Rook and child, : ey Dr and Mrs Steele and child, of uray wes the guest 'of Mr and Wirs John Rolph for the week end. is Harper 'and Mrs Dunk and child returned to their homes in Ed- 'monton after spending several weeks with friends in Port Perry. Mr S Jeffrey motored to Collings wood on Saturday. Rev. Mr Bamforth, Mrs Bamforth, and Dorothy, of Colborne, were the _ guests of Mr and Mrs Stonehouse last week, _ Rev. Mr Greatrix, of Peterboro,was in' "town last Friday attending the *"faneral of Mrs. S. Jeffrey. : The follo g were guests of Mr. 'sod Mrs ew 'Allin-- Rev. R. H. Brett, of Wilhelniina, Alberta; Mrs one 'Camplin, Unionville; Mrs Jughton, and Miss N Claughton, : a Bradley lef this (Wed- Wesday) morning {0 visit her brother "in Syracuse. 5 Pus 'Mr Geo Davey and his son, John, + have returned hot after spending a week with friends fagutle. re Streets in the Village of PORT PERRY The Council of the Village of Port Perry intend spending a considerable sum of. money on cement roadways along the principal streets within the Corporation. t is not intended to follow the etition method 'of starting ; work, but. interested 'ratepayers are asked to be present at a public meeting to be held in the Town Hall, oe Perry, on the evening Wednestay, July 26 when the' plan of improve- will be fully explaitied | - 0 portiinity given for ression of opinion in meeting will Lhe addressed. jis Mr] Carnsworth, an ex-| pert on road building. Interested ratepayers are spec] ially invited to attend this meeting as the work will be done on the Local Himprove ment Plan. Picnic at Seven Mile Island Wednesday afternoon. being * half Pianos & Org: vholiday a number of the young people i of the towh took advantage of the fine" weather and journeyed down the lake to the Seven Mile Island, being conveyed by three launches and, a number of The party consisted of about | skiffs. forty people all young and eager for a day's outing, Shortly after the party JerrrEv--Died at Port. Perry, on se arrived at their destination a number of the fair and brave ventured into the cool and refreshing waters of Lake. "Vickery---Died at Port Perry, on Scugog, when a couple of hours were spent--the braves giving the fair their first lesson in the art of swimming: 'One fair maid found "Smutt" a very i usefdl contrivancein the art of swim- while others found it a nuisance. About 5.80 after Dr Luudy and his party ar- rived, the guests "sat down to a very, appetizing feast spread on the beautiful lawn 1n front of the Hotel where gin- $t | --A Davis ne, LIF ger ale and lemonade were very much ) in evidence served to the guests: very "Mellow" <A young Jady was heard to exclaim "I've lost my keys"--a, voice The evening was spent very enjoy* ably, dancing, a few found boating more attractive, about nine thirty - the party. decided to embark for Port, when it was found that a'ycung couple were missing. 'After a short "delay 'a canoe was seen to appear around a) distant point. The anxious | party were soon relieved by 'seeing that it carried Yum-Yum' and the missing brave. = After landing safely 'at Port each and every one expressed them- selves on-- what a delightful day they had. = William McClintock . Mr. Wiiliam McClintock, who died at Port Perry on Wednesday, July: 5, 1916. was born at 'Amherst Island, Ont,, in April, 1843. When a 'boy the family moved to the 3rd. conces- sion of Reach. Here Mr McClintock grew to young manhood. At this time he learned his trade as a black- smith, with Messrs Emily & White, and for a year he was in business for himself 'at' Manchester." 'Then hé bought the farm at Beare's mill, where f he remained until his retirement from active life some ten years ago. In 1869, Mr. McClintock married Miss Millicent Lamb, = His wife and three sons survive him-= William | G.I H. Jess, and Joseph A. 'The passing of a life like Mr. Mc: | Clinteck's robs the community of one whose industry. and uprightnees are a worthy example to Canadian man: hood. J | REY 2 YATE . Card'of Thanks : Mrs William McClintock and fam ily wish to sxpress thelr, 'appreciation neighbors. at the time of 'the illness i : illiam Me- ot and death of he, late of the successful candidates at in the crowd --Nick found a (Mc)Key the recent Entrance Examina- !tion held at Port Preys: - Lee, Fraok REAL your money and 4 Prince Albert ; 5 Died Wednesday July 12th, 1916, Annie| Isabella. Courtice, beloved Samuel Jeffrey. Saturday, July 15th, 19186, Elizabeth Ann Briggs, "widow of the. "late "Charles Vickery, in hét Toth year. \. 'High School Entrance| : Examination The following' are. the nares fhe de 0 So Butchers Cook, Myrtle a SE ey deh oy fav Crozier, Jean (honors) For Price and Quality] Forsyth, Clara te fy foie aed Fralick, Ross Harold Sire "Gordon, Annie (honors) g Hooper, Everett (honors) Horne, Laura = = = Hutcheson; Ethelwya (hon) Jackson, Rena May" © "7 | Keefe, Kenneth . McMillan, Mabel Mitchell, Gladys Mitchell: Viola Piatten, Greta Platten, Harold Still the Best _CAWKER BROS PHONE 72: PORT PERRY, onl CEMENT WM GE, ; Phone 108 rd SPORTS of this vicinity are asked to commufii- cate with the Attraction Committee: of |: Port Perry Fair, who are arranging a. allowed off, on A discount of 25¢c per 'ton will be given on 'all orders Accom "panied with the cash. . Customers can have. coal _ weigl the Town Scales by paying expenses confected the in doing 86 will not incur any displeasure coal at the, ons are re subject to change ithou wllow bluck silos, solid ce- | nent walls, hollow block walls Wells dug, cleaned and re res PARRY, Port: Perry: Al EE and Football - teams grand sports tournament. Send name of team secretary. 'at once to H G Hutcheson o orS: Ramet Bort: Perry. Vil ; 'We build Solid Cement Silos, ; a at Si of Bu {and lot of late. ilbert Cooli Village of Prince * (know the David Cash house), 21s July, 1916; Housen. perle 'half acre of choice fru fruit garden in fine condition, est tender not woop a Terms to shit purchaser. Plum; Robert Real, Mary Rogers, Raymond Rose, Graze Ruth (honors). - Spence, Minnie Irene Stanton, Lorne K (honors) Sweetman, Allan ; Sweetnian, Earl Smith: : "Thomas, Henry at "SHIRON ld West, Rhena Jean LS F. E. LUKE, Sac West, Willie Gordon: © *|R "Now located. in Rooms 2 gud 3) 'Whitfield, Frank H | JCosgrave Bldg, opposite Simpson's Wilson, - Viola. 168 YONGE ST., IoRONTO. Dring, Verna SEE Horne, 'Mona CARTAGE--J. R. Hillis, « Port Perry, successor to Harry Davidson, |is prepared to do all kinds of carting, |. teaming, plowing, excavating, ete, at moderate: prices. 18 Stray Heifer Bard grey. yearling 'heifer, : dehorned g {owner can have same. by proving property and paying expenses. Apply : : | to Jos Flewell; Manchester P.O, Ont. W. J. COOK Everything. iin Real Estate! : Pursuant 'to Section. 121 "of the Reviséc ario; 'nofice is alk creditors and others having claims salon. the Estate of the above named tharirie Branton, who 1 have a number of first class farms | H 'Whitby and Pickering 'townshipsto sél If yon want a farm, I can please Communicate with. wv J: i : Phone', Henry, Cora Mark, Clifford Smith, Benjamin RECOMMENDED McMillan," Maggie MecKyight, Yerens Christi