make me worse. instead of This went on for nearly two 'by that time my stomach h a weak state that I could 'a drink of water, and : Se ving. I . not worth living. I was at this time, and one Sun- on She way to church with led husband I was taken with int I store where the clerk fixed g to take "intended c of Dri s' Pink 'the end of the first week I improvement from the 5, and 1 gladly continued ; 8 gone, and Tvs i" an again Ee i sig aad Y to now . "al {i Gots did for me." get Dr, Williams' Pink Pills y dealer in medicine or by mail 0 cents a box or six boxes for .60 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine a. B: Ont. 3 ANS USE BLOOD AS FOOD. A Professor Explains How It 'May Be Made Palatable. In the Kolnische Zeitung great prominence is given to the researches of a physician named Grotthoff, who | has been investigating the properties of the blood of slaughter cattle and its suitability for human food. The Kolnische Zeitung- has insisted since the outbreak of the war, that blood ought io he smployed for this purpose. : states tha , according to 3 al physiologists, is the purest, strongest, and most nutritive food to 'be found in nature. Privy Councillor - Kobert, the eminent Rostock .profes- sor of physiology, says that it is the * most valuable food we have, and that if some process were invented by . ch 'it 'could be rendered free of defects and made palatable it be an enormous addition to the stores of food. : 3 - Grotthoff's process is not very A ed, but we gather that or two hours eg have been of beef and niay.'be made esc ips " well, and is withot Moreover, there are pal germs in the mass, - 'chief merit lies-in his preserv- 'of the albumen and other food rties in the blood. The blood so be reduced to powder and tins. Grotthoff thinks that "use to which the blood can taste and felt spell on the street. He took me | landed. Often the shells would ap- pear to land squarely on the French guns, but . invariably the = gunners would bravely. A Two or three 8 d | German captive 'balloons and several and stands over 16 hands, with plenty aeroplanes flying back of the German 'of quality and substance, and a good lines would observe where the shells disposition, He was elected by Lord fell and direct the firing. * "| Marcus Beresford from the Royal In order to baffle the German Stud as a horse most suitable for the range-finders the French hit upon a Canadian requirements, and has been happy scheme. For several hundred: pronounced by successful breeders to yards in front of their guns they be the best stallion that has ever left built.a shield. It was made of ordin- the shores. of the world's greatest dry burlap stretched upon poles, and nursery: --. & | {4 was about fifteen feet high, There-' It will be remembered that in 1918 after, when the Germans bombarded " Anmer" was the King's Derby can- the *ba they were no longer able didate and was running well up in to see where their shells fell, and that historic event when a suffragette {were consequently unable to direct ran out on the course, endeavoring to their fire with any ddgree of accur- snatch at the bridle," " Anmer" was acy. Of course, portions of the shield thrown and the woman was trampled were blown down at times by the ex-' to death. The fall also nearly proved ploding shells, but it was the work of fatal for the jockey, Herbert Jones. only a few minutes to make repairs.! ""Anmer" was ' a winner Using Painted Scenery plate, second in the Payne Stakers, Another ingenious device of the third in the Newmarket, St. Ledger French is the use of painted scenery and Royal Stakes. His sire, Flori- as a means of misleading the enemy. gell II, was a winner of the Ascot "At a certain point along the battle Gold vase, Jockey Club cup, Goodwood front the German trenches run across cup and Manchester cup and an own a railroad line which leads from a brother to Diamond Jubilee and Persi- French village about a half-mile away. | mmon, both Derby winners for the The Germans could sce plainly down ate King Edward and both successful the. tracks, and were in the habit of sires. Diamond Jubilee was. sold at taking pot shots with their rifles at the end of his racing career for $150, the French soldiers who crossed the 000 to go to*the Argentine Republic, tracks, | where he has headed the list of win- The French called in a well known nino sires for several years. Guinea painter to help them. Upon an en- gen the dam of Anmer, is also a Thoroughbred Stallion: " Anmer." -- |= "Anmer" is a beautifully bred horse! la in England in the 1% miles Hastings ormous canvas he painted a landscape representing exactly what the Ger- mans saw when they looked down the winner and the dam of Brakespear, Pintadeau and Jungle Cock. She is by Gallinule, sire of the great Pretty y dry by (gentle pressure. It : of tracks, It was a splendid piece of work, in full color and in perfect | perspective. One