Who can resist the 'charms of a lace? This dress is for a girl graduate, and particularly suits the importance of graduation as it combines girlishness and dignity. for small women; in 3 sizes; 16 to 20 years. Price, 20 cents. 'Even little girls are wearing dresses having skirts of figured material, and plain waists trimmed with the figured ' fabric. The model illustrated shows a particularly pretty frock of this kind with a skirt finished wita a frill Lith LER | Jor Lunch Puts 'PEP. into the ht in Bien terri- whenever an "| tory and are aviator lets ts fall any object whatever | to notify the , who in turn must report immediately to the kom- | mandantur. This measure is supposed in Bel- gium to be intended to put an end to propaganda by the. aviators of the Belgian, French and British flying! corps, who have until now succeeded in keeping the Belgians remaining in occupied. territory more or less posted on the military situation, rrr THIN- BLOODED MEN A AND WOMEN Need the Rich, § Red Blood Dr. William' Pink Pills Actu- ally Make. Thin-blooded people do not remain so from choice but from indifference, in some cases from despair, People who are pale, languid, with palpitation of the heart, some difficulty in breath- ing and a tendency to be easily tired are suffering from thin blood. They need only the resolution to fake the right treatment and stick to it until cured. The remedy that can be relied upon is Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People. With every dose they make new blood, and new blood means health and styength. The red cheeks, good appetite, increased weight and strength that follow the use of these pills prove their great value to thin- blooded peopled Here is an example: Mrs. J. McDonald, Jr., Hay, Ont., says: "I honestly believe Dr. Williams Pink Pills saved my life. Some years ago 1 had anemia, and as I did:not realize the seriousness of the trouble I soon became a complete wreck. I got so weak I could hardly walk. I neither style, McCall Pat-| tern No. 7802, Misses' Dress; suitable | la es food crop, is suppo; slept well, and could not go ete ner X up stairs without stopping to rest. At Georgette frock with bolero of filet times I had an almost unbearable pain in my"back and would have to remain in bed. I suffered almost constantly from a dull headache, and when sweep- ing if I would stoop to pick up any- thing I would get so dizzy that I would have to catch hold of something to keep from falling. At times my heart would beat so fast that I would have a smothering sensation. My eyes were sunken and my hands and limbs | would be swollen in the mornings. I tried several kinds of medicine without benefit and my friends thought I would not recover. Then I began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and before long could see and feel that they were help- ing me. I gladly continued the use of the pills until I was completely cured and I cannot say enough in their praige, and I strongly recommend them to all run down girls and women." You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.60 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. : --_-- es FOOD FROM AMERICA. Many Varieties of Food Plants Are Native to This Continent. We are told that the American con- tinent must supply Europe with food. on an important sense, America has een doing that very thing since long before the present generation of man- kind was born into the world. For rope owes to America a good many ¥ its food plants. The potato, which is Germany's main dependence to-day, is, of course, a familiar example. It is now believ- ed by naturalists to have been first obtained by the Spaniards, who car- 'ried it to Europe, from the little archipelago of Chiloe, off the south coast of Chili, where at the present time potatoes grow wild, some of the varieties found there being unknown in Canada. - The tomato came originally from Mexico, whence the ~ Conquistadores took it back with them to Spain. In "| the markets of any Mexiean town to- day will be found many varieties of |' tomatoes wholly unfamiliar to our- d which are far superior to grown in Canada. They have in common use in that country since long before the days of Monte- Zuma. Maize, which in southern Europe is sed to have 'on the highlands of Central ut it was extensively cul-| School August | Eo 15 S50. ¥. CHOWN, Registrar most of them being pressed for "olive oil" at Marseilles--but the plant is| not of African origin, as has often been