and that you will not be i Few men Yave bad a bre distin- - Samuel filled this office for four years, < wh | it means tha ring from the guished or prosperous Parliamentary career that the Rt. Hon. Herbert Louis Samuel, who succeeded Sir John Simon as British Home Secretary. He| «is only 45 years of age, and did not enter the House of Commons until 1902; yet all but the first three of those thirteen years have been spent 8s a member of the Government, It was the late Sir Henry Camp- bell-Bannerman who first recognized the exceptional talents and abilities of Mr. Samuel, and when he came into power at the end of 1905 he invited him to join the Government as Under- Secretary to the Home Office. Mr. when he succeeded the present Lord Pentland as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, 'with a seat in the Cab- inet. In the following ' year, 1910, s a box or six boxes for from The Dr. Williams Medi- PERSONAL NOTES. i | p-- 4 Information About Well-known Men 7 and"Women, * The Prince of Wales has already six 'god-children. vy The wine cellars at Welbeck Abbey are the largest in England. ~ Sir Edward Elgar often writes his musical compositions in bed. The Bishop of London has three secretaries, the Archbishop of Can- terbury five, ° L Prince John has an edition of "Rob- inson Crusoe," the cover of which cost £30. General French was on the point of retiring from the Army before the Boer War. 'The principal New York papers are now regularly taken at Buckingham Palace." Lady Iva Wilson has five grandsons in the Army and Navy. - She i§ a sis- ter of the late Duke of Fife. Mr. Asquith appointed Mr. Samuel Postmaster-General, a post he filled with great -discretion and ability till' the outbreak of the war, = = ~ Many enter stories does Mr, Samuel. tell of his Post-office experi- ences. His favorite story concerns example of episcopal ec His friends looked up. the reference in the Bible and found the following words: ov . "I had many things to write, but I will nob with ink and pen write unto thee; but I trust I shall shortly see thee and we shall speak face to face. Peace 'be to thee, Our friends salute thee. Greet the friends by name." The 'best of Mr. Sdmuel's stories, perhaps, is that of a woman who had to fill in a claim on behalf of her son, and was asked to state on a form whether she had a husband living. Her answer was, "Living, but insig- nificant." Tn . Mz. Samuel, who has.the distinction of being the first Jew to sit in an English Cabinet--Beaconsfield, who was born a Jew, embraced Christian- ity while a youth--is often referred to as the "Children's friend," for it was he who piloted through the House of Commons the Children's bill, * which did so much to ameliorate the ditions under which the children the poorer classes were brought up. ml * THEFIRST TASTE. Acquired the Habit 'When a Boy. If parents realized the fact that tea and coffee contain a drug--caffeine-- is especially harmful to chil- dren, they would doubtless hesitate before giving them tea or coffee to which drink. "When I was a child in my mother's arms and first began to nibble at - King Manuel has in his possession a letter from King George, thanking him for his offer to serve in the Brit- ish Army at, the outbreak of war. "At the German Court it js against etiquette for the Emperor to shake , hands with anyone who is not of royal rank. Since King George's accession, Queen Mary has purchased over two dozen pictures by English modern artists. It is not yet certain whether Lord Crichton is dead or a prisoner of war; he was reported missing several months ago. ------ ie AN EXCELLENT REMEDY . FOR THE CHILDREN Mrs. Laura , Jackson, Brantford, Ont., writes: "I have found Baby's Own Tablets such an excellent remédy for children that I have no hesitation in recommending them to all mo- thers." ' Thousands of mothers say the same thing concerning the Tab- lets. Once a mother has used them she would use nothing else. They are for sale at all druggists or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr, Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, GE 3 amnesic A Canadian Mother's Answer. "I didn't raise my boy to be a soldier," I didn't want him joining in the when right meant danger, That truth and honor greater were than life. I didn't dream I'd make him don the I. never thought that war was in . the plan, But now he lies in France with many . others, + And yet I'm very glad he proved a man. things at the table, Mother used to|"I didn't raise my boy to be a soldier," give me sips of coffee. And so .I contracted the' coffee habit early. was 27, and when I got work Ibe "I continued to use coffee until I 8 1 got. to office began to have nervous spells. Bub I'd taught him to hold women When Britain tried the weaker to protect? liberty and chivalry and honor ere crushed to serve a mighty na- 't V to be 1dier," aT paper euras- gent ru been so popular that there are at least 12 applicants for each vacant apart- ment. i : 2 "army and navy stores," where Rus- sian officers and men can buy all ne- cessaries and luxuries at cost price. MISS BLANCHARD TELLS OF They Cured Her Kidney Troubles and 8 e, But Pd taught him not to shirk when in t, IN How could I stop him rushing to the || colors : ] For e an officer or his family ca 8 tting-room, double bedroom ich is remar! cheap con- the high prices which at pre- | in Petrograd. The club has |" The club also operates the immense | hoa ready ol or "luncheon or any meal. tness by 'Made in Canada. practically DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Other Sufferers Can Learn From Her Experience How They Can Find a Cure. Paquetville, Gloucester Co,, N.B.