Moase- Steinhoff The home of Mrs. A. Steinhoff, of Mount Joy, was the scene of a' very pretty wedding, Wednesday, October 25, when her daughter Ethel, was u- nited in marriage to Mr. Walter Moase of Sonya. The house was prettily decorated © with evergreen, smilac and streams of | white, the wedding. being solemnized under and arch of evergreens from which hung white bells and doves, The bride beautifully gowned in ninon over white satin, carrying cream roses, and wearing a veil and orange blossoms, entered the room 'on the arm of her uncle, Mr Abram Raymer while Miss Ethel Bird of Toronto, played Lohengrim's Bridal Chorus. Miss Vida Moase in peach, colored crepe de chene and carrying crysanthe- mums was bridesmaid, while Mr Jas Sellers supported the groom. Rev. A McNeil, pastor of Markham Meth- odiot Church, officiated. During the signing of the register Miss Sadie Richards of Sonya, sang: "Because". The bride and groem received a large number of beautiful and useful presents which testified the high es- teem in which both are held. The groom presented the bride with a pearl set bendant, while the brides- maid, groomsman, soloist and pianist also received suitable gifts. The bride's preseit"to the groom was a diamond pin. After partaking of the wedding supper, Mr and Mrs Moase departed amid showers of confetti and good wishes for Toronto, thence to Cleve- land, for their honeymoon. Upon their return they will reside at Sonya, Utica A large number attended services in the Methodist church. Sunday afternoon. Rev. Dr, Rankin, of To- ronto, occupied the pulpit, Miss: Annie Ward has taken a pos- ition in Ottawa, and left for that city on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs R: Goose spent Sunday with Mr Jas Bentley. Mr. Geo Howsam had the misfor- whildren, also Mr S Smith, of hd tunn to break his threshing machine last week, but it is again on the i | Mr and Mrs Carlyle Smith an are visiting their parents, Mr and Mrs J Smith : Mr Thos Lakey had a most success: ful barn raising on Tuesday of last Miss Elda Christie was visiting Miss J] White at Raglan last Saturday. Mr R W 'Walker has erected new chimneys on his commodious home. Mr Jas Horne has been busy put- ting a new roof on Mr Jas. Bentley's kitchen, Getting ready for King Winter. | Mr Jas Myers has been repairing his mill dam, Mr Lew Wagner is visiting with friends in Toronto, The Stork had a very busy time here last week, leaving a fine baby, girl with Mr Milton Prentice on Wed-! nesday, and making a return trip to, Mr. Wesley Crosier's on Friday, leay-! ing them a fine son. Congratulations Mrs Jas Sanderson and her grand- daughter are steadily improving, They expect to be home soon. Friday, November 3cd, is the date of Charles Taylor's sale of first-class stock, hay, and implements. . Seagrave We are pleased to report that our new bridge is progressing quite nice- ly under the"management of Mr Guy, the expert on the steel structure, which is completed and ready for the cement floor. This will be put down this | week. Mr A Snyder has the contract to fill the approaches and widen the road to the same width as the bridge floor, and to put on. railings as far as the embandment runs. . Mr Gamer, the engineer, was here on Saturday, and pronounced the work 'to be up- to-date and satisfactory. The Missionary Services of Sea- grave Circuit was conducted last Sun- 'MOTHERS _ Your boys are dear to you no doubt : "Are they dearer than to those mothers whose sons have gone to the Front or are now enlisting? What shal be said of your boy? . : GIRLS Whom do you honour, respect and admire? Is it the young man who enlists? BOYS The percentage of married men in the ranks is high. Now's the day and now's the hour. This fact stands out prominently-- enlistment in the rural communities is low. The young Canadian farmer has yet to respond to the Call of Humanity. You were coming whén the harvest was over and the busy season finished. That time has ar- rived. - Your uniform awaits you--the uniform that enfolds everything that| the country demands of you--patriot- ism in the form of personal service. Cost what it will--it's a fight to the finish. Ontario County is calling YOU. Er ---- 1000 Windows Mr Grass of Toronto, who Has re- ceived the sub-contract: of installing window apparatus at the arsenal, Lindsay, arrived in that towfi and will start to work at once on 'a big contract. There are some 1000 wind- ows at the arsenal plant, which will be opened by machinery. That is by means of machinery 25 or 50 wind- ows will be opened, or shut at once, as necessity demands. Come to H. H. STONE'S and get a $2.50 FELT HAT For $1.00 We are offering to you for one wed Men's Felt Derby Hats, made from a only fine quality imported fur felt, edge bound with corded ol and ea with : cushion