: When a young man he emigrated to Canada. This was before the days of steamships ind railways. Mr Heal crossed the ocean in a sailing vessel. |, 1t required more time in- those days to travel from Montreal to Toronto than it would from Liverpool to Port Perry now, He found work at Bow- manville, (at his trade as a tailor) on the day of his arnval. By carefu] economy and judicious investment in early life, he lad the foundation 'of }* the competence which he acquired. 'Mr Heal, while in Bowmanville, 'married Miss Butt, by whom be had a daughter, who predeceased him, having a son and a daughter, now resident in Detroit. Thre are also two sisters--Miss Heal, Bowmanville, and Mrs Vanstone, of London. About 30 years ago he was united in mar- riage to Mrs Cameron of Port Perry and has resided here since that time. Mr Heal became connected with the Bible Christian branch of the Methodist church in his youth, and through life he was faithful in his church attendance, being in his place for worship both morning and even- ing the day preceding his death, Sept 4, 1916, nearly 90 years old. It was his delight to converse on the subject of the great revivals of long ago, and of the strong, fervent appeals to the unconverted by the favorite ministers of his early life. In his active 'life he rendered important service -- no minister ap- pealed to him in vain for any service that he was capable of rendering. The funeral service was held at his late residence on Caleb St., by Rev. W P Rogers, B A, the interment taking place at Bowmanville, Mrs Heal re- ceives the sympathy of the community in her bereavement. i te Narcissus bulbs for sale at the Greenhouse, Bigelow Street Clover honey wanted, applyjat the Star Office. Miss Janet McKnight, of Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs R Mec- Knight, Get your seat for the Fair Night Concert at Byer's Drugstore. Don't fail to see the Chapman Gasoline Engine at the Fair on Fri- day next. Russel Dean is the local agent for this machine 'and will gladly give information and quote prices. Read "Kitchener's Mob" get it at the Public Library. You can Mrs I J] Wheeler, of Edmonton, is wisiting friends in town. Apprentice Wanted--to learn® tins- smithing and plumbing. Apply x to W U Carnegie. Rev Mr and Mrs Ford are holiday- ing at Feuelon Falls. Mr. Henderson of Whitby, will preach in the Baptist church on Sun- day next. Mr and: Mrs Stewart Ford have returned home from Fenelon Falls. Rev Thos Bates is unable to resume his work at St Thomas at present, being confined to his home with rheumatism. : House to Rent--Apply Geo. Davey Town Council 'Met on Saturday evening. 'members present. The following accounts were order: i ed to be paid: * S Farmer, printing, $43.10 Carnegie Milling Co, $40.91 All F. Siepbend a for soutien, wl aris: olinist, ir been added to the company of entertainets, thus Plan at. Byer's ' Drugstore. early as everybody will want to hear Smily. Don't fail to see the ladies' base- ball tournament at Port Perry Fair. The Port Perry Fair management are offering a medal for the champion | | ship of the sports to be held at the| Fair on Friday afternoon. See bills for particulars, LOLUM| GRAFONOLAS ARE THE BEST VALUE Someday you' will buy a Talking Machine When that time arrives be sure to come to us and see and hear the Columbia Grafonola before deciding upon your purchase, We'll gladly send a Grafonola up te your house on approval. If you already own a disc ma- chine, try Columbia 'records. They fit any machine, and are the best records made. 85c up Ask to hear "Laddie ia Khaki" "I'll be a Long, Long Way from Home." (R 4001) GEORGE R. DAVEY Columbia Grafonola and Record ! 3 Dealer Star Office Port Perry Harper-Hardy First Methodist Ont., on Tuesday, September bth, at one o'clock, when Miss Lena E. Hardy, daughter of Mr and Mrs J] W Hardy of that city, was united in marriage to Mr Rex Harper, of Os- hawa. The ceremony was performed by Rev Dr Flanders. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Sadie Hardy, and Corp. W E Caife, C.P.C., acted as grooms- man.{ Mr and Mrs Harper will reside at Oshawa. Miss Estelle Bull is resuming her music class. 