-- Mar. 6th (Special)--Simple and straight to the point is the statement of Miss Justine Blanchard, of this place. She has tried Dodd's Kidney Pills and found them good and she same policeman found Naybur lean- | 4 ver and to the Joneses to meet wants everybody to know it. Miss Blanchard says: "1 suffered for a long time with my kidneys. I used Dodd's Kidney Pills and they cured me completely." One simple statement like that is worth a dozen learned dissertations on Kidney disease. It tells the sufferer from kidney trouble just what he or she wants: to know--that a cure can be found in Dodd's Kidney Pills. For Dodd's Kidney = Pills are no cure-all. They are purely and simply a kidney remedy. The reason why they | cure Rheumatism, Lumbago, Diabetes, Bright's Disease, Heart Flutterings, Dropsy, Pain in the Back, and other diseases is thab all these are either Kidney diseases or are caused by dis- | ordered kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pills cure them by curing the kidneys. your last place?" Domestic--"The couple had only been married a month, an' I couldn't stand th' love-makin'"| : Agent--"Well, here's a chance in a house> where the couple have been married ten years." Domestic-- "That's too long. I likes peace and quiet." Patient (to pretty nurse)-- Will you be my wife when I recover 7" Pretty Nurse--'"Certainly."" Patient-- "Then you love me?" Pretty Nurse-- "Oh, no! That's merely a part of my treatment. I must keep my patients cheerful I promiséd this morning to run away with a married man who had lost both his legs." Granulafed Eyelids, Sore Eyes inflamed by ex | sure to Sun, Dustand Ey ok ly relieved by Murine 'e 80c per Bottle. Murine Eye Remedy. No i Eye Yeomfort, 'our Bie s25c. For BookeftheEyeFreeask ruggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co. , Chicago At 40 a man knows about half as AW ing your 7 seed : 'Tantise Oatalogue it dove Stan, "Pua. § No. 1 Red Clover $16.40 & $17 «Ho. 1 Alayke .......»s» 13.00 ar {the truth-- Agent--"What was the matter with| Wifie--Stop right there, much as he thought he knew at 20. | ITT Just Like the Pig. Two clergymen met together one evening. One of them was smoking, a practice to which .the other ob- v uate Vile thelr food they developed me Me jected very strongly. "Is it possible," This muscle was not intended for said the non-smoker in disgust, "that digestion purposes, but to carry off you smoke tobacco? would not smoke so vile a weed!" cular. tube. "Then I suppose," asked the other, as essential to its proper function as "that you do mot smoke yourself?" light is to the eye. Because modern Even a pig "No, indeed, I should think not!" "Then, my dear brother," said his companion quietly, "who is more like the pig, you or 1?" Minard"s Liniment Cures Dandruff Cause and Effect. The corner policeman found Naybur leaning against a telephone pole one night about a month ago. well, how'd you happen to get into this condition?" he asked as he helped Naybur home. "Wifesh just left f'r vacashn," explained the patient. It was just a night or two later that the ing against the same pole in the same condition. . "What's the excuse this time?" asked the cop. "She's back," answered Naybur. Minard's Diniment for sale everywhere Odd. Fair Hostess (entertaining wound- ed soldier)--And so one Jack John- son buried you, and the next dug you up again and landed you on top of a barn. Now what were your feelings? Tommy--If you'll believe me, ma'am, I was never more surprised in all my life. Truth Crushed. Wifie--How do you like my new hat? Hubby--Well, my dear, to tell you If you're going to talk that way about it I don't want to know. NOTICE TO STALLION OWNERS. The inspection of stallions under the Ontario Stallion Enrolment Act will commence March 23rd, 1916. Stallion owners will notice that horses inspected in the Fall of 1914 do not require to be inspected at this time but all other horses inspected previous to the Fall of 1914, which were nob then eight years old, must be inspect- ed in order to be enrolled for 1916. Application should be made at once to the Secretary of the Ontario, Stal- lion Enrolment Board, R. W. Wade, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Those' Dear Girls. Alice--I take half an hour's beauty sleep every afternoon. Marie--You should make it much longer, dear. We have been using MINARD'S LINIMENT in our home for a num- ber of years and use no other Lin- iment but MINARD'S, and we can recommend it highly for sprains, bruises, pains or tightness of the chest, soreness of the throat, head- ache or anything of that sort. We will not be without it one single day, for we get a new bottle before the