Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 25 Oct 1916, p. 7

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arliment of 4 Hono _|.angry Jove, countless explanations of | * |'the' 'phenomena * of thunderstorms : ld has been called awk- et anes anand, ote for not ng still or for things, when the trouble was really St. Vitus dance." This * trouble 'may 'appear at 'any age bit is most often ed admiral 88 | fourteen, ~The most frequent cause 50 dazed by a five min- | of the disease is poor blood, aggra- 75s and field | vated by indoor confinement, or men- for him to] tal strain at school, ons the blood fails to carry ent to the nerves and the child begins to show listléssness and inattention. Then it ' becomes rest- We | less and twitching of: the muscles an erking of the limbe and 'ed us temporarily to speak, so A remedy that cures St. Vitus dance | Significant and cures it so thoroughly that no trace of the disease remains is Dr. This is! A thunderstorm, 'a5 is well known, | : for the breaking up of ous or irritable. my, | PY account ling up ol ; + . {all_rain dFops which wor rwise e5, Cannington, "ony fee Rg. aa Honee at nly daughte: those sacred spots which are the I resting places of fallen British sol- diers. If anything : to, Under . these | eC 11 all sides, and | ing up the typical' thunder ¢ ook 08 Bi etd warm air rising, B e r ] cooling by expansion and thus build- oe | moving forward under the control of A £4 Vb FIC CAUSE OF THUNDER- - STORMS. , Denver, Colo. i the mythology of which attributed flashes of Z to the vengeful bolts of have appeared, but more or less wide 1 | the mark. Science has put forward various 'tentative hypotheses to account for the thunderstorm, such as | freezing | and thawing weather in the upper at- mosphere, air friction 'and many other theories which experiment has demonstrated to be worthless, It has been reserved for Dr. G. C. Simpson to finally hit upon a very simple experiment' that solves the! faystery. : t | By allowing. drops of distilled va] ter to fall through a vertical blast of d | hot air of sufficient strength to pro-! How | duce. spray, i these. very | results, viz: I the breaking up of these drops water ; was accompanied by the production of both negative and positive electric i | |is always characterized by strong up- | war "which « s fof | H on monk has adam 0 am- {the summit of the uprising air cur- i | ent of the storm; within the thunder- } a rapid electrical Separation, oregoing experiment, goes which is Positively | ps, and free negative of the positive! ally increased by and coales- | ops. ops fall to! he positively charg ed @ earth whenever th The the they | and | es a colder one, for the: warm air is sure to force) i through, the heavier cold! this rising produces ¥) d, at | fre-| "time, the prevailing cyclonic wind. Then, 2s a result of strong connec- tion, rain forms at a considerable al- titude where the air is cool, so cold at. times that hail instead of rain is often formed. : ¥ VR aad Excessive condensation anywhere in a thunder cloud produces an excess of electrification and electrical 'discharge and a "rain gush" follows, but as sound travels faster than rain falls | we hear the thunder before the "rain gush" reaches us.' : Chief of French Staff. General Duport has been made Chief of thé General Staff of the 'French army, The general is a man of energy and has exceptional ability, 'and his appointment has met with the approv- aj of all the ranks of the French army. Dyspeptics Should" Avoid Drugs And Medicines . Try a Little Magnesia Instead. Some people instinctively shut thelr eyes to danger, and it may be that in- stinct, or custom or habit causes dys- peptics. to. take drugs, patent foods and medicines, artificlal digestents, etc. But 'closing the eves does not banish the danger, and it is certain that neither drugs..nor.. medicines. possess. the. power. estroy the harmful excessive acid in the Somasn, ich is ory must remai ever. i. dige ge be taken, and all the time the acid ns in the stomach as dangerous as ysicians know this and that is why advice so often to sufferers from tive and stomach trouble is "Just about an ounce of pure bisurated esia from your druggist and take vo n, thus enabling you to. ; without experiencing or unpleasantness aften True Candor. m I good enough for you?" sigh. ed the fond lover. No," said the girl candidly, "you're not, but you are too good for any other girl." Gi Evening Dress. \ ) "The evening wore on," continued the'man who was telling the story. "Excuse me," interrupted the would- be wilt; "but can you tell us'what 'the' ening wore om that occasion 2" 1 don't know that it is important," eplied the story-teller. "But, if yor 18t know, I believe it washes 8 summer day." : *d"s Liniment Cures Dis \& World's Record Wheat Crop, view of various claims of world's wheat crops for large areas, | owfoot Farming Sompany, of 1916 which prob 7 givin a ly authentica claims fron From O = r@Wfoot Farming pes recived E erage yield of 51 bushels; 56 : ds per acre of number pa he a i rs a of wheat avera, > : 8 of tobacco. 