'pleting the second box, I was again _. enioying splendid health, and have gines, remained in that happy condi- n." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any medicine dealer or "by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes! for $2.50 from The Dr, Williams Medi. 'Brockville, Ont. Go, B FELL FROM ZEPPELIN. To Into an Eng- lish Conservatory. ; ,Shisgs happen in war tirhe, BES happen & more start- H Ee which happened to a family which lives in a town ee t coast of Engla nd. me weeks ago Zeppelins flew over iis port, which was nothing unusual, The members of this certain house- old were partaking of a late evening 11, seated around the table in the ning-room. They heard bombs ex-. _ ploding and the fire of anti-aircraft guns. Suddenly there was a tre- mendous crash at the back of the house. "Evidently something - dropped into the conservatory. It was assumed that it' wus a bmb. - For a ~ few "minutes the . where they were, fea ¥ ion. Then they ih ay ~ In the conservatory, most of the glaes of which was broken, they found a dead German air-sailor. Hs 'had evidently accidently fallen from Zeppelin or perhaps he was knocked | Curious but out by a well-placed British shell {PE}, He had fallen from a tremendous height, probably no less than 7,000 et, and he : was naturally badly muti at, *u ; Promptly on the "Yis, mum. An' if I miss ur shall I wait for the Text 77 4nd delicious, snappy flay- our no other food poe autharite oy creased 3 Joutly Yave and 132 per ox cent, are no longer procurable. - Sugar increas- ed 28 per cent., coffee 48, eggs 185, beef 117, mutton 106 and pork 72. "Prices in England, according to the Labor Gazette, have onthe whole increased by 49 per cent. The high- est increases in prices are those of in bread, 52 per cent., flour, 60, and sugar 128. The rise in prices in England, however, is easily support- ed, owing to the low prices prevailing in ordinary times. "As regards Italy prices have risen on the whole by about 29.78 per cent., despite unfavorable exchange, high freights, high price of coal and Vid drawbacks. Bread has only increas- ed 23 per cent., flour 54, milk 18, beef 50, lard 15, and oil 20." Increases Due to War, "Thus, in conclusion, the average increase of prices in the three coun- tries is as follows: 85.6 per cent. in Germany, 49 in England and 29.78 in Italy, The German genius for organ ization has not led to brilliant re- after all. ere. German organization has ner. failed is in the case of potatoes, despite the fact that the Germans are still bragging that the price of potatoes has mot increased since the war.. And yet it is sufficient to relate the story of German pota- toes briefly and. chronologically as follows: "November, 1914-- Complaints about the scarcity and high prices of pota- toes compels the Government to fix the TAX prices in all the empire for gr "Winter, * 1914-36 Potatoes disap- pear from the markets. The Social-|t ists blame speculators, agrarians|me blame unfavorable weather and trans- difficulties, the people suspect the potatoes are being devoured /by igs. "January-February, 1916 -- The slaughter of pigs is ordered and as a result the prices of pork rise by 70 per cent. Yet potatoes are still scarve in the Sestern industrial cities and Hi ies ma are - sold by the 'small quantities. that the pota- | Loge crop lied only aes 000,000 tons, in- pertied stead of 52,000,000 5, "March-April, 1915 The Govern- ment decrees that potatoes should be and enforces distribution. "May-June -- Sensational develop- ments. The agrarians, realizing that 'the prices of potatoes will not in- crease and fearing that the stocks they hoarded" will deteriorate, dump them on the market. The néwspapers urge the consumption of potatoes, especial- ly as prices are low and itis an- nounced that the crop yielded 55, 000,000 tons. "July, '1916--The "inha nts: of 'Berlin whose houses are close to the in former | railroad stations complain to the Hy-| || giene Office' about 'pestilential | - odor from stacks of potatoes allowed ; THE SOCIALISTS URGE A TAX 'ON CAPITAL. Britioh System Ts Protesd As. Lose Burdensome Than Teuten ow Method. Dr. Helfferich, the German financial secretary, some time ago laid stress on the advantages of German finance as Sompared with ig methods, but some critics, even Germany, have since realized that it is a short-sighted policy to raise taxation merely to maintain a balance in the civilian-bud- get, while the colossal expenditure of the war remains to be covered entire- 3 by os loans, writes a London cofres- to 'Vorwaerts goes so far 'as to express preference, by implication, for the British system of finance and taxation. That jotenal says: "It the English State has to pay almost b per cent. interest for its loans, it must not be forgotten that it recovers a-considerable percentage in the shape of taxes. Thus, in war no less peace, the. Baglisi system atom: of economy examp! which no other country has yet been able to emulate." ' It is a significant fact that the name of the war profits tax law of Germany has been altered