Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 23 Aug 1917, p. 7

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nL ar ie Telp Saskatche- Sena 'Alberta within the next few 2 Save the crop! is the urgent appeal from the leaders in all the Allied " countries, In Canada, the young men of adventurous tendencies in the towns and villages of Ontario, who 'have been unablé to go ~to the * trenches, will be contributing a very| who have poor appetites; and who? real service to the cause by helping » grain growérs of the Prairie Pro- vinces gather the wheat upon which so much of the success of war opera~ © tions depends. e rates to the west are low, and wages, because of the high level of | price of wheat, are certain to be! good, if not high. Moreover, there is always th& possibility that the har- 'vester, "doing his bit," may locate a; farm in the west and settle perman- ently there. Td many young men and those more mature, in every small town in On- . tario, including our own, this appears; as a great opportunity to serve the country'in a practical way. A pleas- ant, long-distance 'train journey, and +a visit to the invigorating west, are attractions, But the crop must 1 ma a N JEWS FACE RACE WAR. Russian Element Refuse to Enlist There or Return to Native Land. There is a race war developing _in East London that promises to become bitter, says an English correspondent. ~ The east side of the world's largest leity is thickly populated with Russian Jews, who have refused nl to join 10 England's army or retyrn to Petro- grad for: service there, ey are in "bad repute with the Londoners and © the ill feeling has lately taken a men- 'acing turn. Since the 'publication of the agree _ment entered into by the British and * "Russian Governments the demands for . a cleanup of the Russian Jews. in Tons don * has grown tremendously. Governments have decided. that ol "Englishmen in Russia and all Russians | | in England shall have the choice of joining the army of. their adopted country or returning to their native land, While the measure is aimed at Russians in English terri-| in Eastern countries. Jews in England have neverthe- less responded well to the call to arms and many decorations have been won by men of Hebraic origin. = Yet "| back fr 'Pie blood ™ the body's first, line of defense. 'against disease. Strong, heal- 'thy blood neutralizes fhe poisons of in- 8. vading germs, or destroy the germs ~| themselves. That is why many people exposed, to disease do not contract it. Those. whose blood is weak and wa- tery and therefore lacking ifi defen: sive power are most liable to infec- tion. Everybody may observe that healthy, red-blooded people are less | Hable to colds and the grippe, than pale, bloodless people. It is. the bloodless people who tire easily, who are short of breath at slight exertion, wake up in the morning as tired as i when they went to bed. While women and girls chiefly suffer frem bloodless- ness the trouble also affects both boys and mbn. It simply affects girls and women ta a greater extenf because there is a greater demand upon their blood supply. To renew and build ip the blood here is no remedy can equal Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. entire system, make the blood rich and red, feed and strengthen starving nerves, increase the appetite, put col- or in the chéeks; give refreshing sleep and drive away that unnatural tired fepling, Plenty of sunlight and whole I some food will do the rest. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer In medicine, or by agall at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.60 from 'The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. fie * A Hall of Heroes. In the great War Museum which the British Government are establish- ing shortly there is to be a perman- ent record on tablets of bronze of every man and woman killed in the war or in munition works. - It will be a national memorial of Heroes of the Great War. There will also be models of every war worker from the ' Red- Cross nurse to the 'bus conductress. chute, Que., 256th Sept., Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,--Ever 'since coming | an: home from the Boer war I have been bothered with running fever sores on my legs. I tried manywsalves and lini- { ments; also doctored continuously for the blood, but got no permanent. re- lief, ¢ill last winter when my mother 'got me to try MINARD'S LINI- MENT. The effect of which was al- most magical, Two bottles complete- ly cured me and I have worked every working day since. Yours gratefully, JOHN WALSH. Games 'at the Front. "Somewhere in France" men are playing hard these days. Behind the lines they are boxing, wrestling, playing ball, competing with each other in all sorts of ath- letic exercises, squad against squad, company against company, regiment against regiment, brigade against bri- gade and division against division. It: has been found that these games, in which the competitive spirit is arous- ed among the soldiers and in which 'their physical energies are taxed to the uttermost, are of great influence in keeping the men sane and balanced | behind the linés. The games. are 'started as soon as the Soldiers come the firing line, when nerves in need of steadying and it direct the minds of the They tone up ' the Ask new channels as quickly J Ch Tnfastam am ia one of the fatal days | ajiments of childhood. It na, trouble, 1p on suddenly, during the summer months and. _ | prompt action is taken the little one | iE PIRST UiE ow DEFENSE {may soon be beyond aid. Baby's Own Tablets are an ideal medicine in ward- ing. off. this trouble. They regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus vent . all the dreaded nts. Conce them South says: "I feel Baby's Own Tablets ed the life of our baby when she cholera infantum and I Would not without them." