£5 _ A 2 horge power Fairbanks Morse Gasoline engine, ly over- hauled and in first-class running con. dition. A bargain. If need an engine don't hesitate to buy this one. You will seldom if ever get such good value for small money. Apply at the Star Office: + a J " gpirelta Corsets A emis sod vices upon sonlntin Bell Phone 129 -n AUTO FOR HIRE ply to William McClintock, Phone g3r 11, or at Beare Bros' "Glrage, Port Perry, Ont. 22 of Miss Amy Christian, teacher of piano and voice, will be in Port Perry on Monday and Tuesday of each week at the home of Mr. H. W. Linke. Special rates to beginners. : Anyone wishing to see Miss Christian, kindly call, or phone 60. STOVE FOR SALE--"Champion Oak." nearly new. Snap at $12, great a Pg NTADS, FOR SALE, EI6 Get your Butter Paper]. Subscription Rates | at the Star Farm .. cnisganesBly GOUNTY OF ORTATIO --(016 Division Coutts SHANgS fk heater. Apply at STAR Office. FENIAN RAID GRANT of land: for sale--160 acres clay loam in' Rainy River District, large amount of pulpwood. The price asked is won- derfully low. Apply at STAR Office. Will sell for $1.00 per acre. CARTAGE and DRAYING The undersigned is prepared to 'do all kinds of carting, dray work, and plowing of Gardens etc. For terms see, WILLIAM CAMPBELL 13-- PORT PERRY Card of Thanks We wish to thank the neigh- bour and friends for their kindness during the illness of Pte Dannie Elliott who died on October 19th. his sister Mrs lsaac Taylor Scugog Indian Reserve ESTABLISHED 1839 Bopius so Foeyhalders = oF isn ave 00 FARM INSURANCES Consult our searest Agent and get rates Director or write F, D. WILLIAMS, Managing ADAMS & HUTCHESON Local Agents Canadian > Farmers's Advocate CEE REE EA M. R.) ....84.00 pid TEASERS ALL 00 seesearssnessl$l 90 SUN.esessnasssses Pl. Witness. PreTT REE LH 'Daily, Vitnoss, . . Evening News. ....cco000:8 Farm &_ sossssenssseed 90 Evening Star(rural offices)... $3.00 Wi Weekly DOWSON'S - LIVERY... Auto For Hire For Satisfaction comfort and pleas- ure you should goto Art Dowson when in need of a Yivery. Specially good turnouts for weddings Horses and rigs for all occasions A. G. Dowson, Proprietor HEAD OFFICE. « TORONTO Re Port Perry ED. SMITH & SON | NURSEYMEN Winona, Ontario, Canada Growers of all kinds of nursesy stock | Represented in this district by William Galbraith Port Perry What is Home without Music ? ¥ COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS $47510920 F i KES EEE Ss = fal SESS, smooth. TE Ta Te idious. -- < 0) CONSIDER YOUR : COMPLEXION IF you have a proper regard for it you will insist upon the purity and antiseptic qualities of your talcum. CORSON'S ORCHID TALCUM will not clog the pores. most expensive talc, it is impalpably fine and It imparts a freshness and bloom that women everywhere find charming while its fragrance has a dainty appeal to the fast. Sold by all Druggists. Sovereign Perfumes Ltd. Brock Ave, Toronto : IRIE SA) i NAS Prepared from the 25c. NN Jackson's Sale Register 8, Walter Snelgrove, Beaverton 9, Byrnell. Ops 10, Thos Conlin, Reach 13, Mrs: Rich. Shaw, Manvers 14, S J Hepburn, Yelverton 15, Real Estate, Greenbank 16 Stanley Dix, Bowmanville 17, Albert Henry, Purple Hill 18, W A Fanning, Lindsay 20, Wm Mildenhall 21, Alex Geary, Ennismore 22, Joe McGuire, Lindsay "STEWART FORD. PAINTER & BECORATOR Painting, Paper Hanging, Decorat- ing and Sign Writing. He knows how. Let him give you esimates on your next job. Bell Phone 141 Port Perry Ontario Cawker Brothers Butchers \ For Price and Quality Still the Best General District News Miss Bessie Thompson rescued her father from a burning launch on Stoney Lake. She showed great presence of mind, and we should not be surprised if her bravery were officially recognized "000 The Standard Bank has moved to their old quarters, corner Simcoe and King Sts, Oshawa, The premises have been greatly improved. 000 . Mrs Jones, widow the the late Town Solicitor of Oshawa, is dead. 000 GW. Sayles, ' of Millbrook, has purchased the Waverly Inn and will run it in connection with his bakery and confectionery business, which he Canada's Fire Loss The fire loss of Canada has reached enormous proportions. This loss is a great hindrance in our' competition with European countries, where the destruction is much smaller, and the cost of premiums relatively lower For the past three years the aver. age cost of fire insurance in Canada has been $1.18 per $100. The average rate in Sweden is 40c, in Austria 30c, in England 23c, in Germany - 22c, in France 2lc, in Spain 19c, and in Ttaly 19c. . Good Pathmasters To the Editor of the STAR: Dear Sir--It has been on my mind for some time to write a word of com mendation that is due J . very good pathmasters that Ww blessed with in Reach Township. hey are Messrs, W. [. Cook, . Isaac Vernon, and Thos Beare. There are likely a number of others with whose work I am not so well acquainted. The t men I have mentioned take a pride in their work, Br on Beare has no spite against the autos, He says he likes to see them slide by without a bump. You can often see him out with shovel and rake, smoothing the road to Utica. None of these men believe it is allowable to let ruts and . holes deyelop in the road. Some people are advocating the Good Roads System for Ontario County. The sooner the better. The Government is offering to help us pay the expense of building and repairing our roads and I for one don't feel like refusing their offer. He While we are about it, why 'not change the whole system of road 'making and repair? Let the statute labor be commuted and the system has moved to the Inn. 000 Mr R Soaden, of Mariposa, was crushed to death. He was helping to get a wagon out of the barn when he; fell, and the wagon passed over him. 00a 4 Geo Berry, jr, of Cavan township, was the champion" plowman at thei West Durham plowing: match, for the second time in succession, ' 000 50,000 motor licenses have been issued 1n Ontario, the fees amounting to nearly $700,000. : '000 A new process has been discovered by British photographers for photo-, graphing in colors on silk. 000 There has been an increase in the. receipts of the Toronto Street Rail- way. \ | : 009 The girls are to be allowed school standing next summer if they work on the farm. This gives them an ; chance for school promotion, such as the boys have had. 000 The second French war loan was quickly subscribed, the working class taking 3 big share of the loan. J of roads placed under the guperintens dence of some such his oe pu ; masters I have named . a pride in their work. ; And this time, when the statu labor is commuted, it should be at a price that will give the~system som chance of success. Last time I be lieve it was commuted at 60¢. & day "In view of present day conditi such a price would be ridiculous! low. Farmers have paid as high as : 1$2.00 a day for labor, and a man team earned anywhere from $3. $4.00 a day. oe ! Another mistake that was made time, to my notion, was the ap ment of too many overseers with many different ideas as to how should be built, 5 There are proper methods of for all kinds of roads, and th the methods that should be and adopted. It is time we had definite, tested system of road that is secured from the p canara IY re ad who take the | airing their theories. No better commute the farmer needs eves on his own ie could