Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 15 Sep 1915, p. 3

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TY prea Wr BL RE PERE SER TI Se SRG RNIN AE, The Duchess d'Aos 'bavar] : 4, who great 'part in Red eek | fighting to an illustrated oss 'work in| A Bow for a Wagon Bow Barn in Tr Alben "+ the Makin ng. $ Be Turd He in Sei mow to the roof. These big hoops arg told of him. Once he sent a draw- | Were placed three feet four inches ing of an episode in some Afghan |8Part on centres. °° cing JO Yorn how high he wanted the haymow to be. 'He believed twenty- y'| two feet was high enough and as the - barn was thirty-fivé feet wide. he - '| drove two stakes thirty-five feet apart on a flat piece of ground. The next step was to run a line between 'those WORDS OF THE WISE." stakes and at the exact middle po Th --_-- to put in a small stake. 'From | ay be termed the tre stake he ran another line' at of Prudence, the sister. of | exact right angles to the first. He. ce, and the Parent of Lib-| measured twenty-two feet out on, the Santuel Johnson. = . | second line away from the centre live best on moderate means. e. and. drove another stake. has dis; to' all men this last stake as the top or + x \ pas wherewith to be_happy, if mankind | apex of the circle and with the two Ve | { trial know how to use her gifts." | stakes first driven the curve of the hr © ©. | barn'can be drawn out on the ground. ep shall | This is not an exact semi-circle, as } bamter one | the bows in this barn were almost So'people that trust 'perpendicular several 'feet above the charity always | foundation. "With the curve drawn out on the ground, stakes should be get that T'wear; | driven along:it at intervals to hold the hate envy no man's | boards when bent into' place, i glad of other men's good, | Take pine boards six inches wide my harm."---Shakes-{and an inch thick and bend them along Lolo 40 | the curved mark, setting them edge- 'within wise to the ground and nailing them By ad lightly to the stakes by '"toeing" orth something." them in with nails driven first ~--Robert Browning | through the stake and then into the change of circumstances can | boards. Any size boards may bé used tikes a |YePeir a defect of # character."-- | for 'this purpose. The 1x6s were used air | iad - | Emerson. : in this barn. After this first cirele is , was borri at Twickenham, ~Al- "There are but two ways of paying [made put more boards on the inside, debts; increase of industry in raising | thus making a second thickness, but income, increase of thrift in laying being careful not to have the joints riyle, Te coming at the same place in any two ; thicknesses. Add more boards until the desired thickness or strength is Foti i reached and failing ihe pieces lightly a together. +In the Johnson County Are Sure: and Power: | ar, the hoops were six inches thick. ful |" After the Hegired thickness has been or coffee slave be denied | reached bolt or nail al together, fast. oa Coffee win he Souiu Use spikes . generously or holts 'or both. Either or both may be made to | serve the purpose just as well. They y 'nails "toed" into the first thickness 'and * lift = the hoops. into ( itil he was twen- | This barn roof was designed and Sole dei ras den: built by a farmer. If the details here m, and affect his hearing | given do mot. seem clear 'ask any nervous system, (Tea | neighborhood carpenter.to lay out the § , effects as | circle-and drive the stakes for you. It ; in the [is difficult to make the details 'any i clearer than this, but' no doubt this will be sufficiently explanatory. SAVING BY SPENDING. - |The Wise Buyer Is the One Who 7 AE Saves. oa has caused not a little ex- 8 asperation in certain high places. : three-story hotel. To make these hoops the basn build-| em the great, ye. a _ Soldiers at the base hospitals have given the nanie of the "Wash and Kiss Brigade" to those ultra-fashionable ) | nurses, "What they seem to do most" ealth. You can get all this in 'box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills 'of ke and nut which are all good dealers - in medicine. i tert voter : 'More Enterprise. v b landlord is' certainly. an ens sing feller." : 3 'How now?" © * 7 e, has installed . outside roller, rels that run the full length of 'a Guests on every floor can lean out of the windows and wipe their hands." ! "But why have the side?" "Oh, that's so the rain can wash towels = out- _ St. Joseph, Levis, July 14, 1903. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,--I was badly kicked by my horse last May, and after using several Jreparations on my leg noth- ing would do. My leg was black as Jet. T was laid up in bed for a fort- night and could not walk. = After us- ing thrce bottles of 'your MINARD'S LINIMENT I was perfectly cured, so that I could start on the road. * JOS. DUBES. Commercial Traveller, We Always Do. | Don't let people bore you to death with their moss-covered anecdotes. Spring a few of your own old favor- ites, Minard"s Liniment for sale everywhere, Using Discretion. "I've dropped out of the race for Mabel's hand." ; "You have? Why? "My nearest competitor is .a man with millions, I think she loves me, but ve decided to withdraw." . ¢ "You're foolish, man. If she loves you and is as sensible as I: think she is you ean win. her without money." "That's just the point. I think I