FY and White checks and broken checks in V Greens and Fawns, ; 'Print House Dresses $1.25 These House Dresses are made up of 7 a good quality print in light or dark . grounds with neat stripes or figure de- Prize $10.00 | tinctive Spring Styles The many models , turned out of our work room this season have full maintained the high standard of Mcintyre Millinery. Each hat _ has an individuality of Ww. * its own making each " model an exclusive style. Each week new ideas obtained in the large centres of fashion are mirrored in the different models turned out from week to week, Come in and see our many up-to-date hats. : : Fs Prices $3.50 to $10.00 Our splendid range of Washgoods this year, we think compares favorably with that of any other season. Brighter colors are worn more this season and heavier patterns. : Ginghams in a great variety of checks, stripes and plaids. : : : Per yard 10c to 16¢ Prints with dark and light grounds print- ed with a choice variety of designs. Per yard 12c, 15¢, 18¢c and 20¢ Dainty Dress Voiles Voile is again the fashion ile material for summer dresses and. we have prepared for the popular demand: with dozens of beautiful patterns in this material. In the 27 inch width we are showing some very pretty floral designs. In the 86 inch' and 40 inch widths, however we are showing many exclusive de- signs in paisley, floral and conventional effects. The colors are good and patterns come in 20 yard ends in order to make them more exclusive. Per yard 25c, 85c¢, 50c, 75c and 85¢ Embroidered Voile Flouncing Every women feels that she should have at least one white dress for the summer. White voile flouncing makes a very pretty costume. Its rich in appearance and it washes per. fectly. Per yard 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 F. W. T'cINTYRE . Lot 22, con. |, Reach, 200 acres good Morle Campbell tr Es Vt Ww, H, Doubt REAL ESTATE AGENT ine otc bens, running water, 15. acres «RAL ESIALE. a ng water, 13 see. Merhant Tailor IN PORT PERRY . 100 acres on Oshawa road, property of Where Clothes are made to fit Brick h dl f Mrs. H. | Ben Bushby, two barns, good be snap : age lo you, Fh brie) house and lot. property of Mrs. H al a! ed at $4500, -- $1000 and ef material you wili be proud of Ne Tf l I _ signs; The dresses are made up in a I o y "pretty one piece style and considering the | Continental ice of yard goods they're good value at : RY ao BL Each $1.25 BRK 7 Es i of patterns. in SElaht a L d Cluny edgings. Infants and Small Childrens A ay ney Cashmere Hose Women's' Fine Cotton Hose 25¢ Et 30c pair & Plain cotton hose made of high grade cot- 4 oh 5 b harraw. ib, In. cream, sky ton yam. seamless feet, in black, white or ine quality pure cashmere hose, narre hy] ' ' tan. Sizes 8% to 10, P ir 25: cardinal, tan, and black. For small children. Sizes 4, 41, 5, 6% 8 =r pair toc Lge Penman's Soisette Hose 40c Children's School Hose 25c¢ This hose is made of fine mercerised yarn 'Boys and Girls black ribbed cotton hose, fast color, ribbed legs with soft silky finisn. It.s fashioned with- and plain feet. Splendid stockings for school wear. Sizes 8, 84, out seams and has elastic top. Sizes 8} to 9, 93 and 0. Per pair 25¢ Waist 8923 Skirt 8936 f Dainty Lace Edging Our new summer laces are now in stock and they represent a very cxtensive range Dainty Valenciennes, Shadow 6c to 18¢ yard : 10. Colors Black or White Pair 40c Butterick Quarterly Summer Number 25¢ May Delineator Now in stock 156¢ a Power; or the lack of it, makes or mars an automobile. Power satisfaction, the lack of it, annoyance. 'Canadian hills and highways are eas negotiated on high gear 'with the reserve power of the n valve-in-head motor. This is due to the Valve-in-head principle of the McLaughlin motor" construction, which develops from 15 to 25% more * power than motors of other type of same bore and siro In all the essential qualities of a good motor car--body 'construction, mechanical efficiency and appointments--the McLaughl al to the best. In power it stands alone. icLaughlin "cars include 4 and 6 cylinder models in Roadster and Sedan types, at prices oan $555 do #3050; .'6 cylinder 7 passenger. al , i : he "HE McLAUGHLINIMO- Ly ED Tre Mcl AUGHIINIVO TOR CARCO, LiMiT fruit, a wonderful chance to buy a cheap home. This is the Walling property. The Frank Williams cottage with lovely garden. An ideal home for small family. Small frame house, property of Geo Luke Commodious Jane house, Hedtin convenien o