Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 27 Sep 1916, p. 2

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7 track: Zo above Breadstuifs. = Sea oy uh PHU By ing to the 11th Regiment lost 160 out: HE ak each : of 200 men. Two battalions of the Toronto Now No.3 wiltoi 8% Combles to Rancourt in mounds, 128rd Prussian Regiment were total- se No. 5 Jo. 81 to ope Avoording £5 i sometimes three feet high. ly destroyed. Not a regiment escap- Irelkhts uta! v The German effort to stem the ed a loss of less than 60 per cent. of | ( Kenien French advance was the strongest its effectives. L230 ERE jug to made 'since the be of the 155 3 h Hindenbiirg Directed Battle. _ Ninety thousand men directed per- sonally by Field Marshal von Hinder: burg took part in aftacks on the new . French positions in the region of cording fo o Trelghts on outside, Si uh Bouchavesnes, on The Some, aes 3 cording ng to og tréights MAR i co d ng special es the field of Paris La Liberte. mak ato patents, In po ia at The Nghting wag iii ll pus: 43 & 1 irorfirons bakers', in Jute, erce e Soltero ur be Yegio! ad th Stacie house ow Winter agcording | Bois L'Abbe, and at Combles, about Prompt shipment ; Ts Vic sewbodra; the Prieze farm, as well as at Ran- _ Milifeed--Car lots, oy Jelivered Montreal Pear] 2 to $2.10, accordl "to) age Brie Nou, 42. 03 ng. -- Mating, 84 to 87¢, nominal ; feed, to 82¢, nominal, according to | fre hs gutside Lh t--80 to iB Jomingl, French barricade fire. Following the heaviest preparation known in that sector, from great guns brought from other fronts, 20 German battalions began the assault with the triple objective of freeing Combles from the danger of investment, stop- ping the French wedge between Pe-! ronne and Combles, and driving the allies from the possession of Hill No. A despatch' the : Corps ory dn says: ~The Canadian troops have been ac. adeiabagelanl Th er dE i HG GRRL CT al ons were nearly de! y 4 ' vv per. .) RN. 3 Two Prussian battalions, who led | the correspondent, and a similar fate i Hiy--ew domo ta sia ; GREEN WITH ENVY. of brilliant a: ues a. have forced |g " the attack on the Prieze farm, were| was suffered at Rancourt by three No. 2, rer Tom, $9 0 88: ron-] © 2% Aa EB) | sive. over a mile hardly out of their trenches when beyond their od mn orale T Thoy hive German regiments, which, advancing' * Straw--Car lots, iA despatch from New York says: r to to. $8, track, Toronto, pe n w i. ig they literally melted away before the in four waves, made the last desper- The British are rn new tured M Vira Sona ty having terrible fire of the "75%." Further | ate effort of the day. TP i ould turn the ly overcome a desperal te enemy shells. south four successive waves of infan-| Malcolm Ross, correspondent 'with in Froduge-- Ey, up Wholendio: oe os: bc Bis ha hey 'atcording they have attacked phot scarried fie. Machine try attacking in close formation were | the New Zealand forces on the Somme, ' inferior, 24; to § a mery prints, 36 $54 Dp, "*'f 'Harvard usar refinery and its dines of cotieds' ~oured 'into them smashed by the French "125%." The states that the Allies fired twelve to 35%; solias go, 5 to. 36c : sto nis a from. visit Ing trenches, and. then, following up i Fd 'mounted the las Jide village of Bouchavesnes was the scene | million shells in a preliminary bom- age, selects, 81 to 86c: new-laid, in © oH yersity, wh on pss steamship Andania, | HIS success with a boldness of plan | saw Martiupuich on thelr right and bs : h that front. "The Ger-| tons, 40 t /and action of execution 'not excelled looked over to the brick ruins and of the most stubborn combat of the | bardment on: that front. Dressed pou rm Fe 35 to oe: : aa sptivileges 'of sinspection by Aa. day, when by a dreadful sacrifice the | mans," he said, "are hid in a fog fowl, 18 to 200 ©} the British Foreign Office, Dr. Rand | Il