Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 26 Jan 1916, p. 7

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~ liams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. mtr te SOLDIERS' LINGO. Slang Used In the Great EC rn Wak The British soldier, in his fondness for slang, calls all shells "souvenirs." But these "souvenirs," says The New Battlefield i " and "porridge pots." ' "Woolly Marias" are shells that burst *' nauseate me. in puffs of white, woolly smoke. "Baby" and "mother" are types of British guns. Bullets are "haricot beans.". The emergency ration is known as the "imaginary ration," and barbed-wire = entanglements are "fly > traps" and "spiders' webs." A battle is a "show," and an important battle is a "picture show." To be captured is to be "scuttled," 'to be wounded is to be "washed out," and to be killed is to be "put in a bag." THe German soldiers call bomb- dropping from an aeroplane "laying eggs." The pilot of the plane is al- ways called "Emil" or Heinrich," and the observer From the ob- server's nickname the soldiers have coined the verb "franzen," to make a military observation, and another, "yerfranzen," to observe mistakenly or carelessly. The enemy's projectiles they call "woolly bears," or "Rowdy Henrys," or. "trailer' wagons"; and if they are shrapnel, they are kriown as "sprinkling cans." \ mere ns NO "FRILLS" Just a Statement About Food. Sometimes a good, healthy commer- cial traveller suffers from poorly se- lected food and is lucky if he learns that Grape-Nuts food will put him right. : ' A travelling man writes: "About a year ago my stomach got in a bad way. I had a headache most of the time and suffered misery. For several months I ran down until I lost about - 70 pounds in weight and finally had to give up a good position and go home. Any food that I might use seemed to "My wife, hardly do, one day' brought ] . of Grape-Nuts food and try it. i told her ¥e 'and they just str "was the first. few who lived near and could depend on the soldiers. disease left her only one child out of (seven, = Another woman I talkéd with was the sole survivor of a family of eleven. I passed deserted houses, and when I asked what had become of the people, I heard but the one answer, 'Died out.' Miles and miles of rich land lie absolutely waste, covered + | with weeds and thistles. . The great plum orchards of the district were bearing fruit at the time of my visit, but there was no one to pick and dry it. Formerly the farmers used to dis- til plum brandy on their premises, but all of the copper stills were taken away by the invaders. There was no labor and no. means of transporta- tion. "In another village I stood on the ruins of a farmhouse in which 109 persons had been burned alive. Their bones were collected and buried in a hillside nearby: In one pit the bodies of 90 civilians had been thrown and buried." ees ieee A WONDERFUL MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN Mrs, Geo. Huffman, Willington, Ont., writes;--*"I have used Baby's Own Tablets and can recommend them as a wonderful medicine for children { I am the mother of five and have used no other medicine for any of them." Thousands of other mothers say the same thing of the Tablets. That is why once a mother has used them for her little ones she would use nothing else. The Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont, FO cree et ries A COLD CURE THAT CURES. 5 hd -- May Come In Handy This Treacherous ' Winitry Weather. "P've cured my -cold," he said. "I'll tell you how I-did it. information, ought to come in y this treacher- ous weather. horehound together and drank it hot. Then I took two pills, and put one kind of plaster on my chest, another kind on my back and a third kind un- der each arm. _ "Thanks to my governor's advice, I had sense enough to clap a mustard plaster on my stomach also, and to sleep with red-hot bricks at my feet. " "An old lady brought me a bottle of goose oil and showed me how to take it---you suck it, you know, off a quill. My uncle from the country turn- 0} ed up with a bundle of herbs; these herbs made a tea that I took a cup of every half hour. On a cousin's 1 got outside an enormous dose Boy's Cove, Notre Dame Bay, Nfid., Jan. 24th (Special). -- "After two years of weakness and suffering I am again in perfect health and I give all the credit #6 Dodd's Kidney Pills." That is the statement made by Miss Gertie M. Newman, an estimable young lady living here. She is so overjoyed at her recovery that she wants all suffering women to know how she found her cure. "I had a cold to start with," Miss Newman continues, "and then things just seemed to go from bad to worse. My back ached, I had cramps in my muscles, and I suffered from head- aches. My sleep was broken and un- refreshing, my eyes were puffed and swollen and I perspired freely with the least exertion. I was always irri- table and in the mornings I had a bit- ter taste in my mouth. "Reading of cures by Dodd's Kid- ney Pills I decided to give them a | trial. I took a dozen boxes in all, and {you can see how they helped me. I irecommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to all suffering women." Dodd's Kidney Pills are suffering woman's best friend. ) -- "HUNGRY ALL DAY LONG." Berliner Zeitung Reveals German's Distress. Despite the assertions made in the Reichstag that food is ample and star- vation in Germany is impossible, the .