Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 25 Oct 1917, p. 3

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ago, and 45 per cent. of tion is in the cities. Germany, same time, had : - b dizziness, backache, depression at th 'and This ewest fears fie 1 : g been stimulating her » | prompt help afforded. to her health by And} vs by taking Dr. Williams' Pink | Willams' Pink Pills new health and |. er Alaska's ana gist hills the brigh t, Peruvian rills i) BGR -- i he 'he most fateful years in a woman's are those between forty-five and |fitty. Many Of the sex enter this ™ overwork | Fruit of the fertile loam? : ea The gold of shining yellow corn tation of the | | The gold af ripened wheat, : The butter of the clover-mead, .' The honey rich and sweet, golden fruits of tree and vine-- * All these more precious are Than all the wealth of all the Rand, Nugget and bullion-bar. gymptoms , are flushes, palp other well recognized disturb the 'health which signalizes | requires attention. Women ufgently need rich, red blood all their lives, but never more so than in' middlelife, when the nerves are eak'gnd overwrought. Now every. woman oah, Diove the Then break the sod that idle lies, +. And plow the furrow deep; A time of dew and rain and sun, i And then a time to reap The harvest, ripened, fully-grown, "To Autumn's winds unfurled; The rarest wealth that man has fenewing and building up the blood. It is g test that any ailing woman can Pills, for these pills make rich, red blood, which in turn stimulates the appetite, strengthens the nerves and restores full' robust health. Thou: | sands of women A have found in Dr, Wi known-- - ! The gold that feeds the world! wakes 2 «Lydia O'Neil. strength and with these a new happi- | | ness and interest in life. Sp if you suffér, avail yourself at once of the splendid home treatment which Dr. Willams' Pink Pils so |i "1 The man who does things is seldom Heralded by an advance agent and a brass band. MONEY ORDERS Buy your out of town supplies with Dominion , Express Money - Orders. Five dollars costs three cents. : Sowing Tares. During a Bible lesson a teacher was trying to explain the parable of the tares, ) "Can anyone tell me any person who is 'like the evil one who sowed the tares?" A hand instantly shot up from a small boy at the foot of the class. "Well, John, what person do you say?" "Please, ma'am, my mother." "Why 1" asked the teacher, in aston- ishment. 'WgWell," answered he, eyeing his patched trousers, "she. sews all my tears." Guarding Baby. o-| There were a score of as electri¢ light, motor cars, | At last one little fellow contributed: "Me and my little brother, miss." | | Minard's Limtment Cures Burns, Bte. "On God, and godlike men, we build to wiVicHt received # a ng to advices received from Washington since the War began the world's meat-prodycing decreased by 115,000,000. crease consists of over 28,000,000 cat- fle, 54,000,000 sheep, and $2,000,000 hogs, and for the most part is to be found in European jes, as - cat- tle and hogs [have petually increased in = farming by a system .of A the Government nd oe prs i > Ey Lo eat. By faces and the confidence and rhythm "such means she was able fo keep ap- of the march, And the young offeat proximately one half of her popula- at their head: Goodness Kuows a tion on the farms, She has conse- he was two years ago, but to-day he q almost self-sustaining. is an officer and a soldier every inch ' ble taken from | of him, fit for men to follow. easily afford, and you will be among Murine hr those who rejoice in regained health. | Lilo ol iy tubes She. These pills are sold by all Seslpfe Ask Murine Eye Remedy Co., medicine, or may be had by mall at | , in " 50 cents a box or six boxes. for $2.60 Attach Light to Your Razor. by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine | - A woman, Katherine E. Allport of Never let a baby play with sharp- pointed toys or toys with sharp edges. Never let him have wool-covered toys . Err or those covered with hair; they are ROFIT-MAR 1a, NE on 0 Jo ntarie | t 1 gery collectors. Be careful about let- towns. +o B most useful and Interesting ng him have me Chicage ¢ NEWSPAPERS FOR BALE buttons or tiny things | application to Wilson Publishing Co; Co., Brockville, Ont. 73 Adelaide St., Toronto. the Yellow Book of the department . Their Great Confidence. of _ "Another company I "them oq Chicago, is the inventor of a combin- J Germany on ,of cultivated land, and the increase in productio country as against: 4 Grows--Milk -.. +2.» 11% Canada is capable of supplying food for every man, woman ¢ urope; yet less than 10 per cent. "of land is under cultivation, while in is gome provinces and in the exception of the present yéar. J ----pteie UNCONQUERED., Do they die who march away? Father, brother, husband, son; Nay, and ever, ever nay; Their march: is but begun. On Flemish fields, where blood flows Their bodies lie, their The swift march'of the years. With eager hearts they wait for "A pighty, jubilant throng; en, o'er death yictorious, peace their song. they die who march away? Father, brother, husband, son; Nay, and ever, ever nay; Their. march is but begun. : [| rpm | Keep the habit of effort little gratuitous exercise ture shows at a glance th results obtained in Great Britain and y each one hundred acres demonstrates n of the latter ~~ "tears, souls: gone past. ' 8 yous. _B5 | one nor envy 414| of the + passes the road, going the other way, fuller in strength and without the stains of recent battle on the uniforms. But ! ; bronzed and the tread there is no criticism in the gaze of the other; well done on the one side, nor fear of failure to do it on the other. : "And the long trains of guns and artillery transport; you. can stand and, as they pass slowly, study each individual man, note the way they sit United | 30a States, the acreage under tivation heir horses, the evidence of the care is becoming less every year with the that is taken of the animals, the con- fidence of the drivers, the serene as- surance of his own competence which of every man, before the war? How long have they been here? Is it cre- dible that they were ever anything but soldiers? | i : The Dispatch Riders. "Where Bhve all the dispatch riders come