s whim of the powers that control fashion. And through up or down. This year will see big advances in the price of Last year saw a big increase in the price of woolen goods ing for military purposes. The effect of this was to increase leaf cottons," * "= xe the last six months, consuming double the quantity of raw cotton. This ure and the result is a sharp increase in the price of cotton goods for with a series of profitable investments. Buy your cotions NOW and vil - | Shepherd Check Dressgoods 25c yard A splendid material for waists, or girls school dresses. It is woven in nredium sized checks and is 36 inches wide. Per yard 26¢ ial value in English Cambric, made of pure cotton Bl we wish our triends | ; yarn without dressing, 36 inches wide, Per yard 10c \ j and pargos a Rl Chevron Striped Dres sgood S as : appy an vd A te : ge YB | Prosperous New Year 8 Regular 75C for 50C Fine English Nainsook & : ao Tell We have just two shades left in this matérial--navy and I15C yard eA ; : ---- vig) ; cadet. The weave is a' neat self colored chevron stripe. AL ; 2 . The material is 44 in wide, good quality, medium weight. "+ White Nainsook, 86 in, wide, English manufacture, soft ® ] i pio finish, Splendid quality for fine lingerie. - ° Per yard 1b¢ Per yard 59c¢ 40 inch Factory Cotton Rock Fast Drill Shirting All Wool Serge 12lhc Yard oo sa 20c yard 75¢ yard Factory Cotton made with nice even thread, free A standard drill shirting, 48 inches wide. extensive- . Foranall wool serge this is a remarkably low Arom specks, full 40 inches wide. Per yard 12%¢ ly used for working shirts, black ground with White price. The material is 44 inches wide and comes in stripes and figures. Per yard 20c grey, green, plum, and deep rose. Per yard 75¢ White Flannelette Sheeting 40c yard . Lt s es : . ard : 'cre White Ffannelette Sheeting, 68 inches wide, woven Fancy Prints 14c y Shantung Silk 59¢ yard n heavy soft qualiry, well napped on both sides. ~~ Fine English Print, 32 inches wide, light colored radio wie : : Per yard 40¢ grounds with colored stripes, spots, and figures. : Price per yard 14c wide. Regular 75¢c yard. Price per yard 59¢ F. W. M1 cINTYR - January Delineator 5¢ 8 pieces of Shantung Silk, natural shade, 32 inches R quality in a dark grey, per yard 45¢c ss DON'T MISS | J. CARNEGIE'S