| Berliner Zeitung says: "It is difficult to imagine that things could grow worse just now without some crown- ing disaster. The masses of the peo- ple are hungry all day long, many articles of food having reached a price wholly beyond the reach of the families of the working class. Hun- ger renders the people sullen and de- prives them of all joy in victories, though all the bells are ringing and flags wave... The. children are under- fed, pale and wan, looking like faded flowers. The extent to which the fall in the birth rate occupies the attention of the Government was shown at the meeting of the People's Welfare Asso- ciation at Berlin.' In the meantime we are informed that the military author- ities have forbidden meetings con- vened to discuss the dearness of liv- L "I boiled a quart of Wormwood and | ing " . "For the midday meal," the Vor- waerts says, "one must not arrange matters according to his wish, taste or habit, but must select those foods which are most cheaply obtained. You are advised to hold over water in which "sausages have been boiled, which is described as an extraordi- narily nutritious fluid, rich in fat. This fluid with plain boiled potatoes is enough for an entire meal." Why Roman Meal is th and bones, Best for Your Child, intestinal muscles must. Have]: | waste to properly develop. The growing| muscles and organs must have abundant {From B's Grom Il t NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRELAND'S GREEN SHORES. Happenings in the Emerald Isle of |} Interest to All True Irish- men. Over 100,000 men from the Emerald Isle have joined the colors. . Mrs. Ellen Farrey was knocked down by a train pear Dromre and killed. Four of her sons are now in the trenches in France. Belfast Central Mission has organ- ized a scheme for ministering to the needs of soldiers' children, whose fathers are on active service. Sir Charles Cameron, head of the Dublin Public Health Department, re- ports that 28 deaths from measles have occurred in Dublin during the past four weeks, At, the half yearly meeting of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland in Dublin, it was announced that out of the 80 solicitors practising 59 had joined the forces. Omagh Rural Council have received many complaints as to a sewer in Carrickmore which has caused a great outbreak of disease. Dr. Hunter was instructed to report on it. In opening the Ulster Winter As- sizes at Belfast, Mr. Justice Kenny said that good order prevails through- out the north of Ireland, and general criminality has declined. A notice has been issued by Major- Gen. L. B. Friend, commanding the troops in Ireland, to Irish gunsmiths, prohibiting the manufacture or sale of firearms or ammunition in Ireland without his consent. The Donegal County Council at a recent meeting took no action in con- nection with a communication from the Lord Mayor of Belfast appealing for the council's support and co-opera- tion in regard to recruiting. An alarming explosion took place in Dublin when a sub-station for the electric lighting of the district situat- ed at the corner of Forbes Street, was blown up and completely destroyed. The cause of the explosion has not yet been ascertained. x Sle pet Borie Martae Eye 25¢. ForBeokeltheEyeFroeask ists or Murine Eye Remedy Co. , Chicago Feel Better Filled. "Mamma, I'se got a stomach ache," said Nellie Blyth, aged six. "That's because you have been without lunch. Your stomach is empty. You would feel better if you had something in it." That afternoon the minister call- 'ed, and in course of conversation re- marked that he had been suffering all day with a severe headache. "That's because it's empty," said Nellie. "You'd feel better if you had some- thing in it." A BSORBINE es | oti Gan | ing just because I forgot to get any- ! breakf: lovingly tends her, | over her while she ous grass plot at the : TO SAVE EYES Is the Object of This Free Pre- scription--Try It If Your Eyes Give You Trouble. Thousands of people suffer from eye troubles because they do not know what 0 do. They know some good home rem- edy for every other minor ailment. but none for their eye troubles, They neglect their eyes, because the troable is not sufficient to drive them to an eye specialist, who would, anyway, charge them a heavy fee. As a last resort they | £0 to an optician or to the five and ten- cent store, and oftentimes get glasses! that they do not need, or which, after' more injury than good. Here is a simple prescription that every one should use: § grains Bon- Opto, 2 ounces water. Use three or four! times a day to bathe the eyes. This pre-: scription and the simple Bon-Opto sys- tem keeps the eyes clean, sharpens the vislon and quickly overcomes inflam- mation and irritation; weak, watery overworked, tired eyes and other similar troubles are greatly