Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 14 Mar 1917, p. 4

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OCAL NEW Ss : , Save Waste Paper For the W. P. A. The W. P. A. has secured the right ta store old papers and magazines in small roow to the West of the Ar- 'manries at the rear of the Post Office. Pbersons who have old papers of magazines which they are willing to danate for Red Cross purposes, would capfer a favor by tying the same in aries as indicated. Should any per- find it inconvenient to take the len the papers will be called for il said persons will telephone to either Xs Fred Brock or to Mrs Geo Jack- rt! papers should be tied in bun- des, as loose papers cannot be stored | in the room. Splendid Subscriptions Dr. Baker. Principal of Albert Col-! lege, Belleville, made an appeal for funds for the College on Sunday and Monday last. He met with wonderful | sgccess, as he secured subscriptions | totalling $1500.00 from the members | of the Methodist church here Among® the subscriptions was one of $1000.00 from Mr. 3S. Jeffrey to establish a holarship in memory of his wife who | ded about a year ago. The College i a worthy instituton which has jven an education to many a young man whose finances were too small to put him through. Irish Tea and Concert -| Non't forget the Irish Tea and Concert in the Presbyterian Church. Besides the talent already announced, Miss DeFoe will recite, Everybody come and enjoy a good time. Remember the Date Keep the date open--the evening Wednesday, March 28--that's when the Band Concert is to be given. A Pleasant Evening A very pleasant evening was spent at the I. O. O. F. Hall on Wednesday of last week, when the young ladies of the "Edith Cavell Society" gave a epchre and dance. Proceeds amount- ed to $47.80. © This money will be spent by the Society in buying sup- plies for Red Cross purposes. Military Notes Lieut. C. Vickery has been detailed ta take a course on the lewis Auto- matic Gun at Toronto. Sergeant C. D. Purdy, of the 14th Reserve Battalion, Dibgate Camp, England, recently enjoyed the dis- tinguished honor of forming part of a bady of 150 picked men to give au exhibition of military exercises before the Prince of Wales. Later he was icked as one of a group of sixteen to an exhibition of bayonet fighting before His Royal Highness. Lieut. Clifford Jackson, of the Royal Flying Corps, Toronto, spent Sunday at his home here. Sargt. Hewgill spent the week end with frlends in Toronto. Lance-Cerporal A. Corrin, who has been home on sick leave for some time isrecovering his usual health. Board of Education 6, Rev. J. Harris reported from the House and Grounds Committee on the improvement suggested and need- ed. The most pressing features are new closets for girls, and the linking uy of the Primary School with the main school. The scheme as out- lined by Mr. Harris wonld cost about $8000 or $9000, "Mr. Follick showed a rough plan of the proposed improvements, the plan being the joint work of the House and Grounds Committee and the School Staff. In the discussion of this scheme, it was shown that the increased grants from the Government would meet the interest on the money invested. A resolution was passed instructing the House and Grounds Committee to report further at the next meeting as to cost and any changes in the proposed. in schools will be brought up for dis- cussion at the next meeting. A sug- gestion has been made that several schools be linked up, and a trained nurse be employed (0 to make the in- spection. : To Come Before the Presbytery The matter of the call extended to "Rev Mr. West will be brought before the Presbytery which meets at Oshawa on Tuesday of next week, 'when the Fest JRety will deeds if the transfer r ta sliowad great entesouise 'bBgndles and taking them to the Ar-|. PEARSE & WARD Fire Insurance A SATISFACTION ASS ents AGENT FOR General Animals Insurance Co present. Insurance i all kinds of -- ACCOUNTS asso. hss _-- AS Si 4 wire Pianos and Organs Sold h side of rout 83 50 ot Phoenix, Dan, McDon- John Nott viewers, $3.00. Theo. Fitchett, temporary aid, $4 Benj Roctyche, gravelling Division No. 5%, $90 az Meesrs w Procenod M Mark, pre- sented to the Council a petitionsigned by 49 ratepayers in favor of selling part of Henrietta Street in the Village of Seagrave. "4 A resolution was passed Mr. Mark the privilege to move his house on to said Street (off main road) until further notice. Desirable Properties for Sale The house and grounds of Mrs. C. ]. Pearse, corner of Union Avenue | & 'and John St, Port Perry, 8 roomed ! frame house, modern conveniences, good well, half acre of aspasagus, all kinds of fruit. The lots comprise an One by one the old folk of the acre and a fifth. This property can town have been passing away this be bought at a reasonable price, good winter. Last Saturday morning death terms ' came to a familiar figure in the per- ohn McKee property, = Borelia, son of Johns Nott in his 92nd year, ey house, barn, Dp floor stable, His life has largely been spent in § 5creq of land, good orchard, first Port Peny, class well. Everything complete for a "Squire" Nott was- known far and comfortable