Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 20 Sep 1917, p. 7

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3 ae wow ¢ find themselves rundown, Ce k rich blood and thus help "womankind so perfectly. No woman "need fear failure of health if they take these pjlls occasionally to keep them well, of give them a fair trial if they You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any medicine dealer or by _mail at 50 cents a box a boxes for '$250 from The Dr. Willams' Medi- dine Co, Brockville, Ont. , fox ORCHIDS WITH ICE CREAM. i ' ~~". firm but slightly wri are highly prized ~_ thrice an 3 Vanilla, is Obtain- ed From Highly Prized Flower. Few people think of orchids, which and for beauty as flowers, as contribut- ny edible product, yet one of the widely known and commonly "flavoring extracts--vanilla--is obtained from an orchid. ' The commoner forms of the orchid are very widely, scattered throughout the world. Out of a total of 15,000 different species there is only one genus known to have any practical value, . There are. but a few species of this getius and the most important one of < these is that from which the vanilld of commerce is obtained. "The is native in the warmer parts Kico and in portions of Central erica, but-it has been introduced |- 18 now SXepsively. cultivated, in isn the West Indies and in is- "lands of the East Indian archipelago. |- The various species of vanilla. are ll climbing plants. The slender stems send out aerial roots and by these the vines climb upon the trunks and limbs of trees. ; "The fruit consists of long slender. : fous resembling - a thick, somewhat ttenkd lead pencil in' shape, being led. The pods are gathered and dried before they are Tully ripe, the drying process being * »very important feature of their pre- paration, developing their color and giving them the peculiar quality de- sired for flavoring purposes. er fp ; Britain's Hero, i A London schoolmaster named Wiman, who enlisted-and lost an arm * and a leg in France, returned to teach-. ing after his recovery and became the idol of his students. # discipline among members of Tas peértéct, the boys enforc- 'among themselves. Finally, the authorities discovered him to better teacher than ever, the ; Harranged for an exhibition hearing of one of his history-lessons, At this exhibition Wiman asked: ~~ "Now, boys, who is the greatest out- standing British military hero of all|* time?" 0 The: instantly stood, cheered shoutéd in chorus "Mr. Wi- man!" Lak : nesota, has found- 'which' sh that early Mormon emigrants observ- ed this remarkable animal, chancing to witness such a procession as that above described, and beholding the tragic fate of the creatures. . rrr tie 1 MARVELLOUS NEDICINE ~~ FOR LITTLE ONES Mrs. Delvina Pelletier, Ste. Perpetue, Que, writes: "I have much pleasure in stating that Baby's Own Tablets have been a marvellous medicine in the case of my baby. I have been us- ing the Tablets for four years and don't think there is anything'to equal them." In using the Tablets the moth- er has the guarantee of a government analyst that they do. not contain one particle of opiates or other harmful drugs--they 'cafiniot possibly do harm -~they always do good. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers of by Willams' Medicine €o., Brockville, Ont, y tina eet GOD BLESS YOU. a -- So I breathe a charm Lest grief's dark night oppress you. Then how can sorrow bring you If 'tis God's way to bless you? And so, not "all thy days be fair And shadows touch thee never," But this alone--God bless you, dear, So thou art safe forever, ' t Hat --Julia A. Baker. Little Mary had been sent to the store to get some ly paper. She was a long time in returning, a her mother began to feel a bit ai gr Going to the door, she spied the lit- tle girl coming up 'the street, and said; "Mary, have you got the fly-paper?" ~ "No, mother," cried Mary, "i's got me; but we're both coming tog 2 Minard's Lininient Cures "The Pen of Destiny. Sir Douglas Haig signs all official despatches and other official docu- ments with the gold fountain pen that ! was a present to his wife from Queen Alexandra, The British Commander- in-Chief devotes half an hour out of what, is often a working day of fifteen or sixteen hours to signing official documents, 'Thi is the outaide limit ' "appears that a vol- on its surface, This is drawn by a i 3 That robbed os loom: ? i-| 80 memory of deeds we've done, OW | ment on the market. mail at 256 cents a box from The Dr. | If good or ill, they still live on to fol- v low far; . ! After this earthly course is run, "To help or mar. : .