wh * satisfactory headway through mild ; pictured | a, German : Imperial Prince sitting in the in t out on' ssion of deception erverted of these were already in the; of the uns of American universities before they deal. The but many were ' kept Dee in every "laboratories and mills. | gued in Egypt, in South Africa, to foment risings against the British. the| They were detected in Ireland and India; they influenced Japan against America, and were found in Mexico Court, these pathetic pro-German appeal. This trick suggests the methods of instigating that people against the the barbarous Huns, who leave no, U.S. stone unturned to accomplish their un-| The German colonists who filtered 4 , but 'they were deluded | into Belgium and Poland before the 'if they imagined that they could though pretending to on fooling Americans by such crude be Joyal citizens, and they wert found and silly subterfuges. |in many parts of England, France and "Some expounded the ethics of "Kul- Italy playing the roles of propagandist tur," and left to their hearers the right and of spy. C such various forms mendacity, In these to be an- inherent ele- I golf. It is not to be wondered at that ' Goethe should embody in Mephist- keep | war were spies, : le audacity to berate Americans frankly, De a Prussianism accomplished bu jeles-- al; ork. : seated national of which the Kaiser is the most illus trious exponent. Cruelty and cunning are the ends to which "Kultur" logl- characteristic, by mendacity betrayed their fellow- men. : - ep e : 3 3 A GUARD BABY"S HEALTH eit oud IN THE SUMMER 'and wanton in their methods, goaded -- The summer months are the most on, no doubt, by their failure to make dangerous to children, The complaints of that season, which are cholera in- fantum, colic, diarrhoea and dysentry, come on so quickly that often a little one is beyond aid before the mother realizes he is fll. - The mother must be on hex guard to prevent these troubles, or if they do come on sud- denly to cure them. No other medi cine 18 of such aid to mothers during and conciliatory means. Tuey he re aan at which they ope! preg | on, an rough the a press, they an- 'nounced that they. had formed a coali- tion with the Irish-Americans, and would seize the country and rule it in the interests of the Kaiser. Some of these more hot-headed scamps - eyen i 1 > House, and ruling' as viceroy of aon "lof course, anyone who had the least 'knowledge of the Irish people, would know that a coalition of that kind with | Germans would be ossible as mixing water and oll and expect a chemical affinity to result. T : g t this claim, Shough Indicrous in lets. They regulate the stomach-and bowels and are absolutely safe. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' 'Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. mf mia SHELL BLINDNESS. Patient: Was Cured Through Being Hypnotised. Y One of the most perplexing injur- ies incidental to modern warfare is shell blindness, caused by shock. Nu- merous cases have been recorded where a big projectile, exploding near a soldier, has bowled him over and possibly. knocked him senseless. He himself has escaped possibly without a scratch. Upon recovery he has been found to be sightless, blinded by the shock. ' The symptoms are invariably iden: tical. The eyes have not been injur- ed--or only slightly--by grains of dust, which may merely have set up more or less local irritation. The pa- tient has either been in absolute darkness or could only distinguish a Germany, before he their despicable in their opheles--the spirit of falseness, a deep- cally leads. Dante rightfully reserved the lowest depths.of hell for those who "hot weather as is Baby's Own Tab- ; CURIOUS KAISER. : 2 Qa Ways of Emperor William % ww! 1. mr 1] oe Sl $n foreign and in an, for ammunition, Lord Esher. urging the muni- tion makers not to discontinue their efforts. 'His warning about thoroughly derives especial signifi- cance from the opportunity he pos- sessed for becoming acquainted with the extreme artfulness of the attempts weave the meshes of sleep wherein they hopéd to catch the British when the European war, for which they were rn actual Kk «Inthe early winter of 1907 the | ager visited England. He was as usual when he paid one of his frequent visits to HEngland--overflow- ing with loving kindness towards the British. At Windsor Castle he w. ivan of ing Hvar, dog C A Now, it: so happened that Lord Bester, at time, was Deputy Con- Kaiser's stay there. He happened, moreover, to be as well a member of the Committee of Imperial Defence. Of this la fact the. Kaiser was, of course, well 'aware. AH yrbanity, he sought to discuss with 'the 'Deputy Constable of, Windsor Castle the ques- tion of Britiéh naval' programs and defiences. : » ' Snubbe er, 'L p that "fine words butter no ps," and that beneath all the soft sauder lay dark and er d + Hence, . although sually not: his tact and' charm of manner, he let the Kaiser see pretty plainly that he saw through his crafty game. He put the Kaiser where he belonged. And the Kaiser never forgave him. But at that time the late Lord Tweedmouth was- First Lord of the Admiralty. And he either lacked Lord Esher's sagacity or was more amiable to the Hmperor's soft soap. -Anyhow, he was ill-advised enough to allow himself to be drawn into a conference