Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 26 Jul 1917, p. 7

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23 = x : animals. = Had anything of that sort : PAIN? NOT A BIT! * _LIFT YOUR CORNS. 5 '1 OR OCALLUSES OFF No humbug! Apply few drops then Just lift them away "with fingers, a © This new drug is an ether compound discovered by a Cincinnati chemist. 4 and can now be ob ® tained in tiny bottles as here shown at very Httle cost from any drug store, Just ask Bid ae Apply 8 drop or two directly up on a tender corn or cal Sus _and«ifstantly the sore! ~~ disappears. 8 ly you will ind the corn or callus so loose that you can Hft it off, root and all, with the fingers. | Not a twinge of pain, ll 'soreness or irritation; not even the slightest fl smarting, either when { applying free or i} afterwards. This drug doesn't eat ! up the corn or callus, aes "but shrivels them $0 y loosen and come right out. It is humbug! It works like a charm. a few cents you can get rid of AN OPERATION VERTED jm a my side {acter '| the best, of his awkward *|'the dark It is called freezone, ed on through. the "Suddenly he felt on Boe chast, and v In the darkness, Te id he could dimly see ine of the lion's mane. f ning of its cage and the huge trainer of long experi- 8 Muep that this lion was) red. So he decided at once animal up. For the are the place with the situation. ortunately, no trouble broke out . the lion and' the ther Hon until the 'the man would never have lived to tell the tale. * Druard quietly untied a sash that he wore round his 'body and placed it Yound Je Jon's neck. Then groping hig wa; ug! and Solting his he succeeded in fastening the other end of the sash to the handle of the door. At the fiext station he sounded the alarm, and when lights were brought led the lion back togts cage. / 1ISUMMER HEAT. HARD ON BABY ous to the life of little ones as ig the summer. The excessive heat throws the little stomach out of order 80 quickly that unless prompt aid is at hand the baby may be beyond ail human help before the mother realizes he is 111. "Summer is the season wher diarrhoea, cholera infantum, dysentry and colic are most prevalent, Any one of these troubles may prove deadly if not: promptly. treated. During the summer the mothers' 'best friend 18 Baby's Owi Tablets. They regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach and keep baby healthy. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26_cents a box from The Dr, wil- lame' Medicine: Co., Brockville, Ont. ee pes "Buy by weight. = Disregard the measure, . Insist upon correct weight. Patronize a responsible merchant. By insisting on full .weight you obtain the full amount of food for which you are paying. c ' No season of the year is so danger-|' accompany this condition, and ¢ vousness is often present. ; 8 The remedy for this condition is to build up the blood; and for this pur: pose there is no medicine cin equal Dr. Willams' Pink Pills. 'They build up and renew the blood, bring brigh ness to the eyes, color to the ch and a general feeling of renewel health and energy. ~The only other treatment needed is plenty of sunlight, moderate exercise and good, plain: food. The girl or woman who treatment a fair trial will. Ee enjoying perfect pS You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills' from any dealer in medicine, of by mail post paid at 50 cents a box or six' boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams" Medicine Cox, Brockville, Ont. RUSSIAN: ROYALTY" IN «PRISON | How the Deposéd Czar and His Family Spend Their Time. The former czer of all the Russias is not Tman of resource, says the Lon- don Mail, and he is feeling horribly bored with nothing to do but to water his flowers and talk to the wife of his bosom on the telephone--in the pre- sence of a guard. He is allowed: to see his children, but also only under supervision. One of his girls became so. unhappy at his. plight--it is the Grand Duchess Marie, who dotes on him--that she had a nervous break- down. x ; The other girls, with the czarevitch) try to keep up their spirits with tennis and lessons and 'music. Tatiana, the gbeond girl, has quite a lovely voice and'is as musical as her brother." Had her lines been cast in other places she might have made her fortune as a prima donna. As it is singing means good fun to her. Those who have come in contact with the czarevitch feel very sorry for his life. . H® was patriotic above all things, and it was a passion with him to stay with his father at headquar- ters. Although he had been rather a terror as boys go before the war, his keenness to serve made him behave well, and the officers of the chief staff, instead of finding him a nuisance, say that he was as willing to do his bit as any common or garden scout boy. He was found one day tearing up the photographs of all his German re- latives. - When he came to that