Ye Opt n, 167 Toronto, able eye sight specialist, can be consulted about yo ayes for lasses ab 4 drugstore, Port Perry, on Thursday, 'March 39th. , Don't miss this chance. ie Ns Joh OR of Hardin, nd Mr Albert J Orr of Buffalo, spent the *. week end with Mrs Orr and Miss Eva : Help the Port Perry Band by at- tending their concert on Wednesday, March 28 Admission 25c. Re- § March seats 35¢ at Byer's Drugstore. Mr Wm Parish and little son of Palmerston, spent the week end with Mis mother Mrs Chas Parish. Mr Norman Bradley of the staff of the T. Eaton Co, Winmpeg, has been to New York 'on a buying trip and 'on his return trip spent Sunday in Port Perty with his parents, Mr and Mrs John Bradley. Lr PEARSE & "Fire Insurance Agents AG 4 General Animals Insurance Coma "Insurance on all kinds of stock, Pianos and Organs: Sold Carpet Ball League The following 1s the standing of the Port Perry Curpet Ball Eeague:-- Firemen--10 Wilson's New Grace "Kor what we are about to eat, ~ We thank Thee, Lord, and-- The British Fleet" Received a Gall Resigned Pastorate Mr W Oke of Toronto, spent .the week end in town. We are pleased to report that Mrs C L Vickery is considerably improved in health. Mrs Nathan Byers has been visit- | ing with friends at Locust Hill and Claremont Don't forget the date of the Band Concert, Wednesday, March 28. Miss Ruth Robertson of Toronto, spent the week end with the Misses Walker. During the severe wind of Sunday the door in the Baptist Church tower] was blown out and hurled to the side walk. There are to be two services in the Baptist Church next Sunday. con- ducted by Rev John Ford. The I. O. O. F. held a successful enchre and smoking party on Mon- day evening. Farmers should see the Delca Light- ing System at Beare's Garage. Itis a wonderfully 'efficient piece of machinery. Mr. Morley Campbell Oshawa on Monday. Mrs. Norman Deshane, whose ill- "ness has been very critical for some weeks past, is now improving nicely. was in A dance was held at the home of Mr, Robt, Wallace on Monday even- ing. Some seventy-five people enjoyed the evening's pleasure. New Directory "The Bell Telephone Co. will issue a new directory shortly. Copy should reach the Telephone Office not later than April 16th. Fingers Crushed Miss Violet Hagerman, of Toronto, met with a most painful accident, while working in a munition factory, having three of her fingers badly crushed It is possible that the fin- gers may be saved, Miss Hager- man formerly lived at Manchester,and is a cousin to the Misses Walker, of Port Perry. Wounded Pte. C. C. Ferguson, of Burketon unction, who was reported wounded in Monday's paper, is the son of Da- vid Fergukon, Enfield (Burketon Junc. being their pest office). He does not belong to the Fergusons of Cartwright A Thrilling Drama The railway drama that is to be put .on at the Royal Theatre on Friday evening is a motion play of thrilling interest. It 1s named "The Jugger- naut" Those who know the motion picture stage will appreciate the value of this feature film, when they know that Anita Stewart and Earle Williams both take leading part. A good comic will be put on as dessert. Admission 15¢ and 10c, war tax included. Plenty of Fuel. There has seldom been the quan-| tity of fuel at the powerhouse that is . on hand at present. Cars of coal that were ordered last fall have recently: arrived, and there are plenty of slabs. |. Leaves in About Three| Weeks? It is expected that Rev. W. J. West : will leave for his new charge at Dunn- | 5 :3ille in about three weeks. Rev W P Rogers, B.A, has re- ceived a call to the pastorate of the Grace st. Methodist Ch., Napanee, at a salary of 3 +01), per year. last week Mr Rogers tendered his resignation of the pastorate to the Quarterly Board of the Port Perry Methodist Church. The Board ac- cepted the resignation, and Mr Rogers will leave at the end of the conference year, Port Perry will lose a good preach- er and an excellent teacher when Mr Rogers leaves town. His work among the young people, particularly in the Canadian Standard of Efficiency Test, has been one of the most practical kind attempted in the town, and is of a character that should be continued and carried out in other churches. He is the best teacher we have had bere for many years, and in the wider field at Napanee will give scope for his talent in these directions. Mrs Rogers has taken an active interest in the Sunday School and Missionary Society. Irish Concert The ladies of St. Johns Presbyter- ian Church are well pleased with the result of the Irish concert given last Friday evening, and they have every reason to be proud of the result of their efforts. In the first place the supper was very appetising and there was a heart- y approval of this part of the program. everybody took a good part. Nor was the program in the auditor- ium a bit behind the supper in point of excellence, and it speaks well for the skill of the chairman, Rev W. J. West, that with some fifteen persons on the program, the whole concert was brought to a close at 10 p.m. 1n addition to local talent whose ood qualities are already well known note wae present