Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 1 Nov 1916, p. 4

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Dreary Draggles. "How's that." Weary Waggles. "Why, they've taken the brass band off the front of them." Miss Helen Bowles has accepted a position as stenographer in the Stan- dard Bank of Canada. She will be stationed at Port Perry for the present but be moved to another Branch as soon as familiar with the routine. DIED--At Port Perry, on Monday, October 31, 1916, Heary Frise, in his 76th year. We understand that Mr. Lyle is moving to Port Perry. Our High School students have been playing football with the Ux- bridge High School team. So far Port Perry has not done any scoring. A week ago to-day the Uxbridge boys came over here, and a after a good game of about an hour, the score stood 1--90 in favor of Uxbridge. One of the local team obligingly bunted the ball through their own goal, but of course it counted just the same. On Monday our boys went to Ux- bridge to play a return game. = We did not hear the details of the play, but the score was 2--0 in favor of Uxbridge. Corporal DeGeer is suffering with a fractured wrist. He was cranking a car, when the animal kicked. Thisis the first casualty in Port Perry. Messrs. Albert Orchard, John in, Robert Heayn and R Heayn, left 'on Tuesday morning for Sudbury district, where they will enjoy the sport of deer hunting. Mr J. Leask is going with friends in Sonya. '1 he Port Perry Public School gave $10.50 to the British Red Cross Fund Mr. and Mrs G A McTaggart, of Grimsby, spent Sunday with Mr and George Mortgage Sale Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain M: there will be offered for sale by Pub- lic Auction on THE PREMISES, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1916, at 2 P.M. by JAMES BISHOP, AUCTIONEER, the following lands |and premises situate lying and being in the Township of Cartwright, i in the Ontario, containing by admeasurenmint One Hundred Acres be same more or less, and being composed of North half of Lot Two, in the Concession of the Township of Cart- wright. On the said lands are said to be a Frame House and Bank Barn with Stone Foundation. There is dso said to be some standing Timber on the lands. The sald lands will be offered for sale subject to a Reserve Bid. TERMS OF SALE Ten per cent of the purchase price to be paid down at the time of sale, sufficient to make up $500. within 30 days of date of sale, balance to. be secured by first mortgage, satisfactory to Mortgagee's Solictor; with payments of $50 per year for 4 years, and remainder at end of five years, with interest at 1ate of 67 per annum. Further particulars terms and conditions of sale will be made known at the time of the sale or by applying to the undersigned.' 5. D. CONANT, Oshawa, Solicitor. for Mortgagees. Dated this 23rd day of October, 1916 British Red Cross Mrs Clara E. Harris, Secretary, British Red Cross, Port Perry, Ont. Dear Madam: 1 have pleasure in enclosing here- with my receipt to cover remittance forwarded by you recently, in aid of the British Red Cross Society and the Order of St. John. To you and all those associated with you in the work of raising this contribution, my personal thanks are due; also the sincere thanks of His Honour, the Lieutenant-Governor, County of Durham, and Province of]. 9 You are invited to call' andi ex amine goods and prices before. buying elsewhere. 9 Special attention given to » watch repairs. : LR. BENTLEY JEWELLER and Experienced WATCHMAKER (Next door to Byer's Drugstore) Hair with Life and Lustre Nothing responds so 7eadily to a little care as the hair, We all--men and women--are irritated when our hair becomes brittle, dry and célorless, ADONIS HED-RUB is an invigorating hair tonic which keeps the hair in excell ent condition and is cooling and refreshing to the scalp. Barbers have been asing it for years. They find it Port Perry out-of-town pupils. Phone 31. ; ~~ Towle Bull is resuming her | music class. Special attention given Studio at the home of Mn Geo Jackson, Port Perry : He knows how. "Tet him give "you esimates on your next job. ". Bell Phone 141 'Decorat- TO FO Apply t to William : [98x or at Beare try, O 3 Anyoni wi cgi = P. ne wishing ; Ontario Christian, kindly call, or Notice to Creditors: Of JAMES HEAL, Deceased .}about the Fourth day of September A.D. ' 1916, are, 'on or before the "Fitst. day of December A.D. 1916, to send by post; pre-paid to William | H. Harris solicitor for William H Harris and William Ross, "executors of the said deceased, their christian names and sur-names, addresses and HARNESS AND DRA Pursuant to Sec, 56 of Chapter 121 | one horse dray and Barges ; Apply. of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, at STAR Office: SE to i 1914, notice is hereby given that all --. creditors and others having claims against the estate of James Heal, plate for sale--160 acres clay loam in of the village of Port: Perry, in the' Rainy River District. 1 County of Ontario and. Province of! yo Sich Jarge amount of Ontario, gentleman, who died on er derfully low. = A at STAR Office: FENIAN RAID Eve of 1 pulpwood. The price asked is won Will sell for § 00 'per acre. Miss F C Collacutt. and the other members of the Com- Mrs Dixon, of Lindsay, is visiting | mittee. her sister, Mrs C Crozier. Pte A. W. Allin, who is located at the Fxhibition Grounds Camp, To- ronto, spent the week end at his home here. makes the hair thicker, softer and brighter in color. Adonis descriptions, the full particulars of; Hed-Rub contains no sediment or grease. prions, their. claims, a statenient of their, accounts and . the nature of ibe "TORN Re ke rt security (if any) held by them, aud; --November that after the day last aforsaid Wm H. Harris and Wm. Ross will pro- B : {ceed to distribute the assets of the! Hor | said deceased among the parties en- Oo = titled thereto 'having regard only to © Isuch claims of which notice = shall i] have been given as above required; | land the said executors: will not bel na liable d assets or any part| Yours very truly, T. W. McGARRY, Trea. British Red Cross Fund, Province of Ontario. a _{ Mr and Mrs G H Newton, North| FOR SALE--One "Glen Oak" No Bay, are the guests of Rev W ] and 12 heater, coal or wood, used a Mrs West. Mr. Newton is the editor| few months. Apply STAR Office. of the North Bay Dispatch. Mr. Morley Campbell has sold Mr. 50Cc AND $1 SIZES, Sold by all Driggists Sovereign. Perfume Company, Brock Ave,, Toronto, R U lrwin's house to Mrs Charles McLean, of Seagrave. - Mrs Mclean and her daughter expect to move to town some time in November. Miss Winnie Ford has taken a pos- ition in Mr. I. R. Bentley's Jewelry Store. Miss Florence Lynch has 1eturned to her home in Toronto, after having spent a most enjoyable holiday with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. Blake, at Port. Perry. W.C.T.U. At Home On Wednesday, November 15, in the evening, the Jocal W.C.T.U. will bold an At Home at the Sebert House. ~ Light refreshments will be served and it a good program given. Admission 35c. i Postponed Meeting Patriotic Meeting and Military Dance The Patriotie Meeting on Thursday evening of last week, was well attended but not largely by young men, to reach whom the meeting was called. The program was good in every item. The speakers were assisted by the Port Perry Quartette and Miss Aileen McCaw. The Port Perry Band was present and rendered acceptable service: 'A more determined note is entering the speeches, and the necessity of im-- mediate action is very clearly shown by such speakers as Col. Cockburn. 'and Capt. Patten. They Tar rom be out {the time of such distribution. First: day 'of October, A.D. 1916. "7 WM. H. HARRIS, g Solicitor for the executors +2 Por to any person or persons of g eet claim or claims. notice shall not have been received by them at] Dated at Port Perry this Twenty- Pi A Ont. TE

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