Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 20 Dec 1916, p. 2

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A despatch from the British Amy, my front in France says: The problems of | transport have been solved satisfac- | 'our 'resources, h of 3 torily; and now attention Is being Ta he Oro me Yrasioa. | |largely devoted to ameliorating _ w fi ay Kinua Ry ng of the | "And how as my remarks drsw | iron hard condition of rita ig 8 aE "practice and unre- ye and | vines braiied dy ne os 9, + Never trenches. Heavy sheepskin Lua 1 gd future, The thoughts' of Sher ats and Jackets have fssu- ie That AR us after : billet Peovided 4 arma ad dry Dt p-| ; port reserve positions. Best of all, Bir m; ater ' Bowever, , Tommy in the front line gets Part, Preatdent, snd. Bie Preder rick ha ve hot meals daily. There is break- Williams Taylor, the Gene a o [fastat 7, dinner at 12, tea at 5, and ma : Hf Flierd "was no misunderstanding wa hen that 1s done, new condi- soup or stew at 9 and again at 2 oners say their troops in west 13.50 to suas 80; jhe frm ness os the USER I hy undue i Deriohe. o'clock in the morning. have not been supplied with any wo ao ub ery ton HiAko to 8 of the sanditions that prevalied In 1, From reports Tucsived from Ger- | sheepskin, leather or fur sasta. They | St lots, per ton, % To se, 2 | k man prisoners and observations made | have received o oollen LC z most "importan was to Eel" rendy actively employed. oe ap mugn |during raids the British have discov=ibody bands and i |, Comey re iso a is Eh under the. strain of this ered that conditions on the German | prisoners shy, they are supposed to! . a Dla da ad In this connection it was pointed front are very different. Along most be in the/ trenches not more than «4 : ont that all efforts should be of the new lines formed by the Bat-|from 14 to 18 days, but some divi- _TsEs=No. 3 st storage, 40 to dle: tor. Se mlrntion: erat the. sare. time | tively Tittle known countr He of the- Somme the German frant sions lataly have vemajned tere 30.0 S50; out of +t 18h; a note of confidence was struck as | her ne naclo position in the a affairs trenches ase Wergly a broken sireieh days and over without relief. oe ra- i's re Shot Ta Soaline itn Say neo REOh | © + The, futile, me I hive mid. 18 |Guocnie and ony a Few peered | come, an Mamie adioos, Fits tov, 0h LiF coop, J, Mult cs a Ber entirel igh; rom financial anxieties, hiding holes, where two or three men | rye bread, coffee and mineral waters. | Dressod geese, B Rit oa %o 23¢: araeLe Sir Frederick made special men: but by a young 'people possessing can take cover from the shrapnel. |Recently a daily ration of brandy hes' per dozen. a i Ta curiae 0 OS abe: tion of th ord of the staff of great national sp the Bank of Montreal overseas, say- pire and unrivalled patural re- British reports from the Somme been issued to the men in the front ' i sources the future oan be looked % ing: As for the Bank of Montreal |forward to with hops and confl- section say the German communica- | line. For rest the 'men often are overs Ws ae A o-lo 3 bs Contingent with ih colours, I have dence." ,| tion trenches are impassable from |crowded into damp cellars. 