Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 6 Sep 1917, p. 4

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sulted about your eyes for glasses "ati ASR NAA __ A J.Daws drugstore, Port Perry, on{j§ Pr CANADIA "Thursday, September 13. Satisfaction | * Ring guaranteed. a $k : 3 ind Spies Soni) G ar 2 'Pusthet 'pastiont L y 3 particu: is, orl, to Me and Mrs E, C. OING TRIF WEST tart from C.P.R + Kleffman, London, England a a ® { TH Ticket agents . daughter, Lina Ruth. = - - 12.00 >. FW B.HOWARD" Mrs. Kleffman was formerly Miss "TO WINNIPEG «+ Disir:6t Pass'gr. 'Lina Sonley, of Prince Albert. Rn i Hi ©... Agent Toronto Vickery--In Port Perry, Saturday, September 1, 1917, Esther Emma Warkup, beloved wife of Mr. C. L Vickery. 'SanprrsoN--In Cartwright, (Tuesday September 4, 1917, Joseph Sander son, in his 68th year. 5 Personal iA Mr George Douglas and- wife, of |. Toronto, are spending their holidays «with Mrs R P Nott. . ; : . Mrs Asling has returned to her i a 4 ? ie Ek aw home in Toronto, after spending a| . mY) at Rural School Fairs | Ye En a Foie Digasant month with her sister Mrs R radi Lie The Campbell Flour Mills Company's great offer of 10 tickets for $1. : ott: 4 f esa i | the big One-Hundred-and-Fifty-Dollar Pathe phonographs "J" Las * a TEN Miss [rene Griffen, of Rochester, is pi G7 (Five of them}) and other valuable prizes; for "the best You save 10¢ on each dollars] = ed iG i - spending a few days with her parents, : ee ¥ loaves of bread baked with Cream of the" West flour, is ~.. worth of tickets tepair Apply. at Mr and Mrs E. Griffen. ! 3 es i stirring up tremendous interest all over' Ontario, Many. * } La En Apply A TAR Orrice, Owing to the serious illness of Mrs HL a i gis sreaisealy busy 3s bees pacts wii greg of foe i £ RE : 201 ; o =H iy { : est flour, Last year many gir ared, *'Oh, i i ( Elliott the Jails ee athe 1 oy fs 2 gs \ 7 only practised, I'm sure I ih have won!' Don't wait A well assorted stock of ? : \W another day. _ Decide right now! Practise, Practise, #8 "| .CONFECTIONERY have been holidaying. Rev. John ail / A actise with Harris, in the absence of Rev J w ; ON : 5 3 CHOCOLATES Elliott, occupied the pulpit. A ies C of WW Ss V "1 re " 5 - "Mrs J A Murray fell on the stairs} . ad ek Tan the est 0 BISCUITS : the bard wheat flour that is guaranteed for bread siiand Cor at the home of her son in the city, and : fad®o brought home on a stretcher, : D : Every time you bake with'it you find out pew nalities Bn EE gh bones were b-oken,and in this flour that makes such splendid Lig loaves «f delicious . PASTRY 2 Hq s : light bread. . Practise! | pa i Mrs Murray is now recovering from y v ¥; In five districts, each comprising several con jes, we PB id eh the effects of the fall. ? THE PATHEPHONE will give away free to the winner of the first © 9 pre a ; : Five of these large cabivet plionographs, each with twelve iarge cabinet phonograph. At exch fair there wil Le given . S Mr Jobn H ilborn, of Buffalo, has records, given as fist prizes in Districe Contests. Value, $150.00, a fine list of local prizes. Port Perry Ontario ! been visiting his sister, Mrs Thomas Size 20in. X 20d. x 44 in. high. Wilson. : xe 4g : Sy Po Master Sam Griffen underwent an : Prizes Worth Trying Hard F or operation for appendicitis. Latest : 0 t he i as wel 1st Local Prige--"Girls' Own Annual," a great big The Digt-iet Prizes. --The winner of the first 'prize st Yep THs. are hat he 15 doing s well as beautifully bound, illustrated - book with 800 rh of ench loeul fui automati€illy pecties a Se anton Tor the can be expected. ' stories and articles about people. ars, animals, gardens, following District priges; » sewing, erochetig---eviry thing Just particularly infecest] 1st District Prize.-- Me "Pathephone'® x th y 1 4 . young . girls, older girls an their mothers. is is a i wi sl 3 Mr Percy: Cotrin and Miss Mar Vonderfal prise thst you can treasure fof yours a re Eu, Endless piragore au der: garet Corrin, of Toronto, spent the ond Local Prize,--"Stories of Famgus Men and Wo- ment for & hfetime, It has special reprodugr uttavh- week end in town. men," heavily cloth bound with gold "ies: many beauti- ments and needles, enabling, you to play afl kinds of flat : ful pictures Ta colors, entrancing life stories of Florence disc records of no mutter what ne I'he" Pathephone A hs % Nightingale, GFace Darling. Flora MacDonald, Jenny Lind, ' reproduces nd music, orchestra music, songs and funny Rev. R. C. Burton is visiting his 'he late Queen Victoria, and others. : pibees perfeetly ; with R oon u dozen of the famous Pathe 8rd Local : big . hand- records: "10! value, WOU. a * brother, Mr. E. C. Burton. somely bound book with man colored pictures; interesting and District Prise--SBet of Dickens' 'Works, 18 splen- stories and descriptions of the countries and the peoples didly bound volumes with man illustrations. Amon the g of Britain's world-wide Empire. books in ihe set are "Oliver Favist'® and "Old Curiosit mpe en ousema 4th Local Prige.