other is all used. I can recommend it highly to anyone. JOHN WALKFIELD. LaHave Islands, Lunenburg Co. N. 8. Another Kind. ing a ew office boy, rang up an- other firm to inquire about the char- {acter of one of the applicants. "Well," said the head clerk, who answered the telephone, "he's one of {| snares mintment Cures Burns, Bto, these 'push and go' boys." _ "Good!" said the cotton broker, eagerly. "Smart and efficient, and all that, eh?" ~ "Not at all," came. the unexpected reply, "what I mean is that he only goes when you push him." "well, | know. just quarreled and don't speak. - fuse and we won't have to give a din- ner party at all. A Liverpool cotton broker, choos- X : Ll is being used. Each "coin" consists of a large, thick stone wheel, ranging from one to 12 feet in diameter; and having a hole in the centre through which a pole can be put to carry it. about. ? a : i Iron mortey has been used in Ger-| many since last October, when one ents, a Py to. Ihe SEAL I a) 0 e 4 ing oar Dt Bat. NEWS2 ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AN Offices hundred million coins of the value of [ own; "Lure d., Brantford, for sale in # od O he most useful an. int 1 business nfor math one cent each were issued. In Mexico, application to Witcon: Publishing. G where everything is also in a state of | pany, 78 Wenz Adelaide St To) war and chaos, cardboard money hag} been issued, while tramway tickets, entitling the holder to a ride, have been used for small change. ke WASTE NECESSARY IN FOOD Cc Because our ancestors ate coarser NCER, TU internal and external. cured out pain by our home treatment. Writs us before too lati e. Co.. limited, Collingwood, On W. D AGS--WILL PAY CASH FOR 0. flour and sugar bags. Write of Ira Bvans, Ft. Willlam, One, Esa SW F1SC-LLANEOUS TUMORS, LUMPS. Ere Dr. Belinan Afedl waste. We have inherited this mus- Waste-containing food is foods have little waste the human bowel muscles have weakened from lack of exercise. Constipation and & America's Ploneer g Remedios BOOK ON: © i: DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER, V. 8. 118 West 31st Street, New York | indigestion have resulted. Dr. son, who practised for years as an intestinal specialist, has devised Ro- man Meal, a food which has plenty of waste to exercise the bowel mus-' cles and is also highly nourishing. It prevents indigestion and constipa- tion. Most grocers sell it. Made by the Roman Meal ! pany, Toronto, Canada. Re A Strategical Move. Mrs. Close--I'm writing to ask the Browns to meet the Joneses here at Com- the Browns. We owe them both, you Close--But I've heard that they've Mrs. close--I know. They'll re- You will find relief in Zam-Buk | It eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zam- Buk, means cure. Why not prove this? 4% Druggists ond Stores.~ METAL SYS STORE FRONT OON- STRUCTION The salesmun inat works every day and night during the year. Send for Jack. = 40Hours From Frost CPT "8.8. BERMUDIAN nails - 2 .8. BVANGELINE sails from = New York March 21 & 30 ; Fares; Including meals aba berth, only $25 E and up. BERMUDA The Ideal Winter Resort | Beautiful Drives, Golf, and Sea Bathing. rison of the Ottawa (38th) Regis ment. Princess Hote! is open from DECEMBER to MAY Situated , on Hamilton. Accommodates 400, Rates : Man HAMILTON, . Bermuda is reached by the steam- ers of catalog "W' | H. J. BT. CLAIR 00, Ltd. Pa from New York March 15 & 22. Apply for tickets and booklet MH. D. PATERSON, Gem. Agent, Canada 8.8. Lines, Limited, 46 Yonge St, Toronto, or any ticket agent A= Saddle Riding, Yachting, Fishing Present Gar- Tennis, the Harbor of $26 per week and upward. HOWE & TWOROGER, "Ee BERMUDA the Quebec 8.8. Co, 32 Broadway, New York. av Chain, | Hercules Site abe tad Tt le T¥ves, ment, inclu ng Mad. le equips finds up. & Tool $22.50 1.5 FREE 1916 Catalogue if andi aia Sova I 1! Walesa Boles: T. W.BOYD & SON, 27 Notre Dame St. West, Montreal, A Bicycle fitted with Ro. New Departure or YOU CAN'T CUT OUT A E Bog Spavin or Thoroughpin but you can clean them off promptly with "A BSORBINE TRADE MARK REG.U.S. PAT. OFF and you work the horse same time. Does not blister or remove the hair, $2.00 per bottle, delivered. will tell you more if you write. Book 4 M free. JR, | the antiseptic liniment for mankind, | reduces Varicose Veins, Ruptured Muscles of Ligaments, Bolarged Glands, Wens, Cysts. Allays pain quickly. Price $1 and $3 or delivered. Made In the U. 8. A. by a bottle at WF. YOUNS, P. D. F., 516 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Can. Absorbine and Absorbine, Jr.. arc made la Canads ~--Refuge Wax--P some. stands. Poatpai mi soas IUREKA HARNESS Varieties--Good as Gold ods round, clear and transparent and Is tende: 1 ther walle Ib. 300. 1 Th. 46a, 8) early, hardy, fow when Tie. 3% Tb: 100; 3 Io. Soar 5 Tose BL40, A grand extra early wrinkled marrow OIL uts new life in your arness. Keeps it from drying up and cracking. Makes it soft, pliable and strong. Contains no animal or vegetable fats to become rancid. . It makes harness last longer. Dealers Everywhere The Imperial Oil Company SRANCHES IN ALL CITIES of hand. §i bs. $2.00. uétive variety, of finest 15s aa §