1 bo; 0-1 iF to fie p buckwheat, 60-ib. no words sufficlently eloque General Manager's Address. ' y . wherewith to fully express our pride Bir Frederick Willismg- Taylor pe------ in their achievements, our grief the Gene hohoy- atin select, ET A i ne Te to $5: butchers' choice, § ral Manager, 2%, their losses, 48 cent. "of our |ally with $e main A of the ": 3 b. 10 to 13¢c; male staff, or 81 per cent. of changes in the Bank's business B H | tubs, es Te Pals 38 Ue do.; lo. good, $6 1.50 of military age, have enlisted, | during the course of the year, and Pota tatogs™Ontarlo, bas. 16; on edivm, $6 eo 30 61 of our best have n killed and | the manner in which Canada's ad- 107 are wounded, missing or prison- | verse trade balance had disappear- Pridian Wi mbia Rose! Bllawaron ners and uttens, #4. "3 ors, ers of war. Several of our men ed as Ahouh > DY magic. Bir Fred- bag. ba336 to $3.30. . ho 4 3 ho have been Jecorated by he King for erick said in Rat bublacss foo S20 to I n, $80 med, TR os, $8.5 50 to $1 60; ht sple , who - be 3 5 bi contineent ts filustrious. Hi ®| ture in Canada is an Industrial con- bask? 3¢ Im ried, pr -ploked. per a to ia hd : hand-p! very Sordial demonstration was ' dition more abnormal in character i 50: Canadinn primes, $6.60 to ar HT \ shareholders When | than ever before in the history of 6; a A Oc. ediu to $9.9 3 Yufls, on thelr behalf. asked to | this Bank, or of this Country. "¥ Turkish Positions Have Been Captured in a Forward #8! Lima sd fw SHER off care, Ei do, be allowed to es sheclally abe Pre aime ~statement applies in a Provision ucloeis. Bir Vincent Meredit! th reat or lesser' degree: to several Br a en te Seliger erent and neutral countries, Movement in Mesopotamia. medium, 24 to Smoked i omic condition: f8c; do; heavy A to "LK cooked, 33 to. 7.7 5 5 8.50; iy upon him during the Sourse of sae Ls eit a Sono Soria} tions A : 352; vo Fila % 5 200; br t bacon, 26 | bulls, $6. 5 to ah 76 41 This is partly dfe to. the war, also we oy backs, plain, 26 to "to 3c: boneless, | gunners. to 5.8 RS 89; tO o $as0; can: Boltors not" 'sa. an Donor xn Bir 8 pe! A' despatch from London says: |subjected to an effective bombard- (nFlokisd id dry cured meats, 1 cent less atte 34805 LEAS nel hy FAVARANCe Of We Ar now . well, and the honor conferred was | feeling. the cumulative effect. British troops have taken the offen- |ment. British | ooured m Long clear bacon, 18 to alike popular with the shareholders | * Canada sold her record crop of ive in th f Kut-el-Am in During Wednesday night- tish 18}c per er A ar lies, 18 to 184 oh ive and the public generally. last year at high prices, as in the sive e region of Kul ara, forces secured the left bank of the |, La ohio hes a Hare cer ah 30) fo ote: $ pu i de Dor ee lI i ios while (his year we. ars disposing of Mesopotamia, 'and have occupied | Hai River between Atab and Bas-_pouia. Je ito adie be +. | LEAVE BEING CUT DOWN Peal. and My. Harold Kemnay of | mounting prices that we again reap | Turkish positions on the Hai River, | rugiyeh, crossed to the right bank and 10615." ciha, Tots: yellow, 30 below white. FOR TROOPS IN FRANCE, At the first meeting of | 8 &olden harvest about equal in south of Kut-el-Amara, says an offi- | 96C% ie grounc{o.a dep from Montreal Markets. te le Dew Jjoard of | Directors sir amount oo that of f i918. The total tal statement fosaed on Frid ight one to one and a half miles, the cav- A despatch from London says: All. slected President. and "the Vice: 1000. on the offensive movement the Britian |r, Tubsequently. clearing the; Turk: | weg, 22% sult Sait ranks are notified that owing to the Presidency, which had been vacant "Our much criticised adverse In the offensive movement the British | ish troops from their trenches on the ou L168, 'No. 3; 6830; : Bc trade bal has disappeared E of Ba ay "he Yoporn ment of thouh by magic. and our exports | crossed to the right bank of the Hai'right bank about ¥uls Haji Fahan. Re 1 Sad, dod thes he ToL "Barley = aero pecsnity 1 Tedaéing Me oi Gordon, Preside nt 'of the | &re now vastly in excess of our im- River and" took Turkish. trenches near The positions occupied Are nS ao