ritish 188,147; Maritime. Provirces, 8807 service. n rit Columbia is second ith 434, nd os 391. . The aggregate enlistment to "the end 3 he | 8 month was 365,867, to London, , and Quebec, , x An eight thousand. so from She front sand have been: : dis- as unfit for: further 'Most of these. have been in- capacitated byw , 'and 'will fe- ceive ns for the "pasts "of 'their lives. In England there are several |{ thousand more members of the | dian force in' Hospitals wha he Soa: : ably never be able 'to go back to the front, and who will be sent to Canada for discharge as soon as they are suf- ficiently convalescent. By the end of "present year: Canada's pension Eobubly be well over the ten thousand mark. y Activity of British Planes is Terrorizing the German Soldiers. A despatch from London says: The Germans gafrisoning Eaucourt I'Ab- baye and Le Ssrs suffered terribly from the British shelling of those villages in the past few days. Accord- ing to some prisoners, the Germans lost three-fourths of their men. A BRITISH REGAIN ALL EAUGOURT French Carry a Powerful Line of Field Fortifi- cations. A despatch from London says: With the French and British before the German fourth line after 'more than two months of almost continu- ous fighting, the Autumn storms, for which Picardy is famous, have active, time | fries: brought a temporary lull in the oper- ations on the Somme. Rain fell for the greater part of Wednesday, and it was only between showers that the allied artillery could carry on its "softening" process against the new line of defences which. the infantry now face. There were scattered engagements of a 'violent, but Tocal character. During the night e_ British. r complete posses~ sion of Eaucourt L'Abbaye, while. the, French carried a powerful line of field fortifications extending fromg"a point near Morval to St. Pierre Vaast Wood. During the day the French advanced still farthed east. of Morval, | The Germans. garrisoning Eaucourt | L'Abbaye and Le Sars suffered ter- "The hard-pressed German infantry the trenches had been shouting for trains, ammunition transports of "all: sorts fill- those villages in the past few days. According to some prisoners the Ger- mans lost three-fourths of their men. EE 30,000 TONS OF SUGAR i SOLD TO GREAT BRITAIN. A despatch from New York says: Negotiations for what is said to be a record-breaking single transaction in refined sugar with any one nation were completed on Wednesday by the Federal Sugar Refining Company, which announced the sale of: 30,000 tons to a foreign Government, prob- ably Great: Britain. The purchase in- volves about $3,600,000 and-shipments are to be made in January, February and March. Immediate shipments of 18,600 tons to the British commission, Greece and France, were also an- nounced by the Federal Company. BRITISH HAVE TAKEN 26,735 AND SMASHED 29 DIVISIONS rn Fruits of Somme Advance Set Forth Officially--Enemy's % Reserves are Used Up. " x 3 i rs % ¢ A despatch from London says: An cast 'sill gorthosabt' al Satement iamed gives actully fallen back upon a fourth line behind , front 3.low Hidge Just west of tie Bapaune: or the advamey of Sept; 16, desert. tos: the three kb Susudssout, asd Yuiopedl onthe oeusive it noé ko 6 judged gium, the payment of an indemnity for Sestuction due to military occu of this latest offer. But it is inter- rs ae the advantages they hold in the mili='2 tary occupation of neighboring coun- IN BRITISH SPOILS Twentysnine Heavy Guns and Howitzers, Ninety-two Field Guns. A despatch from London says: The, Germans on Friday delivered numer- {he ous counter-attacks in strength along 1 a great part of the front north of the Somme. Their artillery fire also is becoming heavier, new supplies of am- munition having been brought up. De- spite their strenuous efforts, however; | to the British and French lines are un- changed, except for some local ad-|$2 vances made by the French in the Morval sector. Here Foch's troops. have pressed further to the eastward, in the region of the Peronne-Bapaume highroad. headquarters. contains an. inf statement of the number of a pieces and machine guns a ur from the Germans diring th It says: "Between July 1st and Sept. guns' and Heavy field guns and field howitzers, Pl trench artillery pieces and 897 mas 'chine The allies' position is sveywheid excellent, the line having been straig] ed out after the capture of Combi Thiepval, and, contrary to Getma 'eports, has been. extended,' not' shortened. ¥ A] ZEPPELIN WRECKED I'OFF DANISH COAST. gE The report from 'General Haig' ton, $0. nisl $5.50; gress of the France-British offensive. !,, 35 to 87c; rolls, 20 ered from the Somme battlefield 2 Pic or dr o meats, 1 cent 1 ¥ibly "from thé" British shelling" of | heavy A Sespeseh trom Esbjerg,' merged Zeppelin ~ thirty-five mil north-west of the' dan of Sylt, in the North Sea," off the coast of Schleswig. ' Several German destroy- ers 'and two large vessels were sur- said, in an attempt to keep her afloat. rrr GERMAN CROWN JEWELS § FOR WAR PURPOSES. 