Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 28 Mar 1917, p. 5

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he business of purchase your Spring. Out- y department is fully sqiipped and ready to do its share i in turning out well dressed n men and x women. : - Ladies' Trimmed Hats © 'No previous Spring Opening has been so productive of ey iate results as this one. The beauty aud style of the individual hats so appealed to the ladics that many who had merely come to ad- mire, ordered their Easter hat there and then. The shapes this season are principally small, but a - few large dress hats are shown. The trimmings are mostly bunches of flowers or pretty ornaments, making the finish- ed hats quite moderate in price. We are showing a host of pretty models in all colors. Prices $4.50 to $7.00 el Men's s Spring Overcoats 16.00 Men's Light Weight Overcoats, made from all wool * dark grey cheviot. It is tailored in 42 inch length with. collar and lapels of self, and lined with twilled Italian cloth. Sizes 39 to 82. Price $16.00 Stylish Tailored Suits We are s howing a particularly large range of men's suits, tailored in 8 button saque style. In tweed we are showing suits at from $10.00 to $18.00. In fancy wor- steds we have them at from $10.00 to $20 00. We Specialize on Navy Serge Suits They do not fade. Our low grade suit is made of crossbred serge and makes a good serviceable suit at $10. From this luw price we Sell navy serge suits at $12.00, $15.00 and $18.00. Our Semi-ready Serge Suits sell at $20 00 and $25.00 . Ladies' Spring Coats May ladies consider that a Spring Coat gives more service throughout the Spring and Summer than a suit, as it can be worn with a light dress on cool evenings. The pretty tailored styles we are showing are particularly adapted for summer wear as they are medium length and The materials are Donegal Tweeds, in fawn and grey mixtures, Prices $8.00 to $15.00 Kid Gloves Gloves are indispensible to the Easter costume. Although the price of gloves have advanced we are showing splendid qualities of kid gloves at $1.25, $1.50 and $1.65. Colors White, Tan, Grey and black. loose fitting. Gamecock Tweeds, Grey Checks, and cream stripes. Dainty Silk Waists $3.25 i Ladies" waists made up in the newest i 8 Astyle with large collars and hemstitched " trimming. Material is wash silk, color white. All size. Each $3.26 Boys' Spring Suits We have received two big shipments of boys suits and we are showing smart norfolk suits in fancy grey and tawn tweeds. Sizes 6 to 16 years. Prices $3 50 to $10.00 Ap eo vr ME Rs Smart Furnishing New Silk Neckties in four-in-hand styles, Prices 50c, 75¢ and $1.00 Cashmere Socks, in black, white and tan, Per pair 40c to 75¢c tan cape, grey swede, Per pair $1.50 to $2.00 Men's Shirts, in neglige or lounge styles in a great variety of patterns, all sizes 14 to 18. Prices $1.00, $1,25, $1.50 New Spring Hats Come in and see our new styles in hats The big demand is for soft felt in pearl The broader brims are shown with bound edge and Cashmere Hose 50c pair Ladies Black Cashmere Hose, made of pure wool yarn, reinforced foot {izes 8} to 10. Price 50c pair i i $ ¥ { i ¢ i grey, derk grey, fawn, etc. Best Quality Perrin's $2.25 Best quality Perrin's real French Kid Gloves, black only. Per pr $2.25 Unlined Gloves, ribben band in contrasting shades. Prices $2.50 and $3.00 F. W. cINTYRE ~ Spring Butterick Quarterly 25¢ Now in Stock April Delineator 15¢ Now in Stotx fi EARL HEAYN "Th N al M I 0 b | ; 9 acre chicken ranch, good brick house, } bai d stables, large chicken hi | Jere e New F irbanks - - Morse oriey - Lampbell snares: W. H. Doubt : Mi J. R. Hillis, 1 the can, T ZE k n gine" E T TE GENT shefee selection plums, apples we, hud fhe patranage siven y pe al water, on main r mi rom me to ode best of work at {modems R AL ES A A town, quarier mile from i quick Mer ha I T " ror 5 IN PORT PERRY n § sn Lot 3, con. 1, Scugog, comprised of 200 Where Clothes are made to fit you, | aes Olimpia ro WER? All you want and more. Brick