from, these men whom sil the Army admires, who day and night in weathers, s _wet_or covered with grime, flash by with tight-set lips and steady eyes, all the dust. and swirl of traffic? One knew were poung mer = Britain who wil work as oe but Zi or apprehension in that er pride of duty| | This is a good time to place an em- [the living-room the sunniest one of thought 'was you had away out in the ation flashlight and razor, says Popu- lar Mechanics, which will illuminate a man's face far better than the regu- lar wall light. By having the; light attached directly to the razor the light follows the blade and the strong rays gre thrown just where they are need- ed. The small flashlight bulb is clip- second time. {ped with its socket on to the handle * The man that everybody likes, gen- end of the razor. The conducting | Tike 2 wires from the socket lead to small | | [dry celts which ocucpy the bottom half of the razor box especially built for this attachment. From one to three dry cells can be employed, dependi upon how much light you consider ne- cessary. cme pin i WORDS OF WISDOM. . Meet this day manfully. It will help you to be a better man for the mor- TOW. l An error isn't a sin until made the tools at the time spec trusted. Lend to him even unto the seventh time. 7 \ A man with his heart in his work is not' concerned about obstacles. He overcomes them. There is & wide difference between the politician hunting a job and one hunting work. - Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gents,--A customer of ours cured a very bad case of distemper in a valu- able horse by the use of MINARD'S LINIMENT, "Yours truly, VILANDIE FRERES. barge upon the tongue. The tempta- tion to'say too much is sometimes ir- resistible. x When building & new house or re- modeling an old one, be sure to have - them all, This will help to make it what every living-room should be-- the best room in the house. Haven't. you a good many times tried hard to think what that good Honey locust and cedars are gen- erally used for hedges in Ontario. When kept properly trimmed these make good hedges and stand the climate. Dwarf spruce, arbor vitae, osage orange, Norway spruce and hemlock are also useful for hedges. 'Holly may be used where it will stand the winters. back lot, and couldn't to save your life? That's why it would be a good thing to take a slip of paper and pen- cil alpng wherever you go. Write it down. Then it won't get away from ou. Heaven is large and affords space for all modes of love and fortitude. be busybodies and ? Action and inac- mind Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. = | hardened callus loosens so it can be ; ock| We are exhorted to use corn-meal in one for the sleeper of a bridge; | these war times. ~ Here is a good virtue of the wood is apparent in johnny-cake, made without eggs: Mix - and sift together a cupful éach of of the backache from which! corn: eal and flour, a third of a cup- many housewives suffer, might ful of , a teaspoonful of salt and avoided if women would sit down ix half teaspoonful each of soda and of their kitchen | baking-pow Add gradually 8 e kitchen stools which | cupful and a half of sour milk, Beat makes this | well and bake in a well-greased, shal- low pan in a modérate oven. GIRLS | | LEMON JUICE "18 SKIN WHITENER g 2 Haw to make a creamy beauty lotion per for a' few gents. : re $7 -- - The juice of two fresh lemons | strained into & bottle containing three 'ounces of orchard white makes a whole "quarter pint of the most re- markable lemon skin beautifier at small Care lemon juice a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, 4iren this lotion will keep fresh for months. Bvery about thescost one must pay for a| which he might swallow or get in his! ears or up his nose. Don't let him chew old pocketbooks or painted toys. | Minard's Tiniment for sale sverywhers. If the farm labor situation is as' acute another year as it is now, some, more definite arrangement should be! made to eliminate the weaker and less suitable men volunteering for help | in the fields. The wages paid has varied from $40 per month, for men experienced, but who are strong; to $3 a day for experienced harvest hands. meee OQ 0000 LIFT A CORN OFF WITHOUT PAIN YES | Cincinnati man tells how to dry up a corn or callus so It iifts off with fingers. 00-0 ---0--0~rD---r0-eO--Or--0----0---0--0 You corn-pestered men and women need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes that nearly killed you before, says this Cincinnat{ authority, because a few drops of freezone applied directly on a tender, aching corn or callus, stops soreness at once and soon the corn or Hfted off, root and all, without pain. A small bottle of freezone Costs very little at any drug store, but will posi- tively take off every hard or soft corn or callus. This should be tried, as it 1s inexpensive and is eaid not to irrl- tate the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn't any freesone tell him to get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. It 1s fine stuff and acts like a charm every time. The Soul of a Plano is the Action. Insist on the "OTTO HIGELY PIANO ACTION ny. MISCELLANEOUS ANTED -- BLACKSMITH TO sharpen tools: also Granite Polisher. Write George M. au, Sarnia, Ont. ANCHR, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC. internal and external, éured wi out by our home treatment Write us 'before 100 late, Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont. IT'S VERY EASY TO GET RID OF SKIN TROUBLES With CUTICURA Stops itching instantly, clears away pimples, redness and roughness, re- moves dandruff and scalp irritation, heals red, rough and sore hands as well as most baby humors. You need pot buy them until you try them. Sample Each Free by Mail oi 38.5. Sp BO o Sapien dros "sad Uerormgnout the 8A" t the We IRISIS OF WOMAN'S LIFE Safely Passed by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. bottles; your druggist, 25c. 50c.. $1200. 2 og! DKF. Pinkhants Vege- 8 ane > table Com because of Wi of which brought me out of it sll Tight, 80 1 am now and do all my housew Ba oO king In my garden. Sev of m ba Sot wll by, tak 8 'egetable Com= Fivicat, Wagons

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