TT I TA SAT TOE PRIA SOY "The War is also using up r are used for coal. The. moral ad your from, Orchard NOW. ; Ford Touring Car Price $530 A. bumper crop--of pleasure and profits-- is reaped by the farmer who owns a Ford. He has "broken down the barrier of distance, for himself and his entire family. Now, after the harvest--aren't you going to buy that Ford. The Runabout is now $480, the Towa Car $780; f. 0. b., Ford, Ontario. . All cars completely £quip- includin headlights. Exuipmen does not include SS ond Get from W. U. & H. Camegie, Port Perry, Why don't you buy your clothing from L. STEIN & COMPANY The cheapest place in Port Perry. We have beed giving our customers bargains all along the line since we started to do business. The people who have dealt with us have found this out, Come and give usa trial. Our stock is strictly new and up-to-date $9.95 Buys a Good Overcoat 9.95 A Big assortment Chinchilla Overcoat regular $18.00 and $15.00 for $9.95 Men's Heavy Flannel Shirts, reg $1.25 for 69c Men's Double Breasted Woolen Underwear, Regular $1.00 for 49¢ Men's Heavy Winter Caps, with fur ear laps, regular 50c to 75c for 39¢c Men's Fleec Lined Underwear, special 39¢ ~Penmen's Fine Wool Underwear, double breasted, 69¢ Bring us your produce and poultry--we pay the highest cash market price L. STEIN & CO Leonard Block Port Perry For evening inquiries call Bell Phone 93 r 1 4 OUINCY. NB 2 XE Sanne "ANooUE Mr. S. Graham is our local agent and samples of our monuments may : be seen at our premises, ? Perry St, Port Perry. = Prices and styles will be shown on application to: Mr. Graham at the Post Office, : LR 0 vi ae TI We are sorry to report tl | the infant daughter of Mr, Cecil Sleep. . We extend t them sympathy of the entire com lump it and say that the try ts aad ea dpa Baan Ed STA Sd have had their seige of 1a gri cold, 3 : . A social evening was given . to the young people by Mr. and Mrs. Jc | a pleasant and enjoyable time, SCUGOG The following 1s the school report] for the Christmas term, = Names in order of standing. Sr IV--Ethel Armstrong, Mildred Collins, Jennie Armstrong, 4 Jr. IV--Florence Dunnett, Alfred Hunt, Melvin Hodgson ry Sr. ITI--Laura Collins, Donald Black Jr. III--Phyllis Wheatley, Johnny Reader, Minnie Black. Sr. II--Arthur Guyton, Emma Wheat- ley. W Class T--Edna Reader, Harlin Davey Primer--Rovena Black, Earle Read- er, Margaret Black, Gladys Wheat- ley. The measles are in our midst, and doesn't seem to know when its wel: come is worn out. Miss Lottie Rod: man is still a prisoner. of them, but] is gradually gaining strengsh, Don- ald, and Miss Vera and Minnie Black are now able-to be out. Misses johnson. Savage, Hodgson, and Davey are attending the Domestic Science Class at Port Perry, The boys were 'more retired, only _|one ventured into the Agricultural Course, Perhaps the gurls frightened the boys away, but when you know the one is Mr. Reade you will under-|* stand why he did not get faint heart: ed. x Qur teacher, Miss Rutiab, has been. home for the week end, ;and brought her sister Minnie back 'to help fight | the measles away. Ft anti bsesing of Caribighe | year, Lady exhibitors had 'done a great deal toward making the Fair a success, and five of them were elected to the Board of Directors:--Mesdames J H Devitt, S A Devitt, W C Fergu- son, DP Macfarlane; Samuel Jefivey . Other officers elected were: President, Fred Taylor Ist Vice Pres, Robert Parr 2nd Vice Pres, N H Marlow 'Treas, E Montgomery Secretary, Robt Philp' Auditors, D' P Macfarlane ye ; §" Jeffrey : Directors: - Isaac: Whitfield, W A VanCamp, W Darcy, James Byers, J| H Devitt, M P P, Andrew Devitt, Wesley Campbell Jobin Wright, John Jobb. i It was decided to hold a competi- tion for standing field crops for 1916} in oats and turnips; The Directorate . of Cartwright Agricultural Society deserve great credit for their persistent efforts to keep up their Annual Fall Fairin spite of such difficulties as sometimes anise. -It has not always been easy sailing, for the weather man has been' quite unkind at times. - - een dd Soldiers' Concert, Friday, February {18, Town Hall, Port Perry, Madame Tillotson, assisted by local falent, {Agricultura Society wis well attend: | mises, lot 13, concession 1, Brock "Thirty Township, on Thursday, February 24, 1916, his valuable farm stock and implements, including a number registered clydesdale t mares. Sale at orn a 12.30 noon. ing price at your door. : Fags $1.30 to $2.00 per cwt orsehair 26c to 30c 1b Brass "8 10 10¢ 1b. 10c to 12c 1b 3c todc lb. Zing, iron, rubber," wool, tallow, and hides, priced as to quality, | Call us up by phone in. evening and we will call and get your goods; Prohibition Petition "When the returns for the petition re prohibition of the liquor traffic in Ontario are all in, it will probably be. found * that 'between seventy © and eighty per cent of the people have signed the petition. In Reach Town: ship seventy per cent. signed; in Scu- : {Fey the results were s Fhe T me to Act Mr. W, Reader Sx; has nearly conel. ® pletely recovered from his bad fall, Prince Albert A LETTER FROM W. ANDRUS "Belgium, Jan. 11, 1916 Dear mother-- Just received your |g parcel and never enjoyed anything so much in roy life as I' did those ets, L:just came in from a Enginéer's Fat- igue and had 'had no dinner or supper. "= 1 had the pleasure of eating my Christaits Dinner i in the trenches. : «1-am now in billet "Somewhere i Belgium. Give my best respects. All of certain well known external ir indica- tions: of good - milking qualities with secial attention 'paid to. the udder, ein, skin, barrel, etc. ; But no matter how skilled the expert judge of dairy oh in a cow may be as expected, about | of good dairy cows, will be admitted EL am] "| by every "thoughtful dairyman. Sel 2 ! ii ection may be made on the evidence 'of Whitby Township, hs fon, shot 3 pons bid. ¢ 1 The sith buf Lo i | concessi ] tr in Tot 1.4 in the 5th Lin, Whitby Township, consisting of ced elm and ash. ~~ MS--Ten per cent, sale and balance with 10. thirty For further terms and particulars. pply X CH, We McBrien and Executors, Brooklin, : or W, 28 EB. N. SinclairaSolicitor, Oshawa, 3 * Oshawa, February 4th, 1916 | "| Bog; all but five or six signed; in Port| Sug Choice lot hand picked sles 5 also bay, straw, oats and well bred Barred Rock Cockerel fine condition; 40 hens 'and pullets, laying; & good lot of second hand um | 3 ben doors, "sash; windows etc. dh to EVFIRyssel, 7 Simcoe St. Prince,