this war, they have on the same white chalk moulds of the sugar re- Germans succeeded in entering the' caused by the smoke of the shells." | dpabs. Song d 17 to 8c :| sand he visited munition and ord-|98Y Ofganized and delivered fresh at-|finery and the trenches to the rol : fowl, Su Soe odbc. | nance factories and saw "some as- tacks rien, walle the masters of ioe Jeft Which 'were td be their ob- pe eese--N| ? twins | 6 whole ge of Courcel © t) PS ; raid penetrating German trenches and eine ib. tins, Po ioe but that he was The Canadians. have ify over Dacor wore the first lines or: inflicting many casualties. Le: 5b. ns, Seg bo : ! ito 2 to.disclose , gt 1,200 prisoners, including 32 officers, Gorman trenches secured, than the as ; pase French Siler in she Say 5, so to ro 25 He by 8. Every e all pos- together with two guns, a large num- saulting waves pressed onwards. In = 0 ARE IN COMBLES soos» viens coir bio by he] ffs Bir Bt fy Bio VaR Tn one acy | bo of hin fd errs ee | hl id, ming ponder bn Fortified Structure on the Out- skirts of German Base RAIDS ON VENICE Provisions--Wholesale. . A montreal was the first In paki th ermans rained a' DEPLORED BY POPE. | ,gSmoked meats--Hams, medfuim, 24 t x to enter the battle, coming up through pr m of. the invulner. Captured. 2 6c: do, heavy, 22 to 23c; cooked, i GENERAL HAIG PRAISES p -- to 87c; breakfast bacon, 25 to 87c: $ CANADIAN TROOPS a hostile barrage to the assistance of cars, b ¢ iy ere powerless to A despatch from London says: The| A despatch from Venice says: Mon- | Packs, plain, 26 to 27c; boneless, 28 to A : *| hard-pressed troops practically inthe 'stop the advance. French troops. have reached Combles. One building in the town is in their possession. In what is described by the Paris midnight communique as "a brilliant surprise attack," an isolated structure at the extreme outskirts of and Rancourt, driving back the Teu= ton storming waves with heavy losses. signor La Fontaine, the Patriarch of | Venice, has published a letter from Pope Benedict, deploring tempts against the churches and! the Church of San Giovanni Paolo es- caped destructive blows, only sustain- be New Brunswick Covh ers, to $2.10. fue r vag. § Beans--Hand-plcked, $6. 80; primes, $5. 8, Pickled or dry cured meats, 1 cent less an cured. Fare meats--Li cl the. at- (18c isa ong clear bacon, 18 to Lard T Pure Lard, tierces, 3} to 173¢c; tubs, treasures of Venice and rejoicing that Comb 73 ound, 18% to to 174c ; oh 8, to 17%c. Business in in Montreal. extra No. 1 feed, 594 ; Co- 2: aw 7) women: ork, uni- fobmea | on khaki, New 8 were being built, he said, and existing ones constantly extended. t worl A despatch from London says: General Sir Sam Hughes, Canadian Minister of Militia, has received a let- ter from Sir Douglas Haig, of which the following is an extract: "I de- sire to express my sincere apprecia- minenwerfers, or trench mortars, and' in the course of the heavy and sus: tained fighting they have inflicted very serious losses upon the enemy. closely followed by 'the Canadian 'Scot- tish from Vancouver and by a Tor- onto battalion, | These battalions, ak] though they delivered no assault, were, glven a very difficult and trying task middle of an attack. They were, steadily, came several of the new oar mored cars. His Majesty's landship "Creme de Menthe" led the way and the effect upon our men: was electri- Although our teat were the first to reach the; sugar refinery, the cars assisted materially in silencing the German' machine guns 'en. filading the enemy he deep, strongly protected d to perforin. They were heavily shel- | the sugar refinery. Ten of i the important German base on the : M te i hich fficers, in ing damage which fortunate} can be ontreal, Sept, = 25. Fate ~Canadian tion of the generous terms in whic Somme was captured by the French. ing fred, 2 y Western, No. 2, 