Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 27 Jun 1917, p. 1

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- ORVAL BYER * Druggist Sn duh {of habit {has been cleared of snares. To them, '| are not as:these only serve to intensif} . +"Clover Leaf cups -and saucers, on sale to-morrow, $1.75 per dozen. - Plain white $1.40. «+ - : On Thursday, July 5, we will sell 15 Indian made Clothes Baskets regular $1.00 for 69¢ ~ "SJ. F. MeCLINTOCK OUR MOTTO "Service and Quality" i When you need 'meat, you need choice "# "meat. Do you realize what this means to you? Cail and convince yourself or phone nL © Bell 29. B G. =f] of our subscribers ll | served by the change. | Roads and Bridges brought in a il | ation of the County Council the, ll | roads to be taken over by the County Il | Good Roads System. We have not ; || cing on Townline between lots 18 and Ly & - ul : i north of Port Perry; thence northerly ARKET, P ORT P ERRY i noith easterly to the Townline he- Pe cole Iden Ie || tween Reach and Mariposa; thense | | centre of the lot north of Pinedale SINGLE COPIES 6c, 'No. 2 ere regular total attendance of 730, and an aver- age sixty. 'During the year four ad- dares h off broken, | pathway | § In the affairs of nations we have '| part that enables us to hold ourse! | with dignity.. We are playing our like citizens true and noble: The lives of our heroes breathe®into us 'new spirit--Iless selfih, wi stronger and cleaner: 'purpos Meanness is hounded and condemn that our fr 'may be more than ever before, Those whose ideals the noblest in the great majority of the people. A & J Crowning the structure that Canada bas raised for freedom and nobiltty is At this opportune moment, when cedent or party ties, her greatest desire' being the betterment of social condi-! tions in her home land. Canada is ridding herself of intem- party, y § golden jubilee is most fitting and, hopeful. The road is open for wons derful national achievement. It will { courage and hope, and can lead us to known in any age. A Change in Day of Publication We have decided to change the day | of publication of the PORT PERRY| STAR from Wednesday to Thursday of | each week, commencing Thursday, | July 12, as we believe that the interests will be better ty : "Designated" Roads The County Councii Committee on 1eport recommending to the consider- | room to publish the report in full, but print those parts that are of local interest. REACH TOWNSHIP The old Nonquon Road commen- 19, at the front of the concession, and easterly to Seagrave; thence northerly on said County line to the sideline. Centre Road, starting at a . point. between lots 12 and 13 at the Sai Township of Western ] east to Ep over forty inches in width, with pro.' which was held at Woodyvill, June 15 d- | jecting crags and sharp turns. My | horse, no doubt recalling the fate of | pack animals who had struck the wall rare Lod. : with their loads and had fallen into | s 22 - the, t : e of trophe by.keeping to the very edge, so, that free= Miss E Collins, Nurse Hooey and "| were sent to eleven homes, and con- # sent in case of illness or bereavement ramongst members. The io people is for Sacrifice; Library was used 6 months and eléven maintained--that it may be greater! « aembers. lice cream, candies, etc. sold and the revolt against intense partyism, lin. Men are daring to speakas their girls souls dictate. _| cookie contest and prizes were award- Jed. Expenses of two delegates to the 6 the walls of party prejudice are being 'Provincial Convention were paid and broken down, woman has become a the President, Secretary and one other political factor, ynhampered by pre: perance in drink and of slavery to fadian weekly newspaper was paid and Such a celebration of her'the paper séht to France to nine not be an' easy road, even with thefCross Society. TI ! removal of drink and excessive party Were sent to Cartwright soldiers over- politics, but it can be travelled witn Seas valued at §1 85 each, exclusive higher ideals than any nation has Sentto each of the following Field 8, 1917. W. R. Willan, Blackstock, Ontario zy y ., S. the cliff, where it wound along a stony south boundary of h, then north! ' through em peach, then s and; ledge with a sheer drop of a thousand ntfield, and on to the rear of the! feet to the canyon floor beldy. Reach. Starting at the spite of the danger and fatigue, we dary of Reach on the' were