"LOCAL NEWS PURSE FOUND Apply at STAR 1s there going to be a 'skating rink in town thi sinter? 1i so: someone should get pretty soon.. It may become: fashionable 10 go barefooted next summer." A man will] have to be very brave if he gets a leather medal these days. The ladies of the aristocracy are working in Toronto munition factories. Fancy an aristocracy of labor. Nothing. is killing chickens faster than the high price of wheat, and' no circulars issued by the Government can "save their necks (I mean the chicken's necks) if feed continues scarce and high in price. 'The young ladies of Mr. McClin- tock's bible class are sending a col- lection of fruit and pickles to the Soldiers' Convalescent Home in To- ronto. Anyone wishing to make a 'further donation will kindly leave the same at the home of Mrs, Hugh Lucas, or at the store of T. J. Wid- den by Dec. 10th. Town Council The regtlar meeting of the Town Council was held on Monday evening. All members present except Council- lor Hutcheson A communication was received from Col. J E Farewell, enclosing cheque - for $80.45, being return of grant to 182nd Bn. i The following 'accounts were order- ed to be pads W Cook, cartag iE, $3. 55 \ Orc hard, 80. 85 Corporation of Reach, tile, $35.40. The account of Wm Nesbitt for $10.00 for'Constable fees was ordered to be paid, and the'account presented to the County for payment. I'he Council will take steps to col- lect the outstanding taxes. --e-- A Nasty Accident Mr Wm Anderson met with an acci- dent during the wind storm on Wed- nesday. He went out to fix a high board fence at the rear of Mr Parrish's «tore when, the whole thing was blown over, and Mr Anderson was thrown to the ground. The result was a broken | ankle. We regret to learn of this accident, as this is the second time Mr. Anderaon has been hurt this year Presbyterian Church Anniversary 'of Pastor's Induction Subjects for Sabbath, Dec. 10th: 11 am. "Covenanting with God." 7 p.m. "The Unpayable Debt." 3 p.m. Sabbath School and Bible Class Everybody welcome at these services. Gomer gnite Fonaats Com * Insurance on all kinds of Ye _ Pianos and ( rgans Sold. of Whitby Distiict foe prae Who, Should Have the at the Comenion Brooklin_ last ¢ 'Socks? + Without question the socks that are knitted for the soldiers should fn the men at the front, When their needs are fully satisfied it may be all {right to supply. the men in the bat- the fr at home or in England. But "Mr. Jas Wan The pupils of the upper room our public sc! were successful in disposing of $10 worth of stamps: for the benefit of the Sanitarium at. Gravenhurst. the first great need to be supplied is that of the map at the, front. The St. Andrew! S Supper bo ot re abroad who are not The Sebert House more than kept in the firing line can buy socks for up its good reputation" in the 'supper 'themselves if need be guite as well as] they.can buy many other articles. provided on St. Andrew's night. Over If a mother or sister wishes to sup- fifty persons enjoyed the dainties 'set' ply = loved one with 'socks that is|| In the case of patrio- |'§E before them to the full. The meal their privilege. was generous and most' appetizing, tic bodies, however, the work should and the management are to be con-' e diverted into channels of | the gratulated in having handled the sup-/| yEVeatest need: E per so well. Mr. Walter Cook was in charge of 'Fair 'Night Concert the dining room. b Hi h S h 1 : y 1g CcNoo Had the roads been in a fair con- dition the attendance would have been On the evening of: Christmas Fair Genial good fellowship Day, Bec. 20th, the High School will much larger. pervaded the 'gathering dnd the pro- | iis a Loa) entertainment in the The prizes and diplomas ram and toast list provided a g Pp! ide ple, To Hall. i won at the last midsummer examina- mental enjoyment. The. following: items were given: tions and the championship medals Toast List. on on field day will be awarded, after James Carnegie, toastmaster. hich'a good play abounding with 1 The King. | amusing incidents and situations will 2 The Day and a' who Honor It; * be given by a number of the students, S. Farmer. | Be snre'to reserve the evening. Fur- 3 The Boys in Khaki; Lt, Penrose. ther annc uncements' fater. 