benefited and often- times cured by its use Many reports show that wearers of glasses have dis-| carded them after a few weeks' usc. | It is good for the eyes, and contains no ingredient which would injure the most sensitive eyes of an infant or the aged. Try it, and know for once what real eye comfort is. If your own drug- st cannot fill this prescription, send 1 to the Valmas Drug Co., Toronto, for a complete Bon-Opto Home Treatment, outfit--tablets and all. ent, When He Married. Robert Lowe, the great English Commoner, was exceedingly sarcastic and frequently ungallant. Upon the occasion of a well-known wedding he began to descant on the absurdities of the marriage service. "When I mar- ried," he said, "all the worldly goods with which I endowed my wife might { have been carried in a bundle over my | shoulder." "Ah! but there was your intellect." "Well, I certainly , was the rejoinder. being used a few months, do their eyes, 0 Gosling--"Hullo, old man, how Maddox--"You have seen more of me than I have of you." - Gosling--*"How do you make that it. ou . : | Maddox--"Well, I'm much bigger than you." Minard's Liniment Our Diphtheria. Youth is going to do things to- morrow that old age didn't do yester- day. JARMS = ALL s1zms ~~ STOCK, Grain, Dalry or Fruit. When you want to buy, write H. W. Dawson, Brampton, Ont. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALS. ROFIT-MAKING NEWS ANL JOB Oftices for sale In guod' Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses. Full information on epplication to Wilson Publishing Com. pany, 78 West Adelaide St, Toronto. MISOCLLANEOUS. ANCER, TUMORS. LUMPS, ET internal and external. cured with. by our home treatment. Write pain by our » us before too late. 'Dr. Bellman Limited, Collingwood, Ont BOOK ON DOG DISEASES . "And How to Feed Mailed free to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER, V. S. 118 West 31st Sireet, New York Co.. & America's METAL S STORE FRONT COON- ETRUCTION The salesman that works every day and night during the year. Send for catalog "W" H. J. ST. CLAIR CO. Ltd. 27 Toronto Arcade, "Woronto DIRK'S RED MITE KiLLER Phang One _application KILLS all Mites and prevents their re-appearance dur- ing the season. sens fowls free from body lice. Makes scaly legs bright and clean. Kogpa lard, pastry and swee's free from ants. Bedbugs will give no trouble where used, Write to- day for special trial price. Booklet free. Marshall & Marshall, Niagara Falls, Ont. Distributers for Canada) Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. i Sirs,--I have used your MINARD'S LINIMENT for the past 25 years and whilst I have occasionally used other liniments I can safely say that i I have never used any equal to yours. | If rubbed between the hands and inhaled frequently, it will never fail . to cure cold in the head in 24 hours. . It is also the Best for bruises, sprains, te. Yours truly, J. G. LESLIE. Dartmouth. na NEAPOLIS" EAT RECULATOR THE STANDARD FOR THIRTY YEARS Temperature Right, Day and Night Saves Fuel. Starts Fire Before You Awake. Is Automatic. Send for Catalog "TIT" H.J. ST.CLAIR CO. Limited. 27 Toronto Arcade TORONTO, ONT. So Flat. Little Boy--*"Didn't you get wound- ed at all?" Soldier--"No, not at all." Little Boy--"Not even a wound ?" Soldier--*"Not even a scratch." Little Boy--*"Why, you might just as well have stayed at home." slight SPEND THE WINTER IN CALIFORNIA Round trip Winter Tourist tickets on sale dally to California via varlable direct and scenic routes. Four fast modern trains leave Chicago daily from the most modern rallway terminal in the world. Overland Limited (Extra Fare) leaves 7.00 P.M., 'Los Angeles Limited--direct | to Southern California--leaves 10.00! P.M., San Francisco Limited leaves 10.00 P.M., California Mail leaves 10.46 P.M. Let us help you plan an attractive] trip. Booklets, giving full particulars, | mailed on application to B. H. Bennett, ' G.A., Chicago & North Western Ry. 46] Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. Man's Inconsistency. { Bride--"There, I knew how it would be. We have not been married a month, and already you have ceas- ed to care for me." Young husband --"Why, my love, what can you be thinking of 7 You are dearer to me than ever." "It isn't so; I know it isn't. You took meals at our house ried, and you scarcely touched any- 'thing. . Ma said she knew you were truly in love because you had no ap- ? "Of course, dear, but---" "And now you are actually complain- thing for ast." Why Se? lots of times before we were mar-|" -- BERMUDA The Ideal Winter Resort Beautiful Drives, Saddle Riding, Golf, Tennis, Yachting, Fishing and Sea Bathing. Present Gar- Hson of the Ottawa (38th) Regi- ment. Princess Hotel is open from DECEMEER to MAY Situated on the Harbor of Hamilton. Accommodates 400. Rates : $26 per week and upward. HOWE & TWOROGER, Managers HAMILTON, . BERMUDA Bermuda is reached by the steam- ers of the Quebec 8.8. Co, 32 Broadway, New York, J [iz » " JL Stays looking-- ard old harness looks _ like new when you give it regular appli- cationsof

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