fancy Taffeta in stripes, 'checks and plaids, 36 inches wide. One line of broken checks in shot effect is $1.65. A pretty "tartan pattern in green with red and white overchecks sells at $2.00. For older de Chene is particularly ladies we have taffeta black ground with Bofteri a , collars, sleeves, etc, pie gripe. Per yard $2.00 m A(86s6Y) a ---------- heavi io gette Crepe. . It is 40 inches wide in White or pik z Per yard $1.75 Exclusive Designs: lack Silk Taffeta in Waist Lengths $1.50 yd. $4.00 per length od Faffeta is very fashionable this: season Just one waist length of each pattern. Some of them have a for dresses. We are showing a splendid a white ground with pretty stripes in white, grey, navy, or rose, quality, 88 inches wide, soft silky weave, These make pretty tailored waists and wash perfectly. We have wears rs well and drapes effectively. also some dark grounds in Messaline, with pretty regimental ; «Per yard $1.50 stripes. Per waist length $4.00 Sati : sai Dee v ro n Special Subscription Rate Aloays i in demand is Duchess Satin. for The Delineator h : : ; fai > We od black, During this month we offer the Delineator for one yeag for navy, cadet and grey. © Per yard §1.50 75c, Copies to be called for monthly at the pattern counter. November Delineator (5¢ Now in Stock ua CHINA We have just received a large shipment of Japanese Hand Painted China. The package Ld ey : d f hundred pi f new desi ? Bort Peary. Jan 7, Max 6 May 5, Ju made up of over two hundred pieces of new designs ; 7 Set Nor Jo 51 gh P p 8 e, pigmoge cok 3 Moore, and patterns, each piece is well selected and affords + ERGARE add the purchaser the benefit of our good judgement in ho = i 4 : buying. TON--Clerk, ; : 3 Ee 7i US, on 2 Jan 10, 1917. The prices dre the same as last year as we Daniel Leon- De 7, ar, Mas 1 had bought before the rise in price came in the JB: FAREWELL, Clerk of the Peace China market, aod Have you seen our stock of English China? J. D. Robertson Optometrist, Jeweler, Stationer, Port Perry