AWHen nove To T RESOLVED ING NEW RINE Comes WE SPRING IT. WE GET ALL OF THE . NEW THINGS. YOU ARE NYED 70 0A IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR NEW THINGS IN JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE, COME To UJ; WE'VE GOT IT. WE GET EVERYTHING NEW THAT COMES OUT AND TRY TOGETITFIRST. THEN, Too, YoU K Now THAT YoU CAN RELY UPON EVERYTHING YoU BUY IN oUR STORE, BECAUSE WE GOODS. KEEP ONLY RELIABLE WE CAN FIT YOU WITH CORRECT GLASS- ES IN OUR OPTICAL DEPARTMENT. DOES YOUR WATCH NEED REGULATING? I. R. BENTLEY, Jeweller, Port Perry. Prospect My and Mrs David McMaster and family of Oxbow have returned home after spending two weeks with her sister Mrs P. Diamond. Mr Roy Thompson ha smoved back to Prospect. Mr Franklin Vernon is all smiles these days--it's a little daughter. Much sympathy is felt for Mr and Mrs Geo Smith in the loss of their in- fant son. Glad to hear that Mr A. Gilroy is out again after an attack of la grippe. Miss F. E. Phillips is visiting her sister Mrs Diamond. Mrs Wilson has returned to ber home after visiting her sister Mrs W, Sommerville. Mr E. Martin had a successful wood bee the other day. The Stork visited onr midst and left two beautiful babies at the home of Mr O. Gilroy--a boy and girl. Mrs H. Walker is spending a couple of weeks under the parental roof. Mr Geo Bearden visited friends at Prospect on Sunday last. Miss Lola Gilroy returned to the City after having an attack of the Measels and Mumps EZ To City, Town and Village Dwellers in Ontario _ A Vegetable Garden for Every Home N this year of supreme effort Britain and her armies must have ample supplies of food, and Canada is the great source upon which they rely. Everyone with a few square feet of ground can contribute to victory by growing \ vegetables. C. F. Worrell £ A number of our young people yention at Toronto last week. Auction Sales On March 22, Mrs Edward Bige- low, lot 24, concession 3, Cartwright, will sell her farm stock, implements, etc. George Jackson, Auctioneer Mr Thos Wouds, of Blackstock is offering his farm_ stock, implements, etc. for sale by auction on Wednesday March 28, at one o'clock. George Jackson, Auctioneer The executor of the late Charles Rose is selling by auction the con- tents of his late residence. on Thurs- day, March 29th, at 12.30 p.m. George Jackson, Auctioneer Epsom Rev. E. C. Hunter, of the Epsom Circuit, has accepted an' invitation to to Earlscourt Methodist Church, Toronto, for the next year. attended the Dominion Alliance Con- | PORT PERAY Mr Wm Savage is holding a sale of his farm stock, and retiring from far uimg. We understand his son-in- law, Mr Martin is going to work this farm as well as his own. A social is to be held on Wednes- day evening at the Foot Church to aid the missionary contributions and also for another interesting purpose which I hope to be able tell you of next week. A large aurprise party was taken by the friends of the Messrs Demeras to their home last thursday evening, as a farewell to their leaving the Centre community and moving to the Head to take charge of Mrs Adams' farm. So many gathered that the house, though commodious, was crowded, so much so, that it was decided to open up the Hall. After lunch the young people and those who felt young, walked over to the hall and there "tipped the light fantastic" until somewhat late Friday morning. The neighbours of 'he Demeras are sorry to lose them. Evaporated Arpies, be: per Choice Cooking Figs, pes ad} &T. Bell De £ Cheese, per Ib 28c _ Kichard's Laundry Soap, 7 for 25, The War May Last a Year, But the Old for Boots & Shoes will last bat a few weeks. Men's Fine Shoes in Dr Reed's Cushion Sole, Monarch ° Ladies' Fine Shoes in Empress, : Classic. and Bell's. : We are sorry to report that Blanche Sweetman is still very ill. Blackstock The Institute members and their friends filled the spacious home of Collins as demonstrato Mr. and Mrs James Byers last Wed- nesday afternoon, and after the months business of the Branch had been disposed of, had the pleasure of meeting Miss Collins, and hearing her address on "The privelages and responsibilities of Institute Women." In her introductary remarks Miss Col- lins said that "the all important work | for Institute women at the present time is the making of Red Cross sup- plies, most especially socks, but to the present gathering a mere hint on that subject would be superfluous as never before had she met such knit- ting enthusiasts as the Cartwright women. She also said that to-days papers made the announcement that the franchise had been granted to Ontario women. .At the conclusion of her address, Miss Mahood on be- . > half of the sewing clase; y her with a donation eXPESSEME. appreciation of her compe and untiring efforts in making their sewing course a success, and expressed the | hope that next season the Dep ne ment will again favor us with 3 ginlliow Grafonola furnished ample music. Miss Collins returned to her hom in Ancaster on Saturday. Next meeting of the Institute will be held on Wednesday, April 4, at = the hnme of Mrs Albert Werry, socks for the knitting contest to be brought to. that' meeting. : ---------- SONYA i The Red Cross Society have for- = warded to Lady Hughes, Lindsay, the following articles: 42 suits hyjamas, 60 pr bed socks, 2 doz hot water bot- | tle covers, I8 pr pillow slips, 8 dozen | triangle bandages, 2 dozen Nona} property bags, 4 wopl scarfs. EE IE EEE EEE Er EAE A 10 per cent 30 '" 30 Li 68 26 Tu ESE v WAR LOAN Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Victoria, and at the Agency of the Bank of Montreal, New York City. