i) WELL MAKE A HIT \J" J WITH YOU WHEN You NY YoU. THEY ARE HERE AT A FAIR. PRICE AND WE STAND BACK OF TREM . ~ WE ARE ALWAYS TRYING To MAKE A HIT WITH THE PEOPLE IN OUR COMMUNITY BY HAVING A HANDSOME, RELIABLE SToCK AND BY BEING ABLE To GIVE CUSTOMERS . JUST WHAT THEY WANT, AND BY MAKING GooD, HONEST PRICES SO THAT EVERYONE WHo BUY.S FROM US WILL Go AWAY SATIS- FIED. IF YOUR EYES TROUBLE YoU, WE INVITE YoU To COME AND SEE US. WE KNow How TO FIT YOU WITH CORRECT GLASSES AND OUR CHARGES ARE VERY FAIR: _BRING U.S YOUR REPAIRING. I. R. BENTLEY, Jeweller, Port Perry. BROCK BROS. & CO. SPECIAL SALE of House Furnishings and Wall Paper We are showing a good range of Tapestry Rugs in the following sizes and prices 2} x 8 yds at $10.00 3 x 3 yds at $10.00 and $12.00 3 x 3} yds at $15.00, $18.00, and $20.00 3 x 4 yds at $17.00-to $20.00 4 x 4 yds $18.00 4 x b yards at $24.00 Floor Oilcloth, in the following widths 1, 14, 2, and 2§ yard widths. Linoleums 4 yards wide, in floral and block patterns, 75c sq yd Window Blinds 6 dozen seconds, regular 50c value for 30c Price per sq yd 48c Plain Window Shades, good quality. in green or buff Price complete 50c Plain Window Shade with either Lace or Insertion. Price complete 60c Window Shades with combination colors, white and green, with Hartshorn rollers. Price complete 85¢c Wall Paper in great variety For Bed Rooms we have some dainty patterns in stripes and floral patterns, with cut-out borders. : Prices 7c, 10c, 12}e, 15¢c, and 20c per roll 8 special patterns in medium and dark grounds. Regular 10¢ value. Special price 8c roll 2 patterns in light colors for bathroom or~pantry, only 100 roll in the lot and cannot be replaced to seli.at less than 10c. Clearing at 6c roll Parlor Papers, at 12}c to 50c roll. Curtain Nets at Special Prices 3 pieces Curtain Nets, with colored border. Regular 15c¢ for 10c Plain White Curtain Scrim, 36 in wide, Price 15c 'We are showing good values in plain white or ecru curtain scrims, at from 18¢c to 50c yard. Call in and have a look through our House F urnishings. and see what we have to offer. a Den & CO. ) AGE « and DRAYING ged is prepared to' do] Srey work, and| print the whole paper at ho of using the "patent inside" lg. This is a sign of Progress. Oshawa people are to 'vote law to authorize the installafio of gravity filters at a cost of $30,000. A couple of Claremont , boys have trained an ox to draw their buggy or democrat wagon, and now they use the animal to drive to town or dry their milk tg the station. Pickering has no empty houses. and the increased number of hands em- ployed by the Campbell Milling Co. will likely cause a house famine. Brooklin Red Cross Society made $30.95 out of waste paper, which they collected. Telephone construction and zepair- ing are being done in the vicinity of Myrtle. Seagrave We are pleased to report that the Bethel Anniversary - was» a success. More than a full house gathered to hear Rev Mr Hunter give Dis address on the charactericts of Billy Sunday: The proceeds aniounted to over $100, which is very encouraging to the Superintendent and his staff, - Last week it was reported in the casualty list that another of our boys had paid the great sacrifice, in the person of Pte Albert Jeffries of the 116th Bn: Mr and Mrs W J Gibson received a wire that their son Arthur had been wounded. . All roads will lead to Seagrave on June 17 and 18, the date set for the Sunday School Anniversary, The committee have been very forturate in securing for Sunday Rev Mr Foster of Whitby, and doubly so in the Sopular lecturer, Rev. Byron Stau Monddy evening. Miss Blanche Frise is in Toronto, taking treatments from a specialist Late reports state some improvement. Week end