Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 30 Aug 1917, p. 7

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@ bh "PRESENT PLIGHT OF THE DUAL MONARCHY. : Dependence on Germany is Entire and to Desert Would Mean Econorfiic Suicide. Political events are moving so rap- idly in the Central Empires that an article on the fate of Austria-Hun- _ gary in The World's Work is particu- larly topical. Will Austria-Hungary leave Ger- many before the end of the fight? To this the answer seems plains It would be certain political and econo- suicide for her to do so. Hence cannot, unless her people feel thé depression of hunger so desperately that they become reckless of their fu- ture. Will Austria be subservient to Ger- many after the war? And to what extent is she so now? Briefly, Austria-Hungary cannot 'help herself in the matter. Her de- - pendence is not voluntary. So far as sentiment is concerned, indeed, there is very little love lost between the two countries. For Prussia and the Prus- ; s a distinct dislike is even felt. wounds of 1866 are still smart- er fall from power, the loss of hdr supremacy in the Germany of that time, are keenly realized. Prus- sia is regarded as an upstart with the unamiable qualities of an upstart. The departed -glory of the Austria of old is deeply regretted. The Slavs of Austria bear their powerful western neighbor undisguised hatred. But needs must. Austria is firmly \ convinced that without . Germany's ; strong arm to support her she is doomed as a political entity. We all grasp the hand that is held out to us to save us from drowning, no matter whose it be; Austria's Plight. Consider the facts. Look at Aus- tria-Hungary's present plight. Aus- tria-Hungary is economically undevel- 'oped, or at least not 'sufficiently de- veloped. Her turbulent history, plus. ;.another more recent element, ie, the race strife within her borders; ac- counts for that. Of that one becomes +. BWare as soon as one crosses her fron- 8.' ar behind she is in intellectu- velopment is best seen, for. .in- , by stu her latest statis- From them it is seen that there "#¢ 'whole large provinces where: illi- ~teracy predominates. Hungary especially, though a coun- try abounding in natural resources, urgently requires capital, rmerly Paris was the money market to: which Hungary applied by preference, But owing in part to the heavy drain on French liquid resources made by Rus- _ gia, as well as to the fact that Hun- 'gary formed part of the Dreibund, that market was closed to her. That becafe very evident during the five years préceding the' war, when |' 'Hungary vainly attempted to place various loans for internal improve- 'ments in Paris. There was a financial boycott declared against Hungary by 'Thus 'Hungary, too, was ny as a finan- Less dramatic for immensely effective, work of General Brasilof, 'the moment, but been th Rus- '| sian Commander-in-Chief. The drive began on Brusiloft terri- tory, between Zlochoff (Zloczow) and Brzezany, along the Stripa River; it was begun with the armies which Brusiloff had held firmly in his own hands while he- was commander of the south-western front before his appointment as Commander-in-Chief, -{It is pertinent to ask why the Brus-|- iloff "group of armies was chosen to begin the new drive; why this group of armies was supremely ready and effective. The answer, I believe, is this: During the three perilous|. months immediately following the abdication of Nicholas IL, when the work of German agents in Russia was, at times, seemingly triumphant, Brusiloff had given orders that not one of these "Socialist" propaganda- ists should be tolerated within speak- ing distance of any of his troops-- and had seen that his orders were car- ried out. Therefore; it-happened that, while the German agents were drug- ging the Kronstadt sailors and sowing discord at Petrograd, the morale of the Brusiloff armies on the southwest front was almost wholly unimpaired, their fine discipline was almost wholly unshaken. Brusiloff intervened in_ another way, which has been indicated in the press cables, but whi®h has not, in all likelihood, been clearly understood. It will be remembered that German agents, just about the time when Nicholas descended from the throne, scattered broadcast through Petro- grad the famous "Order No. 1," ap- parently signed by the Executive General Alexander Brusiloff. Committee of Workmen's and Sol- diers' Dele oy and actually sup- ported by a few of the extremists in that ill-balanced body; its effect was practically to smash the mainspring of discipline in the, Russian army. Kerensky hastenéd at once to the Executive 'Committee and procured the publication of a modifying "Or- der No. 2," in an effort' to neutralize the damage done. But Gutchkoff, then War Minister in the Provisional Government, seemingly - daunted by the extremists, gave the official sanc- tion of the War Ministry to some of the subversive provisions of the Ger- man proclamation. 