tt peny stitch with V shaped neck are navy and grey. Each $1.50 : Nobby Shawl Collar Coats $3.75 © - Men's Sweater Coats in plain or fancy stitch, made "with shawl collar, patch pockets, and close ribbed cuffs. Colors, plain brown, maroon, grey, also grey and royal A (Sombination. med gli -- FOR THE BOY Boy's Tweed Suits $5.00 Nobby Norfolk Suits Boy's Suits made from splendid $3. 0 to $10.00 wearing English Tweed. Styles . We are showing some nc bby styles are single and double breasted in boys norfolk suits. Material is a ulster "offest with' convertible collars. The style has been changing gradually however uutil this year quite a large demand has been made for neat tailored styles. We are showing a particularly good line in a 45 inch length coat made of mid grey melton cloth, heavy weight lined with heavy twilled Italian cloth, sleeve, fly front. notched lapel, ard collar of black velvet Sizes 37 to 42 Has plain Price $17.00 . coats with straight or bloomer knickers. Sizes 28 to 33. Price $5.00 Boy's Fleece Lined Underwear 35¢ Garment Boy's fleece lined shirts and drawers well made and trimmed, close rib- bed cuffs and ankles. Sizes 5 yrs to 16 yrs. Per garment 35¢ Boy's Caps tweed in sme very attractive pat- terns. Coats are cut plain belted or fancy norfolk style, some with patch pecket. Pants are bloomer ° Pte Sizes 27 to 35. Boy's Winter Overcoats Small boys overcoats in pretty tweed mixtures, ulster style. Sizes 4 to 8 years. Prices $4.50 to $6.50 Boy's Reefer Coats in grey or blue, large storm collar, double breasted. Sizes 28 to 33 Prices $4.50 to $7.50 Boy's Ulster Coats long style with notched lapel or shawl collar, good patterns, Size 27 to 34. Prices $5.00 to $9.00 Boy's Fall Caps in a choice assort- ment of patterns in tweeds and worsteds. Sizes 614 to 7 Price $20,00 Each 35¢ to 50c October Delineator 15¢ Now in Stock TE W. TKINTYRE CEMENT WORK We build Solid Cement Silos, hollow block silos, sclid ce- {ment walls, hollow block walls Wells dug, cleaned and re- paired. - WM. PARRY, Phone 108 r 8 Port Perry SE & = "The Fair" Mantle Clocks We have a few mantle clocks left that we will sell at the old price and you would be doing the wise thing to come in and make a selection before it was too late as they are bound to go at the prices we are offering them at. A clock bought from us is guaranteed for a year--that is worth more to you than a guarantee from a city house, for should anything go wrong it would cost you not only the express, but the chance you take in packing it which would bring the cost of your clock up 10 per cent. more than it is worth, = Buy at home and save money. J. D. Robertson Optometrist, When you come to town make "The. Fair" your. 2 Headquarters sf! ns we 7 to offer ou have: 'the money. ~~ We have the © good at Right Prices "The Fair" Cawker Brothers Butchers a Sr Ee SE 1 ! it 'Division Courts Sittings For Price and Quality COUNTY OF OATATIO --1916 FOR SALE HOUSE AND LANDS nstructions of our late mother's ! we offer for sale her late residence side of Caleb Street, in of lots 13, 29, th : Still the Best CAWKER BROS «PHONE 72 ' PORT PERRY: Jeweler, Port Perry Stationer, From the faraway parts of Canada peaple come to consutt us about r F. B. LUKE, 5; 167 YONGE ST., TORONTO EE A Coal Oil Don't forget that Jamieson ighest of American your can is empty Telephone No. 87. REMARKABLE RECORDS 'Merchant : Where Clothes are mage | and of material you w WOOD | for SALE stove wood mostly beech and pply to Aaron Wiliams a