therein as the ) ol ich for years has been the cial veda of the First Lord of the Treasury, who is commonly the Per ot Great Britain, / | G re is practically no garden about the place: The old house, as glogmy ~ and unfnviting as could possibly be imagined, looks as if it might have been dropped by accident under: the lee of the huge Foreign Office build- ing just across Downing street. But none the less Downing street is the headquarters of the British Em- and 10 is the residence of the "says a writer in the New Sun. I wonder how many Amer- - jeans; or for that matter Britishers, 'know that Downing street was named after an American, - It was. A ether Sir George Downing was actually -born at Salem, Mabs., it not quite certain, The records in Massa- chusetts and the histories in England ave been searched with great care thout making the matter quite cer- "tain. But jt is pretty well established "that he wis born in Old 'Salem, and there is no doubt he was the son of Em: el Downing of Salem and his Ma nas a sister of Gov. : N achusetts, Appar- a lo ng ron ot highly esteem- hy st by some is contempor- if, "The editor of the Calendar of Treasury Books (1660-1667) charact- erizes him as a "double perjured trait- or," but admits he was "a most_cap- . able official." oo This enterprising New Englander, . who managed to occupy an important , post in the Cromwellian army and afterward to make his peate with Charles II. and to serve the State with * something of distinction and a good deal of profit to himself under the Restoration, may or may not have deserved. the reputation he enjoys among some English historians, Peo- ple who have read Pepys's Dairy will perhaps not ear ize he Dowie to whom frequent references are made Sir George Downing _ who Succeeded in giving his name to the headquarters of Britannia. : ih Close to It. Little Girl--Did yow ever dream of g iNRheaven?. Nel oy--No, not exactly, but I once that I was right fin the if a big apple dumpl for T Hl | Many people'seem able to drink tea and coffee for 'a while without 'appargnt ergy but when healt ) e follows, even though slight, it is wise to nvestigate. | Bless the Ig Tan, « "And the grain!" ------ "Louise Driscoll, i New York Times. itr THE STORY OF THESTAIRS Every time you go up stairs you can tegt 'your state of health--the eondi- tion of your blood. Do you arrive "at the top of the stairs breathless and distressed ? Does your heart palpitate Do'you have a pall your side ? Perhaps you even have to #top half way up, with Iimbs trembling and head dizzy, $00 exhausted to go fur- ther without resting. These are un- (failing signs of-anaemia. As soon as our blood becomes impov ed or pure' the stair-case becomes an 'in- strument of torture. When this is so {you are unfit for work; your blood is watery and your nerves exhausted, you are losing the joy ofan active break down and decline. In this con- dition only one thing can save you. You must put put new, rich, red blood into your veins without further delay and so build up your blood anew. To get this new, rich blood give Dr. Wil- Hams' Pink Pills a fair trial, and they will give you new vitality, sound health, and the power to resist and throw off disease." For mare than a generation this favorite medicine has i been in use throughout the world and | has made many thousands of weak, despondent men and women bright, active and strong. : You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for Co, Brockville, Ont. a i ete ' DEVICE FOR FISH-CATCHING. -_-- Will" Scoop Up 60,000 Pounds Per © Hour, Freeze nd Pack Them. To catch fish like a whale gets them & machine has been invented by a Brooklyn man to bring in 60,000 pounds of sh in an hour without pack them by the simple ope tion of a few levers. He is now organizing a company to build fishing boats from plans he has drawn. The boat pushes befort it a~"huge scoop to which the fish are attracted at night by powerful searchlights. From the narrow end of the scoop a body of the boat, where they are sorted 'and are chrried by lateral con- veyors to ie refrigerating and cann- ing rooms. ai A i "The method of operating the fish- ing machine is described as follows by its inventor: "Three large searchl to light the water ten.miles ahead of the boat. "As our -speed with the scoop in position will besabout ten | miles an hour it will give the fish 'a full hour to get jnto line. : "Ag the ray of light is very wide at the farther end and becomes constant- ly narrower as the boat approaches {anid as the width of the light is re- Sused go gradually as to permit all fish in the vicinity to / be drawn into the narrow strip of water cover- dg directly in front "of in roo, fish which have ga. "| years. olently life and paving the way for a further |' $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine) t, line or bait and then fr and | coniveyer carries "them up into the re ights are used will | running ov no one but serva have occupied palatial "Ravenscrag," one