in the person of Miss Ruth Robertson, of Toronto; whose solos were greatly appreciated. Miss Robertson also sang at both services in the Presbyterian church last Sunday. Mr Ross Roach deserves special praise for his splendid cornet solos. He gave some selections of unusual: merit for so young a player, and his: talent will doubtless bring him into | prominence if he continues to improve as he has in the past. SINTZEL-ALLDRED--AL March Las Ei rng 8 al Sintzel, to Mr Jonathan Speeing both of Scugog. iy Wanted The Children's Shelter at' Oshawa | will whe a matron A begin June 1s, 1917, as near to the following type as possible: -good health and judgement, good housekeeper with executive a- bility, can secure discipline, & Christ- ian, follow rules, loves children: Pre- fer married lady with experience, hus band to give all or part time as a caretaker, janitor, gardener etc. Or a widow or unmarried person with some training and of suitable age. Send applications to Rev E C Hall, Inspector, Oshawa, Ontario. John Leask, Sr. The late John Leask, Sr. was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, some 88 years ago, and came to Canada when a lad 12 years of age. He was one of a family of eight children--six boys and two glrls, and his father and mother. The family settled in Darlington, where John lived until he wasa young man, when he married Miss Marion C Henry, and moved to lot 18, con. 12, Reach, where he made his home until advancing years made it neces- sary to retire from active work. He and his wife then went to live with their daughter, Mrs. Jas. Blair, at Greenbank. This wastin 1911 In 1912, Mrs. Leask died. Mr. Leask was a life long member of the Presbyterian church, and was an active member for many years. He was a man much esteemed in the community, for while he held no pub- lic office, be took a very practical in- terest in public. matters such as the improvement of the highways. Mr. Leask is survived by, all his nine children-- James H., Seagrave; John; Port Perry; Mrs. Jas. Graham, Saskatoon; Mrs. J L. Beaton, Wick; William, Reach; Mrs. W. J. Vincent, Washington Territory; Mrs. Blair, Greenbank; Mrs. A. E. Dobson, Reach; Peter, on the homestead. Port Perry audiences, a soloist of | (Ol Bs 13 am AR An am am andes ~ good time. 3 DOO AAA DOOD "But the move matter requis BE A Ladies' 'Watch must be pretty, petite and dainty. Moreover, it should keep The cases: are a matter of personal nents --well, that is a | INN 8 sapert knowledge. ; R unfailin France must ailing flow of WE must unite as a Nation to SERVE --to SAVEand to PRODUCE. Men, women and children; the young, the middle aged and the old--all can help in the Nation's Army of Production. VERY pound of FOOD 'raised, helps reduce the cost of living and adds to the Food Supply for Overseas. be maintained. garden. OTTAWA "For information on any subject relating {o the Farm and Garden, write: : INFORMATION BUREAU Department of Agriculture Desirable Properties for Sale The house and grounds of Mrs. C. J. Pearse, corner of Union Avenue and John St, Port Perry, 8 roomed rame house, modern conveniences, 'good well, half acre of aspasagus, all kinds of fruit. The lots comprise an acre and a fifth. This property can be bought ata reasonable price, good terms. : John McKee property, Borelia, good house, barn, cement floor stable, 6 acres of land, good orchard, first class well. Everything complete fora comfortable home. Within short dis- from High School. Can be 'bought on reasonable terms, The Crooks property, come of Mary and John Sts, Port Perry. New- ly renovated 7 roomed cottage, Good well, nice garden. . OTTAWA, CANADA. HON. MARTIN BURRELL, Minister. The Dean pump works and roomed house. About about an acre of land and gond stables. plete 1or business. cheap, on easy terms. Apply to James Ward, Port Perry JOHN BELDON | LUNDY DENTAL "SURGEON. Gondusts of Royal College of Dental Sur- University 'oronto. at to Dr. R. L. Graham. Office hours acm, to 5 p.m. Evenings Bl he He ec 3 Office over Byer's Drug Port Perry. Can be bought CHURCH of the ASCENSION SERVICES Sunday Divine Service Morning and evening J. A. MURRAY DENTIST Office "above Rose & Co. hours, 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. Everything com-| Phone 93 "home must be fed. Andin he ~~ Germany's murderous campaign cut off the Allies' Food supply, by sink every ship on the High Seas--an ample an ood to Pagland and This is National Service-- Not to the Farmer only-- But to YOU--to everybody-- This appeal is directed PLANT aes snaler ge Utilize your own back yard. Cultivate the vacant lots. 'Make them all yield food. OMEN of towns can find no better or more important outlet for their energies than in cultivating a vegetable Be patriotic in act ds well as in thought. Use every means available Overlook nothing. Dominion Department of Agriculture For Sale or Rent The residence of my late mother, Possession April 1st. C. L. Vickery, Port ay atehing. hy Suge for one dollar. A arold Archer, Port Perry, Ar A e TO INVESTORS Fre: WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING ; INVESTMENT A MAY PURCHASE - a a