yards long, 40.10 48 inches wide, 'These curtains have become soiled in handling. Several dif- : ferent patterns to choose. from. > | Regular values $1 25 and $1. 50. Sale price 95¢ Splendid Values in - Bungalow Nets : Our stock of Bungalow Net is now complete and nany very pretty patterns are Included in the shi wing. aT 'width i is from 30 to 44 inches. Colors are White, : | Cream, 'and Arab finished with plain or s:olloped border ) Per yard 25c to 85¢ e:2 . Curtain Scrim _ Scrims are more popular than ever for window cur- tains. This year we are showing scrims woven from ~ mercerised yarn which gives them a rich silty appear ance. In addition to the regular scrim weave ,these are also showing: the marquisette. ~ Colors White, Ivory, and 'Arab. Prices 25¢ to 50¢ yard h intz, Cletohne : "Among the many patterns Pe cretonne, those showing deg . very effect in al colors; ive pattern for covering boxes ete. is the old willow - pattern in blue.' Price per yard 15¢c to 3bc the chintz and old tapestry igns are most in favor. These come from 27 to 30 inches wide in dainty pink, . blue and grey shadings, also - browns in tapestry patterns. Prices 25c¢ to 50c yard Damask Furniture Covering Tapestry Covering used for heavy curtains or cover. ing furniture. It is 60 inches wide and cames in Green and Gold, Brown and Gold, or Brown and Green. Per yard 75¢c Tapestry Covering, extra heavy quality in a pretty Bagdad stripe in two different shading, 50 inches wide Per yard 85¢ Curtain Poles - Cottage Rods 10c¢ § inch white reeded poles 4 feet long, with white flut- ed silver ends and brass hooks. Complete 10c Brass Extension Rods 10¢ Brass rods extends to 54 inches with siivey fluted ends ach 15¢ Brass Tubing 25¢ foot English Brass Tubing # inch size, any length cut. This tubing has advanced greatly in price. Our price per foot 25¢ Brass ends to match 25¢ Brass Sockets, per pair 20c Wooden Poles, 1} inches in diameter, 5 ft, 7 ft or 12 ft long. Per foot 5c Congolegin Rugs One of the most economical ways of decorating the floor using Congoleum Rugs. is by They have a pretty pattern with border similar to Tapestry Rugs. are easily cleaned and they perfectly flat on the floor, 2x38 3x8} 3x4 They lie Sizes Prices $4.00 to $12.00 Linoleum Importe i and D widths, Price 'm:stic Linoleum, 2 yard and 4 yard goud assortment of patterns. per square yard 50¢ to 85¢ Japanese Matting 35c Japanese Matting, 86 inches wide, in several different designs, woven on stro ng cotton warp Per yard 35¢ Floor Oilcloth 48¢ Best grade Canadian Floor Oilcloth, 1 yd, 1} yds, 2 yds and 2} yds wide, block and floral designs. Window Shades 35c We have a number of seco 3 ft wide, 6 ft long. Green. nds in Grey, Cream, and While they last each complete 85¢ May Delineator Now in stock 15¢ To Improve Party-Line Service We suggest consideration for the persons who may be talking on your party-line. "Po not interrupt their conver- sation. It is discourteous and es uate ih ioomn t the fone the rings, apd to the the Chief 2. When wish to call, remove Th Tones tl ea If the )\Ope "Cont rn me vt Se The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada * F. W. TcINTYRE Morley Campbell REAL ESTATE AGENT ; IN PORT PERRY Brick house and lot, property of Mrs. H. Jack, fine lot, a snap for Brick house and 3 acres of good land, fruit, a wendusfal chance to buy a cheap home. This is the Walling property. The Frank Williams cottage with lovely garden. An ideal home for small family. Small frame house, property of Geo Luke Frame house und twe good lots, stable, small fruits, property of Stevens. St. Charles Hotel can be bought at a ie house; and twelve Mrs Montafuvo hoses: bara and te IN PRINCE ALBERT Geo. Schell toperty, bitick house and a ern SE Oy lh Mrs. John Warren OP, large frame hoes i hr ua stable, all Catharine Johnston dious frame house, 3 acres i ry. beautiful shade trees, fruit, good stable. NESTLETON Levi T x mow: brick houen: 133% Taylor property. new brick | FARMS East half, lot 5, con. I, Reach, 110 acres good clay loam stone. stabling, well water. loam, good 00d: bulidings, A) mineral spring oh Prony IRB. Reach, 60 acres clay n Michie property "Lal? Re 100 rs ed od. na failing 8; SPAR Co Souveniont to | pg loam, Wilson Gerrow. 2 barns, | ; Pi pon be Bowe silo, 8 roomed house, Lot 22, con. |, Reach, 200 acres good roperty of Luca V. Hocken, 10 nd. 3 house, Al bam, pig pen, straw barn, hen house, Y acres orchard just com. ing into bearing, running water, 15 acres ush. 100 acres on Oshawa road, property of Ben Bushby, two barns, good sablen, STE i ken at once, offered at $4500, -- Lot 24, con 2, Reach, 100 acres of ood land, property of Allan Moore, new barn, cement TL 7 roomed frame house, good orchard, beautifully situated, close to school and church. LE Sena Yo 00 ty son, ng 1 roomed brick good he small fruits, choice selection plums, apples, etc., hard soft water, on main road one mile from town, quarter mile from station. Act quick if interested. 100 acres, lot 19, con 2, Brock, farm of W A Hall, good 8 roomed use with cement cement floors; water in stable and pig pens, stone pig pen 24 x45 with driving hou above: good hen house, well fenced, of all kinds of fruit, terms reasonable. health reason for selling. I also have three second hand Ford cars for sale, cars in good condition, none of them have run over three thousand miles ane 1904, une 1913, one 1916, these cars are open for inspection, and can be bought Shoat SOW shan Inet 8 the fossor. The E. 8. Port Pury hone 8 sable fre To + -- Eo OURS To Dhaka Phone 54 r 4, Port Perry. EASTER TERM OPENS APRIL (0th. Butterick Quarterly Summer Number 25¢ bern land will be pleased t,) W. H. Doubt Merhant Tailor Where Clothes are made to fit you, and of material you wil; be proud of adi. Announcement I'wish to state that I have secured a select line of Ready- to-Wear Clothing for Men, +how the goods. Same Stlyes can be had in BOYS' SUITS We wish it to be thoroughly Mile | Understood that we are in no way discontinuing our Tailor- ing Business. We are stronger than ever pores in that line, While prices have advanced with us, they have not ad- vanced as much as some peo- ple think. COME and SEE PHONE 72 For Choice BEEF, PORK, LAMB and VEAL «|CAWKER BROS. BUTCHERS A full line of Smoked Meats and Lard always on hand Highest Cash price paid for Hides and Skins W. J. Cook - Real Estate -A list of farms for sale in exchange or sale, also. My list includes re rare ins. Waite or phone me before W.J. ELLIOTT PRINCIPAL + Corner Yi nye east Chases Str . Communicate with W Sook. 0 2, Port Perry, or Bell x 2 2, or Independent.