4 Scotland and the Scotch, Wm. | Maid Winted Smith, M P. 5 Our Sister Nationalties, H. G. Maid for general housewdfk in Toronto. Apply to'™Mrs Wm Hiscox, Hutcheson, Rey. -W. J. West. | 6 The Ladies, ] D. Robertson PROGRAMME. Poit Perry. The work will be light; Skirl'o' the Pipes, Piper Sutherland good wages offered. ; Song, Mrs. D. Archer. Mary of Arygyle, Bandmaster John '= Roach. STRAYE D HEIFER -- Strayed Song, F. W. Mcintyre. from the premises of Charles Taylor Instrumental, Piper Sutherland. "one mile north of Port Perry, "some Piper Sutherland did his "bit" with time during thé summer, a light roan all the ardor of a"Scot, It was a bit beifer, one year and a half oid. Any amusing to sce the effect of the pipes information leading to her recovery upon the "puir feckless creatures" will be rewarded.- NS. :McDonald, "they are made a. JEWELRY GLASS. WARE durable't construction has been lft open to criticism--in fact ttle bette r than seems necessary.' . But merit will win in A tong run, and Regina ches, being. gs BRASSWARE EBONY WARE CALCUTTA IVORY PIPES AND SMOKING ACCESORIES bo by thousands of 1 and backed by avess ey do." No detail of their | f prices on each sire . ly Hanged. will stand, 2 rade of watch 1s Jo where i in Canada." si" 1A i HE S We have the sole selling, right = in this district. : HAVE YOU- FP IGURED WHAT XMAS SHOPPING COSTS YOU? "This year you: should be out to save wherever you can and «still retain the quality. You may accomplish this by select; : ing your goods from-our lines of 3 LSP SILVERWARE CHINA CUT DEPOISE ART FRENCH AND = LEATHER GOODS STATIONERY, ETC. A} that did not spring 'fra' Scotia." R. R. No 1, Port Perry, These were unanimous in their declar- ation that they liked the bagpipes-- J. A. MURRAY at a distance. DENTIST 5 And the haggis! Man, but it should Office above Rose & Co. ave been brought on earlier in the hours. 9 am. 16.6 pn: feast. Perhaps you want to know h os how it is made. Well, here's the in- | JOHN BELDON_ LUNDY formation : A pudding made of the heart, liver, lights, etc., of a sheep or calf, minced | ToL 2D 5. DDs "Ontario) with suet, 'onion, oatmeal, etc., sea=| Announces that he has taken over the soned and boiled in the stomach of an dental practice of Dr. R. L. Graham, and animal. is prepared to continue the practice. as i Haggis from hag to hack. f ouahl Phone 68 Ind. Phone 900 Office « PORTANT The most important announcement in this paper to folk who are about to buy new shoes is the simple reminder of the economy of purchasing the best--more particularly INVICTUS Our stock for the present season affords an excellent representation of good shoes bought according to an excel: lent system, whereby a wide range of fitting is assured. known as We shall deem it a pleasure to show you at any time 8 these various new are under no obligation to buy. styles, having it fully understood that you - OUR. STOCK OF WRISTLET WATCHES 'IS NOW COMPLETE: $7 for $6 up to $15.00 Watches. movement $11.00 15 jeweled movement in nickle case, with strap bracelet, regular $7.50 for $6.00 15 jeweled movement in nickle case, with rddi- um dial, strap bracelet, reg. $9 for $7.50 15 jeweled movement in sterling silver case, with leather wristlet, suitable for lady, reg, 7 jeweled movement in nickle case, with leather wristlet, reg. $6 50 for $5 Other grades in this style of Wristlet Watches Ladies' gold and gold filled Expansion Wristlet Good gold filled case, fitted with 15 jeweled 7 jeweled movement $9.00 Fortune or Banner gold filled case which was formerly known as 20 year case, fitted with solid nickle 15 jeweled Swiss movement, guaranteed for three years for $14.00 We have a large stock of Ladies Watches of all styles. Call and see our stock and let us save you money. : " What can be more appro: priate than a nice pair of Gold or Gold Filled Cuff. Links, either fancy or plain, for eas i graving. Our monog tering is put on free ree and the article nicely e Everything in the jewellery : line can be had at i FE ,_-- Yellen ROBERTSON 5 We have a ; wines of pieces of Cut Glass which appeal to the family or to the individual, which would be appreciated very for Xmas instead of a number of small, worthless articles whic soon gone and forgotten. Heavy Crystal Glass Bowls, deep cut, neat and new designs, reg. $5 for Fy 5 Regular $5.50 for $4.50; regular §6.00 for $5.00 : : ety of hive ich ular prices, 9 inch Vase, heavy crystal g! 25; 6 inch Vase, extra heavy crystal, de 00 for $2 25; 10 inch Vase, of same qualit: for 16.00. These a are ak a few of the many