Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 31 May 1916, p. 4

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= St. os Prabatetan Church 7 air pillows and fountain pens were presented to Messrs. Roy Harris, "Urie Fein, Wm. Stoutt, and William Midgley, who left with the 116th Bn. for overseas service. After a- short me, in which Mrs. D. Archer, Miss Norah McLean, and Miss Bates rendered suitable numbers, Mr. W A Evans read a suitable address and Mr SJ Henry presented the gifts The young men expressed their apprecia- tion of the kindness of the congrega- tion, and hoped to do 'their best for King and Country. After a few appropriate remarks by the pastor, Rev. W. West, M. A; the meeting was brough t to a close by singing, "God be with you till we meet again." The following is the address: Messrs. Roy Harris, Urie Irwin, Wm. Midgley, and Wm. Stoutt: Dear Friends in Khaki--We are gathered here to- night as representa- tives of St. John's Presbyterian Church to say a few final words to you who have so nobly respcnded to the call «of King and Country and enlisted in his, the greatest war in the world's istory. = We are beginning to realize with a certain feeling of sadness that | you are passing to a lasger training camp and we will miss your faces in the Sabbath Services. We wish to say, theretore, that we are proud to have four such men as you fighting for us in this titanic struggle for the world's freedom. We are glad that you have been enabled to say, 'Here am I, send me." And we wish you every success in the cause which is so dear to us ail. It is not with the "idea of rewarding you for your sacri- fice that we are here this evening, but just to assure you of "our interest in you, and that our best wishes go _ along with you. We ask you to ac- cept these gifts from St. John's Cen- gregation. We trust that when you are far away and dreaming of home, these may assure you that the home fires are still burning and loving hearts are thinking of you. - We as- sure you that we shall watch your career with ever deepening interest as you go overseas with the loyal Cana- dian forces, and will not forget you at the Throne of Grace that you may|py live lives consistent with the right- eousness of the cause to which you have dedicated yourselves, and that our Gracious Father may in His own good time bring you safely back to us. Signed on behalf of the Congregation: W. A, Evans S. J. Henry E. A. Walker Jos. Baird Diamond Wedding On Saturday, May 27, the diamond 'wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Savage was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs, F C Collacutt when a large number of relatives were present including -Mrs (Rev) Smith, Toronto; Mr and Mrs James Camplin, Union- ville; Mr and Mis Frank Dobson, Uxbridge; Mr gnd Mrs A Jamieson, Uxbridge; Mr and Mrs D Lyle, Ux- bridge; Mr and Mrs G A McTaggart, Grimsby; Mr and Mrs A E McTaggart; Grimsby; Mr B Bickell, Bowman- ville: Mr'and Mrs Wallace Dearborn, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs D Morris, Osh- awa; Mr and Mrs J F McClintock, Port Perry; Mr and Mrs Geo Savage, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs Wm Jamieson; Port Perry Some very handsome gifts were presented. The table was prettily _ decorated with white ribbon and lily of the valley, . Port Perry orchestra was in attendance. . The following address was read by Mr McTaggart: i Port Perry, May 37, 16 Te Mr. and Mrs. Thos Savage, : - Prince Albert, Ont. Boas Father and Mother: 'We are met to-day in honour of the sixtieth anniversary of your wedding-- _your Diamond Jubilee. ° Itis seldom that home ties are kept without a for so many years, and we know |" h succeeding year of 'married esa increasing ha; Because this 1s so, it | Dass to come and share | opiness of 'your anniversary byterian church i in the | ing Methodist Conference at Peterboro this-week. Rev Mr West leaves on June 5th for Winnipeg to. attend the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church there. Union Prayer: Service will be' held in the Presbyterian church on Thurs- day. evening, June lst, and in the Methodist church Thursday, June 8 . AUTO FOR HIRE Apply to William McClintock, Phone 63 r 11, or at Beare Bros' Garage, Port Perry, Ont. 22 tf The Pure Bred HACKNEY STALLION MAINSPRING ~The property of Robt Beith, Bowmanville Route for Season 1918 MONDAY. saves his own = table, Snag Robt. Philp's, Carswright, for modn, thence to James, Malcolm's for TUESDAY--Proceeds to Anson Ca t, for noon, thence night, w. he will remain until ao THURSDAY. Proceeds to Raglan Tem. FRIDAY. Loaves for bi; own stable Frida; morning, and remains there until the fol. lowing Monday moming,. PEDIGREE DAM W. baa [440] (17933) Elinor (3726) Bonny (10: SIRE ign Cetewayo (Imp) [401] (9568) ios sy Terrington (9568 Grand Sire Mathias (64 Sire, Grand Fashion 2024 1 Lord Derby 2nd 417, Ro Gen Mary (295) Fireway (294). TERMS To insure a foal, $15.00, payable February 1st, 1917, the foal to be the property of the horse oweer until fee is paid. accidents at risk of owners of mares. Insured mares ment be returned regularly to the horse, Il i | insgance will E ad afin is in or not. 