'Special attention given out-of-town pupils. home of Mrs Geo Jackson, Port peny Phone 31... Mr and Mrs D Carnegie have re- turned home, after two weeks' visit in Det, coming | home 1 wn Mr Bigelow's increasing the pleasure of on already | good program. Don't miss the concert | Seats Lon 25¢, 35¢c and 60c. Book your seats| . Pe A quiet wedding took place at the Church, London, {- Studio at the] Ten per cent. off all Boots. Best Prices for all Produce Cash or Trade. Give Us a Call, Be Convinced Poultry "Wanted L.Stein & Co. will give the highest cash price for 'all kinds of Poultry. | Phone 93 r 1 until 6 p.m. Rubbers, rags, etc., bought. See our bargains in drygoods at the store, Port Perry. Auto For Hire when in need of a livery, J. A. MURRAY DENTIST | Office above Rose & Co. Office hours, 9 a.m, to 6 p.m. A, G. Dowson, WS 1 WAR t ¥ i DOMINION For Satisfaction comfort and pleas: ure' you should goto Art Dowsor Specially good turnouts for weddings Horses and rigs for all occasion: Proprietor 1 ™ 5 per or "panied with the cash, the Town Scales by on doing so will not incur any displeasure o per ton. will be allowed off, on 'cod th ---- snes 'CARTAGE--]. R. Hits, Port A] Perry, successor to Harry Davidson, is prepared to do all kinds of carting, |' teaming, plowing, excavating, etc, at moderate prices, hauled = and in first-class running cons AUTO FOR HIRE dition) A bargain: df Zo need an | - | engine don't hesitate to this "one, Apply to William McClintock, Phone You will 'seldom if ever St good 93 r 11, or at Beare Bros' Garage, | aie fi 1 g Port Perry, Ont: 22 i o ue Give. money. only at the b> A OY Hi Ii Ii WAR LOAN OF CANADA Issue of $100,000, 000 5% Bonds Maturing 1st October, 1931. PAYABLE AT PAR AT OTTAWA, Havwax ST. JOHN, CHARLOTTETOWN, MONTREAL, TORONTO, WINNIPEG, REGINA, CALGARY, VICTORIA, * INTEREST PAYABLE HALF-YEARLY, 1st APRIL, 1st OCTOBER." PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. ISSUE PRICE 974 A FULL HALF-YEAR'S INTEREST WILL BE PAID ON 1st APRIL, 1017, THE PROCEEDS OF THE oan WILL BE USED FOR WAR PURPOSES ONLY, Tar MINISTER O the Government, er at 973, payable as follo 10 per cent on S30" % 5 " ¥ " "« a Eoin 'offers herewith, on behalf of hove e named Bonds for sipseriphion "applicati n; 16th OTropaE. 1916; 15th November, 1916; 15th December, 191 lent of cash under t of 22nd November, 15. The instalments may be paid in full on the 16th day of October, 1916; or on any instalment due date thereafter, under discount at the rate of four per cent per annum. All_payments are to be made to'a chartered bank for the credit of the Minister. of Finance, Failure to pay any IR to forfeiture and the allotment to cancellation. Subscriptions, acco of the amount subs | A Ce Se be forwarded "branch in 27% 5 The total allotment of bonds of this issue wil be limited to one hundred million dollars exclusive of the amount (if any) paid for by the surrender of bonds as the equiva-" If "terms of the War Loan prospectus instalment when due will render previous payments liable. Bd by a deposit of ten per cent. It must be v : rincipal, or for fully registered bonds, when prepared, = 1 coupons, in'accordance with the en po Co Delivery of scrip sgetificates and of bonds will be. foals : 'through the chartered banks The issue will be saemph- fol taxes ine income 'tax--imposed in. pursuance legislation en _ by the. Parliament of Canada. : : The bonds with coupons will be issued i in Senoninativas of $100, $500, $1,000. Fully 'registered bonds without coupons will be issued in Sehominations of 8, 000, 35000 or any authorized multiple of $5,000 The bonds will be paid at ads at par at the ollie of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at Ottaw or at the office of the Assistant Receiver General a St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Wi Regina, ary, or Victoria, = "The interest. on the fully registred tide will by cheque, whiol will bo remit ted by post. : Jonts » with coupons will be paid on Senders Both cheques and Soupons withe : : nch in Canada of A horse power Pastas. Morse Gasoline engine, = thoroughly ovet« =