Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 8 Nov 1916, p. 8

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Fn Pha "Orchard the 2 i a iw yas Menchester oF The Red Cross Society shipped the following atticles to Headquarters at Teronto: 4 dozen pair Socks. 5 Surgical Shirts, 1 dozen Flannel Shirts, 3 | .dozen Hankerchiefs. "3 Try to attend the Sunday school: Institute' in the" Mé&thodist church 'here 'on Wédnesday, November 22, "Butt-Moon A very happy event of exceptional . Anterest occured'on Wednesday, No- vember 1, at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. W. Moon, of Seagraye, when théir "eldest daughter, Eva Amelia, was united Ernest, son of Mr and -Mrs Cephas Butt of Port Perry. 'At 3 p.m. to the sweel strains of the wedding march, skillfully played by Mr Edward Wain- wright, the bride entered the taste- fully decorated parlor upon the arm of her father, attired in-a. eputiful dress of embroidered voile~adorned with pink rose-buds. The 'niiptial knot was tied by their pastor, Rev F G Joblin, as the bridal party stood beneath an arch" of ever- green, festooned with white doves. As the register was being signed Mrs Roy Moon sang most sweeetly "A Little Pink Rose." = After the cere- mony a dainty luncheon was served to the guests, immediate relatives alone being present. Among the many valuable tokens of esteem received by the bride was included a set of furs from the groom The happy couple left on the evening train for Toronto, followed by the best wishes of their many friends who fully appreciate the unselfish services of both bride and. groom as cheerfully rendered to the community INSURANCE Jreside, and to the church jin which' in' whiby, 1 to Edgar? FIRE, LIFE, & ACCIDENT, 'REAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN. Can invest _your money. and give gilt edge security at 537. A Pianos & 'Organs for Sale, RJ. HARTHY. Prince Albert Ontitic where we ruse = will. long. happily' they were such valued workers. ¢ ¢ ed ain ~ Myitle. | The. Pie' Social which was. held. under the auspices of the Ladies Aid? splendid success. ~The program 'was' much enjoyed: especially' the dragolue entitled "Two Faces." Master Donald Johnson has. been yeonfined to his bed during"'the past week. A number from here attended the Provincial Plowing Match at Picker- ing last week. Mr Chas Calder s gasoline tractor {is proving a speedy method of turning | the fields into: furrows. Mr John Pyke has returned from a week's visit. with his - brother in Toronto, Mr and Mrs ] Hughson are visiting] their sons in the city. Mrs Smith of New York is visiting ber daughter Mrs Glynn Stacey. Mr John Bright, Doniinion . Live Stock Commissioner'of * Ottawa, was here on business last week. on Wednesday of last week was a' Smith on the arrival of a fine boy. (W. J. Holmes Mis Mary Mittin ER "Miss [ary | Burns are visiting friends in "Toronto and King, Mr Elmer Cook is spending "a few x days in Toronto with his brother Earl Mr Morley Gilroy and friend, of Columbus, spent Sunday with Mr A Gilsoy, : ' "An "interesfing' "meetin oe 5 'the' Young Ladies' Club' Was' Id at 'the "home of Miss ' Jessie White] recently. The next meeting will be held at the) : home of Miss Gladys Wilson. Mr. and Mrs J. McClintock, of Port Perry, spent Sunday with MEW TC Cook 'Mr and 'Mrs F Duff, Toronto, spent the. week end. w with friends here. rd Miss F Wales spent a. few. days, with Mr C Wales last. week; -. = Mrs G McClintock is recovering from her illness, Pleased to hear 1t. Congratulations to"Mr and Mr$ Geo Jeneral Merchant Myrtle =~ = 'Ontario Now fora 2 Weeks Sale «Commencing Nov. 13 We have on hand a Tot of ends of prints, 'shakers, linens, shirtings, cottons bleached and unbleached, also |. apron gingham 'and' towelling, land shaker blankets. = Also. men's. top [+ boots, top shirts, and underwear, on all of which we will give "Ten Per Cent. Off We carty a full line of the best Gro- ceries in Sanitary condition, Don't Miss this Sale as your can buy: $10,00 worth of goods and,pay for them with $9: WE WANT THE MONEY Bell Phone 141 r 41 useful could possibly be nicer than a piece of furnitt eo for or ge pike x awl * ni | t talk as if face to face. at 5 relephone--T must fags Lge * --and Long Distance closes the gap dy i i 'But Long Aca? A not ne of Se ig wi ey but systematically and as part' of + fs the daily routine. They are finding in it a means" of reducing production and sales' costs; of keep ing in the forefront the: personal element--the intimate touch that develops confidence, Wi speeds up. business. _ Z * tlaphone and ge an tm $. 0 0. MBoery Bell Ti hons a Zong Distance Station." fom Now Until Crimes v This year of all years is one in 'which economy but everlasting. ® idea. Then your motto should be---buy a gift ~ Then you will look to the fi - Consider this, then Some ¢ to our store : seletions you have heavy investment mont at LE (wh I x

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