Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 8 Nov 1916, p. 7

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/# 1 "1 The w teduetor" for questioned I You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.60 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. CONSCRIPTION IN ENGLAND. Government Strict With Men Trying to Evade Service. eDaily Mail of London conducts a cblumn under the title "Far and + Near," devoted to minor happenings and to news briefly told. The follow- ing extracts from this column in re- _ cent issues will show how strictly . the English Government is looking ? after the " ientious objectors" and other men who are trying evade service in the field: Two London objectors who had gone north to evade service were .at Glasgow fined £2 each and handed over to thé military authorities. © "I have no patriotism. I would rather be a slave than fight for free- dom," said Robert Taylor, aged 23, who at Nottingham was fined £2 and handed over to the military to John Donaldson, the professional short-distance running champion, was _ handed over to the military authori- es at: Manchester, the magistrates d ing that though an Australian d become an ordinary resident nd. Attempting to evade military by altering his birth certi- as-to make his age ap to y-one instead of forty, rge horseman, was at Epping, fined 40 shillings. p refusing to join up when ecall- ees Jones, of Llansaint, was at arthen fined £10 and handed to the military authorities. and a neighbor named Powell h sent to prison for three 8 for assaulting' the police who arrest him. Pel y Gr owing Custom | 5 ey of the. BRITONS ARE LEANER. John Bull's Girth, The medical experts are telling us that the British, since the war be- News. Generally Jobn Bull, owing to hard work and lain li fo ow, Shle to take. in Ww) buss | fan, have become leaner, says the ¢ on this by a Daily News iuterviewur, admitted a decline in| sales. A test case was obviously "Twenty Stun Bill," who used to loiter, fairly actively, at a corner where bus horses | {= ara | assembled in South London, and still haunts the place. "OMd'Bill?" queried | ¥ 'a motor-bus driver. "Not so staht? Not 'arf. No treating nah. Not so much beer." Food for thought there. A panel doctor, in a large way of business; ¢ ed thé general state- ment of a leaner Britain. "I don't think there's either loss or gain in it. Many people are thinner because they are in poor condition, owing to worry, or high food prices, or both. Noth- ing knocks the tissues about like worry. And then a large number of well-nourished people are wor 80 much harder than usual that they've lost a good stone in the past year. But they're the better for it, like the sound man who gets lean in his army training--if that . isn't overdone or hurried, as I féar it is, however, in not a few instances." AEE RR BABY'S OWN TABLETS USED TEN YEARS Mrs. C. E. Stilwell, Winthrope, Sask., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for the past ten years and have found them so good for my little ones that I always keep a box in the house." Mrs. Stilwell is one of thousands of mothers who always keep the Tablets on hand. Once a mother has used them for her little ones she would use nothing else. They are absolutely free from opiates and injurious drugs and cannot - do harm to the youngest child. - They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from 'Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. % - CONCERNING CRUISERS. -- This Class of Vessel Is Called the ~ "Eyes of the Fleet." "The cruiser has to perform perhaps, more varied functions than any other ' class of warship in the Fleet. It is her business to stop and fight when the circumstances are, from her point of View, Tuvoratle; ad ales 4 possess a | gh speed to le her oor id 'when the position is unfav- orable. i pf The cruiser is admirably termed the "cities of A yo es ; es 5 long passage- "making without * replenishing' her bunkers her chief attributes. known vendor of a "figure | OF self-conscious persons, |; 0 ve to SAYS them now bee 10] sted 1 Bey iinent' Physictan cle was to _ to 1s a ver: edy. Its constituent Hf ell known to ont .whelmed the writer with its "Before us," he says, "lay a lake exquisite blue color resting. like jewel in a setting between two the | ged peaks, which mirrored in the ugkiet obtain w | water, rose abruptly thousands parations 1 feel a ould be kept on | feet on either hand like grim guard- ily." The Valmos Drug & fore 'oronto, will fill your orders yo druggist cannot, te: music lessons. I wonder why?" "That's strange!" agreed Phyllis. you've never worn earrings, have » "No, I shall have to get my ears "That explains it," said Phyllis, an innocent smile curving her ruby lips. "He ants to pay you back in your The Folly Of Taking Digestive Pills so enh I soit fi of men ' gondition of 1s the cause n and dys- ter dinner pill merely lessens fie 'sensitiveness of the stomach nerves . | 18. false sense of freedom Tor TE those: who are subject to ng, ORTON, etc, after eating get about