Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 27 Dec 1916, p. 7

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: 5 per within the ear is a remarkable record in a nln of ways. A year > the Jank was able, to report a on r gain, ng assets close to 20 Ts oa h level. depends on genen rather conditions for its gpowth, not the Sustoding of 8] gal , government or other, the _ million expansion on top of a record- reali ear is significant of busi- ness a and prosperity within the : teriory that it serves. - The year's growth, it ma be pre- sumed, hag been widely hu 3 thou, general tendency of com- ercial discounts in andl through the year was downward, the Royal an increase of about five lions or six per cent.; the increase, ially and relatively, in current abroad, is larger, about 13% 56 per cent:* The latter, safely be conjectured, is a seq 8 30. the great Suvi sugar indus Fades That condition responsible for the i fase in profits in 1915. The increase Jour was a moderate one of $19,- t the 1916 Staeltient Shes the 8 witin about $60,000 of the ok's; b earning year, 1913. There yaa slightly better demand for mone; in Canada: a much improved deman in the bank's outside territory. The increased demand abroad, no has been met, and probabl "0M ig more, by the rising min deposits abroad... breadth of the 'situation continues important from the Ga oul ie w. >i : nk TE a Ee GT one of the. ty heads ere is An increase of close to 11 which represents, no doubt, the pur of British Government securities in con- nection with munitio: ts The aggregate of li assets is 121 millions, a gain of about 36 millions, and increasing the propo on assets to Foy liabilities to 58,2 per cent. aga 49 per cent. the previous year and 46 per cent. in 1914. Cash, including cover in the central gold re- serve for excess note circulation, re- e public, against 18.4 per cent. in 1915. : : 8; s should be satisfactory to both shareholders and depositors. The bank has been able to find reasonably profitable employment, for a large amount: of money, while increasin actually and relatively the strength its' liquid reserves. Some leadin| comparisons of the balance sheets o the past two years follow: Liabilities. $ 431. s: i 1916 300.301 5 18 © 18.178,23 1,42 263,201, Specie 2, ,289 | 'Dom; notes 9, 300 Cent. gold res ! h A | Total cash .. | Securitios Balances, etc, . Call loans, Can. Do, abro " Do. total .... Total liquid Curr. loans Can... 331, ...+263,261,42 METHOD OF MENDING INJURED SOLDIERS WHYTE io oF REP ALL AP- ondent writing in the Lon. ort time ago it was announced 1 udy of the scheme for deal- ing Jieh, the disabled soldier evolved "the French Government; was being 'made on behalf of our own authori 'This study will soon, it may be bear fruit in -a considered seanwhile, a short description | nethods employed by our al- of the means devised by them the difficulties of the situation days ago a meeting of the eological section of the Royal of Medicine discussed this in consultation with Dr, Pierre the Grand Paldis, Paris, ed a leading part in per- French scheme, In pri- be ation Dr. Quiserne de-' 'work on which he is en- comes a matter of serious considera- tion. Will he be able to return to the ranks, or will it be necessary to dis- charge him as permanently unfit? In the latter case, in what manner can he be fitted to earn his living and take a place in the working ranks of the coommunity ? .. The answer to this question is to be found in the arrangements which have been made at the Grand Palais, longer does the visitor to this bu ing encounter paintings and sculp- tures; in the well-known rooms there is now gathered together all the * ap- paratus of the mechano-therapy, elec- tra-therapy, and balneology. Straight from the hospital ward where his - in- juries have been healed and : his de- formities corrected the soldier comes to this great refitting department, and without a day's delay his "after- treatment" is begun. He is still a soldier, for a measure of discipline' has been found essential if the * often laborious treatment is to be carried | out successfully. A number of offi- Lcers are in control, in addition to. the doctors, and their work is of the. ut- 'most importance. "White Magic" of Repair. Theu begins what hag een Li de- scribed as the "white magic" of re- ous ma- : 5 : gia ForBook ef theEyeFreeask of such} Presents 16.2 per cent. of liabilities to di The position in this, as in other re- ed {rem ce gradually won | "Brown clainis that he always tells the truth." relieved No e Ci _ At Eye Your by it, oi Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co. Chicago Cautious Suitor. 