to that of the war tax law, in order to express the fact that it is not properly 'a tax on profits. Urge Tax on Capital Since the outbreak of the war vio- -- struggle has been in progress in Reichstag between the Govern- ment and the Social Democratic 'and or parties. The latter have urged that' the capital and industry of the gapire should be made to bear a far vier share in the way of direct taxation, while the Government par- ties have favored indirect taxes, main- taining that further direct taxation is out of the question. - In ur that the tax on war pro- fits should be raised the -Socialists maintain that undue consideration is jotows for the interests of the pro- agrarion elasses. All indirect taxation, the Socialists maintain, bears too heavily on the working clagses. It is argued, with not alittle shrewdness, that if Germany cannot stand further taxation on property, then the Government may as well de- | clare the empire to be bankrupt, as all idea of any adequate war indemnity must be abandoned, In financial matters Austria and (ALL DEALERS C.Briggs & Sons . HAMILTON '| Neue Freie Presse, | opinion that the actual results of the pin 3 of a a lows hort period loan, as with the second and third loans, but the Government 8 aimed at the bulk of the 1all subscriptions to the perpetual The Austrian war profits tax is ex- ; pected to yield 300,000,000 to 50,000,- 000 kronen in three years. However, {the President of the Association of Austrian Industrialists, writing in the expressed th tax, especially as regards the profits of industrial undertakings, would' provide a "big disappointment * for | the Government. rls | HEALTHY BABIES SLEEP WELL AT NIGHT A well child sleeps wel and during its waking hours is never cross, but always happy and laughing: It is only | the sickly child that is cross and peev- ish. Mothers, if your children do not sleep well ; if they are cross and cry a great desl, give them Baby's Own Tablets and they will soon be well and happy again. Concerning the Tablets Mrs. Chas. Diotte, North Temascam- ing, Que., writes :--" My baby was greatly troubled with constipation and. cried night and day. I began giving her Baby's Own Tablets and now she is fat and healthy aiff sleeps well at night." The Tablets are sold by medi- cine destlers or by mail at 25 cents a box, from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Dog Tax to Yield $4,500,000. French Minister of Finance Ribot expects t6 add $4,600,000 to the na- tion's income by his new tax on dogs, There are 900,000 dogs kept for pleas- ure in France and 2,700,000 watch dogs. The former must pay $2 each and the latter $1. a Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend : Its Present Color. "Say," said the landlord to the ben- ant who was two months shy with his rent, "when am I to see the color of your money 1" "Can't say," replied the party of the second part. "The color just now is an invisible green." Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gents,--I cured a valuable hunting dog of mange with MINARD'S LINI- MENT, after several veterinaries had treated him without doing him any permanent good. Yours, &c., WILFRID GAGNE. Prop. of Grand Central Hotel Drummondville, Aug. 8, "04 Had Enough. "Having satisfied you, sir," wend on the book agent, "that you are in con- stant need of our superb dictionary, permit me to show you also its great- ly enlarged appendix, which no fam- ily should be without." "Nothing doing!" gasped the pros- pective victim. "It's cost me $500 to hdve one of those things cut out and I want no more." Minard's Liniment used by Physicians, ? Not Too Busy. Nervous Employer-- "Thomas, 1 wish you wouldn't whistle at your work." Office Boy--"I ain't working, sir; I'm only. just whistling." -- Handsome Prizes Will Be Given The Management of the Toronto Fat Stoek Show announce their in- tention of holding a show at the Union Stock Yards, Toronto, Decem- ber 8th and 2 91, 151 1016. We understand the will" contain many new and rr handsome to | muffs. and capes. In order to command the, highest market prices, wools should be! presented in a carefully folded and ed condition and should contain little foreign matter as possible. oS oes demonstrations in grading and perts. One of the most interesting and instructive features will be sam- ples of wool in both the greasy and scoured condition, showing the injuri-| ous effects of using insoluble paints, which are difficult to remove; rather than the standard dipping fluids for marking pu Samples of wool that have been tied with binder twin will show how the sisal fibre becomes incorporated into the wool with the consequent defect in the finished pro- duct. The injurious effects of shear- ing wool while damp or permitting it to become damp while in storage, will be shown, together with the damage caused by the incorporation of strav and chaff into the fleece. FOR TRANSFUSION OF BLOOD: Argentine Surgeon Practising in France Finds New Method. This month's number of La Revue, Paris, describes a new method for transfusion of blood, an operation of- ten