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by, mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. teppei An Urgent Case. . Violently the loving wife shook her band's shoulder, "Wake up, Georke," she said. "The doctor has just sent Your sleeping draught. id INS Gnd Excl Ee No Smarting, Just Eye Comfort Inge The British Board of Agriculture has placed some gix hundred. farm dom. Over eight hundred plows for use with these tractors have also been purchased. : MONEY ORDERS. Dominion Express Money . Orders throughout Canada. it produces nitric-acid in the air, which destroys putrid exhalations from the earth. Orem Or Oe Ore Gries OOOO ANY CORN LIFTS OUT, DOESN'T HURT A BIT! No foolishness! Lift your corns and calluses off with fingers --It's like magic! * Or Orr Ore Orme Om: any kind of a corn, can harmlessly be lifted right out with the fingers if you apply upon the corn, a few drops of freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. For little cost one can get a small bottle of freezone at any drug store, which will positively rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain. This simple drug dries the momen it is applied and does not even irr: tate the surrounding skin while ap- plying it or afterwards, 4 This announcement will interest many of our readers. If your drug- gist hasn't any freezone tell him to surely get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house, >" CLIMBED STAIRS ON HER HANDS Toolllto Walk Upright. Operation Advised, Saved by Lydia E. -Plaklaa's Vogtable Campo, y, Ont. of tractors at work in the United King are on sale in five thousand offices Lightning is a great sanitary agent; | - Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or| d n newspapers y ---- pride that, despite all the _ | bitterness of the war, the plays ~ | Shakespeare receive first place in the theatres of Germany. Despite the | act that England has barred Wag- hers music and France has torn Ger 3 paintings from the walls of the Louvre and Italy has desecrated Goethe Memorial, "Germany looks upon art as sacred and in its cities are heard the works of Gounod, Bizet, Mo- liere, Puccini and Verdi; also George Bernard Shaw and Leo Tolstoi. ™ Of 204 performances given in the Frankfort theatre, 1916-1917, fifty- five were devotéd to the works of Shakespeare, only thirteen to Schiller and twelve to Goethe. In Frankfort, Shakespeare is revered even more than Goethe, and throughout Germany during this. war Shakespeare's plays are produced in larger numbers even than in England. The German newspapers explain that in art no nationality is taken into account. Shakespeare is regarded in Germany not as an Englishman, but as one of the world's greatest poets and dramatists, Germans look upon Shakespeare almost as their own flesh 'I'and blood, they declare. pasturage, vet the cows yield large quantities, of milk daily. Cures Canada's Waste. Hon. W. J. Hanna, Canadian Food | §3 Minard's TL 4 ALi y: "Mon (CANCER, FonoR Controller, calculates that food wast- the [ed in the garbage pails of Canada each year through carelessness and lack of kitchen economy amounts to $56,000,000 per year, About $7 per head of population LUMPS, or external, cured out our tbe reatment. ore too ae Plano "OTTO HIGEL" PIANO AOTION |-DON'T CUT OUT | A Shoe Boil, Capped Hock: or Bursitis mae "| will reduce them and leave no blemishes. Stops lameness prom Does not blis- ter or remove th mpl: and horse can be worked, $2a pottle ¢ delivered. Book 6 M free. ABSORBINE, JR.. for mankind, the Antisogtle Hniment far Bolle, Bratses, Sores, Swellings, Varicose Vi Allays Pein and Inflammation. Price $1 and $2 a bottle at druggists or delivered. Will tell you more If you write, WF. YOUNG, F. 0. F., 518 Lymans Bidg., Montreal, Can. @bsorbluc aad Absorbine, Jr., are wade in Canadd GET RID OF Pimples Quik , Easily "Wi The Soap to cleanse and puri- . fy, the Ointment ? tosoothe and heal. Nothing better for all skin and scalp troubles, as well as for every-day toilet purposes. Sample Each Free by Mail With 32-p.8kin Book. Forsam) pt Rowton, PEAY adldiietinont the rove Som 7! 