an ounce of pure bis- magnesia from their druggist and teaspoonful in a little water after meals, there would be no further neces- sity for drugs or Ted surated esia tantly neutralizes stomach dity, stops food fermenta- on and. hus insures normal, painless digestion by enabling the stomach to do | its work without hindrance. tM Unfeeling. Romantic Bridegroom (on the honeymoon)--Suppose we had never met! She--Oh, I should simply have mar. ried another man. "SUMMER THROUGH THEE WINTER' IN CALIFORNIA. Get away from the cold, disagreeable winter. California temperature is from 60 to 76 degrees the Piso round. not expensive to spend the entire winter there. Bungalows rent from $23.00 per month up. ~ Se A Be, 8 es m , & fas - fined and exclus! Ve through train from Chicago to Los Angeles, leaves Chicago 10,00 p.m. and arr Yes at Los Angeles 410 p.m. the third day----less than three ute. Write i B. H. Bennett, Gen. Agt, Chicago & North Western Ry., 46 Yonge st, Hrogto, Ont. He will send ba - oriptive literature and train schedules, help you plan an attractive trip, Take reservations for you clear through to the Pacific Coast. Bani For Universal Peace. Willie--I wonder if there will ever be universal peace? Gillis--Sure. All they've got to do is to get all the nations to agree that in case of war the winner pays the pensions. 3 ~ Misard's Liniment Cures (Colds, So. "Court of Domestic Relations. Mrs. Justwed--We hadn't been mar- ried a week Whehh he hit me with a iece of sponge cake. | ' The, Judge--Disorderly = conduct, One dollar and costs. Mrs. Justwed--And Fd made the cake with my own hands. : The Judge--Assault with a deadly weapon. One year. MOTHER'S REMEDY FOR BRUISES To ------ ery nature of children to eryl like a giant curtain eighteen hundred In Exalted Company. One of the members of a commit- tee of inspection on its tour of a cer- tain penitentiary found himself in conversation with one of the convicts. The latter was disposed to be confid- ential, and thus unburdened himself. "It's a terrible thing to be known by a number instead of a name, and to feel that all my life I shall be an object of suspicion among the police." "Bub you will not be alone, my friend" said the visitor consoling} "The same thing happens to peop who own automobiles." Toronto Fat Stock Show. Farmers who have choice stock to market shortly would 'do well to en- ter in Toronto Fat Stock Show, Union Stock Yards, Toronto, December 8th and 9th, 1916, and secure some of the big premium offered in addition to market price of their animals. This show has been coming to the front very rapidly and carries the best and largest exhibition of fat butcher stock in Canadas, and this year promises to be better than ever. i Potent Love Charm. : A young woman who thought she was losing her husband's affection went to a seventh daughter of a sev- enth daughter for a love powder. The mystery woman told her: "Ged a raw piece of beef, cut flat, about an inch thick. Slice an onion in two and rub the meat on both sides of it. Put on pepper and salt, and toast it on each side, over a red coal fire Drop on it three lumps of butter and two sprigs of pareley, and get him to eat it." The young wife "did so, and her husband loved her ever after, dant slopes two gleaming cascades traced their foaming course and filled the whole amphitheatre with the and higher in the background, great snow crests appeared, looking down upon us." Three considerable parties of Alpine climbers, numbering nearly forty in all, mostly from the United States, made ascents in this region during past summer on the invita- tion of Mr. A. H. MacCarthy, an enthusiastic member of the Canadian Alpine Club, who has a fine ranch at Wilmer in the Windermere district. Under Mr. MacCarthy's leadership important explorations have been made up the various creeks, piercing the eastern slopes of the Selkirk and of the opinion that for interest and mountain region is without rival on | $he North American Continent, and a8 soon as roads and trails are built will attract many tourists who have hithert: 4 beaten path of the C.P.R. main line. BR Catarrhal Deafness or Head Noise. If you have catarrh, catarrhal deaf- ness or head noises caused by catarrh, or-if phlegm drops in your throat and has caused catarrh of the stomach or bowels you will be glad to know that these distressing symptoms can be en- tirely overcome in many instances by the following treatment which you can easily prepare in your own home at Mt- tle cost. Becure from your druggist 1 unge of Parmint (Double Strength). his will not cost you more than 7bc. Take this home and add to it § pint of hot water and 4 ounces of granulated stir until dissolved. Take one bl 1 four times a day. A de- elded improvement is sometimes noted after the first day's treatment. Breath- ing becomes easy, while the distressing head noises, headache, dullness, cloudy thinking. etc, gradually disappear under the tonic action of the treatment. Loss of smell, taste, defective hearing and mucus dropping in the back "of the throat are