of the Grand Duke of Hesse he sent for "This is to certify that fourteen years ago I got the cords of my left wrist nearly severed, and was for about mine months that I had no use hand, and tried other Liniments, also doctors, and was receiving no benefit. By a uasion from a 'I got MIN 'S LINIMENT od one bottle completely cured me, and have been using MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT in my family ever (since and find it the same as when I first used-it, and would never be with- out it. ISAAC E. MANN. Aug. 81st, 1908. Metapedia, P. Q. -- IN BLIGHTY.. Oh, to be in Blighty, Now that summer's there! But I can't-get back to Blighty, "For the U-boats won't play fair. So I lie in this long, white ward, and © dream © {Of the old home farm and the plough- ing team, the sweet flowers starring the hillside brow ~ | In Blighty+now! Oh, to be in Blighty! I'm broken, blind, and sore. My heart sure aches for Blighty, "And I'm tired of blood and war. And ; And I think of the stone-paved village Blighty--now! be in Blighty, that summer's there! can't get back to Blighty, or the U-boats won't play fair . "TI shift the arm that they're try- his youngest sister, who is his chief pal. "Look here, Nastia," he said, "can I tear up mother's brother?" "Of course," said Nastia; "as he's a Ger- man!" Together the two children tore the photograph fo bits and stamp- ed them under foot, cheering wildly as they did se. , ee L ~ Wanted to Be There. 1 like to have vacation," said Tony. "We can't get along very well with- out you," said the boss. "You don't need a vacation. You'll only blow in your money and come back broke." "1 like to have vacation," persisted Tony. "I get married, and I kinda like to be there." Whole Wheat | and skillfully blended and processed fc le as well as a great body. brain Mizard's Liniment Cures Colds. ing fre > y 'blood. Phe safe 'Headache and backache frequently gives. the poor little chap for the change im PNA 2 fishes eat lit~ big, hose : ny = 3 ope the ina" © "But how do oto. One way" to prepare rice is to put $i it in a cotton bag and drop the same into a kettleful of boiling water. -- MONEY ORDERS way to send oigy by mail" is by Dominion Express Money Order. Run a spade down around the roots 'of cosmos plants to check rampant growth and to forée them into flower. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. MISCELLANEOUS Sf CANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, BTC. 0 a internal and external, cured with- ut 'by our home treatment. Write A before too late, Dr. Bellman Medical ., Limited, Collingwood. Ont. St "'}. Book oN DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mafled fee to , S03 addins by H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. 118 West 31st Street, Now York Plonser Dog Remedies. Stall If Be alr or Notialr A Cutlcura Soap -- ceded by light touches of Cu- ticura Olnt- arrget falling _ hair and pro- mote a heal. thy scalp. paolo ge 22 UCutloura, Revs. N, Boston, U. 8. A Sold every You (iid . Is A \ DR. BECK | A Free Prescription You Can Have / Filled and Use at Home, r. Beck, a New York state and Dr. Judkins, a Massa- physician, were asked to make a est of the popular eye remedy, Their reports were most inter- 3 k Jepe my attention was first called to the wonderful eye rem- , Bon Opto, I was inclined to be skepti! , I make It a rule to test every new ntyhich is brought to my attention, Ha specialized in eye work for the past twenty years, I belleve I am quall to express an tuisligent oplilon oh Semedioa a] able eyes; 'Since Bon Opto has 14 such a sensation throughout the % road States and Cana I welcomed 'the Practice ote tit FE i n to use it Tit a r ago ma { to 8 "at the rotita obtaine that I hesitate to tell of my ex- are s ence for fear it will sound- incredible. me of the results I have accomplished with Bon Opto not only astonished my; self about it. I have had many indlvid- who had worn glasses for years for ness, near-sightedness, astigma- othet eye weakn tell me they nsed with them thro : RIA CRl T d Telantion: and. at ve Boi 3 and de- ek mans. 1 adyise er. - 1 advise to study Bon 8h nm clusion i method ; y eye b DPOS- wi treatment 1s so application that it can be used Auyone of a 1 od | Next to its | |new and startling case has but also other physicians with whom I have] O hs ; uniqie flavour, the economy. of Salada Tea has been the reason for its enormous sale. "Saving the Glove. - When one or both fasterners of a glove have pulled out, darn the hole and sew an ordinary dress snap near the old fastening g and the glove is use- ful again. ye st Eye » : tt! Savers cris EyeFreeatk Druggists or Murino Eye Co. Chicago ------ Propellers made of pressed steel, Tacquered to ' give them perfectly smooth gurfaces, are the last word in airplane ¢onstruction. 3 Minar's Linfment Cures NEW JOR: N. Y.