Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 25 Oct 1916, p. 6

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MOVEMENT STARTED T0 FORCE IN ITALY NATIONAL ECONOMY Government Decree Extends to Lights in Streets, Stores, Hotels and Cafes. A despatch from Rome says: A Government decree issued on Friday orders that all street lights and also lights in stores, hotels and cafes be dimmed at 10.30 o'clock in the even- ing. This is another measure in the continuation of the energetic move- ment to force national economy, the first measure having beensthé raising of the price of sugar to 25c a pound and also prohibiting its sale for the manufacture of candies or other sweets, The Government is also making a campaign against speculators in food- stuffs and wearing apparel. A semi- RECRUITING RATE 13 6,000 PER MONTH Aggregate of Enlistment From tarf is 368,863--Last Two Weeks. A despatch from Ottawa says: Re- sruiting in Canada is proceeding at the rate of about 6,000 a month, com- pared with 30,000 a year ago. In the fortnight, ended Octobér 15th, 3,160 men were enlisted, compared with 3, )46 in the previous two weeks. The aggrégate enlistment from the start is 368,863. From. the 1st to.she 16th of Octo« ber, Montreal again led in its enlist- ments. It reported 672 recruits. By divisions the enlistments are as follows: Mil. Dis. London . Two Wks. od bd RS SE 314 30,456 82,827 88,801 81,961 7,344 83,410 Kingston-Ottawa . Montreal . Quebec . .. Maritime Prov. Manitoba- : A Saskatchewan . ..... British Columbia , 74,320 86,167 33,5608 Total . ... 368,863 GERMANY UTILIZING ALL HER PRISONERS. Are Being Used in Various Forms of . Employment. A despatch from London says: D. Thomas Curtin, of Boston, continuing his description of conditions in Ger- many, writes in the Times that the British captures of Gérman prisoners is bettering the lot of British prison- ers in Germany, the Germans being ~ anxious lest ill treatment bring on re- - prisals. He emphasizes the value to 5 Germany of its 2,000,000¢ "prisoner E slaves," who now are 'fec swamps, tilling the soil, biting | ibe roads and railways, and working inj aes: wh a of your military ters," he "leave these prisoners out of their calculations when estimating * official warning has been published, saying that peace is yet distant and that any merchant making a big pro- fit from his goods at the present mo- ment is a traitor to his country. Men's, women's, and children's] shoes are selling at from $6 to $9 per pair, and woollen and ofhér articles have doubled in price. Foods pro- duced in Italy, of which the exporta- | tion is prohibited, are in the hands of speculators. Eggs have disappeared | from the markets. It is estimated that millions of eggs are stored in Rome. No eggs have been sold in the city during the past week. Ee USE THER BAYONETS Attack the = Austro- Germans, | Taking 12 Guns and 600 Prisoners. A despatch from London Says t-- The news from the Roumanian front is again excellent. on the long front where the gravest! danger menaced the Roumanians, the Predeal Pass sector, the Teutons have | been driven across. the Transylvania | ga frontier. Ground has also. been. gain. ed in the Bran defile, tro-Geérmans to retire and took 600 prisoners and 12 cannon. Another | detachment attacking from Goicasa, in the Trotus area, surprised the: Teu- ton troops and took 300 prisoners and! some machine guns. er BIG GOLD STRIKE { MADE NEAR ROSSLAND. A despatch from Rossland, B. C., says: Rossland. is all excitement over a big strike made in close proximity | to- the city by 8. Simpson, a Rossland | old-time prospector, owner of Crown-granted claim named "One-Eye See," on the side of Murphy Creek, north of Green Mountain. A report has just been received from the Spo- kane office of the Marsh Assay and Testing Laboratories giving returns from the ore as follows: 732 ounces were under the test with $15,150.28 in gold, $86.60 in silver, and $4.70 in copper. for twenty years, and the wonderful returns just received must certainly justify his faith in the property. pe ALY'S NEW SHIPS . . GREAT SPEED-MAKERS, A despatch from Rome says: Italy | ac now possesses a type of _is_ three times se lr He greatest trans- aceording pr the Giornale |The