with the Kaiser on naval matters. This became noised abroad, and Lord Tweedmouth was popularly credited ; with something like an act of treason. ,On the full facts becoming known fit appeared that he had acted with the | knowledge of his colleagues--Sir Hen- ry Campbell-Bannerman was Premier |--in replying to the Kaiser's letter, land that he had not (as was popular- ly supposed) prematurely disclosed i the British naval estimates to the Kaiser, to whom, in fact, he gave no ! information which was not given to Parliament at the same time. Still there had undoubtedly been some in- | discretion, and the incident led to {Lord Tweedmouth's relinquishment of | the Admiralty "the Kaiser. Bsher is no fool. Al one of his own experiences. "doing the job | YP! made by the German Government to} stable of dsor Castle, and, in that capacity, was at Windsor during the that Lord Tweedmouth was corres Sha Te Kalssr.® For the Bonding with th rst Lord is sald to have thought the 'I'slap at "Reggie Brett"--as Lord' Esher 4s still familiarly = known--rather smart and to have talked about it at 'some dinmer. At the Kaiser's own court, how- ever, the * at Reggie Brett" evoked a good deal of laughter against the Kaiser himself, it being said that he was not the man to have talked of the unwisdom of 'mixing of drains with high political affairs, in view of For it was at the height of one of his own political crises--after the dismissal of Cafrivi from the Chancellorship-- that the Kaiser explained one day at his luncheon-table : "Here is a nice state of things! This city of (naming a small town) proposed to empty its refuse into the river just above the bathing establishment. Nobody in the Home Office saw the mistake, and it took me four hours to get out a better plan." Here was the 'Kaiser bothering about the sewage of a lttle town, while his Empire was in the throes of a crisis. And yet, with typical lack of humor, that very man 'sneered at Lord Bsher's duty of "'super- vising drains" as disqualifying him for a knowledge of naval affairs. --l Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. Really Careful. Natalie, aged five years, for the ly first time planted some pansy seeds in, small boxes. One evening sho rushed to water them. and, on her re- turn her mother: "You know, after a rain, you don't have to water them" Natalie's reply was startling: "Oh, I take them in when it rains!" Sore sure to Suil, 4 Eyes: Your ' 1 1 Comfort. st"s SOc per Bottle. Murine Eye ape c. of theEyeFreeask 'Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co. , 'Bound to Ascend. "So you've invested your money in a new airship company?" "Yes. If our airship goes up, "the gtoek will go up." "Bub suppose it doesn't?" "Then the company will go up." Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gents,--A customer of ours cured a very bad case of distemper in a valuable horse by the use of MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. Yours truly, VILANDIE FRERES. Inadequate Instructions Caller--Nellie, is your mother in? Nellie--No, mother is out shopping. Caller--When will she return? Nellie (loudly)--Mother, what shall 1 say now? 1 | Minara's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Not a Pigtail Left. The opening ceremonies \ « of the vais hich has d such excellent work lic attention to the wn |S = : near yt ignoble efforts of the pro-Germans 'in 'four midst to create national disunion, | may ay perhaps draw public attention to these meetings, which are held with complete immunity in one of the most popular of London's playgrounds. : SH en a z Cures us. DUKE AS AN INDIAN CHIEF, Stony Indian Garb Suits the Fine Figure of His Royal Highness. During the five years of his Goyv- ernor-Generalship, nothing has given His Royal Highness the Duke of Con- naught, more pleasure than the cere- mony which made him Chief of the Stony Indians. This ceremony took place at Banff, where the Duke and Minard's Duchess, together with Princess Pat- | ricia, spent a delightful holiday this Summer. The Stony Indians, who were once a distinctly warlike tribe, and some of whose exploits form the back- ground to Ralph Connor's "Sun Dance Patrol," are now good citizens and hold Annual Sports Day at the great tourist resort in July. The picturesque garb of a Stony Indian Chief admir- ably suits the fine figure and strong profile of the Duke. Princess Patricia found particular pleasure this Summer in riding her Mounted Police pony "Dandy" along the mountain trails which radiate from Banff through the passes and over the precipitous sides of the sur- rounding mountains. The Duke him- self spent much of his time in fish- ing for mountain cut-throat and devil trout, but the largest fish of the sea- son was caught by Miss Yorke, lady in waiting to the Duchess of Con- naught, who landed a monster of no less than nine pounds. The sulphur water swimming pool attached to the C.P.R. hotel was a source of great delight to the Royal party, and many amusing snapshots not for publica- tion, are being taken back to Eng- land. The many visits of the Con- naughts to Banff have resulted in this becoming the chief social centre of the West during the summer months, the money to travel have deserted their own National Parks so that they could be nearer to a real Duke. mmr Burns, Minard's Liniment