75 a fon Trott ge Sesto ned of eye strain gil 2 d those who wear to | ow that Doctors now agree there is redl y_ whose eyes "had their eyed E glasses me. mi! . used" it says: "The at- seemed. hazy with or without but after Vito t this prescription for thi if Jan n- ses for several yi work, and wittoit he 1 nate fon an " 'thousands who wear ni hidcnde them id a reason- i titudes more will be able LA as ob be * gettiug 8 Dr. Howard James, late of the Manhattan State Hospital of New York and formerly Assis- tant Physician Brooklyn State Hospital, says : "Iron is absolutely necessary to en- gible your blood to change food Into iving tissue. Without it, no matter how much or what you eat. your'food merely passes through you without do- ing you any good. You don't get the atte 4 out of it, and as a consequence ecome weak, pale and sickly look- ust like a Plant trying to grow In 1 deficient Hy fron." A patient of mine remarked to me (after having been 9 a 8lx weeks' course of Nuxated Jronk ay oF over, that there stuff is ne 0 are not strong or well you owe it to yourself to make the following test: See how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets of nuxated iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. . Then test a ses how much |eured and retained its normal vision. An- ila you have foine om my own ex- perience wit! tated ron. I feel it is Dr. Beck, an eye specialist 'of mearl twenty years practice, says: "Two promi- nent eya. i Sou after a horn exam- ination o girl aged twelve, de- cided that to Jaye t the left must Yemoved. A friend ad- vised her father » ry Bon- Opto before per- mitting the opergtion, Within three ays a declded imprevement was noticeable, within a week the inflammation had almost Jsappeareq, and at the end of six weeks af anger was past and the eye saved, 1 saw the case a ala 0-day. The eye ball has perfect mo 'When she bega to use n-Opto it an in a fixed The conjunctival inflammation ha red. Her vision is now 20/30 (20/20 al as you know) as & Faingt 20/3000 he on she | began the use of Bon-Opto. An- tent, came to me suffer ng from Blephasitis arginalis with all the usua ympto; such as mornin, lutination i 4 ids Shrontd, | nun vitis an oO te. "tro eyes ha Bui, ususel expression common to A he he used Bon-Opto' and not only overcame she dis- tressing condition but so strengthened her eyesight that she was ablq to dispense with her distance glasses and her headache and neuralgia left her, In this instance LX sh ould ay her eyesight was im JRproved 100 per cent. r. Judking Saya) "While hiouss § . Reon at a New England Eye and Ear Infirmary and during man a in general dispen- sary practice, I found oculists too prone to operate and opticians too willin to Tor scribe glasses, and both inclined ect | upon. the strengthening and develo ing. o the eyesight. The success of to In strengthening the Syesight will soon make sre lasses old-fashioned. The Director of Ical Ins tiod, 3 Boston Schools report pub! bruary 20, 1917 PH oe tha Ey 14, ne is pupils out of 89,176 exam- in; glasges now, a marked decrease a the e Be ioes report. Bon- o eyeglassless age in led Bosto on." th, an ocullst of wide experience, have treated in private practice a her of werlous opthaliiy discases with Bon-Opto and am e to report ultimate recovery in both acute and chronig cases. Mr. B. came to my office suffering with an infected eye. The condition was 8o serious hat an operation for enucleation seemed imperative. Before resorting to the oper- ative method I prescribed Bon-Opto and in twenty-four hours the secretion had les- | sened, ifflammatory symptoms began to substde, and in seven days the eye was other caseof extrema convergent stab) smus (cross eyes) escaped the surgeon's knife by eo timely use of your treatmant. The med external muscles yielded to the thing and anodyne effects of Bon-Opto, g the 11ds' of secretions and act- onic. for the ayeball itself Dr 8 Bon-Opto uted ian to divee- --. 'render a surprising en: I found my Tres rema; aie strengthened, ss much he Sight be her right eye | + thei} ron Makes Strong, Vigorous, Iron Men and Beautiful Healthy Rosy Cheeked Women Gee! That there stuff (Nuxated iron) acts Itke maglo. It certainly puts the ginger of youth Into a man such a valuable remedy that it shoul be kept in every hospital and presoribe by every physician in this country." Nuxated Iron, recommended above by Dr. James, is for sale by sll good gists on an absolute guarantees of suo- Jess ang satisfaction or your money re- vaded. Doctors Tell Why They Prescribe Bon- Opto. Explain How It Strengthens Eyesight Remarkably In a Week's Time In Many Instances. to J Hastening 53 the 2 Eyogisn. np . also used it in we are Bespeciaded fos as os Ha re- sults. a few Gays, under my observa- a | tion, Ry eyes of an astigmatic case were so Jmpteved H at § Klasses have been discarded y_th Eye troub) i " of many descriptions ma Ye wonderfull mefited by the use of Opto and ben want to stren, eyes & go to ang drug store and get a bottle ol opt lets. Drop one Bon-Op tablet in 4 fourth of a lane of water an dissolve. With this is guid bathe the eyes two to four times daily. fou should notice your eyes clear up perceptibly from the start, and inflammation and red- ness will quickly disa bother you even a little it is your uty. ho take steps to save them now before it is t late. ny liopelessly blind Anight have saved their sigh if they had cared for their hn cla hom the above a ih. 7 Sow" 'Bon-Opto, {8 Wim hy ® Jai wre ft fit 5, E r. If your 'eyes le eye pensed tv all § 0 have put a ey glasses without [Giacont wy colleagues have Eton stores; 5 & Co., Toronto. rengthen Your \

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