4 g The journal concludes ~ by saying , all that "the position is disastrous and : the outlook hopeless because the 'fin- | = ancial condition of Germany excludes |; the possibility of any marked im- provement after the war." ' ? at SUSIE THE FALL WEATHER HARD ON LITTLE ONES Canadian fall weather is extreme- ily hard on little ones. One day it is warm and bright and the next wet! and cold. These sudden changes bring | on colds, cramps and colic, and unless ' baby's little stomach is kept right! the result may be serious. There is nothing to. equal Baby's Own Tablets in keeping the little ones well. They sweeten 'the stomach, regulate the' bowels, break up coldssand make baby ! thrive. The Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 'cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont, Ad ------le Honesty of French. | A British colonel who is not unt known in the political world has! every reason to think the French are honest. While in Marseilles the other | day he dropped a wallet containing ! $6,000, and did not discover his loss for some time. 'When he did he rush- ed off at once to the chief police sta- i | Career, also j "What He Gave Up. Patience--He asked her to marry : him a dozen times. Patrice--And what did she say? "That he must give up cigars or her." "Well, what did he do?" "Gave up asking her." Minard's Liniment Cdres Gargwt in Cows A clear, bright eye in any fish is a mark of its being good and fresh. SEED POTATORS EED POTATOES, IRISH S blers. eware, oy Carman, at once. Su fi H. COB- 1 Of RPIY, limited. Write for tations. qQ . Dawson, Brampton. HELP WANTED. ABINET MAKERS AND MACHINE hands wanted. ighest wages. Dl) urnityre Co.. Southampton. Ont. AGENTS WANTED. $6. DAILY EASILY EA .either sex on authoritativ: aa hen containing Kitchen art Canadians en. Re- $2 Veiy censor: turn; Se Li ed soldi 3 led: Puan eta ky PEAS, BEANS. JEAS, BEANS, NEW-LAID BGGS, i Dairy" Butter bought dat highest prices by small apd large, quantities. J. D, Arsenault, 637 St-Urbain, Montreal. cents, © Nichols, tion, and to his great relief, found | that a French artilleryman had' pick ed it up and brought it at once to the station. i | Granplated Eyelids, OFC 5e: iniiined by expe' | y eure to Sun, Dustand Wind Juickly relieved by Murine V€ St encuciy Nosruriing ao Just Ere Comfort, Ag | st's SOc per Battle. Murine Eye | 25¢. ForBookoltheFyeFreensk | Murine Eye Remedy Co. , Chicago -- Druggists or Dog Meat Edten. | Among the" Chinese "a particular species of dog is said to. be reared for the table. It is a small dog of a grey- hound shape, with a muzzle much more elongated than in terriers. The flesh: of black 'dogs is preferred: to that of animals of any other color on account of the greater amount of nu. triment the black dogs 'are supposed to possess: ' | Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows New Way to Kill Rats. "A new way to kill the rats which |: Argentine' ~~ 1 infest the trenches is reported by a South African officer writing from France. He says: "We found one of | our men putting a bit of cheese on | his bayonet and firing a rifle every time a rat started to eat it." Wi gist can obta ARDS LINIMENT, trom ,a house at a very price, and have it labeled his own product. This greasy imitation. is the poorest one we have yet"seen of the many | that every Tom, Dick and Harry has tried to introduce. be Ask for MINARD'S and you \ will | : iff & . Jam in War, Why Not in Peace? When we think or read of the vast i into the system just as surely as food the child eats. Don't let 'impure fats and mineral coloring matter (such as many of the 4h . 'contain) get into your thild" Zam- Buk is purely No pois- | 30c. Bagat All an imitation | yi | NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE JRUFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale In good Ontario The most useful and intresting of all businesses. © Full 'Informution on application to Wilson Publishing Come pany, 718 West Adelaide Street Foronto, MISCELLANEOUS. C ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC, internal and external, cured with- out: pak us before tment. Write n » Tea Co. Limited, Collin towns. our. homeut: oo late. Df Bellman Medical ont BQOK: ON: DOG DISEASES And How to Feed, Mailed free to any address by the Author Plone; H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. Dog Remedies | 118 West 31st Street, New York rid rt The Soul of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the "OTTO HIGELY PIANO ACTION Making Money inthe 8 the title of an illustrated folder tell- of 28 SF isrtunity to share in BIG OFITS of the cattle business, which alled fre on request, to an [J nite tates ept. 1 Bex one ore to invest. Ad argentine Corporation, 301, Philadelphin, Penna. Men & Boys _ For All Departments 'Steady Em, ment i E Good Works ¥ APPLY "Independent Rubber Cd, Ltd MERRITTON, ONT. hs Wheelock Engine, 150 regs + ory For Sale yi preferred. aN frees ¥ 'oronto." H.P,, 18x42, with double " uh riving belt 24 ins dition. Would b i sold together or separate-. ly; also a lot of shaftin, : ata very great bargain as! ep TU pty Frank Wilson, & Son 73 A

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