alleged. Perhaps that notion cafne from the fact that slave traders who brought cargoes of negroes from Africa to the United States were ac- customed to feed their unhappy cap- tives on peanuts; which were cheap and sustaining. | One of the most nutritious of all food substances is furnished by the chocolate bean--the seed of the plant called "cacao." The latter originated in America, but is now grown exten- sively in trgpical regions all over the world. Last, but by no means least, con- sider the cotton. It originated in the New World, and it was with surprise and delight that Europe welcomed the discovery of a plant that actually pro- duced wool for the weaving of fabrics. Cotton is grown in many rego to- day, but the United States still pro- crop Cotton not a food crop? Oh, yes, it is, and a very important one. Nearly one-third of all the enormous output of cottonseed oil in this country now goes to make "hogless lard," which has replaced to a great 'extent the product of the pig. A superrefined grade of this oil is, employed to a large extent in the manufacture of "artificial" butter, which, having an" agreeable flavor and an attractive na- tural color, is steadily gaining favor. resem ------ THE BUTTERFLY. AND THE BEE. Methought I heard a butterfly Say to'a laboring bee: "Thou hast no colors of the sky On painted wings like me." "Poor child of vanity; those dyes And colors bright and rare," With mild reproof, the bee replies, "Are all beneath my care. "Content I toil from morn till eve, And, scorning idleness, To tribes of gaudy sloth I leave The vanity of dress." --William Lisle Bowles. By Minard"s Liniment used by Physiclans. He that holds fast the golden mean, And lives contentedly between The little and the great, Feels not the wants that pinch the poor, Nor plagues that haunt the rich man's door. MONEY ORDERS. DOMINION Express Money Orders are on sale in five thousand offices throughout Canada. To waste fuel in the preparation of an "economy dish" is not good econ- i A dish that is to be substitut- or meat or potatoes may be cheap in itself, but if it requires long cook- ing it shonld be reserved for ironing or baking day when the fire will serve a double purpose. MINARD'S LINIMENT is the on- ly Liniment asked for at my store and the only one we keep for sale. All the people use it. HARLIN FULTON. Pleasant Bay, C. B. U. 8. Seeking Our Wood. Mr: K. C. Clark, of Oldtown, Me, in a recent interview with the St. John, N.B., "Telegraph," stated that) United States loupe ) firms in the east | are reaching out Canada for material, and that within | Kjpst another five or ten years alm all! the large lumber mills in Maife will have been converted ie LA " duces five-sixths of the world's total | A re = asked one of the group, and there ith- mediately followed a discussion. Final- 1y a colored attendant was drawn in. gents,' question. I'se knowed folks what was "born kunnels--it jest 'run in de blood 15 ginerations,; An' Ise mowed s what was jest app'inted | kunnels. And' yit others w Fo ' made kunnels by bein' kind to niggers, For instance, any man dat gives me a dollah is a kunnel fo me hencefo'th foreveh." % ee A PERFECT MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets is the ideal medicine for little ones. They regulate the bowels and stomach; break up colds; cure constipation; and indiges- tion; expel worms and make teething easy. They are guaranteed to be ab- solutely free from injurious drugs and may be given to the youngest child with perfect safety. Concerning them Mrs. T. M, Forknall, Mission City. B.C., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my three little onés and have found them the best med- jeine a mother can give her children." The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock- . | ville, Ont. warmest To Destroy Plant Lice on Shurbs, Plant lice will soon be attacking house plants and shrubs, fruit trees, garden and field crops, sucking out the juices from the leaves and causing loss in yields. Nicotine sulphate com- bined with soap has been most effec- tive to control these insed®™ in tests made by the Ohio Agricultural Ex- periment Station. Koop Minard's Liniment in the house. The invasion of Belgium, the most flagrant offence against international right Europe had seen for centuries, proved that the German Government 'can not be trusted to keep any en- gagement, however solemn.