could win, all right} but ever after she'd have the opportunity to remind | 'me of the millionaire she could have married. T've decided for my own, happiness that perhaps I'd better let him have her." i ° - Ee _Minard's Liniment Cures Buris, Eto. A Gentleman. A true gentleman never forgets himaelf--or fails'to remember others, Wise City Belle. Stella-~Why do they put bells on the cows? ° Bella--It gives warning so you can run away from them. SE LOW FARES TO THE CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS VIA CHICAGO & NORTH: RN , Four splendid uipped daily 'trains from the hi Prissonten Terminal--Chi- 'cago _to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego.. Choice of scenic and direct routes through the best of the West. Something to see all the way. Double track, automatic electric safety signals all the way. Let us plan your trip and furnish folders and full particulars. Ask for free, booklet "Itin es of some of the Forty Nays and More to the Call fornia. Ixpost ones ! ie ur hve vd time and money, B, H. ne LAL, Yonge Street, foronto, Ont: | I made a mistake in argu- question of expense with my| and 'y No said a friend of mine from the front, "is to wash the wounded man's face and then kiss him for his mother." Which reminds one of a story of the South African War. A fussy nurse went to one bed and asked the wound- ed soldier what she could do for him. Anything you like ma'am," bluntly re- plied Tommy, "but don't wash my '| face again. Them other ladies have washed it' six™times already." AEE : pn ER Guaranteed Never . known to fail; nots 'without pain dn 24 hours. Is soothing, healing; More [ takes th ight Corns out. eating 1 80 guick, safe and sure as Putnam's Pain« less Corn Extractor. Sold every where--380. per bottle. A Match for Her. A certain suburban theatre was very full when the young man enter- ed. Presently he stopped beside a somewhat stout lady who was trying to occupy enough room for two. "Is this seat engaged?" he asked politely. The angrily. "Yes, it is!" she snapped. I'm keep- ing it for a gentleman." "That's me right enough!" smiled the witty youth, as he slid into the seat. "But how did you know I was coming 7" : stout woman looked up Minard's Linimens Cures Dandruff. Not Mercenary. Mr. Gottrox--My daughters, young man, are both worth their weight in gold. : . Suitor--Then the fact that I am asking you for the smaller one proves, at any rate, that I am not mercenary. "It isn't always the loser in a pu- gilistic contest that gets the swelled head. Highest. Cash Prices Paid for GINSENG We are the largest" Buyers of - Ginseng in America and have the greatest demand for it. We can therefore pay you the highest cash prices, If you:have any wild or cultivated Ginseng, write for. 'our latest price list, -or ship what you have and we will submit you our highest offer. : David Blustein & Bro. 162 W. 27th St., NewYork, USA. | 3 ANY CH Love Will Find a Way. Master--Norah seems quite gone on that letter carrier, mE Mistress--Gone! Why, she actually mails a postcard . to , herself every night, so he'll'be sure to call at tha house next morning. : i Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Back to the Front. Passing through a military hos- pital, a distinguished visitor noticed a private in one of the Irish regi- ments who had been terribly injured. To the orderly the visitor said: "That's a bad case. What are "you going to do with him?" "He's going back, sir," replied the orderly. - "Going back!" -said the visitor 'in Surprised tones." "Yes," said the orderly, "He thinks he knows who done it." Ready money is seldom ready when you want to borrow some. You will find relief in Zam-Buk | It eases the burning, sti i 'WB pain, stops bleeding and br! t | ease. Perseverance, with Zam- Buk, means cure. Why not prove '4 AR Druggists and Stores.~ IF LOOKING FOR A FARM, 'CONSULT me. I have over Two Hundred on my list, located in the best sections of On. tario. All eines. H. W. Dawson, Brampton, AGENTS WANTED. i$ DAY ALSO COMMISSION FOR ! Local Representative. Either Sex. Experience unnecessary. Spare time ac- cepted. Nichols, Limited, Spadina Ave., Toronto. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. JP RSEiT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale in good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses. Full information on application to Wilson Publishing Come pany, 78 West Adelaide St.. Toronto. pnd ATRIA dd Bt iit Bh TO Medi TEEN MISCELLANEOUS, ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC. internal and external, cured with- out pain by our home irgadient, V. us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical ..' Limited, Collingwood, Ont. arineoe nEHnes ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESS SCHOOL, Rh 4 e and Charles Sts, TORONTO. We piace many graduates positions. te to-day for College Calendar. W. J. Blliott, Principal, 734 Yonge Street, TORONTO. RISTIAN Man or Woman in need of employment should get our plan of distributing religious literature. Even those with occasional leisure hours can undertake, the work and be assured of receiving adequate compensation. Previous experience is not essential and' there is no expense to you. Let us give you particulars. The International Bible Press Co. T & {. Toronto, Ontario

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