials of pleasure giving, econonfical motoring. This car has every requirement for power, speed, and endurance. BEARE BROS., Dealers, Port Perry WINTER TERM FROM JANUARY 2 'Sewing Machines and : Organs IOTT FARMS FOR SALE ry ired. Good organ forsale igh 72 180 acres, lot | and 2, East Whitby, fhe id at STAR OFFICE. large stone house, frame kitchen and drive Ad house, bank barn, stabling for 20 cows, Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto Stands to-day before the public with a clean-cut record for su 1 'A training in this school paves the way to bigger and better positions of responsibility. now to enter at an early ed te Thousands will soon 3: re- for o positions. t us ou and we will do it night. Wie to-day for our Large Ca 3 box stalls, 14 x 14 henhouse, stable for 9 horses, box stall, implement house, 8 acres orchard, all level, 2 mile from school, 4 miles to C,N.R. Sta. 6 miles to Oshawa. 100 acres 2 miies from Burketon Junction brick house, 10 rooms, arge bam, stone stable, a good grain farm, about 8 acres of valuable timber. V3 acre in the Village of Manchester, a 5 roomed house, stable, aud hen house, buildings in good Topas 85 acres, near ore Station, all A | wheat land, good Dagmare 5 | 97 acres at Prince Albert Station, on | corner of farm is 8 rool brick house, hip roof barn 40 x 80, stone stahles, one mile to Port Perry, 2 mile to church and school at Prince Albert. Easy terms. 100 acres west of Port Perry, 9 roomed © HOw. MUCH ARE YOUR EYES WORTH ? Don't take chances eho Jou can getmy services of over years F. E. LUKE, Bilson YONGE ST., TORONTO ~ Opposite Simpson's ih east Songs chRIN PAL : FORONTO J. A. MURRAY ROYAL THEATRE - DENTIST Open Friday and Rose & Co. | Saturda ings each week. A ge Sale fea. 'Phone 93] pen, small orchard, Jaa. ol vel, an ex- cellent stock and grain farm. House Fo or Sale : some fruit, 7 roo house, stone cel- " or R lar, frame stable. Easy terms. - 150 acres near Ashburn, 7 roomed iouse Jurgen. stone Sibling, drive use, spring creel 'ways con- wy good farm. just north of Myrtle C.P R. Station yg aers just ner house. 128 sates: let 20 can 3, Haldimand, Te. miles from J 2romis, Post r Rent to E. H. Purdy. Port Perry Ya acre in Prince Albert, best of garden |; 25 acres Fel fences in Albert, good floor, best of repair. 2 mile to station, side- walk to High School at Port Aerry. 3 acres % mile west of Myrtle, frame house, 7 rooms, stone cellar, hard and soft water, frame stable, hen house, buildings in best of repair, good garden land and mostly in fruit. Furniture can be bought with property, also some implements. Possession can be had any time. 100 acres, lot 10, concession 9, East Whitby, 2 mile to Raglan, 3% to school, frame house, 8 rooms, stone cellar, cement floor, cistern inside, well at door, hip roof barn 36 x 90, large straw barn, stone stable with cement floor, silo, hen house, imple- ment shed 20 x 50, pig pen under drive house, small orchard, small fruit, 10 acres of hardwood bush, the buildings are in desirable home. Easy terms. Fall or Spring possession. 100 acres, lot 16, con 2. Reach township, 2 miles south of Prince Albert. 7 roomed frame house, stone cellar, hip roof barn 36 x 80, steel roof, stone stable, cement floor, silo, hen house and pig pen, 14x 40, drive shed, 18 x 30, buildings and fences in best of repair, land tile drained, and in best of condition. Spring possession. 100 acres, lot 8, con 4, Reach, on Rural Mail, 1% miles to P School, 4, to Port Perry H School, 2 mile to church, sandy clay loam, 70 acres cultivated; level, 5 acres second growth cedar, fire wood, fences in good repair, well. spring creek, orchard, frame house, bam 30 x 54, drive house 20 x 32, hen house and pig pen. Fall possession. 200 acres, lot 5, con 8, Clark, Durham County, 4 miles from Starkville, | mile to school, "clay loam, 115 acres. cultivated, 7 acres 'orchard, 10 roomed frame house, barn 44 x 70, cement floors; water in stable, windmill, cement silo, fall or spring pos- session. Apply to W. J. Cook, R.R. No 2, Port Perry, or Bell Phone 107 r 2-2. or Indepen- dent Phone 406. 