--Not long ago a man came to me who was nearly half a century old and-asked me to lye him a preliminary examinatibn for life insur- ance. I, was astonished to find him with the blood pressure of a boy of 20 and as full of vigor, vim and vitality as a young man; in fact a young man he really was notwithstanding hig age. The secret he sald was taking iron--nuxated iron had filled him'with renewedlife. At 30 he was in bad health; at 46 h and nearly all in. Now at 50 after takin Nuxated Irn a miracle of vitality an his face beaming with the buoyancy of over, iron is the greatest of all strength builders. If people would only take Nuxe ated Iron when they feel weak or run- down instead of dosing themselves with habit-forming drugs; stimulants and al- coholic beverages I am convinced that in this way they could ward: off disease, preventing it becoming organic in thou- sands of cases and thereby the lives of thousands might be saved who now dle every year from pneumonia, grippe, kid- ney, liver, heart trouble and other dan- gerous maladies. The real and true cause which started their diseases wa nothing more nor less than a weakened condition brought on by lack of iron in the blood. Iron is absolutely necessary to enable your blood to change food Into living tissue. "Without it, no matter how much or what you eat, four food merely passes through you without doing you any good. ou don't gét the strength out of it and as a consequence you be- come weak, pale and sickly looking just like a plant trying to grow in a soil deficient in iren, If you are not strong or well you owe it to yourself to make the following test: See how long you can work or how far £4 without becoming tired: five-grain tablets of ordinary nuxated iron three times per diy after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength the eyesight more than 60 per cent in one week's tine. I have also used it with sur. prising effect in cases of work strained eyes, ink eye, inflammed lids, catarrhal con- Jun tes, smarting, painful, aching, itch~ ng eyes, eyes weakened from colds, smoke sun, dust and wind, watery eyes, blurred vision, and in fact many other conditions too numerous to describe in this report. ust come under, my observation, which yielded to Bon Dpto, is that of a young girl, 12 years old, Two prominent eye specialists, after a thorengh examination of the joule girl, decided in order to save the sight of her right eye, the left eye must be removed. Before permit- ting her to be operated on, the young girl's father decided to use Bon Opto. In less than three days a marked improvement was noticed. .At the end of a week the inflam- mation had almost disappeared, and at the end of six weeks the eye was faved. Just think what the saving of t éye means to this little girl. Another case iy that of a lady nitiety-three years old, She came to me with dull vision and extreme inflamma- tion of the lids'and the conjunctiva was al- most raw, After two weeks' use of Bon Opto the lids were absolutely normal and ber eyes are as bright as many a girl of sixteen." ) Dr. Judkins, Massachusets physician, formerly Chief of Clinics in the uh on Gen- eral Hospital, Boston, Mass. and formerly House Surgeon at the New Eagland Rye and Bar Infirmary of Portland, e, and medical author for many years, orts ! #1 lave found oculists Xe prone to oper- ate and opticians too wi Jind to prescribe lasses while neglecting the bimple formu- as which form the basis of that wonderful home treatment for eye troubles, Bon ogto, in my opinion, is a remarkable rém- edy for the cure and prevention of many eye disorders. Its success in developing and ening the eyesight will soon make sses old fashioned and the form of ye aths which the Bon Opto method pro- vides, will make its use as common as that of the tooth brush. I am thi roughly con- vinced from my experience with n Opto that it will strengthen the ey t at least 60 per cent in one week's time an, - stances. Dr, W. H. Devine, 'director of Jeaical inspection in the Boston schools, in is 'report published Februury 20, 1017, stateg -that only 14,016 out of 89,176 ex- |nmined, need to wear glasses now, a marked decrease over the previous re . Bon is hastening the eyeglassiess age in ectacled Boston." 