7. A despatch from Paris says: Em-|_ peror William of Germany has turns here bn Friday report that at noon onite Monday, they sighted a partly sub-} rounding the Zeppelin,; the fishermen, ed over all the royal gold plate and No. part of the crown jewels to the Imi Eas EA forces ink Ihr 1 ': ; gs though. th Th Koubidered Be a aimed 1! Cavade] | ; oduce Wholesale. Butter--Fresh dairy, choice, 34 to 85¢; inferior, 29 in 40 to 42¢, » es i Dressed pou Chickens, 25¢; fowl, 18 to 20c; ducks, 18 to 20c; | was squabs, per dozen, $4.00 to keys, 20 20 to 86c; geese, Si 1 Live poultry--Chickens, 17 to 18¢; fowl, G4°to 16¢; ducks, 138 to 16¢; tur- keys, 25 to 26c; geese, Spring, 15 to eens New , large, 22 to 22%c; twins, 22% oD 8c; triplets, 23 23%e. Honey--Extra 2%-Ib. tins, 13¢; 5-1b. Bune 12 to 12¢; '60-] 11% ERiesh L18; Pos 3 70 to $ pet ug, $i. ib, 11 to 12¢. "Com $1.75; British | Calves, bag, - $1.70. to bid ve British Columbia, per [0 8 Montreal." Oct. He 8 te $1.45; 8) ho ly Beans--Marrowfat, $6 hod to 5%; primds, 35. Provisions Wholesle. Smoked meats--Hams, m 26c; do. ficavy, 2 to es: c: renktasé a 5, Sid bien 18° . 7% "oe 1%%c; pails, 3 "tu Compound, 1 } pale 1¥he Montreal Ma Markets. 17%c to 17 ba Oe erly held by Whit: EELS could 4 ew-isid, nace. Hi Ea Press on Wednesia ashe Earl of e Derby, who ed Raids will continie for 'the effect bo a like submar- rE muniques and newspaper articles in Germany re anand 08. Twill not say that London is the best defended of the allied capitals, att I can assert that there has improvement, which means that ? ther Zeppelins will be, brought down when hy Derby expressed keenest satis- to! satisfaction with the progress of 'the western campaign, which, he declared; only neéded good weather : to show on; what ficant in what they minimize or con- ¥ \ceal. The best example of this is bs sy-in od fing the fall of © Germai Thiepyal to be impregnable and never made thé sl st arrangements for withdrawal, and when the British 3 made their final assault a regiment vast| which had asked the privilege of hold- ing the place without relief, fought to a finish." ely believed i end of trench warfare, the Earl of = Derby; who now holds the post of Under-Secretary of War, said it was Asked about the possibility of the = = of | substantial progress, and added: 50 to $2.76; No. 2, ----=- 23¢; dium, 54) 'tol! os] 17% | berta, impossible to make any pdistion's ; with respect to Jhate : : to ch 10.50 to i 75 bs, Eee 0, iit 40 to SIL of cars, $11.65 to $11.75; hee = do., steers, to $7; med- doo or Tuas a le ole he peed) Se. Calves ie be ae grass fed, 5c to He. Hous "selects, 1lc to 11%e; heavies and lights, Se. osname Ap ---- WORLD'S: RECORD FOR WHEAT. AEE be Field Gives Yield Ap "E 5 |Serbians. Reach Position Within | Six 'Miles of' : 'Monastir. Jo A' despatch 'from London Says: | Fighting on its home soil after = & months of expatriation; the recomsti- ated Serbian sary. s making stealy A Se pm A lonica reports that the Serbians have. broken 'the. B jan * fence, gn, inl. _ " 'miles from the chief : of ern Serbia. Oficially they are a as ero Cerna River, near. Do- Going the and Br I to have occu- pied. the' towns of Buf 'and Popli. ig 'Success that nobody' else 'shares with you' isn't worth much. * Lad 18 1.000-scre Field Bushels- to Acre, ld of teh from. Ediiohton; Al- 3 C. 8. Noble, of Nobleford, Alta, has a thousand-acre field, the wheat crop of which, threshed, gave a yield of 52 bushels to the acre, the i 0 man County, Wash, wit with 51 bushels. Tg BAF A MILLION PRISONERS TAKEN. BY. ALLIES Ni 0 p "Those Captured by the Roomanin nd Seok Act Ar Nok A despatch from aT trom July 1 to Sept. 18. The cap Paris Journal publishes table of the tures of the Roumanian , army ir Te prisoners and booty captured b; Salonica are koi 3 alison the Toi" peIBpal i iA 2,624 Dy These Sgures were ob obtained from nin a Beni i av: 2 the official communiques. grunt total of 634727 peisonsty an = Eien Ea uly, when the began, to the present