5 Soldier and Statesman, "Tmmediately ; afterward 'two events a space of three or four. lines 1 pfirst of these was a hurried visit of certain famous generals to Petr and the Provisional Government. Brusiloff was one of them. The sec- ond event. was the resignation of Gutchkoff, whose place was taken by| : Kerensky. These two comparatively | 'events are mot unconnected, | | we may surmise; they were not with- re fe on os im. © conva- Brusilof's demon, le it was but ion: question, "statesms is the fact t} at, Whi led tl were ehronicled by the cables, each in § el a ER ing men and women of to-day. only way to bring back sound, Find ©! ous health is to feed the & nerves which are clamoring for new, rich, red blood. This new, good blood can be had through the use of Dr. Wil- lame' Pink Pills, which fact accounts for the thousands of cures of nervous diseases brought about by this power- ful blood builder and nerve restorer. Through the fair use of this medicine thousands of despondent people have been made. bright, active and strong. Dr; Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all dealers in medicine, or may be had by mail at 50 cents a box of six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. A TO MY SOLDIER. Dear Love, I wanted you to'know That ever in my heart I go ~ And stand beside you, there 'Amid the noise, the flying shell; Amid the smoke; amid the Hell; I stand beside you there! My quiv'ring soul knows but - one prayer-- "Oh, keep my solder in Thy art God, stand beside him there!" ~--Maude Gordon-Roby. esr nines MILITARY CROSS HERO Capt. Willlam Stewart MacTier, who was reported recently to have been awarded the Military Cross for gal- lantry in the firing line, is a son of Mr. A. D. MacTier, general manager of eastern lines of the Canadian Pacific Rallway. pt. MacTier went to the front with the first Canadian Contin- gent and has been twice wounded, the first time at Ypres, and lately at Vimy Ridge. At the outbreak of the war, Capt. MacTier was on the ocean re- turning from Europe, and immediately on landing joined the Thirteenth Bat- talion, under Lieut.-Col. (now Briga- dier-General) Loomis, D.S.0. He went to the front with that unit and fought with it when it covered itself with glory at Ypres and Festubert. He was then wounded by shrapnel and re- turned to Montreal to convalesce. On returning to the front he was attached to Brigadier-General Loomis' staff, he having taken over the command of a brigade in the meantime. After serving in this capacity for a short time one of his feet gave out and an operation was necessary. On his re- turn to the front on this occasion he | was transferred to a Montreal High- land Battalion and promoted to his captaincy. ---- ras ns Most Wonderful Invention. A Player-Piano that transposes in thirteen tones, manufactured exclu- sively by the "National Piano Co, | Limited, will be on exhibit at the To- ronto Industrial Exposition at their booth. A 'cordial invitation is ex- tended to each and everyone interested to-examine and hear this wonderful Player. National Piano Co., Limited, City' Warerioms, 265! 266-268 Yonge St. Fish For Central Canada. Fish is to become more plentiful in the Canadian market. Hon. W. J. Hanna, Food Controller, has. inaugu- rated a special refrigerator express car service direct from the Nova Scotia coast to Toronto. This is the first step in a plan to put on a fish car express service from both Pacific and Atlantic points to supply Central Canada with sea food cheaply. p harvest the bush uit crops this year. A nian of {via women for are now ars "he von e have planted and harvested crops ever since the war started. Are the women bof Canada willing to do as much? If we wait until the fields are yellow we will be too late. The various women's | orgauisations could do much if | they, n | would organize inmedisiely. ch) Tulips; 1 | ted mow, and th e pots buried, may bad in bloom for Christmas Mts Sina ore Dnt Comfort | her special make of apple-pie. Patrick Jin to flavor it!". of great waist berries antoirely si i Li g & o i "On account of the I bs | clothing needed for ts ritish and allied armies, efforts are being made to save the antity of rags for use in | oddy mi The aid of | e | women's societies has been. invoked in conjunction with urban and rural of- ficials. The collection is largely