~Winfield Lionel Scott, Detroit. ow Pa MINARD'S LINIMENT in my family for years, and consider it the best lini- I have found it excellent for horse flesh. (Signed) W. 8, PINEO, "Weodlands," Middleton, N.S. \To .disinfect a bathtub, scrub and scald it well,.then allow a little water to run into it and drop into this a small quantity of carbolic acid. and brush every part of the tub with this. Seed ears for next year's crop, if selected in the fleld from standing corn, may be chosen more wisely, be stored more carefully and will then pro- duce a larger yield ih return than if picked from the shock or crib. : WOMEN | IT 18 MAGIC! |. LIFT OUT ANY. CORN Apply a few drops then lift corns or calluses off with fingers--no pain, _ Just think! You Jift off any corn or ca lus without. pain or sore- ness, - A Cincinnati man dis- covered this ether com- and named it zone. Any drug- gist will sell a tiny bot- tle of freezone, like here shown, for very little cost. You apply a few drops directly upon a tender corn or callus Instantly the soreness disappears, then - short- ly you will find the corn or callus so loose that | you can lift it right off. is wonder-, It dries instantly. It doesn't eat away the corn or callus, but shrivels eu Without 'the surround! skin. corns between the toes, ul calluses, lift right off. There is no pain before or after- wards, . Jf: your druggist hasc't freezons, tell him to order a small bot- evensirritating "Hard, soft or as well as A FRIENDS. Blessing or curse the mged we've won| This is to certify that I have used | tle for you from his wholesale drug Movie A quart of canned peaches' or Bmatoes on the shelf is worth a b otting on the ground. < ---------- + BL xd § . $ {The white of \an egg when used if-. stead of water for mixing mus _{ poultices prevents the skin.from i ew a 1 tering... . io Tn Lr Veinsy Alans atdmggisty ucts Tant and 8248 "| or delivered 3 -W. F. YOUNS, P. 0, F., 618 Lymans Bidg., Montresi, @sorbluc and Absorbine, Je. are Wade Io Comb "| CUTICURA HEALS BAD CASE ECZEMA Relief Instantaneous.- Healed With 3 Cakes of Seap and 2 Boxes of Ointment, 'I was*very much annoyed by an irritation on ny back. 1 out [ had a bad case of eczema, My back was in a very bad shape, and my clothing irritated so that the skin became very sore. 1 sent forCuticura Soap and Oint- ment. Relief was instan- taneous and with the use of three cakes of Cuticura 7 Soap and two hoxes of Ointment I was healed." (Signed) B. F, Grosch, Y. M, C. A, St. Catherines, Ont., July 4, 1917. % For hair and skin health Cuticura p and Ointment are supreme. * For Free Sample Each by\Mail ad- dress post-card: "Cuticura, Dept. A, 'Boston, U. 8. A."" Sold everywhere. DR. BECK ™ A Free Prescription You Can Have ' Filled and Use at Home. | suffered eR pot EOubes, head aches, and spf | I New York.--Dr. Beck, a New York state 8] alist, and Dr. Judkins, a Massg- h an, were asked to make"a of the popular eye remedy, . Their reports were most inter- Here they are: "When my attention e wonderful eyé rem- ed to be skepti- test every new n f or the pang n eye work for the pas eve 1 am qual to ' 'the flour dry. '| cocted and bully story," Str r---------- " rowing children need more tissue. u B than do persons whose gn is completed. Milk, eggs, tissue-building foods, bu and 08gs are best for young chon, 5 # SS -- ; MONEY DERS When orderin, by mail, send a Dominion Express Money Order, Flour is apt to gather dampness if it 'rests right on the, floor. The boys can make a neat box,/a few inches high, to set the barrel or bin in. This will keep Minard's Tiniment Relieves Neuralgia. The phrase "a cock and bull "a con the latter term being derived from the Danish word bullen--"exaggerated." | NEW YORK, N,Y.