of the show places of Montreal, for the two Situated 'on Pine dvenue, on the slope of the mountain overlooking the city, it is one of Canada's most gorgeous homes. Even now its con- servatories ar for the delight of flower lovers. Sir Mon! is the son of Sir Wugh Allan, one! of the founders of the Allan Line, which was taken over some time ago by the C.P.R., but which still retains its name. Besides being president of the Merchants Bank, Sir Sir Montagu Allan. Montagu ig a director of a dozen of Canada's big corporations. He is an enthusiastic horseman, having on more than one occasion annexed the Toronto Queen's Plate. ~ He is in the million- given large donations to public charities. ii WAITING IN VAIN. For the Master Who Will Never Re- turn From the Battlefield. Somewhere in France a dog waits-- has been waiting since August, 1914-- for the return of his master, and the fatter willmever return, for he lies sleeping whefe he fell--in one of the first battles of .e war. The story is told os igaro.. A peac- ant from the de Dome joined his regiment at Riom when the mobiliza- tion began. He took his dog with him and they were inseparable~until the day came for the-man to leave for the front. When the train steamed away, Canon, for that was the dog's name, remained looking wistfully at it as it 'spot on the horizon and then disap- peared, carrying his master out of his sight for ever, . But Canon's fai his master's love to reunite them one day is stronger than the will' Ha- tions, and he refuses to leave fhe sta- tion at Riom. Upon the arrival of each train he dashes out on to the tform, runs first to the locomotive and then scampers from" iage to carriage, looking for the object of his affection--until the whistle blows and he is left to gaze wistfully, as he did once inct0de, oi A cup inverted in the centre of a meat pie will keep the juice from ' 2 | open every Saturday aire class several times over, and has |' receded, dwindled away to a mere| th in the pofver of | | the French. HRT FIRS RL LORE] rl LIL RTT HALEY ri Nl (LJ a dress of taffeta, -foulard or satin rimmed with organdie. The illustra- tion shows a dress of soft taffeta with collar, lapel facing and even pockets of this sheer material. McCall Pattern No, - 7869; Ladies' Service Dress; two-piece skirt in 88 op 86-inch length. In 7 sizes; 84 to 46 bust. cents. : Phis pattern can be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co, 70_Bond St. Toronto, Dept. W. re fee Serious Matter. Doctor--I'm afraid you are goipg to be ill. I shall have to examine your heart. Betty (who isdn love)--but--but, doctor, you are discreet; aren't you? When Your Eyes Need Care Use Murine Eye Medicine. NoSmarting--Feels ne --~ Acts fokly. hil] it for Red, Weak, Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine ie unded by our Ocnlists--not a 'Patent Medloine"--but used in successful Physicians' tice for many years. Now dedicated to the Publica and sold by Druggists at 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tube fe and 0c. Write for book of the Eye Freé. Murine Eye Remedy Company, Chicago. Adv, Up to Him. A party of workmen were sitting in a group one winter evening discuss- ing the various North Pole expedi- tions. Finally pne quiet member of the party was appealed to. "Well, what do you think of Pat?" . "I think that the man that put the pole out there ought to go and get it, and not have them looking for it," re- plied 'Pat. ity l Z 1 bought a Horse with a supposedly incurable ringbone for $30.00. Cured him with $1.00 worth of MINARD'S LINIMENT. and sold him for $85.00. Profit on Liniment, $564. MOISE DEROSCE, Hotel Keeper, St. Phillippe, Que. Keep Young. Avoid worry, hurry "and getting flustered. Learn self-control. rapid wrinkle-bringer. Be temperate. "Moderation does not only refer to the stomach. Overdo- ing in any way makes premature age. Love the open air. French air 'is not a fad, it is a necessity if one would keep young. - Get plenty of sleep. Nothing lines the face like nights of wakefulness. Keep mentally alert. An intellec- tual back number adds years to her seeming age.. Nothing makes for youth like & young mind save, per- haps, a ome heart. 'Don't let: yourself get sluggish and indifferent. =~ Here is where the bene- fit of massage, physical culture and Anger is 2 |a vital interest in life comes in. -- i$ "For Them IDid It In France last year I went along iC DF said Premier Jody Jeorgedn @ recent speech, ai "met one of the finest generals in the French Anuye-Ge neral A he said: "One of my soldiers a few ays ago did one of the most gel ; 3 da To be quite up to 'date one must own |' Price, 20 But T want that corn For to show its head KEEP CHILDREN WELL DURING HOT WEATHER Every mother knows how fatal the hot summer months are to small chil- dren; Cholera infantum, diarrhoea, dysentry and stomach troubles are rife at this time and often a precious [little life is lost after gnly a few hours illness. The mother who keeps Baby's Own Tablets in the house feels safe. The éccastonal use-of the Tablets pre- vents stomach and bowel troubles, or if trouble comes suddenly--as it gen- erally does--the Tablets will bring the baby safely through. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Willams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. tr MY SONG. God gave me a little song To sing upon the way; Rough may be the road and long, Dark may be the day; Yet a little bipd can wing, Yet a little flower can spring, Yet a little child can sing, L_ Make the whole world gay. i --Laura E. Richards. mt ---- It is doubtful if any of us realize the need that there will be for meat and live stock in the European countries lafter peace is declared. Canadian ' ducts will be in demand. It behooves the Canadian, breeder and feeder to grasp the opportunity and produce a maxi- mum of live stock when prospects are so good for continuous high prices. No better outlet for the best of his stuff can be found than at the auction sale of the Eighth Annual Toronto Fat Stock Show, Union Stock Yards, December 7th and 8th next. Defined. Willie Willis--Pa, what's a "Jack of all trades?" Papa ' Willis--Generally. a fellow who can produce everything except re- sults. \ Minard's ent Cures Garget in Cows Bees Use Telephone Box. Trouble on the telephone lings cen- tering at Port Byron, N.Y., was found recently to be caused by a swarm of bees that had taken possession of the hive. When the seat of the trouble was discovered the bees had already started the making of comb in a corn- er. of their new home. The prob- lem of. ousting the undesirable ten- ants from the telephone box was solv- ed by stuffing the cracks with cotton saturated with carbon disulphide, which suffocated the bees. Poor tea that can be sold at a low price is most extravagant in use. A little good tea, like Salada, makes many more cups; hence it's real economy, To shine boots quickly do not blacken, but rub on a piece of orange and let the juice dry in; then polish with a soft brush and they will shine like a mirror. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds. Eto. An automobile which can be used as a fire engine, a street sweeper or sprinkler, or as a six-ton freight truck is in use in a European city. a I a] WOMEN HIT IS MAGIC! LIFT OUT ANY CORN I Apply a few drops-then lift corns or calluses off with A fingers--no pain. Oe Qe Orr Omron Qe Q mee Gre Qt Oren Qe Opec pee). Just think! You can lift off any corn or cal- lus without pain or sore- ness. A Cincinnati man dis- covered this ether com- pound and named it freezone. Any drug- gist will sell a tiny bot- tle of freezone, like here shown, for very little cost. You apply a few drops directly upon a tender corn or callus. Instantly the soreness disappears, then short- ly you will find the corn if you can lift it right off. lf} Freezone is wonder- ful. ¥ re a sn't éxt away ord or 'callus, but up breeding stock and Canadian meat pro- terminal box and were using it as a| ll or callus so loose that | It dries instantly, | 'the ¢ Order. your money back, > A motor car manufacturer was fond of naming his cars after flowers. "I think of. calling that new car," he told a friend, "the 'Crimson Rambler.'" The friend, who had been out on the new car, suggested, pawkily; "Why not call it the: 'Virginia Creeper?'" Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Get: your binder twine in now. Most dealers have their-supply in and they may not be able more. Get yours now and then you will have it. MISCELLANEOUS CANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS; ETC. internal and external, cured with out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited. Collingwood. Ont. The Soul of a Plano is_the Action, Insist on the "OTTO HIGELY PIANO ACTION BOOK ON DOG DISEASES Matled free to any address by the Author 0 118 West 31st Street, New Y. of delicate, nervous, rundown people 100 $100 fortelt Sf tt 'orfe t. FORFEIT planation in large | article soon to appear in this paper. Suffered Three Weeks - With Chapped Hands. . Cuticura Soap and Ointment Healed. signed statement recently re- ceived from Miss Gladys Que., Nov. 29, 1916. How much better to prevent for every-day toilet purposes, the Soap to cleanse and purify -the now and then as needed to soothe and heal the first signs of eczemas, ' will use no other once you try these super-creamy emollients! d -card: "'Cuti Dept. Boston, U. 8. A" uous Dent. A | AND BLUES Symptoms of More Serious Washington Park, Hl.-- "I am the mother of four chil and have suf And How to Feed H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. increases strength ml per cent. in ten days fails as per full ex- | Ask your doctor or druggist about . Sore and Unsightly. Above are extracts from a Hambleton; Roxton Falls, such suffering by using Cuticura pores, with touches of Ointment rashes, dandruffand pimples. You For Free Sample Each by Mail ad- NERVOUSNESS Sickness. Jf lost or stolen, you get.