pajtine: wheat\patents, firsts. | =~ ngland a eave 'W! Apt? Sir Vincent Meredith, Bart., Pre- Mote of Caution Sounded. Kala Haji Fahiin, two and a half miles dofidated by oir infantty. Our WN ons ! | Week- oa uy. 1s for home sident. in referring 'to the princi . "The transient nature of our fin- from Kut-el-Amara. The statement alties slight." ) S10 'to : : Jeek-end 1 ome eo year and the | creased SZpOrts alone is 3 simple oll a were . : oR men or those in mu plans that should be laid to cope |index to a situation that : ollows: Kala Haji Fahan is on he right a PEt mands the attention of all thinking . "Our forces on the Tigris assumed | bank of the Hai River t i one, ire of addressin ou ba, tae | 2° hens. views may not be accept- the offensive Wednesday and Thurs- | half miles from Kut-el-Amara. Atab ore thin Annual Meeting the end of |sble to all, but they are common day. The Turkish positions about |is on the left bank, five and one half fer--Cholcest 3 to 43hc: ¢ A nse and od {thmetical ' g-- > | not interfere with the four days' leave | which has conyuised Sg ould fae "ho ogy Tn Ba Sannayyat, on the left bank, were miles from Kut<el-Amara." seisctag: Wie No.1 a stoc oS invariably granted men proceeding to moasurable Talstance. In this og "These are the main factors that a EEE ne ---------- Bo-- stock. 39 53. tatoes--Per oar Jota, the front, nor with leave granted tation we have been disappointed. | juve influenced and will influence Ro one can Xe fix the day of its | th banking position--the moye- Winstueg Grain, troops siready in the field. termination. t I am sure I ex- ment in deposits and loans and the aN [ross your feelings when I say we safety of both. Therefore in m No ul 'Dec, a Jhjotations: i NOH! 2 Northern, | HORSE MEAT AND LIVER a Iter ae He opine fhe a h Bung i rot; Fa $164 Ne % Allies, . views plainly before us until the VOICE PROTEST MOST COMPLETE i: i; No. 6, in 39 CENTS A POUND. I yr Tea 5 pire iy |S obvious means of : £5 Ses Eg 1 rs: as fo y m Berlin: 1 Owl : fee er Taian Fouth SE a eramonit to A -- i Ron ME = a us BE Thies (Ark. eiomay, Tw Le Tar, ky [Tres The Herero {Advauoe Nosth of Dongument Be. We horse meat a mazimem price of 80 and national existence so greatly | geonomy or eit can Wo Fétuce war Against the Enslavement on Six-Mile Front to Depth ~ United ss Markets. .cents a pound for the best cu vee : pend. h t of living--that ffeot- R35 the result of t 5 phenomenal : ive ries to tl EE raat. of the Belgians. of Two Miles. sh Ti lay, Des. 1 en ayhea at, lay, and sausage, has been fixed by thi crop of a year ago, ed with vast ; mi tion we mainly depend for th thorities. expenditures by the Allied Govern- | fuller development Y of or at A despatch from New York says:| A despatch from Paris says:--The YLT0Y to $1808; No.1 Northern, ments | in this country, for munitions, | passed natural resou FOMOUICOR. can. bs Vigorous expressions of indignation French troops in an advance on Friday | t n are being paid for must wait, Ay ion) 1 follow in Hold a ou Pes Min 2 procs north of Douaumont and between the WAR COST $28, 000, 000 A DAY bor, and trade con- | natural sequence. I have no words Meuse and Woevre Rivers --gaptured all classes t the moment in Canada at my command with RR to ade- against the "enslavement of Belgians" ' bi 1 than 7,600 pris veral , ; ey nero 'esbtions wil Te So the Pom ot an by the German Government. The de- wink bn 2 ae bein French MUNITIONS AND LOANS NCREASE Friday 4 ; enerally be found in- gian 1 8 h Suntriey concerned with the produc: or "x The tmely 'ana sven Su Jortation 4 2 Belg h Popy 5 Re vas official communication issued 0 0! 