-- Viscount Bryce. nein Qs OO =O 000 WOMEN ! IT IS MAGIC! LIFT OUT ANY CORN Apply a few drops then lift corns or calluses off with fingers--no pin. Br Ore Qe Qe Gree mre re Oren Oe Orem Orem Ome a Just think! You can lift off any corn or cal- lus without pain or sore- ness. A Cincinnati man dis- covered this ether com- pound and named it freezone. Any drug- ..glst will sell a tiny bot- tle of freezone, like here shown, for very little cost. Instantly the soreness Wh disappears, then short- ly you will find the corn ill or callus so loose that ll you can lift it right off. Freezone is wonder- ful, It dries instantly. | It doesn't eat away the | corn or callus, but' 3 shrivels it up without even irritating the surrounding skin. Hard, soft or corns between the toes, | as well as painful calluses, lift right off. There is no pain before or after- wards. If your druggist hasn't *reezone, tell him to order a zmall bot- house. You Can Have Use at Home, Victims ms _of ° stra n a Yonifiase ait know ialists now ore andimore i 5 ey 3 "ISSUE 24--'17. 88% 0 once ore thin a His, them aya a. Could sing i th Toht lt hs read everyt & vith FEA can do 03g, a3 now, yong distance r Glasses ihe bls eo spared the Dense Aor ever getting . Beck, an eye 8 Blepharitis Marginalls with concor You apply a few | drops directly upon a | tender corn or callus, | tle for you from his wholesale drug I | The con a Tia, chron con: INDIA 1S FREE. Says Newfoundlands' Governor. The Mahraja of Bikanir speaking recently said: -- "Those who say that India is held by the sword do a great injustice both to Great Britain and to India. British rule in India rests on firmer principles of justice, equity, and fair play. In 'the process of a constructive, healthy evolution it is inevitable that differ- ences should arise, but these are not tled between the parent country and the younger members of the Imperial household." Sir Edward Morris speaking of Newfoundland's pride at the part she was playing in the war emphasized that the part the dominions were tak- ing in the war was due to their love of Hherty.. ai. Aftrhe 2. Movies 8 Ere ols a ee SH Care for Them. You Cannot Buy New E) yes! Sold at Drug and Optical Stores or by Mail Ask Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, ior Free Boek Iwo Exa lor a. thstine or ges ranul Dominions: Are Fighting' For Liberty] more than a family quarrel to be set-| When watering the garden do if thoroughly. Make the watering equal to a twelve hours rain. As soon as the surface is dry enough use the hos to form an earth mulch and keep the water from evaporating. \ Ask for Minard's and take no other. Choosing is the highest act of life. A Fecently invented farm motor is so small that it can be carried around in a wheelbarrow. It will run with either kerosene or gasoline. Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. Nothing is gained by a boy who goes through college. The college should go through him. A BSORBINE EY MARK REG.ULS.PAT. OFF, HI Reduces Bursal hile gem ents, | Thickened, Swollen Tissues, | Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore- | ness from Bruises or Strains; stops Spavin Lameness, allays pain. Does not blister, remove the hair or lay up the horse. $2.00 a bottls at drugaists or ieliveted. Book 1 M free. * ABSORBINE, JR, antiseptic RBINE for bruises, cuts, wounds, strains, painful, swollen veins or glands. It heals and soothes, $1.00 a bottle at drug: gists or postpaid, Will tell you more if you write. W. F. YOUNG, P. 0, F., 516 Lymuns Blag., Montreal, Can. @bsorbine nod Absorbine, Jr., arr made Io Canada, WOMAN NOWIN PERFECT HEALTH What Came From Reading a Pinkham Adver- tisement. Paterson -- "I thank you for the Lydia E, Pinkham remedies as the have made me well and healthy. Some- time ago I felt so run down, had pains in my back and side, was very irregular, tired, nervous, had such bad dreams, did not feel like eat- Jing and had short decided to try a bottle of Lydia E. Pink- | ham's Vegetable Compound. It worked from the first bottle, so I took a second | and a third, also a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Purifier, and now I am just as well as any other woman. I ad- vise every woman, single or married, | | who is troubled with any of the afore- said ailments, to try your wonderful Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier and I am sure they will help her®%o a4 rid of her troubles as they did me.' Mrs. ELSIE J. VAN DER SANDE, 36 No: York St., Paterson, N. J. Write the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., {sonfidential) Lynn, Mass, if