other symptoms which sug- sugar ; tal Relics of Shakespeare. Of the few genuine relics of Shake- speare preserved in his native town, the most interesting are his signet ring, with the initials "W.8." on it, and the desk at which he sat in the grammar school at Stratford. Over 28,000 people visit the poet's home every year, numbers of them travel- ing many thousands of miles for this express purpose. Minard's Lind Cures Like Herself. Mrs. Youngbride (in fish store)-- Haven't you any lobsters that 'are riper? These look so green. are often overcome by this efficacious treatment. Nearly ninety per cent of all ear troubles are said to be directly caused by catarrh, therefore, there must be many pecple whose hearing can be restored by this simple home treat- ment. A rr A Japs Abroad. About 358,000 Japanese subjeéts are living abroad. In the United States are 80,000, Hawaii 90,000, Philippine Islands 5,000, China 119,- 000, Australia 6,000, Canada 12,000, France 120, Great Britain 478, and Germany 484. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,--In July 1916 I was thrown from a road machine, injuring my hip and back badly and was ob- liged to use a crutch for 14 months. In Sept. 1906, Mr, Wm. Qutridge of ute urged me to try MINARD'S LINIMENT, which I did with "the most satisfactory results and tosday | I am as well as ever in my' life. Yours sincerely, is . MATTHEW x BAINES. mark Minard's Lintment Cures Garget in Cows No Gift. A busi like man butcher's shop. "A piece of beef for roasting," he ofdered, briskly. The mead, mostly bone, was thrown on the scales. , "Look here," remonstrated the man, "| "you're giving me a big piece of bone." "Oh, no, I ain't," said the butcher, blandly, "yer payin' fer it." + PP Ad into a It's An IlIl-Wind-- "I see that there's a great scarcity of paper." , "Glad of it! My creditors may have |, #0 stop sending me bills." £ Cures Duration of War. A proper man is young always, Herr Foschwitz, aged 50 years, and captain in the Landwher, about the time the war began a wife not yet 20. Since the war has been on and he has continued at the front, he has spoken often to-his comrades about a matter very near| Minard's L Trapping a Slacker. He had no stomach for the army, to "work his ticket," He was physical- hi this fighting business keeps up ians of a lovely treasure. Beyond the lake the lifted eyes rested on a terrace stretched across the valley feet above the lake, down whose ver- 1 sounds of falling water. Still farther inscrutably | Purcell 'ranges, Mr. MacCarthy being | variety and spectacular beauty this' t with the more How to Get Rid*Of Catarrh, |- gest the presence of catarrh and which but had presented himself for examin- ation with a "sure trick" up his sleeve ly perfect, but his eye-sight was shock-| * Da FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD NECReSILES Tolio INA EEE 00 Peoples Barrie, Ont. MAKING wa D J P "Orie for mater In road On Se i Ei eh on to Sony. 11% "Foronta. Send for holesale Supply, Dept. West Adelaide Street. MISCELLANEOUS. BE. TUMORS, LUMPS, BTC. CC inten and external. cured with- home treatment. Write ot a a e. Dr. Bellman Medical | Co.. Limited, Collingwood, Ont. | GIVEN AWAY IN 134,900.00 PRISE MONEY ; asses for Boys, Farmers, Breeders and Feeders. Seventh Annual TORON! FAT nion Stock Yards December 8 and 9, 1916. Enter now und secure hifi, possible | ce in marketing your stock. 8 - Pee address, care Union Stock Yards, | Toronto. BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Malled free to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Ine. 118 West 31st Street, New York | | wll " The Soul of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the "OTTO HIGELY PIANO ACTION {A Home Billiard | Table 'Will provide you and your family with the finest form of indoor on during the long winter even- | ings. Our Famous Malsonette Table Is made specially for the home at a reasonable price. Cash or on terms. BURROUGHES & WATTS, Lid. Makers to H. M. the King. 34 Church St., Torento | WANTED | Men & Boys For All Departments Steady Employment | Good Wages | APPLY Independext Rubber Co., Lid. MERRITTON, ONT. Kettles Made of Paper. ' Kettles made of thin paper are used by Japanese soldiers. When needed for boiling, the kettle is filled with water, and then water is poured over it. It is hung over the fire and in ten minutes the water is boiling. The kettle can be used eight or tem times. much longer,' . Bays he, when it' s over the docto T, but when the medical man than when the sergeant had him in hand. "No, no, my man; with sight like that you're no use for the army," said the medico. "But you ought to get glasses. Stay, I've a pair like micro- scopes and if you see with them you can have them. The les were produced and fitted on, the recruit at once cried, "Oh, "Po you now?" said the doctor, with sarcasm. "Take him along, sergeant, {and get him sworn in. s no | | ins in spectacles." where there are of Sloan's Liniment | rheumatism, lum- | the

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