-- man catia to me Not lon centur, prelimin Eg ago A who was nearly half a old and asked me to give him a ary examination for life insur- ance. I was astonished to find him with the bldbd pressure of a Day of 20 and as ull of vigor, vim and vitality as a young man; in fact a young man he really was notwithstanding his age. ' The secret he sald was taking fron--nuxated iron had | filled him with renewedlife. At 30 he was in bad health: at 46 he was careworn and nearly all in. Now at 50 after faKing ! Nuxated .Iron a miracle of vitality an: his face beaming with the buoyancy of youth, As I have sald @ hundred times over, iron is the builders. If Jeo e would only take Nux- ated Iron when they feel weak or run- down instead of dosing themselves with | habit-forming drugs, stimulants and al- coholi¢c beverages I am convinced that in this way they could ward off disease, preventing it becoming organic in thou- sands of cases and thereby the lives of thousands might be saved who now die every year from pneumonia, grippe, kid- ney, liver, hedrt trouble and other dan- gerous maladies. e real and true cause which, started their diseases was nothing more nor less than a weakened condition brought on by lack of iron in the blood. Iron is absolutely necessary to enable your blood to change food into living tissue. Without it, no matter how much or what you eat, your food merely passes through you without doing you any gdod. You don't get the strength out of it and as a consequence you be- come weak, pale and sickly looking just like a plant trying to grow in a soil deficient in iron. f you are not strong or well you owe it to yourself to make the following test: See how long you can worl or how far ou can walk without becoming tired. ext take two five-grain tablets of ordinary nuxated meat, fish, cheese and legumeg are all | t reatest of all strength | The oldest railway in between Paris and Ha built more than half a { _ XURS OVELY PERSIAN LAMB, MINK . and Dther furs by mail. olesal ces, Send for illustrated catalog 0! gains. omber's Limit Manus facturers, 420 D St. Paul Weal: Monreal MISCELLANEOUS Bs TUMORS, LU. internal and external. cured out pain by our-honie trea " us before too late. Dr. F Co., Limited, Collingwaod, Tat Jone. Dano "OTTO HIGEL" PIANO ACTION Like A Boy at 50 Bubbling Over With Vitality-- Taking : Doctor says Nuxated Iron is greatest of all strength builders-- Often increases the strength and endurance of delicate, nervous folks 100 per cent. in two weeks' time. {ron Did It again and see for you have gained. I have seen dozens of nervous run-down Joaple who were all. ing all the while, double their strengt and endurance and entirely get rid o all symptoms of dyspepsia, liver and other troubles in from ten to fourteen days' time simply by taking iron in the proper form. And this after they had n some cases been doctoring for months without obtaining any benefit. But don't take the old forms of reduced iron, iron acetate or tincture of iron simply to save a few cents. You must take iron in a form that can be sasily absorbed and as- similated like nuxated iron if you want t to do you any good, otherwise it may prove worse than useless. Many an athlete or prizefighter has won the day simply because he Knew the secret of reat strength and endurance and filled is blood with iron before he went into the affray, while many another has gone down to ingloriaus defeat simply for the lack of iron.---E. Sauer, NOTE: Nuxuted Iron, recommended above by Dr. KE. Sauer, is not a patent medicine nor sdcret remedy, but one which is well known to druggists, and whose iron constituents ars widely prescribed by emi- nent physicians everywhere. Unlike the older incrganic iron products, it is easily essimilated, does not injure the teeth, make them black, nor upset the stomach; on the contrary, it is a most potent rem edy in nearly all forms of Indigestion aw well as for nervous, run-down conditions The' manufacturers have such great confi. dence in Nuxated Iron that they offer to ourself how much ~ forfeit $100.00 to any charitable Institution if they cannot take Any man or woman, under 60, who lacks irom, and (ncrease thelr strength 100% or over in four weeks' time, provided they have no serious or- ganic trouble. They also offer to refund your money if It does not at least double {ron three times per