53 acres, adjoining the village of Prince farm or garden soil, frame stable and drive house, silo, 7 roomed frame house, stone cellar with cement good repair, good wheat land. A very' Morley Campbell REAL ESTATE AGENT Properties For Sale FARMS Lot 18, con. 10, Reach, 60 acres clay loam, good buildings, Al mineral spring nh the place. Lot 22, con. |, Reach, 200 acres good Hang 10 roomed house, Al barn, pen, strawbarn, hen house, 12 acres pen just coming into bearing, running water, 15 acres bu Lots 11 and 12, on Simcoe South, 3 mile south of Raglan, 100 acres, 11 roomed bric cottage, good barn, stonestable with cement floor, large pig pen with cement floor, driveshed, g wate. 100 acres on Scugog Island, good brick house, frame barn with stone stabling, pig pen, good wells, 3 acres good orchard, ' close to church and school. Lot 3, con. 11, Scugog, comprised of 200 acres more less, known » "Seven Mile Island"a summer resort with good motor road right to the buildings which consist of new frame house with 17 rooms, also good log house with 6 rooms, large summer kitchen, all in good repair, out buildings, barn 70 x 20, stabling underneath, 5 acres young orchard, also old orchard, all kinds small fruits, well fenced, good water, ex- cellent fishing. Snap if taken at once, g terms. 100 acres, lot 19, cen 2, Brock, farm of W A Hall, good 8 roomed house with cement cellar, hard and soft water, summer kitchen ice house, barn 50x75 on 9 foot stone wall, cement floors; water in stable and pig pens, stone pig pen 24 x45 with driving house above, good hen house, well onion Plenty . of all kinds of fruit, terms reasonable. health reason for selling. IN PORT PERRY Brick house and lot, a snap for cash. Brick house and 3 acres of good land, fruit, a wonderful chance to buy a cheap home. C di modern frame house, | LOKDON MUTUAL { Fire Insurance Co. of Canada ESTABLISHED 1850 Surplus to Poli holders, . pl Paid © oy $8 FARM INSURANCES Our Rates Have No a coop hor D. WI ETAMS, a het Magaging | HEAD OFFICE. = TORONTO "ADAMS & HUTGHESON Consult our or write h | Local Agents + Port 7% Parry = i good lot. | St. Charles Hotel can be bought at a sacrifice. | House; barn and twelve acres, all kinds of | fruit, 7 roomed house. + House, barn and 12 acres land, all kinds of fruit, 7 roomed house. IN PRINCE ALBERT Brick house and an acre of choice garden soil Large frame house in first-class repair good stable, all kinds of fruit. Commodious frame house, 3 acres land, beautiful shade trees, fruit, good stable. NESTLETON | New brick house, shade trees, stable a desirable home. : Country Store and a nine room modern frame dwelling, situate on two acres of choice garden soil, stone stable, warehouse barn, soft water, all kinde of choice ruit, also post office in connection with store, stok can bought at a sacrifice. ¢ wishes to retire, large turnover every month, For particulars see Morley Campbel An All Winter's Job Big money for a live man, 'steady work or spare time. Your choice; selling our guaranteed Nursery Stock. 25 years reputation back of our trees. Outfit free. Your money each week. 'Write at once to BROWN BROS. COMPANY, NURSERYMEN LTD W. H. Doubt Merchant Tailor OVERCOATS Before buying see our prices on an up-to-date line of new, nifty, ready- {to-wear Overcoats at from $15.00 to $20.00 They are beauties We also carry our usual good line of goods for made-to-measure Over- coats. Fit guaranteed. SUITS We carry a full line of ordered suits. See our lines of Blue and Black Serges, guaranteed fast dyes. Ask for prices on our ready-to-wear suits. PHONE 72 For Choice BEEF, PORK, LAMB and VEAL CAWKER BROS. BUTCHERS A full line of Smoked Meats and Lard always on hand Highest Cash price paid for Hides and Skins W. J. Cook - Real Estate A large list of farms for sale in Ontario County. Some city property for exchange or sale, also Western land. My list includes some rare bargains. Waite or"phone me before buying. Communicate with W J Cook, R.R. No 2, Port Perry, or Bell Phone 107 r 2 2, or Independent Phone 406 CARTAGE and DRAYING The undersigned is prepared to plowing of Gardens étc.. ing Nutseies, Welland coy Lig : WILLIAM CAMPBELL Ti ~, FORT PERRY all kinds of carting, dray work, and For terms