D. McBride. h Popuy o Frame house and two lots, stable, small fruits, property of Mrs. Stevens. St. Charles Hotel can be bought at a Brick house and 3 acres of good land, cash, Lot 24, con 2, Reach, 100 acres of good | land, property of Allan Moore, new bam, cement floored, 7 roomed frame house, good orchard, beautifully situated, close to 1 Wish to state that I have school and church. secured a select line of Ready- Lots 11 and 12, on Simcoe South, 2 mile ' south of Raglan, property of W Hodson, 100 to-Wear Clothing for Men, actes, || roomed brick cottage, good barn, and will be pleased to chow stone stable with cement floor, large pig pen with cement floor, driveshed, good water the goods. Announcement sacrifice, acres, all ki IN PRINCE ALBERT acre of choice garden soil. house in first-class kinds of fruit. Mrs Montague's house; barn and twelve | With stone sta dh of fruit, 7 roomed hose. Geo. Schell property, brick house and an Mrs. John Nuiren propery. large fra me road right to the buildings whi Orval Stone, food brick house, frame ing, pi school. acres more less, known as "Seven Island"a summer resort with new frame house with 17 rooms, also 100 acres on Scugog Island, property of m pen, wells, 3 acres good orchard, p23 to church and | motor consist of Same Stlyes can be had in BOYS' SUITS We wish it to be thoroughly Lot 3, con. 11, Scugog, comprised st 20 'understood that we are in no way discontinuing our Tailor- ing Business. MA £3 2D al cee -------- re Ford Car, never run, A bargain for someone. : Catharine Johnston property, commo- dious frame house, 3 acres shade trees, fruit, good stable. NESTLETON Levi Taylor property, new brick house, shade trees, stable, a desirable home. FARMS East half, lot 5, con. |, Reach, '110 acres good clay loam, stone stabling, well water. ed, never failing spring. Convenient to school. Property of R. B. Brown. Lot 18, con. 10, Reach, 60 acres clay loam, good buildings, Al mineral spring on the place. The John Michie property Lot 16, con 7, Reach, 100 acres good clay loam, property of Wilson Gerrow. 2 barns, pig hen house, silo, 8 roomed house, orchard. ; THE = LONDON MUTUAL Fire nce Co. of Canada 5 ESTABLISHED 1859 Surplus to Policyholders, - $404,046.07 , beautiful | porn log house with 6 rooms, large summer | kitchen, all in good repair, out buildings, 70 x 20, stabling underneath, 5 acres young orchard, also old orchard, all kinds Tn well fenced, water, ex. cellent fishing. Snap if taken at once, good terms, present owner Mr. Sintzell. 9 acre chicken ranch, good brick house, barn and stables, large chicken house, runs all wired, pig pen, all kinds small fruits, choice selection plums, apples, etc, hard and soft water, on main road one mile from town, quarter mile from station. Act quick if interested. 100 acres, lot 19, con 2, Brock, farm of W A Hall, good 8 roomed house with cement cellar, hard and soft water, summer kitchen ice house, barn 50x75 on 9 foot stone wall, cement floors; water in stable and pig pens, stone pig pen 24 x45 with driving house above, good hen house, well fenced, Plenty of all kinds of fruit, terms reasonable. lil health reason for selling. 1 also have three second hand Ford cars for sale, cars in good condition, none of them have run over three thousand miles BEEF, PORK, LAMB --one 1914, one 1915, one 1916, these cars se open for intepection, jue} can be bought and VEAL cheaper now than later in the season. TE 8. Young property Cassimir St., CAWK E R BROS . Port Perry--house, stable, large lot, some fruit. A snap for quick sale. BUTCHERS YOURS FOR BUSINESS. Phone 54 r 4, Port Perry. Ba ITPAYSTOGET THE BEST OTT We are stronger than ever in that line. While prices have advanced with us, they have not ad- vanced as much as some peo- ple think. COME and SEE PHONE 72 For Choice A full line of Smoked Meats and Lard always on hand Highest Cash price paid for Hides and Skins 5/7 Yonge Tot Should not be com with a - - businsss colleges of this J : seep nt ener § W, J. COOK - Real Estate ig ond dos rons wok dle tt of farms for sale in . ous demand from business firms § Ontario County Some city property for our graduates. Many business § for exthange or sale, also Western og apply to us for teachers. § land, My list includes some rare Re Ir ia an excel Be a2, bargains. ~ Wite one me before aller. om ing. Communicate with W J Cook 4.E TT PRINOIPAL buying. .( ; i \ Yelp dain trects § R.R. No 2, Port Perry, or Bell x ---- a 107 3 2, or Independent Phone.