day after meals for Say it Strengthens Eyesight *! tion of the lids and the conjunctiva was als n, { stren; 1 | stan. if do Tous Teport. Bon 2 |Opto 18 hastenin e eyeglas age in d- Deapectacied Poston." ge ey | gla two weeks, Then test your strength Dr. Beck, The Well Known Eye Specialist and Doctor Judkins, The Medical Author, Publish Astonishing Report on Wonderful Remedy To Strengthen Eyesight 50% in One Week's Time in Many Instances v the eyesight more than 50 per cent in one week's tine. I have alse usedsit with sur- prising effect in cases of work Strained eyes, ink eye, inflammed lds, catarrial con- Juncvite, smarting, painful, aching, itch- ng eyes, eyes weakened from colds, smoke, sun, dust and wind, watery eyes, blurred | vision, and in fact many other conditions too numerous to describe in this report. A new and starting case has just come under my observation, which yielded to Bon Opto, is that of a young girl, 12 years old: Two prominent eye specialists, after a thoreuglt examination of the young girl, decided in order to save the sight of her right eye, the left eye must be removed. Before permit. ting her to be operated on, the young girl's father decided to use Bon Opto. In less than three days a marked improvement was noticed. At the end of a week the inflam- mation had almost disappeared, and st the end of six weeks the eye was saved, Just think what the saving of that eye means. to this little girl. Another case fs that of a. iady pinety-three years old. She came to me with dull vision and extreme inflamma- most raw, After two weeks' use of Bon Opto the Iids were absolutely normal and her eyes are as bright as many a. girl of sixteen," Dr. Judking, Massachusetts physician, formerly Chief of Clinics in the Union Gen- eral Hospital, Boston, Mass., and formerly House Surgeon at the New England Bye and Ear Infirmary: of Portland, Maine, and medical author for many years, reports: "I have found oculists too prone to oper- ate and opticians too ling to prescribe glasses while neglectin simple formu- as which form the b: of that wonderful home treatment for eye troubles, Bon Opto. This, in my opinion, is a remarkable rem- edy fo disorders. Its success in developing and ing the eyesight will soon make asses old fashioned and the form of e baths which the Bon Opto method pro- , will make its use as common as that of the tooth brush. I am thoroughly con- that it will strengthen the eyesight at least 50 per cent in week's time in many in- 008, Tr. W. Devine, director of inspection in the Boston schools, in rt "published February 20, 1917, only 14,018 out of 89,175 ex- y to wear glasses now, a marked decrease over the his. states 5 and those who wear glasses to know that ecoraing t Dr. Dr. J there is hope and 4 y 'whose eyes were fail- gay they have had their eyes restored this remarkable prescription and many F say th have nest r the cure and prevention of many eye 'done for me. nced from my experience with Opto [7 Victims of eye strain and other eye weak your strength and endurance In ten days time. It is dispensed by all good druggists. -- Y DR. JUDKINS i { caused Wy overworked, tired eyes which ine duced fierce headaches, I have worn glasses for several years, both for distance 'and close work and without them I could not read my own name on an envelope or the typewriting on the machine before me. I can do both now and 'have discarded my long distance glasses altogether, I can count the fluttering leaves on the trees acfoss the street now, which for several years have looked like a dim green blur to me, 1 cannot express my Joy at what it has "It is believed that thousands who, wear glasses can now discard them in a reason- able time and multitudes more will be alle to strengthen their eyes so as to be spared the trouble and exp tting ons cription re: and fon opto TB of 3 fiom of water and let it disso) Wi i lula Bash hore Ci 4 00 Ls ene 0! no! 'our cl ul reep! Nt trom the start and inflammation and. a og han fittioe RL er yo " to save them now before it is 8! 1 te. ho blind t have Saved thetr slant IF they had cared lor thelr ys in time. s : i b: 11 good d " stores: also By Ge TATbID ARLE: & Co.. Toronto ;

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