de- pendent upon the patriotic spirit of the people, but large supplies of old clothes and rags 'will be called for. Central depots are provided for stor- age, and when enough rags are on hand for shipment they are forwarded to the district centre, where they are sorted and sold to mill owners, the profits going to the Red Cross or other war charities. An especial appeal is made to the tailors and dressmakers to keep their cuttings for' this pur- pose. Discarded clothing is separated into. three ¢ s--all wool, all cotton, and cotton wool. This method can be undeitaken in Canada by many organizations. Hitherto, owing to our wasteful hab- its, the saving and collecting of rags has not appealed to us, but the war has brought about many changes, and, it is incumbent upon all Cangdians to! do their bit toward averting the seri- ous shortages that otherwise are sure to result. POSITIVE PROOF, AMAZING RESULTS $5,000 Guarantee If We Fail. There has been a standing offer of $5,000 Reward for any case Ham-Lax and Ham-Ray fail to relieve if direc- tions are followed for three years, and more than 50,000 people have tried it successfully without a single failure. That is why the offer still holds good. Mr. Manuel Varquez, of 142 Hastings Street, Toronto, was going to have an operation for Kidney Stones two weeks ago, He tried Ham-Lax and Ham-Ray the day before the operation was to.be performed and received such benefits that he purchased a Ham-Ray Machine and one bottle Ham-Lax, with the results that to-day he is cured, Mr. Thomas Jones, of 113 Sheridan Ave., Toronto, suffered with Rheuma- tism in his heart and other parts of his body for 9 years. After trying every- thing he failed to get results until he took one treatment of the Ham-Ray Machine and used one bottle of Ham- Lax, Unsolicited he has given his testimonial. We unconditionally guarantee Ham- Lax and Ham-Ray to give rellef for Rheumatism, Paralysis, Stomach, Kid- ney and Liver Disorders. Write us at once. Explain what you think about yourself, and whether you have Elec- tric Current available or not and leave the rest to us. Address the-Ham-Lax Co., 16 King West. WIIl You Visit the Exposition ? Remember you are cordially invited to call and have your case treated free of charge, and a full explanation of what Ham-Lax and Ham-Ray will and will not do. It is well worth the visit to find out the true facts of your case. meen er emer. In hot, dry weather do not allow the flower beds to dry out, or the vegetable beds, for that matter. Beds of lily of the valley and other plants that have flowered for the are likel be forgotten. To obtain best results for the next season the plants must si cared for the remainder of this season. Turn on the hose, at least during dry weather. St. Isidore, P. Q., Aug. 18, 1894 Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. @Gentlemen,--I have frequently used MINARD'S LINIMENT and also pre- scribe it for my pdtients, always with the most gratifying results,'and I con- gider it the best all-round Liniment ex- tant. . Yours truly, DR. JOS. AUG. SIRQIS. i Pie. Patrick had called on his Betsy, and she gave him a handsome helping of was loud in its praise. "I tried a new way," said Betsy "I put a few gooseberries "Begorra!" 'cried Pateisk. "If a fi gooseberties give so g a favor by an apple-pie, what a darlint of an ple-pie it would be made o' goose- beaming. Ia #1 [110 4 PILLS J Making countless slings, Bandages and shi shirts and towels, Lint and other things. "Then Felicia took to canning, Every afingosn Cooking messes in the kitchen, Brandishing a spoon. When of beans, tomatoes, peaches, Corn and carrots she I shold! ax am hoping as Irving. BABYS GREAT DANGER DURING HOT WEATHER More stl ones dle during the sum- mer than at any other time of the year. Diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera infantum and stomach disorders come without warning and when a medicine is not at hand to give promptly the short delay too frequently means that the child has passed beyond ald. Baby's Own Tablets should always be kept in the home where there are young children: "An occasional dose of the Tablets will prevent stomach and bowel troubles, or if the trouble comes suddenly the prompt use of the Tab- lets will cure the baby. Mrs. Chas. Anderson, Minds, Alta., says: "Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine for little ones who are suffering from a weak stomach. They cured my baby when suffering from stomach com- plaint and have made her a fine healthy child'* The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. et ress Where Water Spreads Fire. The use of water in attempting to extinguish