--*'Th Queen's Gift Book 11 a book Bhop."' These are two of the most entrancing ph vi y-- 8 , 2 : a C Wanted. of stories, pictures and special articles by Britain's 'best ever Wrillen. 3 Writers; the proceeds frow the sale of this book are for 8rd, 4th, and bth Priges.-- 'Canuck" Bread mixers. Apply to Mrs. H. J. White, the the benefit, of disabled soldiers in. England; y This simple, yet Neii-made machine, takes the, bard work . ote.~Unleas the entries. number six or more only out of bread making. Insteas aborious kneading of - Canadian Bank of Commerce. first and second prizes will be awarded. Unless the the old method, aE ust put in the Ingredients, Sain the sentries number tem or more no fourth prize will be andl and the dough is thoroughly and more evenly Mr Andrew Campbell has rergmed awarded. , : h fi his trip to th TP) Zs ome. frowns' wip. 10. The Jesh _ Read Carefully Conditions of Contest where he went as far as Regina." He 4 also spent some time in the Porcupine Every girl may compete at the rural school fair in her District No. 1.--Counties of Glengarry, Stormont, Dun: mining district. district, whether or not she attends school, providing that dus, Grenville, Leeds, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington, Bor 12th Rixtliony gecurs before Noyeubier a 1917, or Carleton, Lanark, Renfrew, a er 1 a, oes not occur efore . . di 7 Mr Will Ash, Toronto, spent the One loaf of bread must be "ubmitted baked in pan about Pets Fu = Counties Sf Bastin hf rince Eaward, fi "holiday in town 7 x 5 inches and 8 inthes deep, and divided into twin . --- 4, * : " bs ' loaves, 80.that they may be separated at the fair. The District No. 3.~--Counties of York, Ontario, Peel, Hal: Joa must be baked with Oream 'of the West Flour. One- ton, Wentworth, atard, Brant, Waterloo (with a few Mr and Mrs J Cowie and daughter halt will be jndged at the Tair, The other half of the i 3 ctingion ad Ray Hewll, adioinnd : : A will he sent to Ontario Agricultural College, 0. ounties of Wellan aldima - «deft for their home in Gravenhurst on e in the District Contests. The Judging folk, Elgin, Keut, Essex; Lambton, Middlesex (with a tov Tuesday morning: 1 don: Mi x A. Purg ot. y o by) pAFmant of fairs in -- and Lincoln), - ' ing. "The local cuntest a District 5.--Counties of Bruce, Grey, Dufferin, Sim- fair will be conducted under the same rules us all the thor coe, hod Rooke Muskoka, Parry ee Hmiskaming, AL Mr and Mrs Charles Harper, of regular contests ay-your fairs. gouia, Manitoulin, ; EAN a) gar TY * "Toronto, spent the holiday with 2 Ne 2 Sundard by which bread will be judged will be THE RESULTS of the contest he tui vitve B - S \ : D eR . friends on Scugog. It was a surprise made Known otests. | The: District: oun nt al the, § 1 - = ummer ress nounced as . "as possible after the conclusion of the 4 WLI a Vo Cd ro A +to many to learn that Mr-Harper had Qolor runt ne . : : % # . 0 0 d iS joi 3 Fairs in the Province. . : : SR L joined the army of benedicts, he hav- te ont r : ; ural Sekiont : Brig : "he, : ea A es a of 2 . So'vo ates Tain nist orportonnrr vey. Bf Wiehave a few lines of Summer Dressgoodsff =~ -ing married a young lady from Strat- 3 Ye . T5ka gir! between 12 an I ford a couple of {Sous ago. Rd (b i : ke ; ds upp EEN Ha t to clearout. a "wis 1 an rs Harper every hap- oq i and prac ine nil 2 often_ss poss e crease the J RE a oh Es oh ~d vs in 1 ik snr BETERUSGIHNIEE J 10sec ad rie Mr Archie Sinclair is recovering of ARE ATID the et ibe Od.» ier, wad ry NO, COMPETITIONS IN COUNTIES NAMED RELO : ot OS 20c3d, for 15¢, Ss 4 "from his accident of a few weeks ago a ye dete ap ed. bythe BiH and parents ov Rural Sehol Pe eundtr' Bay. re Distriots of Rainy | ~~. patterns Fancy Muslins, reg. 20c yd, tor 156 when his leg was broken. name of dealer from whom rn was yer Re Thunder Boy. Shows Histricts 0 se. BR 1p. i Ee NET Be Par : "Mr Walter Cook has gone to Lind "ent io wih Dot. "oh Agmeniare BTL | [Prints at 3334 & less than present prices. «300 Canadian a jded at th if i "Te ' oe ANC ~g s Tg TEE : red a Br aks say, where he has taken a position in ois hl y "Not. mars thin gne entry may he : Por wellington Hiatiburton. Prescott Sap Prints in } ight and dark colors worth 18¢ for 12¢ +connection with the Royal hotel. iho same. family. : i and no rural achiool fairs ats held al Englis ints Jes eS RR RY Eig a nck Torus rom 1 Sh A HA 2.80 ends English Prints, lengths rom Sto 15 yds Hoi Hamid J pucker Bd pein in coun Su, sombete Sguinat it you » : v Ef ola J ~ Neg 20c yd, r.16c. RE charge al e's Het 7 : : : _after a bricf holiday, 7 HAROLD EMMERSON Successor to PEARSE & WARD 'competito! H and these POO" petition: ; gay ws Fire Insurance |5-Cresn of the West Flou is sold by the following 8 'Stock Insurance Motor Insurance}. - Wm. Sho.t, Port Perry; Hogg & Lytle, Oshawa; Plate Glass Insurance. 5 klin; fo , Claremont; A. Murrison, Life Insurance Woo OFFICE ON JOHN ST §% Bros.: Whitevale; SOHICE ON JO Chutes os.; Whitevale; Jos Bought the Business

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