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. ISSUE PRICE 96. Tar MINISTER OF FINANCE offers herewith, on behalf of the Government, the above-named Bonds for Subscrip- tion at 96," payable as follows: -- on application; 16th April, 1917; 15th May, 1917; 15th June, 1917. through the chartered banks. income tax--impos by the Pry of C of $100, DOMINION OF CANADA i Issue of $150,000,000 5% Bonds Maturing 1st 'March, 1937 | b "Payable at par at Ottawa, Halifax, St John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, INTEREST PAYABLE HALF-YEARLY, 1st MARCH, 1st SEPTEMBER. A FULL HALF-YEAR'S INTEREST WILL BE PAID ON 1st SEPTEMBER, 1917, THE PROCEEDS OF THE LOAN WILL BE USED FOR WAR PURPOSES ONLY. Delivery of scrip certificates and of bonds will be made The issue will be exempt from taxes--including any ed in pirsasnse of legislation enacted The bonds with coupons will be issued in denominatioH $500, $1,000. Fully registered bonds without All I, Four Patriotic F Reasons for Growing Vegetables , It saves money that you would otherwise spend for coupons will be issued i in denciinations of $1,000, $5,000 or any authorized multiple of $5,000 The bonds will be paid at mata at par at the office of the Minister of ce and iver General at Ottawa, or at the office of the Assistant Receiver General The total all of bonds of this § jague will be limited to one hundréd and 3 million dollars, exclusive of the amount (if any) or by the surremder of bonds: as the equivglent ol yal under the terms of the War Loan prospeétus of 22nd November, 1915. 1 | gtd) SX VE 3 k Tt helps to lower the "High cost of living." s I helps to enlarge the urgently needed surplus of produce for export. 4 Growing your own + i Tt is' tables saves labor of others for other vital war work. The Department of Agriculture will help you The Ontario Department of Agriculture appeals to Horticultural Societies to devote at least one. evening to the subject of vegetable growing; manu- facturers, labor unions, lodges, school boards, etc., are invited to actively encourage home gardening, Let the slogan for 1917 be, "'A vegetable garden for every home." Organizations are requested to arrange for instructive tatks tical gardeners on the subject of by practic -- Ea it is impossible Subject t of Agrieults growing. peakers, the pt roe hy table local ture will, on request, send a 'The demand Jor spealers will be a be great. The ng of avallalile experts being limit: arrangements for meet! The stimulate the work by offering prizes for best oy Depart at oo fio local speakers cinooh be secured, send applications promptly. ment suggests the formgtion of local pe Itis propared to assistin any possible way any organiza a campaign for lots, It will do so by sending s advice in the field. ble ion on vacant Se by suppiyie Sapurt 'methods pd and cultivating the crop. A of a vegetable garden 'varieties and charge to any address. indicating suitable ie rim arrangement | n the garden, rn Write for Poultry Bulletin : 'Hens are inexpensive to keep, and you will be highly repaid in fresh eggs. Write for free bulictin: on tells how to keep hens. Address letters to "Vegetable : tare, Pasfament Buildings, Toronto. Campaign," Pretend dah » x ral a vm The [SO Vo Nl + credit of the Minister 03 ES Tad Fp Xd IS | Xd Xd 2 WSUGAIS of any ¢ provisional receipts. ra Xa Yea of Canada, and both April instalment. os Serip eur spriiicaten, in accordan ! _ coupons 22 as to sag a registered or a bonds, will of I ® after all tment, TE for the provisional 2 [8] When the scrip certificates have! 'been | Kk) payment endorsed thereon by the in ie money, they may be exchanged for bonds, when pre tached, payable for fully without Soupens, ents may be paid in full on the 16th day of April, 1917, or on any instalment due date thereafter, under discount at the rate of four per cent per apnum.' payments are to be made to a chartered bank for the All of Finance. Failure to pay any instalment when due will render previous payments liable to forfeiture and the allotment to cancellation. Subscriptions, accompanied by a d cent of the amount subscribed, ey be forw the medium of a chartered hartered bank will t of ten per bank. oe ormaried trough Jeceive Subseriptions and issue This loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament dates 5 charge upon the Consol > - * Forms of application may be obtained from branch ~ in Canada of any chartered bul snd at the flee of any Assistant Front General in Canada. : Subscriptions must be for even hundreds of dollars. In case of partial allotments the surplus d applied towards payment of the amount and interest will be a Revenue Fund. t will be ue on the gotishle o or yable to bearer ® frplicans for receipts. - to bearer or Jointed. d in full and at Halifax, 8t. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winni or Victoria, or at the Agency of the Bank of Mon ew York City. The interest. va the fully registered bonds will be paid by cheque, which will bo remitted by post. Interest Si honda with eoupons will be paid on surrender of stupons. Both cheq coupons, at the option of the holder, will be payable free of exchange at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank, or at the Agency of the Bank of Montreal, New York City. Subject to the ment of twenty-five cents for each new bond issued, holders of fully registered bonds without coupons will have the right to convert into bonds of the denomination of $1,000 with coupons, and holders of bonds with co will 'have the t to convert into fully bonds of authori a without UBGES at sky tine en application to. the Misistee of The books of the loan will be kept at the Department. of Finance, Ree A cation' will be made in due course for the listing of th » issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges, | a : Revoghi ed bond and stock oe offices an: 5 g ry aan : one per ect of 8 lications. that i commission