Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 19 Jul 1916, p. 7

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- desert or-even though it is not fair fo use an arid region, berta is neither arid or desert. ian West are doting, herta the 8 dev lorado or California. Portio; tract of three million acres is prosperous Eis fn another direction, showing altheir Ready-Made Homes, where the head of grain after imbibing the|settler is assisted generously in ese thirst-quenching waters, for nature[tablishing a foothold. thirsts as do humans, All kinds off, Through southern British Colum- wereals and|bia the effect of irrigation systems is "truck, while dairying and live|shown in the flourishing orchards of growing flourish wherever there|the Okanagan, Arrow and Kootenay an frrigation canal. The country is| Lakes country, along the Cariboo road with what are called dry/and in many another section. Thus od the waters emsure a prac-|this most ancient of natural aids as certainty of crop. A six-year yield|it Is the most modern, dating from the ' Marquis wheat on firrigated land|Garden of Eden and continuing to the Oe Ey : forty-four bushels to the acre Alberta irrigation system is one that 3 with only 29 on non-irriga-| has contributed to the world's produc. lands. Here the C.P.R. provide tivity and to Canada's wealth, ' pe -- From the Middle W A honest citizen of Brussels, ro- L101 UNE IVil(i(HiE est Home late at night under | al artificial stimulation and singing at | © of his voice, was apprehend- | BETWEEN ONTARIO AND BRI. patrol, says the | TISH COLUMBIA. fi The citizen resisted, a scuffle broke away from ------ 3 aud fell into. the. canal. tems From Provinces Where Many Ontario Boys and Girls Are Living. AH] a ituation. Just as he | ' The Banff road is agsin in good going down for the third time | shape and open to traffic. \ Tngitive had a" thought. | "gehool children will be factors in ith: all is. rem strength he | 'gi Calgary Fair this year. France! Vive la France!" couple rans 1 etlibridges died at Great: Falls, bi He was -- Lin k rs. R. M. Entwistle, a well known and the next day, | Pioneer resident of Moose Jaw, is 'months for ut- Fea John F. Bradshaw, a sheépman of Magrath, received 33 cents a pound for wool. ' Lewis D. French, manager of : North Canadian Lumber Co., Prince "He started life with a shoestring | Albert, is dead. and now he has 8 million dollars. "Joseph Coates, a former Winnipeg "incredible, eh? ; ; contractor and politician, died at his should consiler that | pome in Keeler, Sask. Jet. anybody & yo Duy ""The explosion of the kitchen stove i caused a bad fire in the home of Mrs. Richardson, of Saskatoon. ~ 'our-year-old Pauline Kohler, of Poni stumbled into a tub of «hot water and-was fatally scalded. The Northern Saskatchewan Com- pany of the 183rd Battalion left Sas- nh last week for Camp Hughes. Donald Black, of Calgary, secured scholarship for high standing In ass work at Alberta University. Regina citizens interested in better 1, held a mass meeting in the Hall prior to a Better Schools mis 103 Better Behoole! | Frank Cline, a one time | resident i HARD ON BABY ous So the lite of ttle nss' as is the summer, e excessive heat throws the little stofiach out of order 'so quickly that unless prompt aid is at hand the baby may be beyond all human help before the mother realizes He is ill. Summer is the season when diarrhoea, cholera infantum, dysen- try and colic are most prevalent. Any er Era La the vie ju to' duiiness| to any further about cook- ing lessons?" iH Migard's Liniment used by Physicians -. Stopped at Her Pudding. A little girl had sent back her plate one of these troubles may prove dead- | for chicken two or three times and ly if not promptly treated. : During "had been helped bountifully to all the the summer. the mothers best friend (good rich things that go bo make a is Baby's Own Tablets. They regu- good dinner. Finally she was ob- late the bowels, sweeten the stomach | served looking rather disconsolately and keep baby healthy, The Tablets at her unfinished plate of pudding, are: sold by medicine dealers or by "What's the matter, Dora?" asked mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr.! John, "You lock mournful." Williams' Medicine Co, Brockville, | Ont. : i Te ITALY"S KING A GOOD SOLDIER. He Has Had Many Narrow Escapes From Death, * The military correspondent of the London Times, describing, his recent tour of the Italian front, says: ' "Italy is fortunate in having at her head at this eritical hour of her destinies a King who is a Soldier born and bred. It is a common say- ing that the King of Italy is homesick when he is absent from the army, and it is certain his Majesty spends every hour he can spare from state affairs with his troops. He wears on his breast the medal and ribbon given only to those who have been at the front a year and though he deprecates | any allusion to' the fact, it is true that | ; he is constantly 'in the firing line. 