Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 3 Jan 1917, p. 1

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} "highly respected resident of Uxbridge anadian | and Samuel McBride from the Board ifice Home of Control will have a sbothing effect ethaps; and the lo ty On the language output. 5 refuses: to sign the} i As is often the case, Toronto has Card, which has ho left a good tan at home--F S Spence tell' you there are «who is perhaps better versed 1n the, Gots Braiiment civic business than any other man in' £ Poin nan TUNED the city. -- "| Reach township could not have gone astray, no matter what candi- dates they selected to do their 'muni- ciyal business. The contest was a close one in many cases. 'The Coun» ri ( Tl : of the following. gen- 'business gave a : : ~ Reeve--Mr. John Stone the manufacturing end of De Rats' Allan Goode 7 Eh | Councillors --Messrs Wm 'McDon- uy tomatoes at 26¢ per|ald, John Johnson, and W J Cook. 3 4 2.4 _ The election;of Mt Johnson to the : hel. The wholesale price of these Council, will Tenet he whee of {| goods is $2.40 per dozen. Formerl Assessor vacant. This office was one a 40 pes Xo pied which Mr Jobnson filled for a num: ged:to. get 55% ber of years with credit. shel, 50 you begin 10] qu. ys new members of the Coun- | time the manufacturer) are Messrs Johnson and Cook. make ends" meet--not| Both these men bring ability and sin. make more. than five or | cerity to their work. We trust that er cent on his money. | this Council will be able to do good ih good: chance work in getting the roads into shape Shave > ""1 and that they will be able to support A anufacturers out of this | the County Roud System as the only If h ng their own canning. In effective way of saying money in this |l|this way they can have the finest and the chief spending department. || freshest vegetables at the cost of PICKERING VILLAGE cooking. There will be| Council was re-elected by 'accla to otry about the bigh cost | mation : Ider. There are plenty| PICKERING TOWNSHIP jars and empty bottles to fill. Reeve--R R Mowbray , couple of hundred thousand | Deputy-Reeve-- Mr. Forgie (accl.) ers should go "on strike"| Councillors--Messrs Fred H Rich- + to buy tomatoes at 35c a ardson, Wm J Stanley, Alex Wilson little doubt that the price WHITBY TOWNSHIP p and the manufacturers Reeve-- Fred Rowe : less risk of breaking their Deputy-Reeve Ms. Orson, . while carrying around ncillors--Messrs Brown, Guth- jo SATE Mov vewn Hale © EAST WHITBY Reeve--W Dearborn Deputy-Reeve-- J Glover Councillors--Messrs Pascoe, Ellins, and Nesbitt WHITBY TOWN Mayor--Dr Warren Reeve--]J H Downey Councillors--Messrs Bradley, Dis- I ney, Graydon Goodfellow, Conlin,' Whitney, and Bateman. County Separation 8 Oshawa 'has decided to withdraw mn the County of Ontario. Mayor es that the town will save ally, when the price be- normal aga, the merchant > just as much profit as he is wd a man as Mr. fooked into the i got off first, expecting she would be "consciousness and was removed to her form of building is common. in land HAR Mr Wm McGregor did the car ter work in his usual good way. The ceiling is of black ash; oile to show the grain of the wook. cross beams are of oak. Across th west end is a dais raised 'about 18 inches with depth enough for a square' piano. f. ; The east en Fatal Accident Uxbridge Journal An accident occured at the station on Tuesday, Dec 26, that horrified the town. = Msg Storrey, an aged and was getting off the train, when she slipped under the car and had both feet cut off. = Miss Storrey was late in leaving her seat." The girl with her 4 bas a cheerful dre" place in which a log fire gives a homes like glow, the mantle is a double 'one of oak, the entrance to the church and take op right: behind her, but people starting to board the 'train blocked the way and kept her back. When the steps were clear, she started down, but the train started to move about the same time and she fell between the plat- form and the car with the distressing results mentioned, She was conscious and able to talk while being moved to Dr. McClintock's office, but later lost tbe stairs to the basemsnt the rest of this end. A i The floor is red birch. The: winds ows are cathedral tinted glass in lead- ed diamonds with double border in two colors, the one over the porch is especially handsome. The building 1s- lighted by two wlectrolier of three and two lights, the new nitrogen fillament lamps: bei used and the lighting effect is further assisted by three foot lamps on the platform, supplemented by three floor plugs from which piano or table home, where she died in a few hours. Mrs. Charles Taylor After an illness of five diys of Jamps can be attached. grippe which developed into pneu- The heating preblem is taken care monia, Annie Elizabeth Stork, wife of of by a Kir-Ben furnace raised from Chatles Taylor of this town, died in the base about four inches, no told Toronto on December 29th. On ir ducts are employed and only the November 24th last deceased went t0 one hot air which 1s immediately the city to visit her son, Mr. W. C. above the furnace and 30 inches in Taylor hil Bajmy Beach, [ab gt diameter, Apparently this treatment | EE el ui [oe » t the tesidence of Mr. J. C. Laylor, Lilla suditoniam, The basement can seat + street, Port Perry, to the Pine Grove ghout 50 for supper, served from the oa ey Te vl ht SUG ovr . " Wo and coal oil stoves, sink ai ceased is survived Dy ber hushandand tap, and sufficient of dishes and table three sons, J. C. of Port Perry, W. (..| cutlery, the property of the Ladies' of Toronto; and Robt. of Tweed. Aid and Young People's Society. The Young People's Society have also purchased a very fine piano from New Parish House |Mis Forman. The building will be used for Sun- The new Parish House in 'connect- | day School, business meetings, or jon with the English Church was, vestry. meetings, as they are termed, formally decicated on Friday evening | week night services, meetings of the last by Bishop Sweeny. The cere- | Ladies' Aid and Young People's So- mony consisted of a religious service! ciety, ete. The Church of England followed by an address from the Bis- is rather more strict than other de- hop and Ret Mr Muirhead. nominations ,in- limiting the uses to The building is of white brick on|which the church itself may be pus, a cement foundation and was designed [and the Church here has suffered a by Messrs Gordon and Helliwell who great deal for want of a place to hold are probably tiie best church archi- mestiogs, hk shslaba tects in Canada. The old open chur ye. Viewed from the South it is two|been torn down and the site terraced storys as the basement opens on a off, and a neat trellis fence built at terrace, and the full depth of the | the rear -to screen off the Beciaty BE foundation shews, fron the north it is| yard, A piece of ground and a: a a one story structure with the floor on | drive-in shed have been procured. the same level as the church. It ad-| The whole schem®, which was an joins the church on the. South-west ambitious one for a few bas end and opens into the vestry. been well worked out, and while, with The entrance to the Hall 1s through [the purchase above mentioned, - will a very actractive porch oi the north- cot abit $3,100, I clear pi cast parallel with the church. s may be sup) a grea The foundation was built by Mr deal of this money was contributed by David Jackson, and is much -admired pedple who are not adherents of the as an excellent piece of cement Work, Church of England, and itis a ple > : Mr. W P Spence did the brick: di te to their generosity. 3 work and is a work that he 'may well such good feeling that does Te ; "4 be of." The wall are 11 inches for real church unity by promoting with a two inch air space in the gen good feeling ph church eicies than | tre, the brick is exposed in the in- union by ama amation. band terior precisely as on the outer walls, some Rectory, built 2 few 'years ago, -- on Bom pod BO yin 3 aon md ear of ration time to time at, in 2 blo and cleat be ae ee the ar apace makes atiracive nit, centrally. located the building very warm. It is the! esmapicuonsy placed only hollow wall in town, though this gr tions mi well

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