'Father--8¢ you want to marry my daughter, do you, young man? Young Man--Yes, sir. Father--H-h-h-hhm. Can you sup- port a family. Young Man--How many are there of you, sir?" Monsieur: : Hor 16 days In the month of January I with n of rheumatism id ul nas of Teme ° 00d. One INARD'S LINI- 'T; as soon asi tried it the Satur- time that you would 0 have one. to hear abou matism, T edy t any person sick of rheu- could tell them about this Yours fal. ERNEST LEVRILLE, 216 Rue Ontario East, Montreal. Feb. 14, 1008. '| Drastic Measures Which Can Be Put yest | "I measures which, in addition to or de- | tian for it shall be made within | months' imprisonment and a fine of Yt at any time 1 come | "snack" for picnics or excur- sions. Toast in the oven and serve with butter, soft cheese or marmalades. "Made in Canada FRENCH GOVT. EMPOWERED. Into Force in France. The text of the bill under which the French Government will obtain sum- mary powers to suppress the liquor trade and carry out other drastic measures follows: ""Until the end of hostilities the Government is authorized to take by decrees decided on by the Cabinet all rogation from existing laws, shall be required by the neééds of national de- fence, notably in matters appertain- ing to agricultural and.industrial pro- duction, equipment of ports, food sup- ply, hygiene, public health, recruiting labor and the sale, distribution and consumption of provisions and pro- duce. In case of a decree necessitat- ing a special appropriation applica- a week. Penalties not to exceed six 6,000 france may he attached to a de- cree." ; , Sasser Fools rush in where angels fear to tread, but they never get the welcome that is given angels. sleeve. The white dove trills its ten- and those who say it does are low, un- kultured slobs who do not know. The white dove only sings of peace to fol- low with the world's release from frightful war which cannot stop un- | less the singer is on top. The white dove in the sauerkraut tree is cooing soft for sympathy, while those who know its pleading cry bracé up and keep their powder dry!l!--W. J. Lampton in New York Herald. p Now York Ben When food lies like lead in the stom. ach and you have that uncomfortable. distended feeling, it ix because of in- sufficient blood supply to the stomach, combined with aci¢ and food fermenta- fon. In such cases try the plan now followed fn many hospitals and advised by many eminent physicians of taking a teaspoonful of pure bisurated magnesia n half a glass of water, as hot as you can comfortably drink it. The hot wa- | ter draws the blapd to the stomach and the bisurated magnesia, as any physician | can tell you, instantly neutralizes the | acid and stops the food fermentation. | Try this simple plan and you will as | tonished at the lmmediate feeling of re- | lief and comfort that always follows 'the restoration of the normal process of di- | gestion. People who find it inconvenient | at times to secure hot water and travel- | ers who are frequently obliged to take hasty weals poorly prepared, should al- ways take two or three five-grain tab- lets of Bisurated Magnesia after meals to prevent fermentation and neutralize the acid in the stomach. What Soldiers- Read. : Miss Beatrice Harraden contributes to the Cornhill Magazine an article entitled "What our Soldiers Read," which presents a most interesting The man who marries for beauty fp dlvays Shas Io Sig up some other ex- cuse 'wou p on loving her i after years. ipe oe » Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. "The man who seeks fame merely for the money that is init deserves either. HE NATION'S "FUTURE Depends Upon Healthy Babies 'Properly reared children grow up to be strong, healthy citizens Many diseases to which child- ren are susceptible, first indicate their presence in the bowels. The careful mother should watch her child's bowel move- ments and use : Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup [tis a corrective for diarrheea, colic and other ailments to which children are subject especially It is absolutely non-narcotic d contains neither opium, any of their de: BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Malled free to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Ine. Plonesr Dog Remedies | 118 West 31st Street, New York "RAW FURS || It wil ay yca to ship all your fur X y > 0 & reliable hous | and shipping instruocti EDWARD POLLAK & CO. 280 BT. PAUL ST. WEST. MONTREAL, QUE. ABSORBINE