'He has had many narrow escapes, and is personally known to the whole army, who love to see him in their midst. ohne "I have not found any officer of his army who has a better, more "iin< timate or more accurate knowledge "That's just the matter," said Dora, "T'am mor'n fall." * Soren to-Sun, Dustand Wind d kly relieved by Murine | ZY © Sten vos. just Eye Comfo i Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. § | SalveinTubes25c, ForBaok ithe Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Father's Good Rumor. | "Father went off in a good humor this morning," observed the daughter i. "Heavens!" exclaimed the mother suddenly remembering. . "That ro. minds me. I forgot to ask him' for | any money!" . -- | Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend SEED POTATOES EED POTATOES, IRISH COB blers, Deleware, Carman. Order at once. HURRY, limited. Write for quo: i tations. H, W. Daw Brampton. Ww ANTED , MOULD=- ERS and Pattern Makers, steady work, state age, experience and wages. Boving Hydraulic & Engineering Co., of his troops than the King, His Limited. Lindsay. . attention to the wants of the army | is absolutely untiring, and his cool | judgment and large experience must | often be of great service to his min- isters and generals. ' "Ido not know whether the field] headquarters of the King of Italy or! of King Albert of Belgium is the most | unpretentious, but certainly both mon- I archs live in circumstances: of 'ex:| treme simplicity. My recollection is| that when I last had the honor of | | visiting King Albert's headquarters, | the bell in which I must call the par- | lor did not ring, and the Queen of the Belgians had to get up and fetch | | tea herself. | "When I had the honor of being, | received by the King of Italy, I found | | his T¢ajesty in a little villa which held | only four people, and the King work- ling in a room of which the only furni- ture, I can recall, consisted of a! { camp bed, close to the ground and of | exiguous breadth, a small table and | two chairs of uncompromising hard- ness. The only ornament in the room was the base of the last Austrian shell which burst just above the King's head. It had been mounted as a sou- venir by the Queen." nm Honest. He--There goes the honestest girl in the world. She--How's that? _ He--She won't even take akiss without returning it. 'Adds'a Healthful Zest to any Meal. Most everyone likes a hot table drink, but it must have a snappy taste and at the same time be healthful. Probably no beverage an- swers every requirement so completely as does POSTUI1 This famous pure food- drink,, made of roasted: wheat and a bit of whole- some molasses, affords a rich, delicious flavour, yet contains no harmful ele- The original Postum Cer- eal must be boiled ; , In- stant Postum is made in - the cup "quick as wink," b; ing hot water, and Both forms of Postum have a delightful aroma Th | (HP, 1 etree ese osboeeesee AS---- WANTED ~H ELD FOR WOOLEN Mill, Carders Weavers, Fullers, and Napper Tenders. ood wages paid in all departments, and steady work as- * sured. We ha¥e several openings for inexperiénced help, where Snergy and ability will bring promotion. Wages ald i to apprentices while learning Veaving. Special inducements to Family Worgers Write stating full experience any, age, etc to The Slingsby Mfg. Co. f.td', 'Brantford, Ont. ee NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE ------ ee ---- ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale in good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses. Full information on application to Wilson Publishing Come pany, 78 West Adelaide Street, Toronto, MISCELLANEOUS ee------------------------------------------ ee -- CA sn TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC, internal and external, cured withe out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr, D:liman Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood. Ont. Oy For Prcezing Ice Oream you got best results with CRUSHED ROCK SALT A ven freese. Smoother Ice Arian Takes one-third less salt and keeps Cream hard twice as long. Write RONTO SALT WORKS, 0-88 Jarvis St, Toronto, Oat. Seventh Annual Toronto Fat Stock Show will be held at Union Stock Yards, Toronto | DECEMBER 8th and 9th, 1916 For further particulars write } C, F, TOPPING, Secretary, |! nién Stock Yards, Toront Aeon Wao { fro represent well Know Fer fijses "Manufacturer xe EDI. partie | a h ony wit full particulars $o FERTILIZER, | o/0 Wilden Publishing Co. Tidy v3 Adeldide St. West, Toronto 5 Wheelock Engine, 150 ] : , With doub Cy 'main driving belt 24 ins. | wide, and Dynamo 30K belt driven. All in first class condition. Would be sold together or scparatc- ly ; alse a lot of shafting |at a very great bargain as room is required immedi

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