8 of eye strain and other eye weak- nesses and glad to know that according to Dr. Bec! d Dr. Juking, there is real hope and hep for them, any whose eyes were fail ing say they have had thelr eves restored by. this remarkable prescription and many : yré glasses say they have thrown them away." One man Bays, after using ft: "Iwas almost blind. Could not see to read at/all. Now I can thing not Pain dreadftill a L It wns liken who used it says: " i hazy with or withodt glasses but after using. this prescription for 16 diyR. every thive: 1 can read "even fine print urt any more. At night they wi Nosy irecle to me. atmosphere seen 6 was careworn youth. As I have said a hundred.times ' | prove those who wear glasses will bef, read every- | "without my glasses and my eye do it they feel fine all the' A lady same object at the sa built by a Swiss optician. "OTTO HIGEL" _PIANO ACTION Bog Spavin or Thoroughpin but you can clean them off promptly with ABSORB TN REE TE : and you work the horse same ti Does not blister or remove hair, $2.00 per bottle, delivered. Will tell hou more if you write. Book 4 M free. ABSORBINE, JR the antiseptic linimime for mankind, reduces Varicose Veins, Ruptured Yor, Hom, ie, hl eg a bottle at dragon or deliverods | . WF. YOUNG, £. D. F., 616 Lymans Bidg., Montreal, Cane ad A Jr. are mado fo Canades Like A Boy-at 50 Bubbling Over With Vitality-- Taking Iron Did It ~ Doctor says Nuxated Iron: is greatest of all strength builders-- Often increases the strength and endurance of delicate, nérvous folks 100 per cent. in two weeks' time. again and-see for { you have gained. I nervous run-down sople who were all- ing all the while, double their strength rand endurance and entirely get rid of all symptoms of dyspepsia, liver and | other troubles in from ten to fourteen | days time simply by taking iron in the proper form. And this after they had In some cases been doctoring for months without obtaining any benefit. But don't | take the old forms of reduced iron, iron 'acetate or tincture of iron simply to save |a few cents. You must take iron In & | form that can be easily absorbed and as- similated like nuxated iron If you want it to do you any good, otherwise it may worse than useless. Many an {athlete or prizefighter has won the day simply because he knew the secret of | great strength and endurance and filled his blood with iron before he went into ! the affray, while many another has gone | down to Inglorious defeat simply for the 'lack of iron.---E. Bauer, NOTE: Nuxuted Iron, above by Dr. E. Sauer, is not a patent medicine nor sacret remedy, but one which is well known to druggists, and whose iron constituents are widely prescribed by emi- nent physicians everywhere, Unilke the older Incrganic iron products, it is easily assimilated, does fot injure the teeth, make them black, nor upset the stomachi on the contrary, it Is a most potent rem- edy in nearly all forms off Indigestion as well as for nervous, run-down conditions. The manufacturers have such great confi dence In Nuxated Iron that they offer to forfeit $100,00 to any charitable institution if they canfiot take any man or woman, under 60, who lacks iron, and increase thelr strength 100% or over in four weeks time, provided they have no serious ore ganic trouble. They wiso offer to refund your money if it does not at least double your strength and endurance in ten days' time. Tt is dispensed by all good druggists. ---- ourself how much recommended Dr. Beck, The Well Known Eye Specialist _and Doctor Judkins, The Medical Author, Publish Astonishing Report on Wonderful Remedy To Strengthen Eyesight Say it Strengthens Eyesight 50% in One Week's Time in Many Instances DR. JUDKINS caused by overworked, tired eyes which in duced fierce headaches. . I have worn glasses for several years, both for distance and close work and without them I could not read own name on an envelope or the typeyridug on the machine before me. ah do both now and have discarded my ong distance glasses altogether /1 can count the fluttering leaves on the (reed across the street now, which for several years have looked like a dim green blur to me. I cannof express my joy at what it bas dope for te." "It is believed that thousands who wear glasses can now discard them in a reasgn- able time and multitudes more will be able to strangthen thelr eyes 80 as to be spured the trouble and expense of ever getting glasses, Eye troubles of many descriptions may be wonderfully benefited by the use.of this Fescription at home. Here is the pre- scription: to any active drug store and ot 1 bottle of Bon Opto tablets. Drop one n Opto tablet in a fourth of a glass of water and let ib dissolve. With this liquid bathe the eyes two to four thes daily. You should 'motied your eyes clear up perceptibly right'from the start and Inflammation and 8s will quickly disappear, If your bother you even a little, it is your duty jo take steps to, save Sheu, how Desore it is 0 ny hopeles: nd might have saved thetr Sight i they faa cared for thelr Stmer eyes dliother {nent A cle Esl ? prescel ton. tu hown t ej Bc luiiats scribed br A "Fue used in my Lowi e on putients whose eves strained 1 'overwork or it : o 4 Tob re Jar. use in r Band to ferred turers Rt to Riri than vealgnt - Tipu a" tim % money. It ta disp. without glasses." Another who ured ft says: "5 was bothered with eye stu! "or rel the by all wood drugeiats, including general gtores; algo by G. Tamblyn and T. Eaton Co.. Toronto. ave seen dozens of In many '1. ised NE

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