60c; do. No. % 5940 :| you refer to the achievements of 1éd in trenches newly dug or recently | cluding a battalion commander, were The building had been strongly forti- fied as a defence work. Three officers St. Mark, the destruction of =the Er Manitoba Sprin eat. patents; source of pride and. gratifieation to ast Jocation hil fri ind hl was Shoot the roche FL ithier flank, » known to and 57 men were taken prisoners. Church of Santa Marie Formosa, and bakers' $8: Winter patents,' choice | you to know that: the gallant officers |, Ty ad itd spite | us as the "Candy" trench and the Bux He Simultaneously Gen. Foch's troops | the damage to the Church of Scalzi 3. 5: oy i saint gL and men who come from Canada to brid their a ha ae Souselil sap" ead, Were stormed: and "¢ap: it. pushed forward to the south-east of | "bitter wounds to my heart," and re- | Fpirels; | 3. to 1 of 90 208 fight for the King and the common ov po cin bombing attacks. In this attack men from Toronto eed--Bran, i h Sombles, SigBiening The sing Around frets thab his sfforss 0 Prevent such shorts, 3: $28 ; : midalin 4 $30 pirat LIEN Sause bt our aly So But these activities, imp t' and) London, Ottawa: and Ki ibe ; at town, In this section 40 prisoners | misfortunes have faile e con- ion s 355. Slay--Ne, 2 per Jon, car eir duty in a way commendable though they vg were | side-by-side with men Sought g were made. cluded hisdetter by sending words of | G3 00, cagtong. Too Butter. | 8reatest possible credit on themselves only preparatory to the grant offen: gS! A semi-official estimate says the comfort to the population of Venice, The Pope calls the axpivsion before | 533 to bic. Barley--Manitoba feed, $74. Eiicest creamery, 36%; seconds, 35%c. the army in France. It must be a and their Dominion." captured from the enemy, and the ex- made. prisoners. At the same time Regina and Vancouver, and with men. German losses suffered in the vain | with a wish that peace will soon be bi fa LT LL Selected, 380 io: Es rm a wma 1 Totiow, ie Bi o the Mounted Rifles from Eastern * counter-attack around Bouchavesnes | restored. Per bag, car lots, $1.80' to o $1.5 .55, Dressed GREECE WITH VENIZELOS : anada. on Wednesday were 80,000, Semmens mari ms hogs--Abattoir-killed, $17. . BARON SCHENK ADMITS. | A despatch from 4 Amsterdam says: The Berlin Lokal Anzeiger announces that Baron von Schenk, former chief director of German propaganda in Greece, and who was sent out of ONE-FOURTH TRANSYLVANIA IN ROUMANIAN HANDS. Pork--Heavy Canada LL Hoss 'barrels 35 to 40 pleces, $34 to $35; ' Canada Short cut back, barrels, 45 to 655 pleces, to $33. Lard--Compound, wood ee 20 lb. net, 13% to lic; A despatch from 1 London says: 'A wood pails, 20 lbs net, 26 to 16 Bucharest official despatch, referring to the Transylvania theatre, an- 55,800 GERMAN PRISONERS TAKEN IN SOMME OFFENSIVE. The German commander tried vain- ly to stem the French advance against Combles by a sortie from the trenches south of Rancourt. It was nipped in the bud by the French barrier fire, The British, operating north-west TURKISH TROOPS ON THE RIGA FRONT. A despatch from London says: Turkish troops have appeared on the Riga front, says. a Reuter despatch. joo pure, A despatch fon Paris says: It was officially announced by the War s Winsives wind Office that according to new ac- Winnipeg, S58 25--Cas rices ;--= orthern, $1. Bs No. of Comibles, with the dual aim of | nounces that a Roumanian force has Whe ?| Greece by the Entente powers, has | counts the total number of prisoners! from Petrograd. 'They are led: by breaking through to Bapaume and | entered Orderhei, better known os Nolte 3 3 ipo 8 Riki 5 reached Bertin. In an J irish in| taken by the Franco-British troops German hii Apstrian officers, and tr} i Sonos - [$1.24 5 Shy We is Tey = em mr, "oti 1 TER Ho a oie, oper oo ily Be Sam G0 hil Sens or wi e French, regi u ~ o No.1 fee 0. 