you need special advice. unstivitly and ephiph Her eyes = not oongunted 2 the Suit puts Tae expression common to SUCH case aving run out o or edigine rd friend suggested Bon-Opto. Bhe used this treatment and not only overcame her distressing Sonditien, but sirang? Spann Bi Thaighe she' was in ave Bie ©. to 5 per oFnt ie ribed Tor prod oe ne £ wi t] of wide exper Smith 272 cit 83 hk [oaas sce son go FepoNt ul ithmate 1 Taeoyd oie. Sui ming yeh, on fo Poeatire. , So operative treatment I 'Opto and in 2% hours the secret Conte subside, and i mpioms, e, Ty ured i] Potained her case of ext 8 tor dis Ta 8 - render mare ad Q, ot oanes® of dtucarded "My eyes wers in ae tie beveie En "be. Conner cays: bad epndition ew! Yo for mankind--an | of | electric in | ed. | Oversize tires. [rr -------------------------------- " When buying your, Pigno insist on having an "OTTO HIQEL" | PIANO ACTION | BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Malled free to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. 118 West 31st Street, New York NEWSPAPERS "rom SALE ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale In good Ontarle towns. The most useful and interesting all businesses. Full information on application to Wilson Publishing Come pany, 73 Adelaide St.. Toronto MISCELLANEOUS VANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, BTC. internal and external, cured with ~ut pain by our home treatment. Writ us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medic Co., Limited, Collingwood. Ont. P AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE CADILLAC IN GOOD RUN 1910 x a 0. condition. Has spare 19 Price § J URSoN, 1916 MODEL, 6 CYLINe der, 7 Passenger Touring Car. Elec tric lights and starter. Recently oves 1 hauled and newly Painted Tires in goo shape. Price $1,30 8 CYLIN- F UDSON, 1916 "MODEL, der, 7 Passenger Touring Car, with hts and startér. Thoroughly overhauled in our shop and newly paint. Seat covers on all seats and doors. Price $1,200. DSON, MODEL 37, 5 PASSENGER, cylinder Touring Car. Electrio good running order ooks like a new HY" lights and starter, in and newly painted. car, Price $6060, PAIGE SEDAN. A VERY FINE looking closed car seating five, Electric lights and starter, also inalde dome light. Nearly all the windows open, which gives ample ventilation for summer riving. Price $700, UDSON, MODEL 38. 6 PASSEN- ger, 4 cylinder Touring Car, in good running order, at a special piice $360. °F UDSON 1913 MODEL "64." A HIGH powered, Siz cylinder, 6 passenger Touring Car. In good running order and looks like new. 'rice $76 ITUDE BAC KER, BEV N Pp ASSEN. er, 4 cylinder Touring Car. in good runs ng order: ires in good shape. This car was painted this year and looks very nice. Price $360. ACKSON, 5 PASSEN GER, 2 CYLIN- | der Touring Car, Has electric lights $a starter, good tires, and 1s a bargain at the price, $300. I USSELL, 8 PASSENGER CABRIO- , let. A very handsome closed car, suitable for a doctor. Price $1,000. We only sell used cars "after the purs chaser has ha a demonstration and Satisfied himself of the running quali- ties of the car he is buying 1 at our showroom next time you are in Toronto and let our salesmen show you any of our used cars and give you a demonstra- tion. THE DOMINION AUTOMOBILE CO. Limited 146-150 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont. -- Doctors and Eye Specialists Agree That Bon-Opto Strengthens Eyesight 50% In a Week's Time In Many Instances strain jrising from protracted micros scopical research wor Bon-Opto used according to directions rendered a sui « prising service. found my eyes res arkably strengthened, so much so § ave pul getde my glasses without Sas comfort. Several of my colleagues hus also used it and we are agreed as to its results. In a few days, under my observation, the eyes of an astigm tig asses Eye _ tr may be wonderfully benefited by the use of Bon-Opto and if you want to strengthen your Dyes 0 to any drug store and get bottle of Bon-Opto to tablet" in ater and let ib oi quid bathe the times dai 5 notice ee e ptibly, right from nats on. $n a ra redness will quickly prod ses bother you even Tittle it = Ta duty to take o. | Steps % save them Now before it is toa lata. {m- | have saved the r sl gut it ° Man blind might they had cared a in time ty physician "to, whom the ahove sald: 'Yes, Bon.Ovto Is Its constituent ! hopeless] for their e Note: A orticle was submitted, canaral stores; 7. Eaton oronto.