01 4 RE I as Theodore Fi Gh Archbishop * Ire-| evening. The advance was over a front ------ " Suen Title more. than § ear ' I am not sure that it ahould not be land, Joseph H. Choate, and other pro- of ten kilometres and a depth of three. Actual Expenditure Has Exceeded Estimate, , Bonar Flaw St has issued Domestic preceded by a 'Call to. Reason, in ' kilometres. The ery ] § ai, 000, order that the finportance. of the Equally forceful were|™ 2 Mentions Allied Peace Terms. 'and the Canadian 'Gover has Problems of the situation be im» addresses delivered by Elihu Root, After several ik Hi borrowed in New Yo! ,000, pressed upon those who are.l d preparation we attacked Ga The success of Our oans in, let us say, the paradise. of the James M. Beck, former Assistant At- to the north of D ont, 1 me { 2h matter of pride and conaratu. {unwise torney-General of the United States; ation. 1t-1s due largely to t 1 "Sane optimism and self-confl- of Jovaich of of our as Spit dence are wamirable national quali- Alton B. Parker, and Rev. Wm. T. She mb She Woevre, ona front] A deapuich from London says: wh war 2 SH52,000,000; ne : § of more ten kilometres. The or. extra. 'adminis 5 ng. the war 0 ML. within, them. 19 day. BON he ths onder of the Manning, rector of Trinity = Church, |" 7 or n ease. ab. Andrew Bonar Law, Chancellor of the $32,000,000 § hs cessful conclusion. in loses Its valus and the ou r who presided. vs: front brok Exchequer, announced in'the 'House of J. to die. 'peace proposals of alts EE vt Suk of otioptiencs baton, ABC 14 |" Besclutions were adopted urging $1emy' front broke down avery where op mens cn Thutaday, afternoon * the Central Powers, Mr. Bonar Lew Eeibutions has not tak: in Bank' the Bonton Market. the "Government of the United States]. ph & etres, | the daily average expenditure of t| eaid? 5 ria t, they show cionth by 'month a erick drew. attention to to protest with all its force- and numerous trenches we cap- y tifying increase. It must mot | tng nt position_occupfed b; tured th¥ villages of Vacherauville and Britain in the war had arisen to £5,- In moving the last vote of 'credit iin only partially due ty Kop. To aly Sonne 3 : gurgestiion against hese uirages; Louvemont, the farms of Cham prottey 710,000. He said the actual expendi-| Mr. Asquith used the words: tr ¢ to emp e detestation w i : ! be the savings of our people. They It fs not out o r and the fortified works of Hardsumont ture ture had exceeded the estimate owing| (the allies) require that there may be accounted for toa very cow. | tion here 'that this Bank In pmo which the American people regard| "= V adequate security for the future.' iderabl tent b: - - EE oxtont BY the pusbanding | ; I ran honey "hr ed ond these abuses, and to request the Ger- |' "We have taken a great many prity' "Great Britain's allies is oan. ho 3e 2 and still di recau- | market, Government in the name of all ring ; on on in vi bw OF the Whoertalny pont: ito fake pral Pane, for, or this, Jet Jpet faot a al vs nen its policy of expat-|oPers, whose exact number has not yet } , ons. of His Majes ns which now prevail and will [is not to be sight 9 been determined. Seven thousand continue to exist during the con- EugRet oral as Bh ok to the riation and slavery," and pledging fve hundred of th of Hnuance of the war. © | "our utmost support to the Adminis- om, including two « = \ 3 ficers, already been tration in whatever way it may con- through i BRITAIN FOOD CONTROLLER won | EE FROM FEEDING FOE SUBS. of LAYS D0 WN HIS PROGRAMME A despatch from ym Madrid says: Ale- onda of he Radical Will Adjust Supplies so That Everybody wil Have an Equal Chance of Getting a Fair Share.

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