grease fires is extremely dangerous. The Lumber Underwriter reports a case where a fire started in the oil box of an engine. An employe dashed a pail of water on it, scatter- ing the burning grease, which was taken up by a revolving flywheel, throwing it in all directions, causing the plant to burst into flames in many places simultaneously. p---- Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Cheap Fish. In 1915 and 1916, Manitoba lakes produced 48,000,000 pounds of fish, 75 per cent. of which was exported to the United States. For 9,000,000 pounds of whitefish,, the fishermen re- ceived on the average b cents a pound. In some Canadian cities Manitoba whitefish sells at 16 cents a pound or more. The Food Controller for Can- ada is arranging to reduce the wide margin between fishermen and con- sumers. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Eto. Old pastures should be ploughed early if they are to be seeded to win- ter wheat or rye. .After beans or potatoes the grain may follow with only one disking. wile Qn Qe Qe Oe Oren Open Or OOO YES! MAGICALLY ! CORNS LIFT OUT WITH FINGERS You say to the drug store man, "Give me a small bottle of freezone." This will cost very little but will positively remove every hard or soft corn or callus from one's feet. A few drops of this new ether com- pound applied directly upon a tender, aching corn relieves the soreness in- stantly, and soon the entire corn or callus, root and all, dries up and can be lifted off with the fingers. This new way to rid one's feet of corns was introduced by a Cincinnati man, who says that freezone dries in a moment, and simply shrivels up the corn. or callus without irritating the surrounding skin, ~ Don't let father die of infection or lockjaw from whittling at his corns, but clip this out and make him try it. 1f your druggist hasn't any freezone tell him to order a small bottle from his wholesale drug house for you. Ne ah nb Rd Crus arin ; MONEY ORDERS It is safe to send a Dominion Ex- press Money Order. « Five " dollars costs three cents. In spraying potatoes the job may as well not be done at all unless the/' under side of the foliage and al stems are covered. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. Cinerarias must be kept moist and cool with plenty of air. : MISCELLANEOUS ) CA NCER., TUMORS, LUMPS. BTC. internal and external, cured with. ou pain by our home treatment. Write A Limited. late. Dr. Bellman Medical Collingwood. The Soul of a Piano is the Action. ist on the "OTTO HIGEL! PIANO ACTION owlouiiere With Pimples S No One Knows, Says alka. Many Nights Could Not Sleep. Cuticura Healed. 'My face broke out all over with red pimples which would fester and then a large scale would form. Many nights I could not A sleep because of the burn- , ing and itching. How I / suffered no one knows. 'My mother requested me to try Cuticura Soap and Ointment and I did AY so, Inléssthana month 1 was completely healed.' cis Rosebelle Stodalka, Rich- | (Signe mond Why not make these fragrant emolli- ents Lyour ey every- a toilet preparations? le Each by Mail a da post- a RCuticurs, Dept. A Boston, U. 8. A."" Sold everywhere. MOTHERHOOD | WOMAN'S JOY Suggestions to Childless Women. the virtues of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the "ability to . correct steril w in the cases of many women. This fact is well established as evidenced by the following letter and hundreds of others we have Published in these colums. Poplar Bluff, Mo.--*'I want other women to know what a blessing Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table otapound as been to me. We had always wanted a baby in our home but I was in poor health and not able todomy work. My ij mother and hus- : ed me . Pink- Amon, proved and I am now the mother of a Bre baby ir] ane and do al my own house work. "'~ ALLIA B. Timmons, 216 Almond St., Poplar Bluff, Mo. In many other homes, once "childless, there are now children because of the fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com akes women normel, healthy 'and stro Wri e o Lyin E. Pinkham Medi. e Co., for t h. | Di. Ferdinand King, a New York City ¥ { "There can be ho steonfy v lgorous, ro '| cheeked women without iron--! ol will increase the strength and endurance of weak, nervous, fol 100 per cent. In two ke' time {n many Ir .of metallic iron which re the teeth, co do more harm than goed, ented oy all i gocd druggists. Lynn, Mass. ad will be fidentis) and helpful. and: Medical: Authe : : an and Motion: or mye on "Aree times por day AMor Avold the 'the stomach, and ke onty organic c iron--Nuxated Iron.

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