TRADE MARK RFG.U.S PAY. OFF will reduce inflamed, swollen Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Soft Bunches; Heals Boils, Poll Evil, Quittor, Fistulaand infected sores quickly tive antiseptic asit is a Swollen Velns, Weas, Strains, Inflammation, Price $1.00 per bottle st Will tell you more If you write. Bottle for 10c In stamps. FAYOUNG, P. D. F., 518 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Can. dhe Ine and Absorbloe, Jr.. ars made In Canada, Clydesdales anted Pedigreed Clydesdale Mares, Fillies and Stallions. Must have good qual- ity and thick, made up to a fair size, Mares 3 to 6 ye °s old. Fillies rising | - 1 year old up, S.allions 2 to 6 years old. All stallions over 2 years must have proven themselves nably sure. When writing state county, | t railway station, G.T.R. or . and telephone exchange, also qu rices, Anyone with good pedi- greed i ales for sale should com- cal muni once. Also wanted number _W. J. McCALLUM, Importer, Brampton, Ont. Bank: Merchants Bank, Brampton, Ont. | series of observations upon the litera- ture chiefly in demand in the hospital wards. Very favorable books are those dealing with Mild animals and their habits, and all stories of ad- venture and travel, and, of course, de- tective stories. The sporting novels of Nat Gould appear to outrun every other type of fiction in popularity. Miss Harraden notes that "when the 'men once begin on a better class of book they do not as a rule return to the old stuff which formerly consti- tuted their whole range of reading." A sample of Stevenson, for instance, has raised many a young soldier to a higher plane of discrimination. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds. &o. Money by the Handful. A dozen small boys in Sacramento, California, recently found five thou- sand dollars in bills hidden in an old {can. The boys soon got rid of three | thousand dollars, buying candy in a number of stores, leaving a handful 'of bills in each one. When overtaken | by a. policeman they had two thou-| sand dollars, and if an owner is not: found this will be returned to the boys. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows Would Be Dangerous. Heck--A doctor says it helps diges- tion to laugh at your meals. Peck--If I were to laugh at the meals my wife prepares, I'd probably get a plate thrown at my head. A Trip By The Royal R.M.S.P. from Halifax to Deme A trip by the der iay with no intent to lead astray, ™ arry He--But if I marry you I d: know how to make money. SR Minard's Lintment Onres Distemper NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB P Offices for sale in good Ontario towns. The most useful ge teresting hi n of all businesses. Full in tion on application to Wilson Publishin pany, 78 West Adelaide Street, MISCELLANEOUS ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC, internal and external, oured with- out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Collingwood, Ont. When buying your Piano insist on having an "OTTO HIGEL" PIANO ACTION Artificial Teeth Fought Send us your old false teeth, plates and gold. We remit best cash value by return mall, Gold & Platinum Refining Co., 24 Adelaide Jt. West, Toronto HIRAM JOHNSON LIMITED. 410 ST. PAUL STREET MONTREAL Established aver 39 years as Raw Fur Dealers Write us for price lst. Send us your furs and get the highest market price. - Those long winter nights vou will need indoor recrea- tion. Why not instal a Home Billiard Table ? Write for particulars of our famous Maisonette Table, for cash or on easy terms. Burroughes & Watts, Lid. Makers to H. M. the King. 34 Church 8t,, Toronto~ Spirit of America at play: Magnitude and Cheerfulness AMERICAN PLAN BUROPEAN PLAN D.8 White, Pres. J. W. Mott, Mgr. Mail and return to St. John occupies 39 days. i On the outward voyage you have a delay WR Bar! at Bermuda, 01 have part of a day Io Montserrat, St. Lucia, Grenalla, ay ays, and on have at least as At Demerara voyage. a day for not be on shore a "there any sea voyage just like this one? - that bados, and Trinidad and at Antigua, Domin- St. Vincent and the ship stays for e homeward voyage you much time at each of the 4 places mentioned as you had on the outward Please observe that there is never ° over half the ip a 3 portion of tie time. in the world that is 2 It is hard to believ: there is. Qertainly there 'is nome so enjoyable at the price. Ask your Railway Ticket Agent for a booklet, or send us your address and one will be forwarded.

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