keenly alive to the beauty of the 1in the Jb con, | scene. s mm loveliest Co pS snchester vals were hang with every variety n. of Reach, | luxuriant vegetation and curtain in: Nort! and with countless waterfalls, - seven papers were given, included District Rept. eynolds, Miss Gilholm,{ - dresses issued by Mrs Franklin, President of the Shirley 197 'D 1818 Branch. A light luncheon was served at each meeting by a committee of five. J ik i 'The collections from ten meetings amounted to $31.86 with a special 5 ollection for Belgian Relief and one| 1 For luncheon the traveller $10. for the Soldiers' Xmas Gift, ordered a small piece of sirloin steak, making'a total of $47.86. Letters|, 'baked potato, hot biscuits, and expressing sympathy of the members cof Ro 2 iT'he veteran, who had won his medals in many fierce battles, 'offered his services as a military guard at the barracks. 3 Some of the scholars of the grammar school, with the permission of the principal, intend to engage in farm labour during the holidays. 4 The "letters of the English alphabet may be separated into vowels and consonants. 6 The penitentsailors threw them: selves at the feet of Columbus and besought him to pardon their ignor- ance, unbelief, and insolence. I'he prisoner received a lenient sentence-because. contrary to the ad- vice of his lawyer, he acknowledged his guilt. Good Roads System Adopted by the County Council At an adjourned meeting of the County Council oni Tuesday of this week the County Good Roads System was adopted by a vote 20 to 5. One of the leading figures in se- curing this result was Mr. George Gerow, Reeve of Port Perry, who de- H. G. HUTCHESON, ratulations to eight. Flowers were A Government Home Gardens are being grown by Girls Day was held in June and 11.10 raised for Belgian and French Relief. Two sewing courses, with an attendance of thirty-three, were con- ducted and twenty new members taken At the November meeting the held "a sewing contest, also a member attended as well. < Twenty-eight scrap books were made for the boys in France and mailed with magazines and Onwards. A six-months subscription to a Can- Cartwright boys from Institate homes. ne prisoner of war was sent food to he value of $3.75 through the Red Thirty eight boxes of two pair of socks." $10.00 was Comforts: Soldiers Xmas Gift, the Y.M.C.A. in France, $15. to the Bel- gian Relief, $5. to the French Relief, 1013 quarts of fruit, jelly, maple syrup, and pickles were sent to the Red Cross Kitchen in Hamilton. A bale yalued at $40.00 was sent to the Belgian Relief and a shipment of clothing, bedding and pillows valued at $208,560 to Matheson for the fire swept region of Northern Ontario. $220 was spent for yarn, flinnel and cheese cloth. Fifty-six shirts were made and 1215 pair of socks knitted making a total of cash and work of $1369.41. © The next meeting of the Institute will be held at the home of Mrs Fred Willan, Blackstock, on Wednesday, July 4. Dr E. A. Totten, will give a talk on "The Care of the Teeth." All women are invited to be present Collection in aid of the Red Cross. for his persistant and painstaking effort to have this measure passed. Utica Mr and Mrs John Tawn of Ballan- trae spent the week end with her mother Mrs Wm Mitchell. Seagrave A strawberry festival will be held on the Church lawn oh July 6th, un- der the auspices of the Red Cross and Ladies' Aid Societies. An excellent program will be given. Don't forget the date. All are welcome. Rev. Mr. Wilson, of Toronto, took the services on the Seagrave Circuit last Sunday in the absence of Rev Mr Joblin. Miss O. Hooper is visiting with Mrs. John Pickard Miss Elgie, 1s the guest of Mrs. Joblin at the parsonage. Mr David Stevenson, of Toronto, is visiting friends in this vicinity. Messrs Wm. Pollock, J] N Mark, and John Short were in the city one day last week. Last week Mr. ] H Brown and son, Will, motored to West York, and erected a silo on the farm of the man- ager of the T Eaton Co. The latest report from Miss Blanche Frise is that she is able to walk again without a crutch or other assistance, She is expecting to come home the last of this week. Casualties KILLED IN ACTION Pte. Roy Swain, Purple Hill, June WOUNDED Lance-Corporal William Alexander, Port Perry. PRISONER Paper for the . trance Exam. The trail left the river and climbed all parts of the world. .