home. - Within short dis- wide especially as he was justice ofthe from High School. Can be bought (peace during the time of the Scott on reasonable terms. Act, a piece of legislation that was enforced with considerable difficulty. The requirments of his office brought Mary and Jobn Sts, Port Perry. New- him into notice. In his capacity as ly renovated 7 roomed cottage. Good furniture dealer and undertaker, too Well, nice garden. he was much in the public eye. The Dean pump works and roomed He was an ardent Reformer, who house. About about an acre of land followed the political issues with con- and good stables. Everything com- siderable interest delighting to hear plete for business. Can be bought the questions of the day discussed up- Cheap, on easy terms. on the public platform. As long as he was able he loved te | | Apply to James Ward, Port Perry attend the services of the Methodist Church, tramping down twice a day! from his ---- ps Borelia. He - Manchester as regular as clockwork in his attend- Rev J. W. Bunner our pastor had ance and when finally he failed to ap- 'a successful wood bee last week from pear, his friends knew that he was Mr W W. Holtby's woods, he now prevented by illness. has a good supply of fuel on hand. John Nott took an interest in all Mr and Mrs Geo Stone have moved town affairs--particularly in the Ag- to Peterborough. THE LATE JOHN NOTT The Crooks property, corner of ale, and T. Lee, services as fence | ¢ Bowling Club On Wednesday evening, thé annual meeting of the Bowling Club was held | Fr, in the Market Hall. The president chair was taken oy Mr E. H. Purdy. | A considerable amount of Miscellan- eous business was transacted. There was a large and representative attend- ance. + The club finds itself in better financial condition than ever. Pros- pects are bright for the coming season clubhouse is to be erected: the rinks improved, schedule of games to be inaugurated, a possible tournament and the donation of a trophy for com- petition among the club's rinks. Members' fees were handed to the treasurer with a vivacious smile that was commendable--considering this to be the crucial year of the war. ed for the ensuing vear: President--=Reeve Gorow Vice- Pres--]ames Carnegie Treasurer--W. S. Short Secretary--E. H..Purdy Ground Committee:--W. Graham, H Carmichael, F. W. McLean. Skips:+S. Jeffrey, E. H. Purdy, room W. S. Short, J: McHoull, Dr. Mellow bam: D. Carnegie, with the President and pyugh. Vice-Pres as Skips, ex-officio. T. W. of reportorial work. An enjoyable and profitable season is anticipated. As some have applied Household Goods for Sale Mrs. John Brimble is offering for private sale at her residence, Mary St, Port Perry, a quantity of household goods. Persons interested will please call on Saturday, March 17, and on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday of and vice president being absent the| D. as Fo 5 Frame house and two lots, stable, small fruits, property of Stevens. St. Charles Hotel can be bought at a 's house: barn and twelve Fie Monsdgues house roomed house. "IN PRINCE ALBERT Geo, Scholl propery, be brick house and an acre of choice garden soil. Mrs. John Warre: , large frame house few first-class od stable, all Catharine Johumon p roperty, commo- dious frame house, 3 os land, beautiful shade trees, fruit, good stable. NETLETON Levi Taylor property, new brick houses shade trees, stable, OE oatle home. FARMS East half, lot 5, con. |, Reach, 110 acres, The following officers were elect-| McLean was elected correspondent, Ben Bushby, two barns, good to assist the Secretary in his Sapichy if i ken at once, offered at $4500, -- $1000 for membership, the ranks are almost good orchard, beautifully situated, close to as full as accommodation will permit. school and church. good clay loam, stone siabling, well water- ed, never failing s, Convenient to | school. Property of R. . Brown. Lot 18, con. 10, Reach, 60 acres clay loam, good buildings, Al mineral spring on the place. The John Michie property Lot 16, con 7, Reach, 100 acres good clay loam, on enh of Wilson Gerrow. 2 barns, pig ouse, silo, 8 roomed house, a con. 1, Reach, 200 acres good land, SY of Lucia V, es 10 house, Al bam, pig pen, straw hen house, 12 acres orchard just com- into bearing, running water, 15 acres road, of Our Rates Have Not Advanced nearest Aig, St Fates F. D. Wi Asis Director HEAD OFFICE. «= TORONTO Consult our or write 100 acres on Osh stables, ausp Gai con 2, Reach, 100 acres of good land, od. fropetty of Allan Mopse, new 7 frame house, Lots 11 and 12, on Simcoe South, 2 mile south of Raglan, Raglan, propeny o of W. Clyde, .100 acres, 11 Joood rick cottage, good barn, stone stable with cement age, good pig pen with cement floor, driveshed, water 100 acres on Scugog Island, pro Orval Stone, aod brick hoe ne La with stone stabling, pig pen, wells, 3 acres pod orchard, eto church ad school. 