visitors--Mrs Elliott and son of Port Hope, with her daughter Miss Elliott. Mr and Mrs Alonzo Snyder and daughter Marjorie, of Toronto. Mr K C Charters, of To- ronto, visiting friends in the village. Corp Gordon Brown of Exhibition Camp at home. . There was a full church Sumday evening to listen to Rev Mr Joblin, in connection with mothers' day. Next Sunday we purpose having : a Patriotic Service it being the Birthday. Special music choir. Mr and Mrs Eigie and daughters of Toronto, are visiting at Rev. Mn Joblin's. Scugog ol Last Wednesday evening there pass- ay, Se home of her got by:H Dist Dir--Mrs H Hocken Auditors--Mrs W Byers and Mrs : Ora on: Franklin Sec' Ys Patriotic Work -- Miss Com, on Patriotic Work --Mrs ¥ Byers and 'Mrs Lambe Scugog 'Gouncil The Court of Revision for the Den oe Allen Moore =I heard eae , oh play, dq this opportunity of doing peogram is' being provi Ladies Aid. Keep the eda come and bing your friends, nt Visitors for the 24th were: Miss. 1 Martin, Miss Green, Mr and. Mrs Duff; all of Toronto, ft urday last.. Members all present ex- cept Councillor James Davey. : Mr Johm "Ploughman was made chairman. There were no ap peat against the assessment roll, and _on motion of Mr Jackson was adopted as the roll for the year 1917. i Council having re-formed, the Au- ditors' Report was received and adopted on motion of Mr William Jeffrey. The following accounts were passed Chas Gordon, supplies - for Red Cross Social, $13.70. Robt Prentice, rep fence, $6 The Clerk was paid $1 for reporting fires to the fire marshall, Toronto. Oshawa Children's Shelter, $5. The commutation tax for statute labor was raised from $1 to $1.50 day © Owing to the destruction of sheep, » the Clerk wat instructed to memorialize keep more than ose dog. ~ Prospect A large number from here attended the Anniversary services at Manches- ter last Sunday. Mrs John Holtby bas kindly in- vited the Young Ladies Club to meet at her home next Saturday, June 2nd. Meeting at 3 o'clock, A number of friends from here at- tended the funeral of the late Jobn Duff, of Mrytle, on Sunday, © Regret to hear of the death of Mrs R Netherton. Funeral from the home of her daughter, Mrs E. Doidge of Myrtle, to Pine Grove Cemetery, on Tuesday, May 29th. ° The Mission Study Class will meet on Thursday night of this week at the church at 9 o'clock. The Myrtle Ladies Aid are holding a concert in the Hall, Myrtle Station, NW ccnasday evening, June 6th. Th engaged the Young Ladies Club i this place to give their play entitled Township of Scugog was held on Sat- | Nata Ne Tae mich opus requires that we e her a 'e give her no if we Lower Intestine to*be more or less etal condiion bdr Yet that is a universal to- as is proven ' b the number of laxative' » 4 You can help Nature in. 's 'most eflectual way b; yin and in i eaky, nou. on-hal fanuing way k he"? as sweet and health ad Over Mard, Tes 2 an. drugs that = RT pt Ad ar Jan 9, Mar 13, demand io Te lo ih bs FRR LS be rd Balls million Leen, bright epee lam Cascade. he old woman, bu that | are at db w gL the Government asking that no Indian P or family of Indians be allowed to. WE SAT p-- lege Street, Toronta, THE CANADIAN BA OF ANI SI EDMUND WALKER, C.V.0:10Ds D,GL., President JOHN AIRD, Genera! Manager, Co F. JONES, Ass't General Manager GAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 FARMERS' BUSINESS The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every tacility for the transaction of their banking business, including the discount and collection of sales notes. 'Blank sales notes ire supplied free of charge on application. 854. PORT PERKY B <ANCH C. F. Worrell > Manager _ a ir ~ Roadster - = $950 Country Club $110 ~~ Lob. Torenta a