- PORT PERRY BRANCH serves the thanks of the community ! THE DARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO _ Money Orders and Drafts are this Bank payable in 234 S. 0. 8S. A get together call has been issued by the S. O. S. (that's 'not Sons of Scotlend now but Soldiers of the Soil) to take place at Canton near Port Hope. The boys would: have a. | "whale" of a time if they could attend and they would be better in body, mind and soul if thay could enjoy this relaxation for the week end June . - 30, July 1 and 2. See bills for fur- ther particulars. Somewhere in France Miss Annie M Wesson, Manchester, Ont. Dear Madam, Your letter asking for particulars about your brother, No 261211, Pte Walter Wesson, received. I regret exceedingly to have to in form you that although at first report. ed missing your brothers body was later-discovered and should have been posted "killed in action." He fell in the great attack on Vimy Ridge by the Canadians. When his body wes found it was buried on the spat he helped to capture. Since coming to the Battalion your brother has made a splendid record for himself by his sterling qualities and devotion to duty. It is very much regretted by all ranks of the Battalion and I desire to express to you their | very deep sympathy with you in your loss, K. A. Greene, Lient and act Adjuttant, | 38th Bn, Canadians Properties Bought Mr P Figari, of Toronto, has bought the George Raymes house on Shanley (Street. He has also bought part of the Bruce farm, and will grow small ituits, vegetables, etc. Mr Carl Spencer, of the Brooklin Garage, bought the house and proper- ty of Belinda Duff, Mr. J. B. Woon The death of Mr J B Woon, form- erly a resident of Port Perry, occurred in Orillia, on June 13, 1917, in his 75th year. He leaves a widow, three sons and two daughters---D. J, of Orillia, J. E. of Hamilton, N. D of Coldwater, Mrs H Hyland and Mrs E Watkins, both of Toronto. Mr Woon was a member of Orillia Coun- cil for two years, and was highly re- spected. He was a staunch supporter of the Liberal party and a Methodist. Utica The entertainment held in Memory Hall last Friday evening was very enjoyable, and considering the short time that was possible*for advertising, the turnout was good. Miss Fearless & Co. make a brave showing, keeping up their reputation nobly until--but you must see the play if you would understand its chaim. The young ladies of Prospect have done good patriotic service with this play, having given it three times. In Sonya Remember July 1 and 2. Keep the dates for Sonya. On Sunday, The gorge was one of the Rev. Mr. Sinclair will 'preach morn- ¢) + y |: ; he! in all tropical America. Its ing and evening. On Monday, t . of usual sports, tea, and concert. il Mrs N Wilkin, Misses Sadie Rich- ards, Margaret Leask, Margaret | Thompson, Lorna Dure, attended the not the annual meeting of the W. M. S. The pathway was very narrow, Miss Margaret Thompson has re- turned to ner home in Toronto, after ' spending three weeks: with Miss Mar. Miss H. Greaves spent a couple of {days at Mr. N. Dure's. ') ' Mr and Mrs John Clarkson, Miss' feet hung over the Yaning H. Greaves motored to Peterboro on ly recall a faint, silvery Sunday to the latter's home. below. in the mist where Mr and Mrs Walter Moase and its way through-the Mrs Ernest Ferguson speat Sunday It was miduight when With Mr and Mrs S. McFarlane. t on the edge of Mss Lillian Gibsen speat- Sunday auton the edge 9 at the home of Mr R McDonald. Anineteenhioms inthe oy yon of Brechin, is abyss, decided to avoid the catas. Mr. Day, of Ashburn proved to be a pleasing violin player, and an enjoy- able organ solo was rendered by Mrs AL-Smith. Mr. Morley Campbell, of Port Perry, made a most acceptable chairman, < At the conclusion of the concert, the entertainers partook of the hospi- tality of the Utica Women's Institute, at the home of Mrs Cormack. Mr and Mrs Thes Sauden motored down from Toronto and are visiting their many friends in this vicinity. Mr John M Murray of Uxbridge spent the week end here. He ad- dressed the Sunday School on Sunday which was much appreciated and' en- joyed. Miss Gladys Smith visiting relatives: at Stouffville. Mrs Chas Lakey of Toronto, visit- ing Mrs Henry Davis. Mr and Mrs Roy Thompson of Prospect with Mr 1. D Christie on Sunday. rn ad Mr Geoige Howsam of the R.F at home for the week end. Sa SA | visiting friends in this vicinity.

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