sea trial of the first of these ships. to be completed was ese by a: correspondent of" the' Three others are building. All of 3 new Yessels wil u use oil 1 fuel, | jto 123c ; 60- ib In the one region| $41 In the Trobus oe valley the Roumanians forced the Aus. | the | 55 Simpson has held his claim | Ey RT Eh n, 00°; good eed ost --New No. 136 in 0p 0} 0 br lots; fo $8.00, track Toronto. Butter--Fresh dairy, choice, 36 to 37: |' inferior, 31 to 32c; creamery prints, 40 to 42¢c ; solids; 40 to i #s--No. 1 storage, 35 to to 'sbe : in stor age, selects, 87 to 38c ; 'new-laid, tons, 46 to 47c; out of cartons, no to Dressea poultry --Chickens, 21 1 fowl, 17 19¢5 duc 18 Soe i squabs, por, dozen, $4. 00 to $4, 50°; tur- Keys. 30 to 36c ; geese, lo, Spring 17 fo 19¢. ive Poultry--Chick 8. to 17¢c; fowl, 13 to 16e¢ ; ducks, 13 to 15 2, i furs keys, 26 to 28c; geese, Spring, 14 1 % Choese--New ge, to od twins, 33% to 340 i A leta, 23 to 33 Honey--Extra fine quality, 2<l1b. tins, 13¢; 6- "ib, tins, 3 to 130; 10-lb, 11} 113 to 12c. Comb Boney extra fink and heavy weight, per di $3 }aipect: $2.50 to $2.76; No. 2, $2.21 25 to Potatoes--Ontario, $1.16 ; British Columbia Rose, per bag, $1.76 to $1.85 ; British Columbia Whites, per bag, $1. to $1.80; New Brunswick Delewares, per bag, $1.80 to $1.86; Prince Baward | islana Whites, per bag, $1.65, track, T. hand-ploked primes, 3. ® Boani~-Tmported, per bustle], $4.50 to $5.00 ; Provisions--Wholesale. 2a Ohad meats--Hams, medium, 24 to do., heavy, 22 to 3c ; cooked, 35 $e 7c; rolls, 20 to 21c; breaktas bacon, 25 to. 27c; backs, "plain, 26 to 27¢; boneless, 28 to 29c. Pickled or dry cured meats, less than cured. Cured meats--Long clear bacon, 18 to 184c per 1b; clear bellies, 18 8 Lard--Pure lard, tierces, 17% to 17ic; tubs, 173 to 17%c; 1s, 173 to 18¢c; compound, 14% to 16ic. ; 1 cent | Montreal Markets. Montreal, Oct. 24.--Corn--American No. 2 yellow, $1.01 to $1.02. Oats-- Canadian ay satern, No. 2, 683 to bio; do,, No. a 62% 2 Sago} extra No. 1 feed, 62{ 631; No. local white, 613 ; do., No. 38, Stic or alanitoba Spring Mepeat patents, firsts, $9.40; do. secon 90; strong Jokers, S810; Winter patents, ght rollers, $8.60-to. $8. 4.10 ito $4.25. to $6.55; bag of 1 3.10 to Millfeed--Bran, $28 shorts, $6: miadiings, go; mouillie, $35 to per. tom, car 1 Chsomeinint pronternn, ' 310s ; A easterns, C utte: olcest cred ery, ole sasonds, $43c. Higgs Preah | th 46c ; 'selected, 38c ; 1--stoek,~34¢ ; No. 2, do., 30¢: potato Per bag, car , $1.35. to § v Winnipeg Grain. Winnipeg, Oct. 24--Cash Wheat--No., 1 Northern, $1.74 Northern, $1.71 No, 3 1.66 feed, $1.14 ; Pn No. 4 L518 spectdl No. 5. oS special, 31 L298. * Oats--No. 2CW, 5b 3 w., . ; choice, $9.8 $3. - prices : No. 2 forthern rejected, 83jc ; W.C,, $2.39; Ses $2.35%. United i Minneapolis, ember, § ard, States Markets at 24.--Wheat, Dec- $1.768 ; cash, ® 0 3l 88% ; a er om, 31 t 4 to 89c. Joe. Flour, fancy patents, "39. 10. t and second flears unchanged. Bran, ze! .00 to $25.0 oot 24.--Whea No. 1. hig; No, 1 Northern, 5 79 to s1% Ti Northern, $1.694 to $1.743; De- Seribgh, $1.763 asked. and to arrive, 52. 657%: October, $2.56 ; : November, $2.654 ; December, $2.51; May, $2.66. : Live Stock Markets. Joronty, Oct. .24.--Choice heavy steers, 8.36 to $8, 75; good heavy toels, Ra 00 to $8.26 ;: butchers' cattle, $7.50 22 $7.90; do., Praium, $6.60 281.00 0; do. common, $5.35 18 .00 ; Yuto chers' bulls, choie: 10 to $7.35; 5 do., roug 0 3 butchers' bio 3 ood, m, '$5.50 to. $5.60 : 0 ae. "feeder, TY canne: and cu urs, milkers Choice, e: ach. 60. 00 3 Lr shes | gb cal 00 3 stockers, $65.26 6.25 to $100; 3.50 Yo $4.80 5 70.00 i i »--Heavy st Hanis ehaloe S33 No. | vane largely Beld abroad, said: . 