necessary under conditions which do not always allow certain precau- tions to be taken. The method is due to Prof. Luis Agote, an Argentine surgeon, and successful experiments have been made before the rector of the Sor- bonne, the dean of the faculty of medicine, and several professors and doctors. Blood is taken from the bend of | the elbow of any subject willing to lend his aid and collected in a recep- tacle which contains .a solution of neutral citrate of sora," prepared in sorting will be given daily by wool ex-| { LABORERS, good wages, pos- d head, Abt, of inmedt * Well, ma'um, when that time comes 'it won't be much 'of a torchlight proces. sion. Sore: Eyes hi : urine Ey -SalveinTubes25¢c. ForBookot (heEysFreeric Druggists or Morlae Eye Remedy Co. , Ch! i-- Granulated Eyelids, Eves Jafiumed id by €x] by Shor cage Shape Didn't Matter. 8 Butcher--Will you have a round steak, 'ma'am? Mrs. Youngbride-31 don't are what shape it is so Jong as it's tender, ° Ask for Minard's and take mo other Self trust is the first secret of sue- cess.--Emerson. Dark consequences sometimos re- sult from light remarks. SEED POTATOLS POTATOES, IRISH COB. Deleware, carman, es Supply Hmited. Write for 801. Lampton EED blers, der at once. quotations. HELP WANTED. BOX NAILERS, SAWYERS, Apply or write Firstbrook Bros. Limit. ed, Torento. Y ANTED-~-MACHINISTS, MOU a ERS and Pattern. Makers work, state age, experience and Boving Hydraulic & Engineerin Limited, Lindsay. NEWS2.42ERS FOR SAnd, ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Dice sm for rale in good Untario The most useful and Interesting of Tn businesses. Full information on application to Wilson Publishing Cor pany, 78 West Adelatde _Stre: et, . Toronta. MISCELLANEOUS, Pe proportion of one gram of salt for 100 grammes of blood. This mixture prevents the blood from | coagulating without distroying its' vital properties, and as the citrate | employed is inoffensive to"the organ-! ism it can be injected into the fore- | arm without danger, thus obviating the chief drawbacks to the transfu- sion 'as generally practiced. The receptacle for the blood drawn | is in graduated glass with double tub- ing and has a large enough opening to allow the blood to fall directly into | it. The end is pointed to allow the tube for injection'to collect the maxi- mum of blood without allowing air to enter. From three to five grams of | solution are placed in it, being a suf- ficient quantity for 300 grams of blood. ep tin "TELEPHONE" CURES THIRST. French Soldier Confesses and Penalty It Cut in Two. : A court-martial at the front. The presiding officer, speaking with a dis- tinctly kindly intonation, to the ac- cused: "Now, now, admit that you tele phoned." "No, my Colonel, I did not tele- phone." "If you confess, you will only have half the penalty." : "Well, .then, yes, my Colonel, I did telephone." All the court laughed and a nominal sentence was pronounced. The civilian should not imagine that the use of a telephone is a crime in the French army. To "telephone," in army slang 'is ta bore a little hole in a full barrel of iwine, to fit a rubber tube thereto and apply the mouth to the other end. If a man owes you money he is always ready to laugh at your weak criticisms. Keep Minard's Liniment in the house Fur From Black Apes. The black apes of Guinea haye long silky hair, and their fur is used for the last few years one million and seventy- five thausand skins have been shipped 'to Paris. a p< He who gets rich quick is apt to go broke in a hurry. ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS. LTC, internal and external, cured with. out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr, I':liman Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont - For Freezing Ice Cream you get best results with CRUSHED ROCK SALT A more even freeze. Smoother Ice Cream. Takes one-third less salt and keeps Cream hard twice as long. Writy TORONTO SALT WORKS, 60-68 Jarvis Bt. 'Toroato, Out. DEAFNESS is MISERY w because I was Deaf and had Head nd for ove er 80 years, My invisible Antiseptic Ear ar Drums restored my hear s topped Head Noises, and willdo Hy eg hoy are Tiny Megaphones. Car id seen when worn. Easy to put in, meu to take out, Are "Unseen Com. Inexpensive. Writefor Booklet and 5 Soe ori statement of how I recovered = ng. A. O. LEONARD Suite 228 1505thAve. = « NY City ®) THE LATEST PHONOGRAPH. (Stewart's) $7.50 This is the most wonderful Phonograph lue in Canada. It is neat, compact, nd finished in beautiful black and nickel {ll harmonize with the furnishings of he best homes. nexpensive, durable and attractive. he phonograph for the rural home. lay discs 12 inch or smaller, ent in neat wooden box With "100 needon Re receipt of price elght 15 lbs. yoked, HENDERSON & RICHARDSON, oad of Trade aiding, Dat: Montreal, Machinsry For Sals Wheelock Engine, 150 H.P,, 18 x42, with double main driving belt 24 ins, wide, and Dynamo 30K. W. belt driven. All in first class condition. Would be sold together or separates Just win ys also a lot of shafting ata very great bargain as