house and lot, propeny of Mrs. H. Tess. known as Seven Mile and ef material you wili be d of ; Farm to Rent. YOUss value per dollag | Toor Toe 2 mas kr Ick Bmelok 8 soap for cath. tend, | adn sommes resort with goed motor pan. bo 100 acre farm on the border of the Aan you get when you buy weeded seine docs he ro To "develos fru a Nectar t chance 0 buy a ton vad fae the buildin ih consist of town of Oshawa. Fall ploughing done sithee of these engines. maximum powst from least fuel Rewuls are | home. This ia the Walling property. Ee Fer a oe out Announcement and good e seeded. Farm in engings built to use Errand ad i Sngines The Frank Williams cottage with lovely | kitchen, all in good repair, out buildings, I wish to state that I have * good condition and with good build- goa, other a aol lark Si osiage garden. An ideal home for small family. barn n x 20, stabling undementh, 3 acres ; . ings. ° Possession April 1st, 1917. fuel as 4d as gasoline, Cuting pumping Small frame house, property of Geo Luke you Ere rd, alto old o i, ulb kinds secured a select line of Ready- ud to G. D. CONANT. Here's wher you get get youf economy. ing. Snap if taken atonce, good to-Wear Clothing for Men, veniences, good lot roperty of Mr | cellent Ey Pp E D. SMITH & SON) = Thé Canadian Fairbanks-Morse Co. Limited Hy Growers' of all kinds of nursesy stock » NURSEYMEN 'Winona, Ontario, Canada Nursery consists of 1000 acres ¢ Represented i in this district by ~ William Galbraith i with magneto attached St. Charles Hotel can be bought at a sa Mrs Montague's house; bam and twelve acres, all kinds of fruit, 7 roomed house. IN PRINCE ALBERT Geo. Schell Property, br brick house and an acre of choice garden soil Mrs. John Warren property, large frame house Xk first-class n property. stable, all kinds of fruit. Catharine Johnsto roperty, commo- dious frame to maty te land, beautiful shade trees, fruit, good stable. NESTIETON wives pr , new brick house: de ttees, stal esirable home. hs East half, lot 5, con. I, Reach, 110 acres! good clay loam, stone stabling, well water- od, fe never failing spring. Convenient to oo Propet a R. §. Brown. i Lot 18, -- Jo, Reach, 60 acted clay m, good bi mineral spring : on the the place. hw hn Michie property : Lot 16, con 7, -Ratthe 100 acres good clay | loam, prope rrow. 2 barns, fen hover joe roomed house, LE HE se com. For Choice to bearing, running water, 15 acres ; : Be LIVERY. .. {our vone. tans good ) dat $4500, -- $1000 Auto For Hire ; 'For Satimation somos =» pleas- and VEAL : . when in Wi of did = - CAWKER BROS . BE Lo readings _ BUTCHERS 2 DOWSON'S ES Oshawa, Ont, these engines use so successtully 11.2 H.P. $ 63.00 terms, present owner Mr. Sintzell. d will b 1 d h i Ele EE 100 acres, lot 19, con 2, Brock, farm of W) 30 Will be pleased to show gallon of kerosene as from of 3 H.P. $115.00 Frame Bouse aud two lots, stable, A Ha 48 od bn ith 4 gasoline- and yousavethea i in 6 H.P. $205.00 small fruits, property of Severn ALN. good 8 roomed house with ny the goods. ice house, barn 5 on 9 foot Shone wall, cement floors; water in stable and pig pens, stone pig ped 2 x45 with driving house above, good hen house, well riving Plenty of all kinds of fruit, terms reasonable. Ill health reason for selling. I also have three second hand Ford cars for sale, cars in condition, none of them have run over three thousand miles --one 1914, one 1915, one 1916, these cars are open for inspection, and can be bought cheaper now than later in the season. YOURS FOR BUSINESS. Phone 34 r 4, Port Peny. A. G. Dowson, Proprietor Satisfact fitt teed dE ng guaran Spirella Dorests ne So Corie Jin that line. Same Stlyes can be had in BOYS' SUITS We wish it to be thoroughly understood that we are in no way discontinuing our Tailor- ing Business. We are stronger than ever While prices have advanced with us, they have not ad- vanced as much as some peo- ple think, COME and SEE PHONE 72 A full line of Smoked Meats and Lard always. on hand AR Fr

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