9 acre chicken ranch, good brick house, barn and stables, large chicken house, runs ricultural Society. Ile loved to see things grow, and long after he was able, he would attempt to work his garden. It was with a sense of dis- appointment that finally he had to give up growing the largest sunflower and largest pumpkin. Like many another man who has lived past his three score years and ten, his friends have gone before him, and it is not easy to make an estimate of his work, because for twenty years Mr and Mrs S. I. Barrett have gone on an extended visit to their daughter Mrs J. McGill at Oshawo. Don't forget the Red Cross Social in the Town Hall on Monday March 19th. The following talent his been secured--Readings by Miss Dhel Purdy and Miss Florence Walker.-- Music by Mr Jack Smith and the Port. Perry Quartette composed of Mrs D. Arches, Mrs Crozier, Messrs all wired, pig pen, all kinds small fruits, oice n plums, apples, etc, hard and soft water, on main road one mile from town, quarter mile from station. Act quick if interested. the following week. ROYAL THEATRE Port Pe 3 Lot 3, con. 11, Scugog, comprised of 200 Watch this space for ates shore Tess, known ¥ Som Mile aa. mmer reso weekly features; : Le od Tighe 0 the he buildin vig | Eom moses Open Tuesdays, Fridays new u TS ory also good and Saturdays : :: : : oe win Gr rooms, large summer Admission 10c and 18 hich sii good rout. oo Lines including war tax : : : At the regular meeting held March |= The question of medical inspection |. his health and faculties have gradual- H. Follick and F. W. McIntyre. ly been declining. | Refreshments provided. Admission, He was a Mason of long standing Adults 26¢c, Children 15c. and on Monday his brethren of Fidel- ity Lodge A. F. & A. M. buried him with Masonic honors. Mr. Nott is survived by three child- ren--William Nott, Detroit; Mrs. M Carpet Ball League The following 1s the standing of the Port Perry Carpet Ball Eeague:-- Wilson, Toronto; and Miss Ida Nott,| | 0, 0. F.--16 at home. Miss Nott nursed her father S o. E. 16 through his last illness, and by her Tht kindly care did much to comfort him Firemen--10 in his weakness and old age. L.O. L--9 Ek DD00000DDODONOONOORY Ls Sd Zz FASS IRSRIRIR IRE A A Ladies" Watch must be pretty, petite and dainty. Moreover, it should keep - good time. | The cases are a matter of personal taste. But the movéments--well, that is a matter requiring expert knowledge. Regina Watches are the production of' experts, adjusted by experts, and guar- anteed by the best jewelers in the country. ARN {SUSU ONE JUN I VC MURR 5 J |&3 po I IB | I' ETO TT J. D. ROBERTSON Optometrist Jeweller Stationer ryof eace" to Poi Pony | LEAsk--At Greenbank on Monday, Fsiday and Saturday exenings this week--"The Sporting Duchess"--a § reel feature, and a Comic. A. Roberts, Proprietor Born CLARK--To Mr and Mrs A G Clark, Toronto, on Saturday, March 3, 1917, a son. Died March 13, 1917, John Leask, Sr., in his 88th year. TurNER--AL Prince Albert on Tues- day, March 6, 1917, Mrs. Isaac Turner, in her 79th year. TavLor-- In Toronto on Moriday, March 5, 1917, William John Tay- 'terms, present owner them three miles - --one 1914, one 1915, one 1316, these cars lor, in his 38th year. sm -- Jour ovch=-4, also old orchard, all kinds ce mnies ron. fenced, cellent fishing. "Snap if ed ten a, Mr. Sintzell. [also have three second hand Ford cars for sale, cars in good condition, none of have run over are open for inspection, cheaper now then later in the sesso, YOURS FOR BUSINEESS. Phone 54 r 4, Port Perry. House for Rent 8 rooms, hard and soft water, gar- den, stable, possession April 1st, ap- ply to Mrs Brimble ---- White Wyandotte Eggs for tching. ADAMS & HUTCHESON Local Agents : George Collins Real Estate Agent If you think of buying or selling a farm, 1t will pay you to consult me. ¢| 1 have some very fine farm properties for sale, and have guod facilities for transfers. These farms are trom 80 to 200 acres, and I have also a num- ber of good village properties for sale 'Terms easy. For further pai a;, 'y to Geo Collins, Port Perry, Ont, PHONE 72 For Choice . BEEF, PORK, LAMB and VEAL CAWKER BROS. BUTCHERS A full line of Smoked Meats and Lard always on hand ~~ Highest Cash price paid for Hides and Sking ---- CARTAGE and RAYNE. The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of carting, dray work, and plowing of Gardens etc. For terms see, WILLIAM CAMPBELL Thirteen eggs for one dollar, Apply to Harold Asher, Port Perry, Ont. tf. 13-- PORT PERRY TO INVESTORS purchase. in . A commission of dL 'OCTOBER Th, 1916. [Hose WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE - AT PAR DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK . IN SUMS OF $800 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF, Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. Interest payable half-yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque (free of any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment made under Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date ssourity. Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. : NE : : one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized bond and took broksrs on allotments made in respect of applications for this stock whioh For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF FINANGE, OTTAWA : N dat o any future war loan issue bear their Port Perl

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