Oures Eto. tem Set STRANGE FACTS OF SCIENCE. A small but useful electric railway is contained within a Paris sewer. To one end of a new pocket knife is fastened an opener for bottle caps. The government of Chile has au- thorized the erection of a technical industrial school. A rack that can be hung on a radi- ator to enable a person to warm his feet has been invented. The world's supply of black opals is practically exhausted, in the opin- ion of a London gem expert. A woman is the inventor of a suit- case that can be folded flat and car- ried under one arm when empty. Pressing a lever projects a slide down the tines of a new cold meat fork to remove its contents neatly. A multiplying machine small enough to be mounted on the end of a lead pencil has been patented. Bread boards can be bleached by washing them with lemon juice, then with cold water and drying.them in the sun. A propellor, driven by the air as a car is running has been invented to blow rain away from the windshield of an automobile, It is no easy task to down an up- right man. NDS. BF: ; I found my-| TH ata "dle ; was a Per. | population. The Americans who have! Barn; Cement unty. Apply F. 8 | Stables. Huron Scott, Brussels. CRUCIBLES WANTED. N 0. 50, No. 80, No, 70. STATE tity you have for sale, also name and best cash Brass & Lead, Ltd. Toronto, Ont. QUAN. 84 %¢ SB. niied NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Oftices for sale in good Ontaria towns, e most useful and interest of all bus! esses, Full information on application to Wilson Publish Come pany, 18 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. MIECELLANEOUS. YANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC, internal and external, cured with- | out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr, Bellman Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont, FOR THE FARMERS Many Attractive Prizes For Farmers nly, at the Seventh Annual Toronto Fat Stock Show Union Stock Yards December Sth and 9th, 1916 Prize List on Avplication to the Sec'y Union Stock Yards, Toronto ------------------------------at. <8 men] Poa. i BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Malled free to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Ine. 118 West 31st Street, New York Wd America's Pioneer Dog Remedies The Soul of a Planoisthe Action, Insist on the "OTTO HIGEL"" Piano Action | : : Ww A i ED | 4 : : & | MEN Between the ages of 18 and 25 ALSO GIRLS To learn Rubber Shoe Making. Good wages paid while learn- ing. Apply the Independent Rubber Co, Ltd. MERRITTON, ONT. | Clydesdales Wanted Pedigreed Clydesdale Mares Fillies and Btallions. Must have good quality and thick, made up to a fair size. Mares 8 to 6 years old, Fillies 1 year old up, All stallions roven them- hen writing Stallions 2 to 6 years old over 2 years old must have selves reasonably sure. state County, nearest railway stationy G.T.R. or C.P.R., and telephone exchang also quote prices. Anyone with g pedigreed clydesdales for sale shoul sommutiicate at once. W. J. McCALLUM, Importer Brampton, On Bank---Merchants' Bank, Brampton, On slight arenc | this is of partiéular interest be-| Chinese Parliament marked the full ane dill hence between light a cause it was tn his notorious letter to! turn of the circle to republican sim- g oy "to be exce tionally te Lord Tweedmouth that" the Kaiser | plicity from the antique formalities De a soma he hy be ad rgd Erase i EE mori § d i ; ; n restore a 6 one ch Sth wr oe HER J 15 Bri be] iii uDraine and Navies" "| the frock coat of the President who 1] i nd letter Da walked in and sat down while all 1 me ; for the Kaiver Yeuouiously she members were standing around ity. Cungtabler 6 . $ebaeliy of gossiping was not such a surprise to build on it who Sidirrsn ln to! 28 the geniality and courtesy which - : 4 prevailed. Old rivals shook hands |' and chatted of the prosfietie in" af anner which was impossible. when 'everybody was wondering if his seighbor had sold himself or would gell his. There were "present 456 | legislators and not a pigtail among 3 © Very few were in uniform. Machinery For Sale Wheelock Engine, 150 fi.P., 18 x42, with double main driving belt 24 ins, wide, and Dynamo 30K. W. belt driven, All in first class condition. Would be sold together or Scparate- ly ; also a lot of shafting ata very great bargain as room is required immedl= ately. =o en 3. Frank Wilson § 78 St THE TIME HAS COME when people cannot afford to accept anything but the very best for their money. Zam-Buk has been proved by thousands to be the best ont. ment obtainable for skin ailments end ries, because it cures when other tments fail, and because its eures are permanent. * You take no chances when you buy Zam-Buk. Only the really good things are imitated! Proof of Zam-Buk's su periority is provided by the great number of imitations. and. substl- tutes which have been put on the market. | Don't: be deceived, how- ever, by anything represented as "just as good." There is nothing "Just as good" as Zam:Buk. All druggists, 80e. box, 8 for $1.25, or _ diveotifrom Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. "Send 1¢, stamp for postage on free » nT To Be Candid. + Gentleman (to butler who has just | ven notice)--' But why do you wish " Podgers 1" Fx _uPd rather not say, sir." : t come, Some, Tin-