3 "That is the very thing we desire, i must be remembered: that we had pay a very. coi fisiderable le mount; j= by day in the United S At | present we have to find en © | day for every working day. means a prodigious amount to find! every six days." Mr; McKenna prefaced his stabe- ment, 'regarding' the large amounts being spent in America, by a defence of his action in paying a beh rate of interest upon Treasury bond. i "It is not possible," he said said, "to ap- ply pre-war standards and to say that five per cent. is enough or that we could get it more cheaply. : Very like- ly it could be done if we only wanted a little or even the equivalent of greatest sum ever raised before the war. It should be remembered, how- ever, we have to raise a maximum sum about once a month, and it is only possible to find out, by the daily ex- amination of the results of borrowings and payments, whether we are, suc- cessful in meeting our obligations, In order to meet all expenses and to keep! that a further strong our undertakings with our allies, have to make sure of getting money." Mr. McKenna proceeded to explain that unless Great Britain was able to raise the needed money in the United States she would have to go short of supplies from there, which were 'ab- solutely essential to the Purposes of the allies, Defending the issue of the sig" cent. bonds, thé Chancellor menti the fact that within a fortni . [treasury bonds had been so do, | extent of £36,000,000. He added that moment of the present for-money was unfavorable to the eee of a el loan, but die overnment inte to resort. a loan when the Treasury considered it advisable, and the Government would not shrink.from the 'fulfilment of its promise in r to the "eon- version of previous leans. The Chanecllor declared h did not doubt. the ability of -the to bear the strain of the war. Its ex- penditure was not diminishing, he stated, there being an advance under the yf heads of munitions and ad- to Great. Britain's allies, but in both of these directions he Was con- fidept the country would not grudge the needful supplies. Roc al ZL YON KLUK RETIRED AT HIS 13 OWN REQUEST. Leader of Gorman Right Wing in Paris Drive Seventy Years of Age. A despatch from Berlin says: Field | 3, Marshal Alexander von = Kluk, © who commanded the right wing of the | oo German army in its sweep toward |---- Paris in the fall of 1914, has been placed on the retired list at his .own request. He had never returned. a the front since he was wounded : Shrapnel ik in March, 1915 3 advan positi hie i De iia: us sivay years otf age last May, had crutaa. when which was iis said that treet, ton {was for the mq st part laid in ruins. < a That! * A cablegram trom | London bearing on the above says: "The ross Burns appends oot or py or merchant ship, belonging to the vy e marine was touched by Z bombs. The whole story; is. a tion." " INFANTRY LANDED AT SALONICA - Several Detachments of Greek Troops Have Alo Arrived at That i Port From Crete. A despatch from London says: Ad- ditional Entente forces have been sent to Salonica, according to Reuter's correspondent there, who sends word contingent that several detachments of Greek troops have arrived from Crete to join the Nationalist army. WAR: SAVINGS ACCOUNTS IN BANKS AND P. 0. A despatch from © Ottawa says: The Finance Department that: the arrangements for the issue 'of war savings certificates will be completed early next month. The Minister of by. the Bankers ppointed Association the/matter of the method of co-operation She. chartered Dagks and and' vat) of de In . in Eng- land these neg: ie pe ll con- Sadness ae iste of Fin the im will es Aoi a ne for of war savings accounts in the 2. and postoffice savings branches. the depositor may purchase a war savings certificate, issped at an at- tractive rate of discount. 'These: cer. tificates may be issued in two or three denominations. FALKENHATN ' : - FROM. ARMY COMMAND. When a [A certain amount has been thus saved' N 'The - Provisional Governiient. Salonica has received a lengthy gram embodying resolutions pass a meeting of Greeks in and promising men gud of | Nationalist I} infantry was landed on Friday, and Ta A Far Fc Halifax, N.S. X say; { the, hat brought them safely through Zone there we: the war the battle-fronts, from hospitals and discharging stations on yur side. hundred of them were A despatch from Rome says: Field Marshal von yn, former chief of general staff of the German army, has been wounded in the leg and com- pelled to relinquish command of, the Austro-German armies™ in Transyl- vania, said 'a Zurich: d Friar to the Corriere D'lialia 1% time, ERAS A 71007 LANT SERB eS A A WR & of Velyeselo, , on the Westen End of Macedonian Front.

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