2 feed, 50c. advance on a front of a mile, taking | Transylvania is now in Roumanian' jected Toke ) Stic ao. bp 20ie tres "Greece now is completely under |More than 56,800, of whom 34,060 sues of sh troops' _80 far north two lines of German trenches and hands, The communication says: "On| NS , $1.91 ; No.2 CW. $1.86. . | the thumb of Venizelos, although the | Were taken by the French troops. as been Foported the north and north-west fronts fighting continues on' Mounts Cali- man (Kelemen) and Ghurgill, where we took 137 prisoners and also -ma- straightened out their front between the villages of Flers and Martin- puich. On the northern stretch of the Anglo-German: front below Arras This makes an average of nearly le are still friends. When the Poot still onf frien . 700 prisoners taken daily in 80 days. | gendarmes came to expel me, they wept, saying, 'Excuse us for what we Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolls, - Sept. 26.--Flour--Fane tents, s Toted at RIS KAISER ISSUES APD APPEAL Sua TO GERMANS 5 -- You'll never know the value of .a pnchanged, are compelled to do under the stress pi the British carried out a successful | chine guns. A detachment entered nard, $1 S344 hb Northern, in i Ro ig of circumstances and of which we' dollar unless you have earned it your: A despatch froin 2 Amsterdem says: Orderhei. No. 3 'wheat, $1.674 ; December, si are very sorry." self. . Espero. r Willian in the German of i Nos ite, Phat ou. 8 to, 820. A homely girl is always willing - to | ficial Gazette appeals to all Germans 2 abroad i PEACEMAKERS ARE GREAT ROUMANIAN VICTORY GERMANS AND BULGARS CRUSHED : Mackensen's Armies in Full Retreat, Burning Villages to Re- tard Pursuers. admit that a pretty give 5 to report to the Consular of. sense. : order to fs Iive Stock Markets. SENT TO THE FRONT. 5 eronte, Sept. 2 a olce heavy steers Ad toh. £ aa Lond arls to 0 eavy steers, % espa' from on says: - $1004 lL 941900 | ested in Berlin on a charge of sed common, 38 00 Jose 25 ; Jutchers' b bulls, tious anti-war agitation, 180 Social- a 39 food bulls; ists have been forcibly impressed in- | 0. to! to military service, according to. a| despatch to the Wireless Press from] Zurich. Although above the age limit]: "I and declared to 'be unfit for military o 35 5; Stohore 400 $6.50 ; choice , Job 45 canners 'and cutter milkers, Sholce, eac! 7.00 ; 3828 ; id -------- "tle was 'six-day battle in the Dobrudja = has + ended in a Russo-Roumanian. victory. 'firing to the south in the direction of A despatch from London says: The . Field Marshal von Mackensen's t wing in Roumania, consisting of ns, Bulgars and Turks, is re- fortress of Dobric. News of the result of: the great bat- received in a brief summary : a Roumanian War Office Waletmont, under | one was njured, and. on The Bucharest War Office announc- ed in an earlier. report that the Russo- Roumanians have repulsed the invad- ers "in a sanguina; to lambs, good .00 $90.00 ; do, gach $48 .00 to $60. 00; si rin ers, (mel; sheep, heavy, $4.50 1g choice, $11.00 fo 11.50 light Shes. CO) and Le 5.85 ; © 0 to $8. 90; Spr calves to choice, $10.50 to $12. 005 whole "front, and launched several counter-attacks. The report reads: "In Dobrudja . the strug continues with obstinacy. Russo-Roumanian troops repulsed ina sanguinary man- ner on the whole front all attacks of the enemy, and made several coun] ter-attacks, Enemy a a lanes drop- ped boeriibs on ng 'service; 'the were. turned over to the military authorities soon after their arrest. After a ow: 'weeks' drilling they 'were sent to the ry manner," on the | medium, $0.60 to $10.50 ; hogs, fed and 'front, | $5 MRE Ep rp HH Foch's - LA despatch from area ee rig its TL SL, Te- fa 9, She French Tuetan Tatantry 1 'Hurled "in "Massed Line, qu ig 2 of he pont

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