ck Post Office, or. with: Mis. . Byers, Blaskstock. "Hi he Institute) ; | For futher paniculars as | to speak ers ofthe s day se¢ posters Fil 4 bas een secured: "The wission a EE rom he conventions] concert programme, 'of which the | iblic are becoming weary, and are ffeting an evening's entertainment rat is fresh and unique in every way, In the full two hours and fifteen minutes of amusemént, in which there are none of the usual tiresome periods | of 'waiting, as it is a' contipudus per- . Pliny the Company present piano- | logues, comedy songs, dramatic and : humorous selections, character imper- - | sonations, playlets, funny sketches, etc. '|The programme at Port Perry. wil ot accept peace at any price. n Présbyterian Church, : at which | fch Mr. McLean was assistant for some time." Some four d guests were present at the ng, and at the conclusion of the mony, a reception was held in the parlors. V. McLean was a member of! n_ Presbyterian ' Chuteh: : Hon, Chas. Duane Baker, fitly J¥esents the strong pro-British ment that is preyalent in New v, Victor and Mrs. Meleda were t Perry at the beginning of the and left on Wednesday morning hessalon, where Mr. McLean is of Zion Presbyterian church. for | e Call of the \¥ar Sermon by Rev. Dr. Herridge i hat hath no sword, let him sell is garment and buy one," ese words sound strange from lips of Jesus Christ, and we must arcful not to misunderstand them. ghout, His whole career on He had taught his disciples eir-triumph was not to be won lence,' but by character, Cruel { ingompatible with the ideals of I ingg 'of Peace; and when His |§ age accepted, and putinto prac: io tions willlears War no niore" 'At the time, even Christ shows it sometimes, and will While He refuses to'embark on mere selfish quarrels, and yisits with care the hum- blest and most needy souls, His in- dignation blazes forth against greed and hypocrisy, and making a lash for the backs of the desecrators of His Temple, He drives them out. He 15 angry at the proper time because He is merciful;because His supreme passion at whatever cost, is to- sweep earth clean of the evils which defile 1. 'The Christian religion 1s'mot an emasculate, sentimental thing which 'has lost the capacity for vinle dis- "I pleasure. 'Though it destroys mean' fund petty hatreds, it creates nobler Her | ay on pot Conpounded Half- Deposits. 1% We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT PORT PERRY BRANCH H. G. HUTCHESON, Manager. N Brsnabo appt Bogue 0: rp a ] AEs ation (D. P. New Recruiting Plan Under Consideration A new scheme for recruiting is un- der consideration, whereby the rural districts will be drawn upon to a greater extent than formerly. ~ Auth- has been given for the recruiting of 160,000 men in Canada. Of th's number more than 100,000 have ul- ready Leen raised, mostly in the larger centres. Men desiring to recruit from rural districts. have to come into town at their own expense. ° Should authorization be given for the raising of further numbers --and it is practically certain that it will; recruiting will be inaugurated at rural points. In connection with these places, the following ariangements will be made: In small rural places, with a papu- lation of less than 1000, a minimum of 20 men recrulted will ensure the billeting.and traning of. these. men-a the point in question during the win- ter months, or until they' are drafted to other units for despatch overseas. In villages and towns of over 1,000 population a minimum of 50 will have to be raised before the privilege is granted. In towns of 4000 the enlistment must be at least 100, and n towns of over 4000, a full half-company of 250 men will be required. Drill instructors are at present be- ing trained for the purpose' of drilling at these centres. Recruiting Meeting . at Port Perry ps ones. 1t does not stab in the dark,| On Saturday night of this week : i rage against. nor murder the innogent; but crooked at Port Perry another recruiting meet: aevilish ways it will resist unite will be held. The spedkers will oA false intolerance: is exchanged for a|be Rev, C. P Muirhead, Mr. H. G. Aereonaut Injured On Monday morning of this week Mr. H. G, Hutcheson, Secretary of the Port Perry Fair, received the fol-- lowing letter, and the letter is pnbhshed because the Directorate of the Fair wish the public to tho ough- ly understand the facts of the case, as they greatly desire to keep faith with the public, and are at present doing. all that is possible to provide the flying machine attraction as adver- tised, © The letter reads as follows: Niagara School of Aviatiew,. La Salle; N. Y, . September 25th, 1915 Secretary Port Perry Fair, Port Perry, Ontario. Dear Sir=--In reference to my con= tract with the Patterson Aviators to fly at your Fair October 1st, I wish to say I had a bad accident and broke my collar bone, due to motor trouble, and I am sorry to say will not be Hable to do any more flying this sea- son. I am enclosing one of the clippings. Hoping you will receive this im time so it will not put you to so much. inconvenience. Iam also enclosing you some of my cards, and trust we may. be able to do business next season: 1 remain, very truly yours, Chas. T. Mills, As soon as Mr. Hutcheson received this letter, he sent a telegram to the Patterson Aviators, of Detroit, with whom the contract to fly was made, advising them of the letter received from Mills, and asking them to send a substitute, Up to the time of going to press no reply has been received 'rom the Patterson people. * As the bead of the firm is travelling it is not an easy matter to get in touch Hews i toler an "an "ttocbeilable | Hutcheson; wd Capt. Coole go # with' him, and it is uricertain what the yra ts and County Company. i a stern resolve hi by| Port Perry Band's will Be 1a attend: ne. Meetings are to be held at Myrtle, 4 , while no true disci-| Seagrave, 46d Greenbank. Your auay war thrust upon him | NOW. se will unless be 'is prepared to greatest obligation? ole 1c "t alr " Bove ie prods Fccperions, "Phils scar very agsitle has the fotlo ing exclusive" featur Last year a soviéwhat Similar mis hap occurred. But as a substitute was sent, and the balloon ascension was actually made, nothing was said | regarding the matter, as one balloonist: Last year the Fair was dealing with a reputable firm, and they mode good their contract at considerable expense: to themselves. It is quite possible: that we sball receive equally satisfac tory and honorable treatment this. yeat, and the 'promised flights may be made. Bat the Directorate have take