'ersons disposing of their if, mares before February will be 2 4 shanged given of their not t being 3 in foal. Enrolment Certificate No. 2821 Certificate of Enrolment and Inspection of the Pure Bred Hac Stallion, MAIN. SPRING, registered in the Canadian Stud Book as No. 721. Owned by Robert Beith of Bowmanville, foaled in 1911, has been enroled under the Oni tallion Act. Inspected' on the 23rd day of October, 1914, and passed by the Ontario Stallion Enrolment Board. Peter White, Chairman; R. W. Wade, Secretary. Dated at Toronto the 6th day of April, 1916. Good until December 31st, 1916. ARCHIE BLACK, SCUGOG MANAGER High School Entrance Examinations The Junior High School' Entrance Examinations will be held this year, in the High School, Port Perry, on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, June 21, 22, and 23 The following is the time table; - JUNE 21st. 9 t0 9.30 a.im.--Reading regulations, payment of fees, etc. 9.30 to 11.30--History 1.30 to 3.30--Composition: 3.40 to 4.25--Spelling * . Fea in 'the Methodist church mn' Re ; Rev Mr Rogers is attending the| 1Grand "Celebration Y{ Run Broad Jump (open) "| H. W. Linke, Chairmen; C: R. Dean, | The Sixth Annual Celebration of the King's Birthday under auspices oF. the King Edward 1 0. L. No 223 will be. held in Port Perry ON SATURDAY - JUNE 3, 1916 A Percentage of Profits will be devoted to 182nd Bn Funds Port Perry Citizens Band Will furnish. choice music The 182nd Battalion will produce Physical Drill and Military Move- ments in front of the Grand Stand. Dont Miss Your Share. of the. WALL PAPER 'BARGAINS Don't Delay--Time is Money W. H., McCAW is making. special reductions in Wall Paper. - He has a fine assort-|" ment of good qualit Pr ogramime done up in lots, guality, paper WHITE & LaMART : ho Jd ata heavy discount, but] The Silent Comedians, introducin, Mrs. Simple's "Simple Simon, . oe to secure the reduction, Comedy, Contortion and Hand-Bal-! It is a real pleasure to. look] ancing Acts The Greatest ind through the 1916 samples. The nal trouble chasers. 't a thers in front of Grand They are wonderfully beaut- iful "and surprisingly low in Stand during afternoon. ee | Baseball Tournament" * Jiee omsk ing eir high 1st Prize $30. 2nd Prize $16 Come i i andisee them, RuLeL--No entries accepted after 2nd W. H. McCAW | June. Names of prospective players to be furnished with entry. Entry At the ol d stand, Port Perry EE RL RS fee of $2.00. Athletic. Events a Two Mile Race (open) . $10, $5] CARTAGE--]. R. Hillis, Port One Mile Race (open) . 5, « 8.1; Perty, successor to Harry Davidson, 14. Mile Race (10-mile radius is prepared to do all kinds of carting, of Port Perry) 220 Yard Dash (open) 100 Yard Dash (open) Run High Jump (open) Stand Broad Jump (open) | moderate prices. --18 tf W. J. COOK Everything in Real Estate ER Rn I have a number of first class farms | {in Whitby and Pickering townships to. GRAND CONCERT _"{sell. If yon want a farm, I can please In the~evening when the following |you; Communicate with W. J. Cook, high class talent will take part: Jean| RR. No 2, Port Perry, or Bell Phone Anderson Thirde, Soprano; Miss Clarice Spencer, Elocutionist; Duncan R. Cowan, Entertainer; Frank Old-}"" field, Baritone, Chas. E. Muszrave,| Pianist. Admission 356c. Reserved Seats 50c. Plan at Byer's Drug Store: Admission to 'grounds--Adulfs 25¢ Children 15¢,. Grand Stand I0c. ComMMITTEE--P, Ingram, Wm. Cook, | W. 8. McKinley, W. Cook, A. B: Sarvis, A. Roberts, A. McDermott. b 3, 2, 2. 2 2 2 Hop. Step, Jump-(open) 2 'Many years experience enables - usto give you expert 'and un-. prejudiced advice concerning - your eyes. " | F. E. LUKE, &iicoe 43 Treasurer; J. E. Morrish, Secretary; 20 YONGE ST. TORS ] Gawker Brothers. Butchers "fob. Oliars : Complete 'equipped-- Electric Starter and ik ~ Lights; joy Speedometer ~~ ~Crowned Fenders; - Mohair Top; ; Ew BEARE BROS. Dealers. Pon Pe Shell Telephone No. 130. hi 5 each lot must. be cleared "out teaming, plowing, excavating, etc, at] 107 r 2 2, or Independent Phone 406]: Morley Campbell CEM ENT WORK A, ESTATE MENT we bid Sold Coment Sis, aes ment walls, hollow block walls one furnished well Wells dug,' 'leaned and re- Sai Se, pire.» WM : ONE IO OA vinPayy Bad to Morley Campbell, PortPerry Phone 108 rg 33 / For Hair Health s/ Use Rexall o3" Hair Tonic. Ifit doesnotimprove the health _ of your hair and scalp we will - : pay for wish you siein the taal. Bu) 8 bettlect Fexall "93 Hale ; then if z is ed Ion ao an tell us and | % eh yoo your money. Rexall ol 'onic is pleasant to use, : Bo a fais agreable odor and is sold at . Tal DE stores exclusively. oe, aad Piste is recom: 3 pan, soft and

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