night the huge "drop " 'was mounted. a heavy: Polly. The gracious and tim shin of King George in presen 'Canada wooden framéw i placed uprig the ement. i such stalli across the trac ween two hS thorugh The next morning, when the o home| Spprstiated looked 3p the tracks $e view oy ap-| ¢ parently, josh t jSame 'As usual, eX-|., moronto for the whole Sept for. Tat op fast ay he, Exhibition, the only pls ossing ; v t time on. They never discovered the' has con- docaphion. snd Et i have Forth bend the seré perfect ho. te fen : GENERAL HELD UP BY LIONS. Unique Adventure of Smuts, ¢ The Fine : : Historical Item. | A young woman with a notebook jand a pencil entered the store . of | Jonathan Driggs, in a small Connecti- 'cut town, and said to the proprietor: Good morning, Mr. Driggs. I'm-look- ing up records of the early settlers of the town. Could you give me . any information?" ' , The old fellow turned to the desk, thumbed the ledger, and chuckled | | "Well, the earliest settler I've got is || Doc, Talcott, an' his besb record is three months," a Ask for Minard's 'and take no other Mr. Tompkins was obliged to: stop over night 'at a small cotintry hotel, wn to his room by' "the place afforded, a colored 4 "I am' glgd there's a rope here' in cage of fire)! commented Mr. Tomp- kins, as he surveyed the room, "but what's. the idea of putting a Bible in the room in such 2 Jrominent place?" "Dat amiintended "fol "use, sah," replied eo , "in case de fire am too far advanced foh yoo' to make yo' escape; sah' ! , hed nulated Eyelids, Sorel mete i "7471. 1 eure to Sun, Bustand Wind. N quickly lieved by Murine 1 ye ve Ropolly. NoSmarting, * just" Eye Comfort." At Your Druggist's S0c per Bottle. Murine Eys SalveinTubes2c. ForBook of (heEyeFreeask Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co. , Chicage Hardly Hospitable. The San Blas Indians, who occupy the north coast of the Republic of Panama from a point a few miles west of the Gulf of San Blas to Cape | Hughes 'not be. Lieut. McKibbon, a { Edmonton, has been awarded ' | Government entomoligist, has enlisted :| for overseas. ! [ward Burton. Tiburon, on the Colombia frontiér, are well known to dwellers in the Canal Zone, which they frequently visit, but are by no means inclined to receive visits in return, says " The 'Indianapolis News." They have re- solutely maintained their indepen- dence, preserved their territory from foreign exploitation and kept their blood and racial characteristics pure. They keep up the custom of requiring the traders who visit their coast to return to their ships at sundown. - 3 ¥ I fell from a building and received what the doctor called a yery.ibad sprained ankle, and told me I must not walk on it for three weeks. I got MINARD'S LINIMENT and in six days I was out to work again. I think it the best Liniment made. ARCHIE E. LAUNDRY, on oor. bugles," He Didn't Like the Name, The colonel of a Highland regiment, on retiring from the army, built for himself a snug villa, which he named "The Retreat." was an old soldier from the sama re- | giment, on being shown over 'the place for the first time by the col- 'fonel, was asked by the latter what | he thought of the house. "Fine! But 1 dinna like that," said the old soldier, | pointing to the name painted on the entrance gate. " , what's the matber with it?" "Well, sir," repli- ted the veteran, drawing himself up, "ge ken ye mever heard that played | Minara's Tistment used by Physicians. 1} Inde. 3 His gardener, who! i have also been requisitioned for the edical of the Mil. tary Crom. pi er. SRR 'ormer Chief of Police Joseph Gil- lespie, of Leithbridge, leaves shortly for the front, - "E. H. Stickland, Lethbricze, = the - The police: of Lethbridge suspect that someone is shielding escaped German prisoners. Prompt work on the part of the employees of Winnipeg Paint and Glass Co. prevented a big fire. The death = sentence "of . Aledor Nysseus, a Belgian of Morden, has been commuted to life imprisonment. Hon. Walter Scott, Premier of Saskatchewan, is back at his: home in Regina much improved in health. ' West Fernie is threatened by the Eik River, The stream is likely to| change its course and wipe out the' locality. Y Henry Stempes, managing-director of Grain Growers' Export Co., Winni- peg, was killed in an automobile ac- 1S | LABORERS, good Sinard's Tdniment Tumberman's Friond Opportunity likes to knock at the door of the man who has alittle cash saved up for a rainy day. SEED POTATOES EED POTATOES, IRISH COB- once. _Buppry limited: Write fof H. WF .C8OT. aren der at once. quotations. HELP WANTED BOX - NAILERS, SAWYERS, | wages. Apply or write Firstbrook Bros. Limit- ed, Toronto. ANTRED--MACHINISTS, ERS and Pattern Makers, steady work, 'state age, experience and wages. Boving Hydraulic & Engineering Co, Limited, Lindsay. { MOULD- FOR WOOLEN cident in New York. , Estimates show that Winnipdz will raise $8,398,160.17 by direct taxation during the present fiscal year, and $469,978.15 on capital account, The R,N.W.M.P. hae been assigned to take the census of the whites and half-breeds of northérn Saskatchewan | and northern Manitoba. | A law office: | dispensing' legal ad= | vice, for -which no fee is charged, is the uniqtie department announced for Camp Hughes, Manitoba, this sum-, Miss Helen Murdoch, of Winnip«z, saved. the lives of two young men | from drowning when their motor backed off the wharf into the Assini- | boine river. ] Frank Hamilton, a well-known rancher of Saskatoon, is dead as a re- sult of shots fired by his neighbor, Ed- Burton is facing a charge of murder. James Raffen, of Calgary, has won his suit against the Gas Company for physical injuries received by a gas explosion two years ago. He was granted $1,000 damages. : Jack Rivett, of Brooks, Alta., was killed in action. His proper title was Sir Claud James Rivett-Carnac, of He came to Canada on account of straitened financial circumstances, During the past two or three weeks the Manitoba Patriotic Fund commit- tee has received contributions total- ling $142,106.80 from the different municipalities and towns of the pro- nce. F. H. Peters, Commi of Irri-| | sured. | pany, 78 West 'Adelaide N ANTED--HELP Mill, Carders Weavers, Fullers, and Napper. Tenders, (Good wages paid in all departments, and steady Work as- We: have several openings for inexperienced. help, where Shorey, and ability will bring promotion. ages bald ~ to apprentices while! learning Special Family workers. A experience any, age, ete Slingsby Mfg., Co. Ltd. Brantford re er tn +, NEWSPASERS FOR SAT. ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JO P Oftices for tale © in goad Ol towns. The most Dsetul and of: all 'businesses. : Full infor spplication to Wilson Publishi 1 | Street MISCELLANEOUS ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, "ETQ, internal and éxterhal. curediwiths out pain by our home treatment, ene fe: = us before too late. Dr, Diliman Coo J.imited, Collingwood. Ont HE HUDSON CITY HOBPITAL, Hudson-on-Hudson, New York, of- fers a two and a-half years course ih instruction and practice to young wo= men who wish to become nurses . The School is registered For full informs- ation apply to the Superintendent: Lume ASO TORONTO BALT WORKS, 60-62 Jarvis ®t., Toronto. Ont. Seventh Annual Toronto Fat Stock Show will be held at Union Stock Yards, Toronto DECEMBER 8th and 9th, 1916 For further particulars write C. ¥. TOPPING, Secretary, Union Stock Yards, Toronto gation for the Dominion Government, has issued a warning that there is a possibility of heavy floods in the streams which drain the eastern slope of the Rockies in the Province of Alberta this summer, ep ee COMPULSORY HARVESTING. Hungary to Make Men, Women and Children Assist in Fields. fresh in mind and the freakish weat- her of the past three weeks as a warning that a record crop can easily | be turned over night into a partiol failure, the Hungarian agricultural authorities have decided upon unus- ual measures, to 'harvest the 1916 craps in the speediest possible manner. | The municipal local authorities throughout the country have been em- powered to requisition for harvesting purposes the services of every man, woman and child at home, not serving the state in 'some indispensable way, at fixed weiges. Prisoners of war working in. non-military concerns harvesting ; several thousand work- slan Poland and all the troops in the interior who can be spared will be furloughed for the same purpose, EE - Keep Mina:d's Liniment .in the houses A War Dish. " "My wife has threatened to leave bluejackets entered a restaurant in , the other day and asked for "Some Zeppelins in a cloud." "Some what1" sald an astonished waitress, And the blusjackets pointed io a card on which was printed "Sausages an mashed potatoes." fa iY JU (GRIER 6 Gi 1B Xt, A Va 5. With memories of the 1915 weather | men have been imported from Rus-| Agents Wanted known t- 0 represent well Fertilizer Manufacturer. trapt{Ve proposition to energetic and re; le parties, Apply ih Pariioniars to FERTILIZER, 0/0 Wilson Publishing Co., Tid. 73 Adelaide St., West, Toxento Li YOU CAN'T CUT OUT A X wi og Spavin or Thoroughpln dean them off pfompdly with BSORBH = out you eal (GY: UL BN the horse same time, and you work : not' blister or remove hair, $2.00 per bottle, delivered. Will tell you more "yori Book 4 M free. ABSORBINE, y the antiseptic liniment for anki ; aricose Veins, Ri tu 'n bottle WF. YOUNG, A D. F., 618 Lymans Bldg, Montreal, Sbserbine aad Absorblac, Jr.. are made In Comadas¢ Machinery For Sale Wheelock Engine, 150. fL.P., 18 x42, with double main driving belt 24 ins. wide, and Dynamo 30K. W. belt driven, © All in first class condition. Would be sold together or separates Iy ; also a lot of shafting ata very great bargain as m is required immedi-